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Now to Love

Kim Kardashian’s cover was airbrushed but her butt is the real deal!

Kim Kardashian’s cover was airbrushed but her butt is the real deal!

Kim Kardashian’s biggest asset has certainly gained a lot of attention of late, but the big question on everyone’s mind remains, is her internet-breaking backside real? As it turns out there’s no butts about it! Apart from the usual airbrushing and smoothing things out, the 34-year-old’s bodacious bod and bounteous rear is au natural, according […]
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Five of the best stomach-flattening foods

Five of the best stomach-flattening foods

With the weather heating up, bikini season is upon us, meaning that many have only one thing on their minds: flattening that tummy. Here are five of the best super foods that can help you trim it down for summer! Almonds Studies released by Purdue University in 2007 found that snacking on almonds decreases appetite […]
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World Trade Centre dramatic window washer rescue
Local News

World Trade Center window washers rescued

New York firefighters have rescued two window washers who were stuck on collapsed scaffolding 69 storeys above the ground at the World Trade Center site in Manhattan. According to reports the cradle malfunctioned on Wednesday shortly before 1pm. Around 2 p.m., rescue workers were seen cutting a hole in a window and pulling the dangling […]
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