These gorgeous wiry redheads are certainly not shrinking violets. Irish Terriers are confident, brave dogs, skilled at guarding and hunting, and they have a sensitive, affectionate side as well. Not a very common breed in Australia, Irish Terriers are definitely underrated as a fun-loving family dog.
Irish Terriers are known as daredevils because of their reckless pluck. When you have been bred to chase rats and badgers down holes, guard properties and even be messengers during the First World War, there’s not a lot of room for cowardly hesitation!
They are medium-sized dogs, standing 46-48cm tall and weighing 10-12kg. Irish Terriers have a stocky, muscular build with moderately long legs and a deep chest. They have a long, flat head, dark eyes, forward-flopping ears and a black nose.
These terriers have a wiry, double coat – a harsh topcoat and a soft undercoat – that is coloured ginger or ‘red’. A weekly brush will keep their coats in condition, and many owners have the coat clipped for a smoother appearance. This involves “stripping” or hand plucking – often breeders will do this for you as a service. If their coat is left longer, Irish Terriers lose their “racy” appearance and look like big teddy bears.
Apart from the occasional problem of their eyelids rolling inward slightly and irritating their eyes, Irish Terriers are a very hardy, healthy breed. As terriers, they do need a lot of exercise and stimulation, or else they will make their own entertainment by barking, chewing and digging.
Irish Terriers love to chase things, so there may be some initial problems that the cat will soon sort out. These dogs also don’t mind being bossy with other dogs if given a chance – training, socialisation and plenty of playtime will help this.
Great with older kids and anyone who can give them an active lifestyle, these loving, loyal dogs will cost around $600 and grace your home for up to 15 years.
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