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Get motivated

How to find motivation to get started and keep going with your New Year weight loss goals?


How to find motivation to get started and keep going with your New Year weight loss goals? Be Realistic The problem with common New Years resolutions is that we set ourselves changes that mean a major shake-up in our lifestyle and are simply too drastic to stick to in the long-term. Most of us are creatures of habit to a large extent and don’t react well to rapid change or going “cold turkey” on our favourite things. The key is to set yourself realistic goals that fit in with your lifestyle, and to aim for long term benefits, rather than short term gains. Make a fresh start New Year is a great time however to make a fresh start with healthy lifestyle goals. Putting one year to bed and starting anew can be just the motivation some people need to get started. And getting started is the key. We can all fall into a rut and put off the things that we know should be a priority in our life. The magic of success comes when you allow yourself time to adjust to change, take things gradually and trick your body and mind into accepting the “new” as the “everyday”. Start today So, if you’ve been putting off a weight loss plan, why not decide to start today and make one small change towards your goal. You might simply switch your milk from reduced fat to skim, or add a walk after your evening meal. Here are some other ideas on how to get started:

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Top 10 low gi snacks

Snacking is an important part of any healthy eating plan. But what to snack on during that mid-meal break? Karen Inge gives you her top ten treats.

Snacking is an important part of any healthy eating plan. But what to snack on during that mid-meal break? Karen Inge gives you her top ten treats. What’s GI? GI is the abbreviation for glycemic index, the new way of ranking carbohydrate foods. GI measures the rise in blood sugar levels after you eat foods containing carbohydrates. Some foods raise blood sugar levels rapidly to a high level and these are called high GI foods. Low GI foods tend to raise blood sugar levels gradually over a longer period of time. Low GI benefits? Low GI foods are more likely to keep you feeling fuller for longer than high GI foods. They are also more likely to provide a sustained release of energy, so that you can do more mental or physical activity before looking for the next snack or meal. For these reasons, low GI foods are a great choice for anyone wanting to lose weight. Why go low GI with snacks? By incorporating some low GI foods into your meals and going for low GI snacks you will assist your weight loss goals. Snacking is important to keep up your energy levels and curb hunger pangs between meals and low GI choices are more likely to work on both fronts for longer than other foods. The best way to snack right is to remember to pack and carry before you leave home. The Top 10 Low GI Snacks

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There is a sport for everyone. Get inspired and try something new. Read on - pilates just might be the fitness solution you've been looking for.

There is a sport for everyone. Get inspired and try something new. Read on – pilates just might be the fitness solution you’ve been looking for. What’s it all about? Pilates is being hailed as the “new yoga”, especially in Hollywood circles. Apparently Madonna credits it to her continued strength and other celebrities have signed up to the new fitness craze. Although not quite as ancient as yoga, Pilates is not that new either, being founded around 80 years ago. It’s simply become hot recently as it attracts celebrity attention. Although the hottest of hot is “Yoaglates classes” which are a mixture of the two! Pilates is a form of exercise which involves mind and body in a combination of stretch and strengthening activities. All the moves are done slowly and require intense concentration on particular muscle groups. In a Pilates studio the sessions are done in small groups using equipment like ropes and pulleys. Pilates concentrates on building your core strength – the muscles that support your back and spine. The benefits are muscle toning, tighter abs, increased flexibility and lowered stress levels. Who’s it for? Individual Pilates sessions can be tailored to focus on a particular problem such as a bad back or neck strain. Instructors work on a rehabilitation program to get your body back on track. Others seek out Pilates simply as a fresh approach to their fitness training, and as a way to achieve tone and flexibility. Josef Pilates, the founder, explained his own definition of fitness as

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Arthritis – the good news

Taken from The Australian Women's Weekly's health title Arthritis: the good news. Buy the Book.
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Why holidays make you sick

Ever wondered why you can stay healthy through a stressful month at work, then come down with a cold as soon as you take a break?

Ever wondered why you can stay healthy through a stressful month at work, then come down with a cold as soon as you take a break? According to new research from the University of California at Los Angeles, you may be relaxing too fast. When you’re stressed, your body produces immune-boosting white blood cells to ward off illness, but when you begin to rest, your body doesn’t make as many, leaving you more vulnerable to infections.

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Right roommates

If you need surgery, make sure you have two things. A great surgeon and a roommate who's just been through the same thing. Researchers from the American Psychological Association have...

If you need surgery, make sure you have two things. A great surgeon and a roommate who’s just been through the same thing. Researchers from the American Psychological Association have released a study showing that bypass surgery patients who shared a room with a patient who was already recovering from surgery were less anxious and were up and about 25 per cent sooner than those with a pre-operative roommate.

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Relieve computer neck

Sitting at a computer all day can be a real pain in the neck. If you are reading this, you're probably sitting at a computer right now. Check your posture, and try these simple stretches. Your body will thank you.

