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Now to Love

sex toy jewellery
Sex & Relationships

This Sex Toy Jewellery Line Is Actually Pretty

We like to think that are no longer a taboo, but it’s fair enough if ladies want to keep out of sight from family and friends ‘because their little silicone friend is for them and their. However, there is now a way to parade your about without a judgement stare in sight. Rather than hiding […]
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25 stages of being with a man with a huge penis
Sex & Relationships

25 stages of being with a man with a huge penis

1. Seeing it for the first time and being like “f*ck no.” 2. But seriously… Dayum. 3. Being weirded out that your already little hands look infinitely smaller right now. 4. Two words: Lock jaw. 5. What if he breaks me? Like actually breaks me. Like it’s handsome, sure. But in a ‘cervix assasin’ sort […]
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Sex & Relationships

Sexual Health 101 How To Properly Tone Your Vagina

When it comes to we want to know anything and everything. When it comes to fitness, we tend to shy away and avoid it at all costs – instead choosing to and whack on four hours of Netflix. We know that there is an element of fitness involved in sex but we thought that mainly […]
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Sex & Relationships

When You Can’t Get Over His Ex

OK, in an ideal situation, your boyfriend would give you a brief summary about his split with a dull, non-threatening ex-girlfriend who’s moved to a faraway country, taking his emotional baggage along with her. You could then forget all about her and get on with your life with Mr Perfect. But in reality, we’re often […]
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Sex Positions You Won’t Orgasm In
Sex & Relationships

5 Sex Positions You Probably Won’T Orgasm In

There are literally hundreds of you can try out with your partner, with a whole bunch of them being a sure fire way to. But, unfortunately, some moves in the bedroom will fail miserably to. That’s why we’ve put together a not-to-do-list if you are keen to come. Sure, have a play with these during […]
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