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Leaving your dog


When leaving your house, always give your dog a pat and say goodbye. If you get your dog used to this and let them know that you are leaving they are less likely to get annoyed and curious about why they are locked outside.


Matt Linney, via e-mail.

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Dieting for dogs


Dear Julie,

My corgi is 7kg overweight. Could you prescribe a diet for her to lose weight?

John Gardner, via e-mail.


Dear John,

I’d be interested in whether you are comparing your corgi’s weight to an average chart weight, or whether someone has told you this. Either way, you are definitely on the right track by getting her on a diet now. For overweight dogs, arthritis and joint pain, as well as heart and breathing problems, are much more common. Diabetes is also a worry when animals are obese.

If you haven’t already done so, taking her for a check up with your vet would be a sensible way to start. Although excessive weight is usually due to eating too many calories and not burning them off, there can be medical causes to consider, such as an under active thyroid. Your vet will also give her a body score and determine her ideal weight.

Once she’s been given a clean bill of health, you can start her on a calorie-reduced diet and exercise program. Slow and steady definitely wins the race — get your vet to give you a target weight to aim for over 12 weeks, which is attainable and reasonable. You can take her in every few weeks to see what she weighs and adjust things accordingly.

The diet must be complete and balanced. You can, with the help of your vet, formulate a homemade diet that is low in fat and energy, but it must contain all the nutrients she needs to remain healthy. There are plenty of good quality, commercial weight-reducing foods available (dry and tinned), which will provide her with a balanced diet while restricting the calories. Each food will have its own feeding guide to follow, depending on her ideal weight.

The other main issue is consistency in the family — everyone has to agree to no sneaky tidbits (no matter how cute she looks!) or they come out of her daily allowance of diet food! Also get her walking once to twice a day to help shed that fat.

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I stole from my Grandma

Each day I worked hard at my low-paying job, trying my best to make ends meet. Then the credit card bills arrived. I owed more than $500 and the payments were long overdue.

I took a walk to let it slowly slip my mind. I walked around to my Grandma’s place, which is often a sanctuary for me to relieve my stress. It was late afternoon when I arrived and was greeted sweetly by my Grandma’s loving arms.

She welcomed me in and showed me to her small couch, which smelt quite ancient. I wondered if she would ever get around to buying a new one. The thought disappeared when grandma returned with a cup of hot tea.

I attempted conversation but with her old age setting in, my Grandma had begun to forget things and repeat herself. My eyes wandered in boredom, resting on some crisp hundred-dollar notes on her shelf. I stared for a while, my mind blank. Then it twigged — money. Those debts had been playing on my mind all day. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I saw the answer. I was like a dog staring at a bird, but only seeing a roast piece of meat.

I was money hungry, and knowing my Grandmother’s forgetful ways, I knew I could get away with it. As she returned the cups to the kitchen I stood quietly, checking that she couldn’t see me. As the coast was clear, I sprung for the money, slightly hesitant. But in a hurry I made the split second decision to stash the cash.

I pocketed the hundreds, guilt setting in on her return. I began to think of possible scenarios. Maybe I could return it — what if she noticed? Then the thought of my awful bills flickered in my mind. As I tried to make casual chitchat, I could almost feel the notes in my pocket. With my theft weighing heavily on my conscience, I left hurriedly and almost suspiciously.

Yes, in the end the stolen money did pay the bills that had constantly nagged me at the back of my mind, but nothing compares to betraying a person who is always there for you. I feel worse than ever now with my Grandmother in hospital recovering from eye surgery. I will somehow make it up to my Grandmother, hopefully. But she could never know what I did.

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Painful plucking


I’ve recently started plucking my eyebrows and find it such a painful experience. I love it when they’re nicely groomed, but it hurts a lot. Do you have any suggestions on how to make this beauty routine less torturous?

Kat, via e-mail.


It can be a painful experience the fist time you pluck, but nicely shaped brows highlight your eyes and frame your face. Here are a few tips to make it easier.

Pluck after a warm shower, when the follicles become slightly swollen and hair tends to come away more easily. Before you begin, dab on a little Bonjela (used for teething babies to numb their gums, available from pharmacies). When you’ve finished plucking, apply fresh aloe vera (available from health food stores) to soothe your skin.

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Six ways to laugh off stress

Stress is not funny – in fact, a recent study from the American Heart Association shows that mental stress constricts blood vessels and can therefore lead to a stroke. The simplest remedy for this problem? Laughter.

