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Women and alcohol

Why women get drunk faster than men

According to a new study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ADH, an enzyme that helps digest alcohol is less active in women, making them more prone to the effects of wine and spirits. But if you enjoy a beer, this is less of a problem, as the study found no difference in the way men and women metabolise drinks containing only 5 per cent alcohol.

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Watch out for woolies!

According to scientists at the University of Sydney, wearing woollen sweaters may make you feel cosy, but, compared with cotton clothing, they may trap allergens and trigger allergy symptoms.

In fact, you run the risk of exposing yourself to dust mites and cat allergens by at least 10 times! So, if you can’t shake a persistently runny nose, switch to cotton or polar fleece jumpers, with lots of thin layers underneath.

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Migraine help

Migraines? Skip the sleep-in!

If you are a migraine sufferer, sleeping late on weekend mornings might not be such a good idea.

According to UK research, the sudden change in sleeping habits can cause a splitting migraine. And, if it also means you are late for your morning ‘fix’ of caffeine, or that you miss it altogether, the temporary withdrawal from caffeine can also trigger a migraine.

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Give guilt away

Guilt is very common in women, and it’s really just a roundabout way of saying you don’t like yourself. When we feel guilty we feel inefficient, bad and wrong. We feel guilty for eating, for spending too much money (or not enough), for not giving enough time to our children (or for smothering them), for working (or for not working hard enough). A no-win situation that is very bad for your health, making you feel sad and depressed.

Guilt is almost always triggered by low self-esteem (‘If I were cleverer/faster/better, I would be able to _’). It also goes hand in hand with a fear of not being good enough, or of not being worthy, with a willingness to put yourself down – and sometimes even with a superstitious fear that happiness is automatically followed by disaster or problems as part of some sort of natural balance. If any of these ring a bell, it’s definitely time to give yourself a break!

First, make a guilt checklist: jot down every time you feel guilty about something – then put a line through everything that isn’t actually your fault. Second, realise that people won’t reject you if you do something wrong. Finally, where appropriate, try getting good and mad instead of feeling guilty – it’s much more empowering!

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Noisy office


How noisy is your office?

Now there’s even more reason to dream about a corner office- provided it’s quiet, that is.

A recent study from Cornell University shows that people who work in noisy, open-plan office environments had anything up to 90 per cent higher levels of stress hormone in their systems – and they were more likely to run out of steam by mid-morning than those working in quieter surroundings.

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Fizzy bath bombs

Materials (to make 5-6 bombs) 1 cup bicarbonate of soda 1/2 cup cornflour 1/4 cup citric acid (see note below) Essential oil of your choice Food colouring Soap moulds (from craft stores)

Note Both citric acid and bicarbonate of soda are available from baking sections of supermarkets.


1 SIFTING Sift bicarbonate of soda, cornflour and citric acid into a dry bowl and mix well.

2 ESSENTIAL OIL & COLOUR Transfer half the mixture into a smaller bowl. Add 20 drops essential oil, 10 drops colouring and rub in quickly with your fingertips. Transfer mixture back to larger bowl and blend the two mixtures with your fingertips until well combined.

3 ADDING MOISTURE Transfer half the mixture back to the smaller bowl. Using a mist spray bottle, spray mixture with a little water and quickly mix with your fingertips to stop the fizzing. Add water in short sprays and mix until mixture will stay compressed when squeezed in your hand. You need very little water and it is important not to cause the mixture to fizz too much.

4 MOULDS Add a drop of essential oil to your finger and wipe around the inside of the soup moulds. Press the combined mixture firmly into the moulds. It begins to harden very quickly and, with a gently tap, the bombs can be very carefully unmoulded onto baking paper after about 5 minutes so you can re-use the moulds for the next batch. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with remaining mixture to make more bath bombs. Allow to dry completely overnight before packaging.

Tip Flat shells and hearts are easiest to handle. The star-shaped bombs are more fragile.

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King of knit parade

Measurements: Approx width at bust/chest: 130cm. Approx length (not including waist band): 61.5cm. Approx sleeve length (not including wrist band): 42cm. This is a loose-fitting garment. Materials: 8-ply yarn (50g): Main Colour (MC): 8 balls (black); 1st Contrast (C1): 6 balls (blue); 2nd Contrast (C2): 5 balls (white); 3rd Contrast (C3): 2 balls (red). One pair each 3.75mm (No. 9) and 5mm (No. 6) knitting needles. Two stitch-holders. Bobbins.

Tension: 20 sts and 26 rows to 10cm over st st using 5mm needles. If you have more sts, use larger needles, if you have fewer sts, use smaller needles.

Abbreviations: alt: alternate; beg: begin/beginning; cont: continue/continuing; dec: decrease/decreasing; foll: following/follows; inc: increase/increasing; incl: including; patt: pattern; rem: remain/remaining; rep: repeat; sl: slip; st/sts: stitch/stitches; st st: stocking stitch (knit all sts on right side of work, purl all sts on wrong side of work); tog: together.

