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Flea bites


When a dog is bitten by a flea it’s very annoying for them and their owner. But I’ve discovered that if you rub a little olive oil with your finger on the affected area, the bite is eased and the dog stops scratching.


Adriana, via e-mail.

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I faked the forced entry of a robbery!

A year ago, I traveled to America to become an au pair, where you live in another’s home and care for their children. I was lucky to be working for a lovely family, who owned a nice house and a car that I was allowed full use of.

One day, I was asked to pick the children up from school and take them to their friends’ house where they were staying the night. I left the house that afternoon a little earlier in order to go for a quick shop before picking the kids up, but I ended up arriving at the shops later than I’d expected. I didn’t have that much time, so I quickly parked the car and entered the supermarket, forgetting to lock the car doors.

Fifteen minutes later I returned to the car, only realising then that I had forgotten to lock it up. As I jumped in, a sudden panic rose inside of me. I finally noticed that the children’s overnight bags and one of the kid’s scooters were missing. The car had obviously been robbed and expensive items, including the scooter and a Game Boy, were stolen. I immediately burst into tears, knowing that it was all my fault because I left the car unlocked. I also began to worry about what the family would say and think of me, as they had warned me earlier about the crime in that area.

As I became more and more worried, I suddenly decided that I couldn’t take the blame for it, so I came up with a scam to cover my negligent act! I drove the car around the corner and smashed the window in with a rock — making it appear that the robber had forced entry into the car. At the time, it didn’t hit me that what I was doing would only cause the family more expenses; all I was concerned with was taking the blame away from me!

That evening was a bad one as I spent most of the time stewing over my deception of that family and deeply regretting what I had done. What made the guilt worse was that after seeing me so upset, the family continued to attempt to comfort me by saying, “It wasn’t your fault, don’t worry about it.”

I now only wonder how they would feel if they ever found out the truth!

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Dysphagia — a hard act to swallow.


By Annette Campbell

Murray Corbett appreciates a good steak, perhaps more than most! The 41-year-old recruitment company director and father of three from Newcastle, north of Sydney, has spent about 18 months of his life being unable to swallow properly — a condition called dysphagia.

“A few minutes after I’d eat or drink anything, I’d have to race to the toilet and vomit,” he explains. “If ever we were at a restaurant, I’d have to do this maybe seven or eight times throughout the meal.”

Murray first had trouble swallowing in 2002. He suffered a range of conflicting symptoms, which made his condition difficult to diagnose. He saw several doctors to try to find out what was going on, but no one had any definite answer — he was even told it could be cancer of the oesophagus.

In the meantime, Murray existed on only small bits of food, so was losing lots of weight and almost permanently dehydrated. “I lost about 10kg, and the fact that I didn’t know why made life pretty difficult,” he says.

Murray then decided to see another specialist who he’d heard was the “top” doctor in this area. Dysphagia is usually a symptom of other conditions, and the specialist diagnosed Murray with something called achalasia straight away.

“The oesophagus is like a ‘sausage case’, and when you swallow, the muscles work in unison to push food down into the stomach,” Murray explains. “Then a valve, where the oesophagus joins the stomach, opens at the right time and allows food to drop into the stomach.

“But with achalasia, that valve clamps shut because nerves in the lower oesophagus die, so there’s no signal to the valve to open. Therefore anything you eat or drink backs-up in the oesophagus, because that ‘trap door’ is not opening. So then you’ve just got to expel it.”

The treatment for achalasia was a procedure where they insert a “balloon” down the oesophagus. When the balloon straddles the valve it is inflated to stretch the valve to the point where it partly tears. Then, because it’s torn, it becomes loose and doesn’t clamp shut again.

Murray was told his treatment should correct the condition permanently, but he may need to have the treatment repeated in about 10 years. Now steak and his other favourite, chicken foccacia, are back on the menu.

“It’s such a relief,” he says. “Not just to be eating normally again, but simply to know what was wrong. For a while there I was scared because some of the earlier prognoses were pretty bleak.

“My whole outlook has changed. I have a lot to live for … I am a happy man.”

What is dysphagia?

Dysphagia is the medical term for any symptom of swallowing difficulty.

It can be caused by neurological conditions affecting the muscles of the pharynx (throat), such as Parkinson’s disease, MS, stroke, cerebral palsy, head and neck surgical procedures, and certain medications. It can also be caused by a wide range of problems with the oesophagus such as achalasia, acid reflux disease and cancer.

People of all ages can be affected, and to various levels of severity – from difficulty swallowing certain liquids, foods and saliva, or even a complete inability to swallow.

This means sufferers may not be able to take in enough food and fluids to nourish and hydrate their body.

