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Fractured leg


My four-year-old female cat has badly broken her front leg (both bones). She has had a splint on for 12 weeks now and vets say leg is starting to mend slowly. What is the success rate for cats with this awful problem?

Suzie Morrison, via e-mail.


This really depends on the type of fracture she has sustained. By that I mean where and how the bones are broken, how displaced (or moved) they are, how many bits the bone is in, and if there is any crushing injury or damage to the blood supply. This can only be determined by looking at X-rays of the fracture.

Cats’ and small dogs’ bones heal quicker because there is less weight strain and cats will rest themselves more sensibly than dogs. But, if the splint is allowing even slight movement of the bones, they won’t knit.

If you are worried things aren’t going as well as expected you can have the X-rays sent to a veterinary orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. Sometimes internal fixation of the bones (pinning or plating the bones surgically) is the best way of stabilizing fractures. But fingers crossed the bones are mending well and the splint is all that she needs!

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Dogs and flies

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I have reddish-brown eyes and blonde hair. What colour eyeshadow would compliment my eye colour?

Karina, via e-mail.


The best eye shadow for you is blue or steel grey as these colours will bring out the colour of your eyes. Apply the colours close to lashes and then blend up and out. Apply lashings of mascara to top and bottom lashes.

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Fake tan sabotage

I’ve always been a fair-skinned girl. I’ve tried the solarium and used every fake tan under the sun but nothing has given me the golden brown I desire.

One of my friends, Kate, always made jokes about my tanning disasters. She’d constantly bring up the “nasty streak on my leg” or my likeness to an “oompa loompa”. Of course I was hurt by these rude remarks.

Kate is a beautiful girl and I’ve always loved her darker skin and hated her for the fact that fake tan actually works for her. I figured it was finally time to pay her back for those nasty comments.

She had a big presentation night to go to, where photographers would be around every corner and anyone who’s anyone would be there. She was telling me how great she’d look and how she was going to use her new St Tropez fake tan (the best you can buy).

I went over to her place a few days before this big event and emptied her St Tropez cream into the toilet and replaced it with my own cheap and nasty fake tan. I was so jealous; I thought it would make me feel better if she knew how I felt.

The day after the big presentation she called me up bawling on the phone, telling me how she had to go to this important night looking like a streaky orange alien. I started feeling horrible, but felt even worse when she told me she’d lost her mum the week before and was so stressed that she’d had a breakdown at the venue.

I couldn’t believe what a vile and vicious person I’d been. All I could do was let her cry and feel the massive guilt hanging on my shoulders.

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‘Mum died’, I lied

My mum and I have always been close. We look very similar, sound alike and share the same name. So from a young age, I had asked her questions about her younger days. In particular, I knew about “the love of [her] life” — as she always called him — Henry.

While my dad has always been a decent man and a good husband, his love could never compare to the passionate and complete connection she had felt with Henry. In fact, the only reason my mum married my dad was because Henry had broken her heart and married another woman.

One evening, my parents had gone out for dinner and I was at home alone. When the phone rang and a man asked for “Jenny”, I said “this is Jenny”. The man then identified himself as Henry and immediately began speaking.

He begged me not to hang up because it was important. At this point, I knew I should have pointed out the mistaken identity but I just let him continue.

Henry explained that his son had recently been in hospital. They had found he had a rare blood type, which neither of his parents shared. This had led to DNA testing, which had revealed that Henry’s son was not biologically his. His wife confessed to him that their son was indeed another man’s child. She had tricked him to snare him, lying that he had slept with her when he was completely drunk.

Henry sobbed that he had always loved “me” but had just wanted to do what was honourable and right. He implored me to meet with him.

It was then that I revealed I was actually my mother’s daughter and not his love. However, before I could stop myself, I also said “mum’s no longer with us”. Although I felt bad about lying, I was desperate to prevent Henry from entering our lives. I knew that if my mum found out the truth, she would want to be with Henry. The truth would destroy my parents’ marriage and utterly devastate my dad.

I then extended the lie, claiming cancer had taken mum and she had been cremated; her ashes scattered into the ocean as she had wished. We ended the call; Henry clearly upset and filled with regret, but still polite and sympathetic about my “loss”.

A few months later, we received a thank you note from the Cancer Council for our donation. I knew Henry had done this and I couldn’t look mum in the eyes.

I don’t think I’m as close to my mum anymore. I always feel so guilty about how I’ve changed her life and I’m so afraid that one day I’ll blurt out what I’ve done.

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I recently bought an eyeliner pencil, but don’t know where or how to apply it for a professional finish.



The best place to apply eyeliner pencil is very close to the top lashes. Blend the edges with a cotton or slanted make-up brush to diffuse the line and give you a smoky eye effect. Follow with two coats of mascara on top and bottom lashes.

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Fussy eaters


Does your dog or cat dislike their food if it’s cold from the fridge? Well, just heat the food in their dish (non-metal) in the microwave for 10 seconds on high and then serve it to them. It works for my fussy dog. Try it!


Laurinda, via e-mail.

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Biting cat


I have a one-year-old cat that I love very much but she bites me all the time, and other people. She will be lying next to you and then decide to just bite, and this really hurts. She is also very timid of noises and new people. I have had her since she was seven weeks old.



This sort of aggressive behaviour in cats is actually very common, but in order to do anything about it, we need to work out why she is doing it and make a specific diagnosis of the type of aggression she has. This could be overzealous play behaviour if it occurs when playing roughly with hands. If she stalks you and pounces at people this could be predatory aggression. If it happens when you try to move her or control her in any way, status-related or impulse aggression could be the cause. Because you mention her fear of loud noises and strangers I feel anxiety or fear aggression is what we’re dealing with here.

It would be worth having her assessed by a behaviourist or vet to confirm this and check there are no medical causes. Medication may be required at first and there are plenty of behavioural modification techniques you can employ to teach her to relax and not resort to aggression so quickly!

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Three legs


Dear Dr Julie,

Last week my little golden retriever had his hind leg amputated due to cancer. I was wondering if you had any special tips for an expedited recovery and any advice on possible prosthetic attachments for my dog.

Thank you very much,

Selina, via e-mail


Oh, your poor little man. The good thing is that hopefully they were able to remove all the cancer (which I assume was bone cancer) and he will be a much happier and healthier dog. Despite how emotionally upsetting it can be for us to make that decision, dogs actually cope extremely well with amputations, especially if it’s a back leg, so he’ll be fine.

Just take care at first that he doesn’t fall down stairs or hurt himself while he is getting used to things, as his balance will be affected. Follow your vet’s instructions about specific care of the wounds, when to have stitches removed and how much exercise he can comfortably do. Your main job will be to give him lots of TLC, which, I’m sure, is no trouble at all!

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Bathing dogs


If you have a big dog such as a rottweiler, instead of bathing them in water, just put a generous amount of bicarb soda all over them. Leave for a few minutes and then brush off. Your dog will be shiny and smelling clean!


Jan Forde-Kelly, via e-mail.

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