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Now to Love

Cube shade

Sandfly bites

Take the sting out of sandfly bites by rubbing them with Vegemite. The vitamin B content stops the itch, so the child is less likely to scratch and infect the bite. It’s especially good for small children.
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Cube shade

Rainy day idea

Occupy children on a rainy day by having them cut out large coloured letters from headings in magazines. When new schoolbooks need covering, glue the letters onto plain covers to form their name, grade and subject in an individual and easily recognised way.
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Cube shade

Labels that last

Paint your children’s names on their school lunch boxes and drink containers with vividly coloured nail polish. It will stay on through countless washes and can be touched up easily when it chips or wears off.
Brand logo of Now to Love
Cube shade

Summer shade

Put a wading pool under the rotary clothes hoist, then peg a bed sheet over the lines to protect children from the sun while they play.
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Cube shade

Artwork portfolio

Keep children’s paintings in a large, two-ring binder when you run out of space on the fridge. Name and on them as they get older.
Brand logo of Now to Love
Cube shade

Birthday cake trick

Coloured popcorn sprinkled over or around plain icing on a child’s birthday cake looks pretty and doesn’t cost much.
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Martha Stewart on one night stands, sexting and threesomes at 71
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Make separate folders

To prevent files from different family members getting mixed up, create your own folders. In Windows Explorer, click on the file you wish to put the new folders in. Go to the File menu and choose...
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The case for cds

Keep CD-ROMs clean and safe by putting them back in their cases after use. If a case has broken or gone missing, you can buy empty ones from most stationery shops or computer...
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Avoid dust

Keep your keyboard and monitor covered when they are not being used. This will keep dust, pet fur and carpet fluff from getting...
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Computer clean-up

When you're spring-cleaning, don't forget your computer. You will be surprised how much dust has collected behind the monitor and system unit - be sure to dust regularly (with the computer turned...
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