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Now to Love

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School camp clothes

For children going on school camps or holidays, pack full sets of clothing in separate plastic shopping bags marked with the days of the week. This keeps clean clothes separated from dirty ones and gives them something to bring the dirty washing home in.
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Ice blocks

Don’t throw away leftover soft drinks that have gone flat – they make great ice blocks.
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Quick cake

Here’s a quick and easy birthday “cake” for a child who doesn’t like cake. Turn a small tub of vanilla ice-cream out onto a plate. On the top of the “cake”, outline in chocolate buttons or Smarties the age of the birthday child. Add a paper frill around the sides of the ice-cream and stick […]
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Covering books

Wear an oven mitt to stroke air out of adhesive paper when covering school books. It makes a tricky job much easier.
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Travel tip

A backpack filled with toys, books and snacks and hung from the front seat of your car is a great way to entertain children on long journeys. It’s easily accessible and will keep them amused for ages.
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Baby’s hat stand

Buy a wooden mug tree for the nursery – you can use it hang up all the hair bows and hats you seem to acquire for your baby, making them instantly accessible.
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Make the littlies their own “grocery shop”. Trim to size the labels from smaller-size canned foods and glue them onto empty film containers, making miniatures of the products. Small cereal packets and juice boxes can be added to the mini-supermarket.
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What a doll

Renew the features on old, faded dolls’ faces by using a cream foundation and blending in blusher (works best on matt surfaces). Nail polish is excellent for lipstick, and waterproof mascara can be used for eyelashes.
Brand logo of Now to Love
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Sandwich shapes

Encourage kids to eat their lunch sandwiches by using a teddy bear or gingerbread man biscuit cutter to cut them into shapes. Add currants or sultanas for eyes.
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