Stress is not funny – in fact, a recent study from the American Heart Association shows that mental stress constricts blood vessels and can therefore lead to a stroke. The simplest remedy for this problem? Laughter. Apart from boosting the activity of your immune system’s natural killer cells, laughing helps reduce the amount of adrenalin and cortisol that your body produces when stressed, and expands capillaries, thereby improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The next time stress threatens to get a grip, try one of these easy techniques to lighten up: Yell When pressure’s mounting, even just imagining yourself shouting “Wheeee!” at the top of your voice lightens your mood. Better yet, open your mouth and shout “Stop it now!” Be a drama queen Dredge a laugh out of a last-straw-breaking-the-camel’s-back type of situation by exaggerating your reaction to it. Someone’s left wet towels on the bathroom floor again? Fling your wrist to your forehead and go for it: “MY GOD! Not again! I can’t stand it! …” Have a laugh-fest Rent some comedy classics. Pore over the Sunday comics, or read light-hearted, witty stories. Spin out If you can’t step backwards from stress mentally, do it physically. Stand up from your desk, say whatever’s bugging you out loud, and then spin around in circles. It’s a liberating thing to do, and gives some distance between you and the problem. Play around Find crayons and draw a picture, blow bubbles, or look out some of your favourite old toys and games. Force a smile Dr Bernie Siegel, an expert in the field of mind-body medicine, has said that even if you just pretend to be happy, by forcing a smile or a laugh, your body will still react by producing fewer stress hormones.

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My eyes are puffy and small. Besides brown, what other colours would suit my eyes and how do I apply them?

Yan Jackson, via e-mail.


You can use any colour you want — the trick is in the application. To get a sparkling, wide-eyed look start by defining your eyebrows with a taupe-coloured eyeshadow and a slanted make-up brush. Brush away residue with an eyebrow brush.

Apply a cream-coloured eyeshadow as a base over the entire eye area to soak up any oiliness on the skin. This also helps your eye colours to glide on, giving an even application. Then apply a pastel green, mauve or pale blue over the eye socket and blend upwards. Add definition along the brow bone with a deeper shade in the same colour, and apply two coats of mascara to your top lashes and one to your bottom lashes.

Remember that dark shades around the lashes and over the eye socket will make your eyes appear small.

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My boyfriend doesn’t know I’m a stripper!

For a Brit, arriving in Australia is like arriving in a parallel universe where everything is better. The weather, the people, the cities, the food are all amazing and so much better than back home. I had always wanted to travel Down Under but never seemed to be able to get the savings together. But one day, enough was enough in my boring office job in the south of England. I quit, got a working holiday visa and a plane ticket, and away I went.

I spent my first three months traveling the East coast of Australia and doing all the costly, tourist-y things. Eventually I ended up in Sydney and fell in love with the place and the people. I was low on cash so I started temping at a research centre. However, I soon learnt that keeping up the Sydney lifestyle on temping money with a huge English credit card debt was catching up with me — I needed cash fast. There was no way I was going home with my tail between my legs after just four months away.

In a backpacker magazine I came across an ad that offered good money for exotic dancers. Upon investigation I discovered that a club in Sydney was looking for pole dancers. I had never done anything of the sort before, the closest I’d come was a few belly-dancing lessons with a friend at home, but being a fun-loving girl I convinced myself it would be an adventure of sorts.

I auditioned and got the job. The belly-dancing classes came in quite handy as I just had to dance — no poles yet. Then I was partnered with a woman called Sherry to learn the moves using the pole and before I knew it, I was doing my first “dance” solo in front of quite a large audience.

Once I got over the nerves I felt sexy and empowered, and there’s really not that much to it. Each time I danced I was earning more and more in tips, and my money worries slowly but surely disappeared. I kept up the temping job for appearances’ sake as I was earning cash in hand (and g-string!), even though the temp money was a joke in comparison.

I can’t say I truly enjoyed it but the money made it worthwhile and stopped me from feeling guilty about what I was doing. It was after about a month of stripping that I met Simon. He was a research fellow who had just joined the research centre that I still worked at and I fell for his brains as well as his Aussie surfer-style good looks. We clicked immediately and quickly became an item but I didn’t tell him the truth about my weekend job. He is a lovely, straight guy and I didn’t want to scare him away. I told him I worked for a hospitality agency as a waitress for extra cash.

After a few months things got so good between us that it became impossible to admit what I did on Saturday nights, and the web of lies I had spun every week seemed impossible to get out of. I was also terrified that someone would recognise me because the club was popular for stag nights and boys’ nights out.

Now Simon and I are talking about living together and applying for a special visa for me to stay in the country. He wants me to quit my “waitressing” on Saturday nights so we can spend more time together.