If you’d like a free booklet called Living with Dysphagia, phone: (02) 9928 1516 or e-mail [email protected]

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Summer and your pet

Summer and your pet

Many of us love summer and look forward to those warm, long days. But spare a thought for your pet who might not enjoy the warmer weather as much as you do. Pet owners have to take special care in summer months that their pets are comfortable in the high temperatures.

Your pet needs to have somewhere cool and shady to retreat to. Dogs and cats will appreciate the shade of a large, leafy tree or a cool veranda. The enclosures of pets that are caged, such as rabbits, guinea pigs or birds, must never be in direct sunlight. If you have a bird or fish, keep in mind that even sun on a mild day streaming through a window can be hot enough to harm your pet. And make sure that a cage that isn’t in the sun in the morning stays that way as the sun and shade moves during the day.

Your pet will need a good supply of cool, clean water in hot weather, especially since they’ll be drinking more in summer. If your pets are solo through the day, leave more than one container of water for them in case one lot is knocked over. If your pet is locked in a house or shed during the day, the space needs to be well ventilated and don’t forget how hot a steel structure such as a shed or garage can get on a warm day.

Most pet owners know how dangerous a hot car can be for their animal friends. Even on a moderately hot day, an unattended dog (or other pet) in a parked vehicle can die in as little as four to six minutes. It only takes a couple of minutes for the temperate inside a car to double and for heat stress to begin affecting your pet. Having the car windows open does little to alleviate the temperature, and just means there’s the added threat of your pet escaping (possibly straight onto a busy road).

Animals suffering from heat exhaustion will pant, lie on their side, and be listless and disoriented. In severe cases they may become unconscious. If you think your pet is suffering from heat exhaustion it must be cooled promptly. Put the animal in a cool and shady area. Damp it down with tepid water (never ice) and fan the animal. Contact your nearest veterinarian urgently but do not transport the animal in a hot car. Only place it in a vehicle that has air conditioning or is cool and airy. Keep the animal damp, with cool air playing over its body during the car trip. If your pet is conscious, offer cool — not cold — drinking water. Do not allow your pet to gulp large amounts of water.

If you have an elderly or very young pet, be mindful in summer that they are more susceptible to heat and take extra care of them. Try to walk your dog after sundown on hot days, no matter how much they love their late afternoon jaunts! Concrete and footpaths can heat up so much that they can burn a dog’s feet.

With a little extra care and thoughtfulness, both you and your animal friend can have a good time this summer.

For more great pet info, visit www.petnet.com.au

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Fake tan


Every time I use fake tan, my legs get unbearably itchy. I’ve tried lots of different brands, but all seem to result in the same problem.

Anon, via e-mail.


You must have very sensitive skin or are allergic to the chemical cocktail most fake tans contain to activate the melanin in the skin to achieve a golden tan. You are probably better off using a product such as Monne Sun 2000. It doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals and is safe to use all over the body and face. It gives your skin a sun-kissed golden glow.

Available at selected pharmacies and Woolworth’s variety stores.

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I can’t tell him my past

I met Matt about six months after I had fled Adelaide. When we were introduced, I was still giddy with the excitement of leaving my past behind to begin a brand new life. I loved his bright, cheeky smile and blue eyes, but it was his manner that impressed me the most. He was sweet, charming and one of the kindest people I had ever met.

I couldn’t believe my luck when we started going out. He treated me as though I were a princess, and I was constantly pinching myself that this wonderful man could be interested in someone like me, when he could quite clearly have anyone. I fell wholeheartedly in love with Matt and cherished every single second we spent together.

Life was perfect … except for one thing. Matt had no idea who I really was — he didn’t even know my real name. He knew me as carefree “Jessica”, who had moved from Perth to Melbourne for business reasons. What he didn’t know was that my name was really Sarah and I had been born and raised in Adelaide by an abusive father.

My life had been a daily nightmare and I prayed every single night for as long as I could remember that one day I would escape my life forever. After every beating, I used to plan my future life and what it would be like to be free. I don’t know how I stayed so long and tolerated the abuse. It just seemed like my father had taken away every strip of courage from me.

I could not have left without my great friend and confidant, Lucy. Instead of driving me home one night, she drove me to the airport. I was terrified and almost couldn’t go through with it, knowing that I would be leaving with only the clothes on my back, but I was also brimming with pure excitement. This was my chance. My chance to change my life forever. To stop living in fear. So I left.

I had no luggage yet wanted it that way. I wanted nothing to remind me of who I used to be. I cut and dyed my hair, changed my name and even used colour contacts. I fabricated my life story and used this whenever anyone asked me about my past. I slid almost effortlessly into my new life and became happier than I had ever thought that I could possibly be. I was free and life was finally good.