Note: When changing colours in the middle of a row, twist the colour to be used (on wrong side) underneath and to the right of the colour just used, making sure that both of the yarns are worked firmly at joins. Use a separate ball of yarn for each section of colour; wind yarn on bobbins or into smaller balls where necessary.

Back Using MC and 3.75mm needles, cast on 110 sts. Work in K1, P1 rib for 20 rows. Change to 5mm needles. Work in patt from Graph, inc one st at each end of first and foll 5th rows until there are 124 sts, then in foll 10th rows until there are 130 sts. Cont straight in patt from Graph until 160th row has been worked. Keeping colours correct as in last row, cast off 43 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Leave rem 44 sts on a stitch-holder.

Front Work as for Back until 144th row of Graph has been worked. Shape neck. 145th row: Patt 48 sts, turn. Cont in patt from Graph on these 48 sts, dec one st at neck edge in foll alt rows until 43 sts rem. Cont straight in patt until 160th row has been worked. Cast off. With right side facing, sl next 34 sts on a stitch-holder and leave. Join yarn to rem 48 sts and work to correspond with side just completed, reversing shapings and working from Graph for right side of neck.

Neckband Using back-stitch, join right shoulder seam. With right side facing, using MC and 3.75 mm needles, knit up 108 sts evenly around neck, incl sts from stitch-holders. Next row. Knit. Work in K1, P1 rib for 21 rows. Cast off loosely. Using back-stitch, join left shoulder and Neckband seam.

Sleeves (beg at armhole) Tie a coloured thread 79 rows down from each shoulder seam on Back and Front side edges. With right side facing, using C1 and 3.75 mm needles, knit up 158 sts evenly across armhole edge between the coloured threads. Change to 5mm needles. Next row. P2tog, P3; rep from to last 3 sts, P1, P2tog 126 sts. Cont in patt from Graph, ending with 108th row, at the same time, dec one st at each end of every 3rd row until 56 sts rem. 109th row. Using C1, knit, dec one st at each end 54 sts. 110th row. Using C1, P1, P2tog, (P15, P2tog) twice, P14, P2tog, P1 à 50 sts. Change to MC and 3.75 mm needles. Work in K1, P1 rib for 18 rows. Cast off.

To make up Tie yarn ends tog then sew in all ends. Using back-stitch, join side and Sleeve seams. Fold Neckband in half to wrong side and slip-stitch in place.

Click here to view the front of the pattern.

Click here to view the pattern sleeves.

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Kids’ dress-ups

Whether it’s a rainy day, a pending party or you and your child are looking to use some creative expression, you can’t go past a dress up. This month we help you get a brilliant “troll look” from head to toe.



These spectacular little garbage bag trolls are from the minimum-effort-maximum-effect school of dress-ups. In fact, the hardest part of the whole thing is keeping a small troll still while you tease her hair. And don’t worry – wild as it looks, the crazy hair returns to normal with shampoo and a good dollop of conditioner.


Tunic: Tie-top garbage bag in colour of your choice; firm cardboard or stencil film, craft knife, acrylic paint in “forest colours”, sea sponge

Leggings: Wear tunic over purchased leggings

Also: Firm hold hair spray, spray-on hair colour, teasing comb, brown face paint (optional)

Tunic Fold garbage bag so that the ties will be positioned at shoulders, as shown below. Cut away armholes below ties. Cut off bottom of bag and trim into a jagged edge. Draw a simple large leaf design onto firm cardboard and cut out design with a craft knife, to create a stencil. Using a sea sponge, stencil leaves in various colours over the back and front of bag, randomly overlapping them. When placing tunic on child, draw up shoulder ties until neckline fits, then tie ends in bows.

Hair Using a teasing comb, tease small sections of hair at a time, working from the base of the neck upwards, spraying each completed section with hair spray as you proceed. When all hair is teased into an upwards direction, spray liberally with hair colour, placing an old towel around the neck and over the face for protection. Face and arms can be “dirtied” with brown face paint if desired.

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Outsmart your fat genes

If you’ve inherited a sweet tooth or a tendency to put on weight, you can beat your genes by changing your eating habits and lifestyle. By Helen Hawkes.

Your mother was pear shaped and so are you. She loved fatty foods and sweets and hated exercise – and so do you. Not surprisingly, she was always at least 5kg overweight – and you are too. You may complain about inheriting the shape of curvy model Sophie Dahl rather than Elle ‘The Body’ Macpherson, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can outsmart your ‘fat genes’, says Dr Neal Barnard, a clinical researcher in preventative medicine and author of a new book, Turn Off The Fat Genes! (Pan Macmillan). These are the genes and hormones that influence taste, that control appetite and that regulate fat building and kilojoule burning.

“Genetics is not destiny in the case of whether you are fat or thin; rather lifestyle and the environment are,” says Dr Barnard. In other words, while the sweet tooth you inherited from your mother has the potential to lead to weight gain, in most cases this depends on such factors as your refrigerator (your environment) and your exercise regime (your lifestyle).

