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Now to Love

Mel Gibson's split gets nasty
Celebrity News

Mel Gibson’s split gets nasty

Mel Gibson must be wishing he’d never walked out on his Aussie wife of 28 years, Robyn Gibson, after the gloves came off last week in his increasingly sordid split from one-time mistress Oksana Grigorieva. The Russian beauty has alleged Mel was “extremely violent” towards her during their three-year relationship — even knocking out her […]
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World's first bionic cat
Real Life

World’s first bionic cat

Let’s not pussyfoot around – Oscar the cat is a walking miracle. The lucky two-year-old has a good eight lives left in him, thanks to the groundbreaking “bionic” surgery that has given him back his two hind legs. Owners Kate Allan and Mike Nolan feared the worst when a passer-by found the much-loved moggy shocked […]
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Justice at last
Real Life

Justice at last for Dr Death patient

Former cabinet maker Ian Vowles had dreams of exotic cruises and outback camping trips as he and his wife Dorothy approached their 30th wedding anniversary. But these dreams were shattered when Ian met Dr Jayant Patel – the surgeon who would later be nicknamed Dr Death. The maverick surgeon was last week found guilty on […]
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Image source: Getty - posed by models
Real Life

I tricked my boyfriend into marrying me

I had been dating Anthony for about 18 months and I had always felt that I was more into the relationship than he was. He would always stare at other girls when we went out, which I was fine with, he could look, but he couldn’t touch. We shared an apartment together and it was […]
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Review: *Shrek Forever After*
Celebrity News

Review: *Shrek Forever After*

The originalShrekwas a great movie, with funny fairytale references, hilarious support characters and a wit that appealed to adults, with animation that left the children starry eyed. The second was a great sequel, and the third … well, it was forgettable. So forgettable, we didn’t call for a fourth. But they made one anyway. Shrek […]
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Getty Images

Suit yourself

A great suit is a versatile addition to any wardrobe. Choose your look from suave pinstripe to softly draped lines. Take a look at some great suiting options here. Your say: Do you wear a suit to work? What is your preferred suiting style? Share with us below.
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In review: <i>The Twilight Saga: Eclipse</i>

In review: *The Twilight Saga: Eclipse*

The tension in the love triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob mounts in the third instalment of the Twilight saga. Bella, the teen misfit who fell in love with a vampire, Edward, played by Robert Pattinson, is forced to confront the depth of her feelings for long-time friend and some-time werewolf Jacob, played by young […]
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Olive oil can prevent breast cancer

Olive oil can prevent breast cancer

Do you consume 10 teaspoons of high-quality, extra-virgin olive oil a day? New research from Spain suggests this is exactly what you should do to protect yourself against breast cancer. New research by scientists at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona found that olive oil can work towards preventing and fighting against a gene that drives […]
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