Now that my debts are finally paid off, I know I can quit and no one would ever know what I did for cash. Although I would do anything to stay in Australia and be with Simon, how can I keep such a huge secret from him? Would he still feel the same about me if I came clean? I am scared my guilt about lying will ruin our relationship.

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Cane toad poison


After an encounter with a cane toad one of my dogs was frothing at the mouth. I sat him down, poured three big handfuls of salt down his throat and gave him water to drink after hosing his mouth out to wash away the toad poison (point the hose towards the dog’s nose from the side/corner of his mouth to ensure you don’t drown him or force water into his lungs).


This made him vomit successfully, so I repeated the process once more with just one handful of salt to be sure the poison was expelled. I then gave him a litre of full cream milk to drink, which absorbed any nasties and settled his tummy. Half an hour later I gave him six slices of fresh bread, shortly followed by four Weet-Bix with sugar and milk.

I’m happy to report that apart from looking a little sorry for himself, my dog was just fine. My vet said I had done the right thing and my dog needed no further treatment, as I was lucky enough to attend to him within 10 minutes of his toad appetiser!

Amanda, via e-mail.

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Spooked cat


We have a large, black cat who is usually very outgoing. Recently he has become afraid of everything, even the fridge door! He runs away and hides in any dark space. What is wrong with him?

Kitty, via e-mail.


Dear Kitty,

If your “spooked-out puss” goes outside, maybe a new cat on the block is terrorising him. Look out for tufts of hair missing or bite marks on him. If not, you need to think about what has changed in his environment. Is there someone new coming around? Is there a new pet or baby in the house? Has something scary happened to him? Try to notice whether it is triggered by anything in particular. It can even be something that smells different, or someone who smells of a big, scary dog, for example.

You should also have him thoroughly checked over by your vet because cats that lose their sight (due to lots of different reasons — and it can be quite sudden), or that have other medical illnesses can become very disorientated and feel frightened.

If that checks out all okay, then your vet or animal behaviourist needs to consider the use of medication and behavioural modification to manage the anxiety.

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I’m a loser!

'I'm a loser!'

By Annette Campbell

Amanda Logan has some wonderful news for those of us struggling with excess weight.

“I’ve lost 20 kilograms … and it really was much easier than I thought,” she declares.

“Honestly, I thought I’d have to eat almost nothing and run up sand dunes or something to shift this weight.

“But I’ve just been eating a little less and moving a little more, and 12 months later there’s 20 kilos less of me!”

Amanda, a 34-year-old government relations manager from the inner Sydney suburb of Erskineville, started to gain weight when she finished university and began shift work for a Sydney radio station.

“I was often on night shift, so I’d rest through the day and work at night and any exercise I hoped to do went out the window,” she explains. “I had no idea about food and never really thought about what I was eating.

“I’d always liked cooking though, and mum brought me up on low-fat food, so I was eating quite well, quality-wise … it was the quantity getting me into trouble. And the fact I was hardly moving.”

But the primary motivating factor for Amanda was the death of her elderly grandmother a year ago.

“She reached the great age of 91, and until she was in her late 80s she’d been very active and eaten well,” says Amanda. “So I thought: ‘I want a long and active life, too’. I realised then that my weight was becoming a problem, so I went to see my GP and we agreed I’d go to a dietician for help, because I wanted to lose weight and learn about sensible nutrition at the same time.”

At Amanda’s first appointment with her dietician, she weighed-in at 102kg. Today she is a much healthier and happier 78kg. “I’m a bit richer too, because my shopping bill is much less!” she laughs.

For the first few months Amanda cut out alcohol, cheese and chocolate.

“I used to get home after work and nibble on biscuits and cheese before dinner, and then eat a good dinner as well,” Amanda says. “So I really needed to change my thought patterns regarding food, and that was where a good dietician helped. I had to learn to stop eating when I was full, and even start to question: ‘do I really need a big dinner tonight? Am I really that hungry? Would a salad be better?'”

Amanda started walking for 40 minutes every day, joined a gym and invested in a heart rate monitor. “They’re fascinating things and really helped me learn what I had to do to get my heart rate up enough to burn fat and I was quite surprised at how little effort that took.”

At first Amanda lost up to 1.5kg a week but that evened out to, sometimes, a kilo a fortnight. And now, 12 months later, she’s dropped a life-changing 20kgs.

“If I’d known 10 years ago how good losing weight would make me feel, I’d have done it much sooner,” Amanda says. “I’ve gained so much more energy, and a wonderful new life.”

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