Matt knows none of this and I intend to keep it that way. I feel guilty about lying to him when he is such a sincere and honest person but I just don’t want to remember or admit my past — it’s too painful to even think about.

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Toilet training


My female blue heeler pup is 15 weeks old and still not toilet trained — is this too soon? We are trying very hard to teach her.

Judy Pittard, via e-mail.


Not at all! It may take a little while to toilet train but starting a consistent routine as soon as you get your puppy avoids confusion. Firstly, you need to decide where you want her to go. If it’s outside, that’s fine, but you need to take her out regularly (they go about 10 times a day), including first thing in the morning, last thing at night and after meals and sleeps. Basically, the more you take her to the spot, the more often she’ll do it in the right spot, and the quicker she will learn.

The other option is to train her to go on paper. Spread large sheets of newspaper down and you can gradually make it smaller as she learns where to go. The most important thing about toilet training is positive reinforcement. Give her food treats and praise every time she goes in the right spot (even if you put her there). Punishment won’t help. It’ll only confuse her and make her anxious — so no rubbing noses in it! Clean up any accidents with enzymatic washing powder to remove traces of odour, not ammonium-based cleaning products because they smell like urine to pets and could encourage them to keep going back to that place.

As adults, dogs only go to the toilet about two times a day and can hold on until you take them out for a walk if they are inside dogs. They will often learn to bark to tell you to let them out. For now, you’ll just need to persevere and have a bit of patience for the little accidents that will happen from time to time — they learn very quickly so don’t worry, it will happen!

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Cats and dogs


I have two indoor cats (aged four and 10) which hate dogs, but I really want to get a dog that can also come inside. Is there any way I can get my cats to be friends with a dog?

Julie, via e-mail.


If your cats have never been exposed to dogs before, it’s not going to be easy to get them used to the idea now, but here are a few suggestions.

Your choice of the breed and temperament of the dog may help. A more placid dog would be a good start. Cavalier King Charles spaniels and other small, gentle breeds are less likely to chase and harass cats than more active breeds like terriers. If you rescue an older dog, look for one who has lived with cats before so they won’t be so much of a novelty for the dog.

If you want the dog inside, at first you will have to designate cat territory or no-dog zones where the cats can hide and get away. Introduce them slowly through slightly ajar doors or with the dog on a lead, so they can smell each other without incident. Gradually they can have more exposure to each other until they are relaxed enough to be together all the time.

Cats will often be frightened and take a swipe at dogs. Hopefully, the dog will learn to give the cat space and back off, but many a curious puppy will get its nose scratched — then they learn the cat is boss! Make sure the cats have hidey-holes up high where they can feel safe.

I have two cats, one who was terrified of our dog when we got him, but who is now fine (it took about four weeks, though) and the other who the dog is petrified of, despite being almost 10 times his weight. So it all depends on personality! Good luck.

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Sore feet


I constantly suffer from sore feet. I don’t wear very high heels because of this, but still find that by the end of the day they’re tender and sore. Any solutions?

Amy, via e-mail.


We often forget our feet carry us around all day and that they’re the most neglected part of the body. Firstly, visit a back specialist to check if your back and posture are aligned. If your posture is okay, I suggest a visit to a podiatrist for a check up.

Sometimes simple exfoliation and removal of dead skin build-up around the soles and centre of the feet is all you need. Use a cooling exfoliant and soak your feet each day. Have someone give you a foot massage to help pump up circulation.

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I vacuumed up her ashes!

When I left my job and moved in with my boyfriend, our cash flow began to be a bit of a problem. Going from two incomes to one wasn’t as easy as we planned. So when a family member offered me the opportunity to clean her house twice a week for extra money, I jumped at the chance.

The first couple of weeks went fine; I made sure I did the best job and was enjoying it. One day, I was doing my usual routine in record time. Only the vacuuming was left. I had the radio on and was doing a bit of a boogie when I hit the vacuum into an old bookcase in the lounge. Before I could catch it, a little urn fell to the floor and smashed. I quickly vacuumed up what looked like ash and dust and sped out to buy a new urn. I found the closet match I could and returned to finish the job.

Nothing was said for a week and I thought I was in the clear … that was until my aunty came around in tears, ranting and raving about how awful my cousin was. It was then I realised that the urn was a bit more important that I first thought. I soon found out that it was actually my uncle’s mother’s ashes in the urn, not dust, and that my aunty was under the belief that my cousin had knocked the urn off the shelf during a party he’d had on the weekend.

I could never admit to sucking her mother-in-law into the vacuum. I still feel awful not telling the truth. And my poor cousin gets it every time they have a fight.

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