How to block your fat-storage genes

Many women complain that they seem to have inherited a tendency towards gaining weight, but what they’ve probably inherited is a lack of knowledge about how ‘fat’ and ‘thin’ genes work.

“The fact is, we all have ‘thin’ genes,” says Dr Barnard. “You simply have to put them to work effectively.” He explains that ‘thin’ genes cut off fat storage and turn kilojoules into body heat, while ‘fat’ genes stimulate appetite and push the body to store fat, and that the type of food you eat is crucial to controlling both.

“The most important ‘fat’ gene in the body is on chromosome 8,” he says. “It builds a fat-storing enzyme, called LPL [lipoprotein lipase], which waits inside your blood vessels.

“When you eat fatty foods, traces of fat enter your bloodstream, and LPL then removes them and – if you don’t burn them off with exercise – passes them to the fat layer on your thighs or abdomen. This is how body fat is built.”

To shut this mechanism off, the best thing you can do is avoid high-fat foods. That means choosing low-fat complex carbohydrates and low-fat, preferably vegetarian, proteins, says Dr Barnard. But even lean animal proteins (instead of fatty meats) will push your genes in the right direction.

What does Dr Barnard say about carbohydrates? Should we avoid them all? Simple carbohydrates, like pastries, yes. But not wholegrains or cereals.

“Popular diet books have demonised the hormone, insulin, and the carbohydrates that elicit its secretion into the blood stream,” says Dr Barnard. “Bread is bad. Rice is fattening. Beware of pasta. The image conjured up is that carbs elicit insulin release and it, in turn, drives sugars into the cells where they become fat.”

The truth, says Dr Barnard, is that insulin is your best friend when it is working properly because it is essential to energy production.

“The problem is that some foods, like cakes and pastries, release sugars into the blood too quickly, which causes too much of an insulin response and turns off fat burning.”

Complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrains and cereals, beans, peas and lentils, fruit, green vegetables and pasta, have a slow burn and will help keep insulin levels stable.

And if you can’t imagine life without cakes and pastries? Simple, says Dr Barnard, just re-educate your tastebuds. “Your tastebuds have a memory of only about three weeks, as you know if you have ever changed from whole milk to skim milk.

“At first, skim milk seems tasteless but soon it tastes fine, while whole milk starts to seem too thick.

“If you cut the fat in the foods you eat, it will become second nature within about two to three weeks. Ditto if you cut salt. And if you have not had chocolate for three weeks, you will crave it less than if you had it yesterday.

“You’ll never hate chocolate, but you can definitely reduce the cravings!”

How exercise can help

Exercising your muscles takes sugar out of the bloodstream. It also rehabilitates a sluggish metabolism. But, again, our genes can predispose us to the life of an overweight couch potato.

“If you look at the muscles of people who love exercise under a microscope, they actually look different from those of other people,” says Dr Barnard. “They are rich in special muscle fibres called Type 1 cells which are endowed with a good blood supply – extra capillaries that bring in plenty of oxygen for energy. But, believe it or not, you can change your muscle fibres to make up for what is missing in your chromosomes.”

The exercise Dr Barnard recommends is brisk walking for half an hour a day or one hour three times a week, increasing your time as you feel comfortable. “The muscle-type changes will occur when exercise becomes rigorous and regular.”

Physical activity has other bonuses too. It counteracts the fat-storage effect of LPL, boosts your metabolism so you burn more fat, and helps control your appetite.

Turn Off The Fat Genes! By Dr Neal Barnard is published by Pan Macmillan, rrp $30.

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Eat the five super-foods

There’s plenty of evidence to show our immune systems may be compromised by lack of nutrients and stress. However, the good news is that many tasty and inexpensive foods are highly protective. Add them to your diet today!

Onions and garlic These help boost natural immunity and aid circulation. Red onions are a particularly good source of the antioxidant called quercetin, which may guard against cancer. Garlic, used as a cure-all for centuries, helps fight colds and flu, and lowers blood pressure.

Cabbage A source of phytochemicals (plant chemicals), known as glucosinalates and indoles, which reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Studies have also found that indoles reduce levels of oestrogen derivatives that stimulate breast tumours.

Tomatoes The richest dietary source of lycopene, an antioxidant which research suggests can protect against cancer. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat tomato-based foods can reduce their risk of developing cancer by up to 40 per cent or more, especially cancers of the prostate, lung and stomach.

Sardines An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and calcium. Omega-3s boost bone density, reduce inflammation, and keep the heart healthy. Eating oily fish is also important during pregnancy because the oils play a vital role in foetal brain development.

Brazil nuts An excellent source of selenium, an important antioxidant. A US study found that patients who took 200 mcg of selenium daily (equal to four Brazil nuts) experienced 50 per cent fewer cancer deaths than those who didn’t.

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