Sitting at a computer all day can be a real pain in the neck. If you are reading this, you’re probably sitting at a computer right now. Check your posture, and try these simple stretches. Your body will thank you. Working at your computer doesn’t have to tighten your neck and shoulders. You can prevent stiffness by sitting correctly, using a chair that encourages you to sit with your lower back curving in towards your stomach and your torso centred over your hips. Keep your shoulders back and low (not inching up to your ears) and your head straight. Additionally, you can relieve neck and shoulder tension with these yoga-inspired stretches: BACK SOOTHER Hold the edge of your desk with your hands shoulder-width apart, then scoot your feet backwards until your spine is flat and parallel to the floor. Breathe in, push against the desk with your hands, drop your head between your arms, and breathe out. Hold the stretch for a few breaths, then breathe in as you stand up. NECK NOD Drop your chin forward a few inches, about halfway to your chest. Keeping your chin pointed down, turn it towards your right shoulder. Raise your right arm over your head and place your right pal on the back left side of your head, pushing very gently until you feel a stretch up the left side of your neck and shoulder. Hold for three breaths, then repeat on the other side. (Note: If neck or shoulder pain is severe, and accompanied by headaches or numbness, seek professional advice from a chiropractor, masseur or osteopath.)

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Charlie the chimp

A fun friend to hang around with – our Charlie the Chimp soft toy will be a hit with children of all ages.

A fun friend to hang around with – our Charlie the Chimp soft toy will be a hit with children of all ages. Enlarge your pattern pieces so each square represents 5cm: Click here for pattern 1 Click here for pattern 2 Materials 70cm x 150cm fur fabric 30cm x 150cm towelling fabric 10cm x 90cm iron-on interfacing 1kg polyester filling 2cm x 10cm Velcro Sew-on eyes or felt (for eyes) Embroidery thread (for nose) 20cm corded piping (for mouth) Cutting Enlarge the pattern pieces from the grid and transfer to light cardboard. Check that the pile of your fabric is running in the right direction, then cut pattern pieces from fur or towelling as indicated. Cut 2 strips, 20cm x 44cm for arms, and 2 strips, 20cm x 42cm for legs. Method Press interfacing to wrong side of face, nose and ear towelling pieces. Ears: With right sides together, pin and sew each pair of ear pieces together, leaving straight side unsewn. Turn out to right side and lightly pad. Topstitch 1cm from curved edge around ear. Stitch again inside ear as marked on pattern. Face: Place right sides of towelling top face pieces together and sew the centre front (CF) seam, matching arrows. Using zigzag-stitch, sew around the outside edge. Nose: With right sides together, pin and sew two nose pieces together matching double arrows. Repeat for other two nose pieces. Mouth: Pin piping along seamline, marked with single arrow, of one joined nose section. With right sides together, pin remaining nose section over the other, sandwiching the piping to form the mouth and sew. Trim and press seams open. Turn nose to right side. Using zigzag stitch sew outside edge. Head: With right sides of front and back head pieces together, pin and sew seams matching double arrows. Pin top face section over right side of front head where indicated on pattern, and sew with close zigzag stitch. Pad nose section. On right side of head front, pin and sew the nose, using zigzag stitch, as marked on pattern. Pin ears to head front where indicated. With right sides together, pin head front to head back. Keeping ears inside, sew seam to dots leaving neck opening as marked. Turn head out to right side. Pad then handstitch neck opening closed. Embroider nose and sew on eyes. Arms and legs: With right sides together sew along 44cm lengths to make two arms and sew along 42cm lengths to make two legs. Turn all four pieces out to right side. Body: With right sides together, pin and sew dart on front and back body pieces. Keeping arms and legs inside body and leaving seam open at neck pin and sew body back to body front. Turn right side out. Fill body with padding through neck opening. Handstitch neck opening closed. Scrunch tummy to form wrinkles as marked by gathering back and forth across the wrinkles. Loosely fill arms and legs. Hands and feet: With right sides together, pin and sew towelling sections to fur fabric sections leaving openings unsewn. Clip curves, turn out and fill with padding. Sew fingers or toes along lines marked on pattern pieces. Turn in arm and leg seam allowances and, using strong thread, handstitch over hands and feet to join. Note how ankle joins to foot on pattern piece. Stitch Velcro tabs to palms and soles. Pin head to shoulders and using strong thread, stitch in position. Pull fur out from seams using a needle. Credits: Sewing by Betty Smith Photography by Claver Carroll

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Snowflake pattern 1

Pattern 1

10ch, slst to form a ring

1st Row: 1ch, 24dc into ring.

2nd Row: 1ch, 1dc into same place as slst. Dc to end. Slst into 1st dc.

3rd Row: 1ch, dc into 1st dc, 18ch, miss 3dc, dc into next dc. Repeat from to end. Slst into 1st dc. (6points)

4th Row: 1ch, work 28dc into each loop. Slst into dc

5th Row: Slst into 3rd dc, 1ch, 1dc into 11dc, 24ch, slst into the 12th ch from hook, 12ch, slst into previous ch as last stst, 16ch, slst back into previous ch as last slst. Repeat from to twice, 12ch, miss 2dc, 1dc into next 11dc, miss 4dc, 1dc into next 11dc. Repeat from to 5 times, miss 4dc, Slst into 1st dc. End off.

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Snowflake pattern 2

10ch, slst to form a ring.

1st Row: 1ch, 24dc into ring.

2nd Row: 1ch, dc into same place as slst, 4ch, 1dc into next 4dc. Repeat from 5times, 4ch, 1dc into next 3dc, slst into 1st dc.

3rd Row: Slst into 1st loop, 3ch (1st tr),1tr, 1ch, pc, 1ch 2tr into same loop (shell) 3ch,pc,3ch. Repeat from to end, slst into 1st tr.

4th Row: 1ch, dc into same place as slst. 24ch, slst into 10th ch from hook, 11ch , slst into 10th ch from hook. Repeat from twice, 14ch, 1dc into last tr of shell group, 5ch,pc,5ch,1dc into next tr. Repeat from to end. Slst into 1st dc. End off.

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