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Now to Love

Celeb couples raunchy videos
Celebrity News

Celeb couples raunchy videos

Celebrity couples often ride on the fame of their other halves success – so why not star in their music videos too. Celebrities have been doing it for years but recently they’ve stepped it up a notch, or should we say added an extra touch of sizzle to the perfomance. Kim Kardashian and Kayne West […]
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Belle Brockhoff
Local News

Aussie Olympian trolled for being gay

The 21-year-old snowboarder has revealed that she has been the subject of an online gay hate campaign while in Sochi. Brockhoff, who is openly gay and has publicly condemned Russian president Vladimir Putin and his anti-gay propaganda laws, says messages via Twitter have called her a “dyke” and told her to “break a leg and […]
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