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Now to Love

Fashion classics: What every woman should own!

Fashion classics: What every woman should own!

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Getty Images

Three ways to reduce cancer risk

Daffodil Day is coming soon, the largest national fundraising event of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, providing essential funds for cancer research, prevention and support programs. Through it, the Cancer Council aims to raise over $9 million. The daffodil was chosen as the international symbol of ‘hope’ for those affected by cancer — it […]
Brand logo of Now to Love
You gotta have goals

You gotta have goals

Have you ever decided to get fit? But then you found you really couldn’t be bothered? This often happens when you don’t set a specific goal. Without a reason to exercise, most people struggle to get started. Heidi Howard, a 30-year-old Brisbane mum, had vague notions that she wanted to get fit and lose weight […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day
Alan Jones: My cancer battle
Celebrity News

Alan Jones: My cancer battle

Daffodil Day is coming soon, the largest national fundraising event of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, providing essential funds for cancer research, prevention and support programs. Through it, the Cancer Council aims to raise over $9 million. The daffodil was chosen as the international symbol of ‘hope’ for those affected by cancer — it […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day
Wonderful walnuts

Wonderful walnuts

In a study published in Diabetes Care, a Yale University team of researchers asked men and women with type 2 diabetes to eat approximately 60g of walnuts daily for two months. At the end of the test period, the subjects’ endothelial function (blood vessel tone) was measured and was found to have improved significantly. This […]
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Think Stock images

Which hair brush should I use?

Question: There are so many hair brushes on the market and I’m a little confused about what brush I should use to style my hair. My hair is curly and very frizzy. Julie, via email Answer: As a general rule, you should use natural bristle brushes. Beyond this your hair will determine the type of […]
Brand logo of Now to Love
Getty Images

Gardening for beginners

You have just mortgaged your life and bought a house — with garden. Or you are paying rent on a house, and a garden comes with it … Or you have had a garden for years but “garden” is a bit of an exaggeration, as it’s mostly weeds, lawn that has to be mowed and […]
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DJs Spring Summer collection

DJs Spring Summer collection

Talk on the red carpet was about the law suit filed hanging over former David Jones CEO Mark McInnes, but the designers (mostly) kept tight lipped and let their clothes do the talking. With Miranda Kerr missing (on her honeymoon with new hubby Orlando Bloom) DJs pulled out all stops with Aussie supermodels Abbey Lee […]
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La Spina

Expect “smack in the face” music from family act La Spina

Music act La Spina might be a family affair but if you’re expecting Partridge style harmonies and Von Trapp family matching kitchen-curtain outfits you’re way off- the brother-sister music act say music from their first collaboration will “smack you in the face.” While Anna-Marie, 36, had an established career singing with pop megastars Savage Garden […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day
Getty Images
Celebrity News

SuBo struggling on less than $900 per week

Scottish singing superstar Susan Boyle is reportedly living on £500 per week with no access to the millions of dollars in royalties she made from her debut album I Dreamed A Dream. The singer also does not have a credit card and is not able to furnish her new five-bedroom home, her brother Gerry claims. […]
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