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Now to Love

Three common problems solved!

Three common problems solved!

Want to know how to put a stop to crying when you don’t want to or curing the hiccups? Woman’s Day health expert Jane Worthington has the answers! Swallowing a teaspoon of sugar can work, reports the British Medical Journal. Or take a series of deep breaths and hold for 5-10 seconds without exhaling. It […]
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Beat comfort eating

Beat comfort eating

It's 10pm on a Friday night. You're home alone, slouched on the couch and armed with a tub of choc-chip ice cream. Why? Because you're upset.
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Are my eggs fresh?

Are my eggs fresh?

Question: How can I tell if my eggs are fresh? Are they ok to use if the shells have small cracks? Place an unbroken raw egg in a tall glass of water. If it’s fresh it will sink, if not, it will float. Refrigerating eggs in their cardboard cartons will help keep them fresh. You […]
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Vitamins: You may be taking more than you need to!

Vitamins: You may be taking more than you need to!

If you think taking vitamin C will stop you getting the flu, think again. In fact when if comes to taking vitamins, an Australian dietician suggests you may be taking more than you need to. Accredited practising dietician Lisa Renn says if you eat a healthy and balanced diet there is not a great need […]
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Getty Images

How are your water works?

July 19-25 is Wee Week (, and — seeing as one in five women will suffer at least one urinary tract infection (UTI), or cystitis, every year — it’s a good time to learn how to prevent or at least shorten the infection, and ease the awful pain (not for nothing do sufferers describe it […]
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Magda: five dress sizes down

Magda: five dress sizes down

Ask Magda Szubanski her greatest accomplishment of the past year and the answer won’t be losing 25 kilos and five dress sizes, a feat which has arguably saved her life. Not that she isn’t thrilled with her weight loss – she is, and rightfully so. It’s just that Magda knows that her real success isn’t […]
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Dean Jones' secret family revealed
Celebrity News

Cricket legend Dean Jones’ secret family revealed

Dean Jones was named Father of the Year at the same time he had a secret lover in Sydney. Now he’s rejected their baby, she tells Woman’s Day about his double life. It was a total shock when Dean Jones told Kerri-Anne Hamilton on their third date that he was married and had a family […]
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Angelina Jolie
Celebrity News

Angelina’s backflip: I’m ready to marry Brad

Angelina Jolie reveals she’s changed her mind about love, kids and her partner. The enigma that is Angelina Jolie has taken a turn for the ordinary, with the one-time wild child admitting she’s now a homebody who lives in her pyjamas and would happily marry her partner Brad Pitt and “grow old” with him. In […]
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