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Now to Love

Schapelle Corby’s boyfriend arrested in Bali on drug charges
Real Life

Schapelle Corby’s boyfriend arrested in Bali on drug charges

Schapelle Corby’s Indonesian boyfriend has been arrested on drugs charges. Ben Panangian was allegedly caught with marijuana in a busy Bali street last Wednesday. Police later searched the 32-year-old’s home in Kuta and allegedly uncovered more cannabis which he’d reportedly hidden in a wardrobe. Several witnesses to the arrest identified the Indonesian-born resident as “Corby’s […]
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The Block: Teams in total meltdown!

The Block: Teams in total meltdown!

In what’s set to be another drama packed week on The Block, one couple is in serious strife while another threatens to quit. Competiton favourites, Maxine and Karstan, come under fire after the other teams accuse the engaged couple of cheating. “We’re just as shocked as everyone one else – it was a massive shock […]
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