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Licking Dog


I have a ten-year-old Maltese terrier. He is constantly licking things. He licks carpet, cement, clothes, blankets — everything. If he sits down next to me he will just start licking my clothes. Why does he do this?

Rebecca Muir


There could be a few possible causes for this behaviour so it’s probably not a bad idea to get your vet to check him over to rule different things in or out. Certainly licking constantly (and strange things) has been linked to epilepsy or altered brain activity. Sometimes before an animal has a fit (just like people), they experience an “aura” where they feel a bit strange (due to electrical changes occurring in the brain) and this can cause some strange behaviour. A fit doesn’t need to be thrashing around either; they can have tiny ones which can almost go unnoticed.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is another possibility. Usually related to an anxiety disorder (which is not unusual in these smaller dogs), they can use these repetitive behaviours to make themselves feel more relaxed and it becomes a bit of a habit. Your vet should consider a behavioural assessment as this can be managed with medication and behavioural modification training. Submissive dogs will lick other fellow dogs as an appeasement behaviour, so the dominance hierarchy in the family also needs to be considered.

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I put glass in my own food!

When I got married more than 20 years ago, I had a good career in the city and just assumed my life would continue that way. My husband Brian had grown up in the country and was overjoyed when he received a transfer in his job to a small country town near his home town.

I wasn’t so sure, but I loved Brian and was happy to make the effort. It was at this time that I realised I was pregnant. Brian was thrilled.

I found it hard to make friends in the new community, especially without a job to smooth my way. Two of Brian’s sisters, Wendy and Kate, lived close by and they made motherhood look like a breeze. Their kids were always well dressed and perfectly behaved. The more time I spent with the girls, the more inadequate I felt about becoming a mother. Brian tried to reassure me, but as my due date came closer I became more and more nervous.

When Frances was born, I fell in love at first sight when I looked down at her dark hair and screwed up face. When she was five weeks old, Kate’s son Will had his twelfth birthday. The size of the town meant there was only one place large enough to accommodate Brian’s family celebrations and that was the local hotel.

I’d never so much as set foot in the place before, but Brian felt it would be good for me to get out. Not to mention the fact that he wanted to show off his new daughter!

Nervously, I agreed. To make it worse, the dining room was packed to the brim. It was hard to believe that a year earlier I had taken control of board meetings and overseen a staff of seven. I struggled along with my pram, determined to hide in a corner somewhere.

Soon Frances had had enough of being handed around and was starving. Breastfeeding was still new to me and I self-consciously settled into a chair against the wall and discreetly lifted my shirt. Imagine my embarrassment when a few minutes later a man approached me from behind the lounge bar. He leaned over the table.

“You can’t do that in here, love,” he said loudly.

I was dumbfounded and felt my cheeks flame red as the table went silent and everyone looked at me. The man, who I later found out was the manager, obviously mistook my silence for lack of understanding.

“Feeding the baby. You can’t do that in here where everyone’s watching. Duck out the back to the beer garden, will you?”

I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I let the manager direct me out into the freezing night. The title of beer garden was very generous – there wasn’t even a shelter to keep the chill off the night air. A brick wall was all that separated the area from the kitchen.

As I sat there pulling the blanket close around Frances’s cold cheeks, 10 months of frustration came bubbling to a head. The old me would never have meekly accepted the prehistoric attitude of the manager. I had been full of confidence in my old job and at that moment, sitting on the rickety white chair feeding my baby, I realised I had to find that same confidence in my new job as a mother.

I then heard a stack of dishes smash to the kitchen floor. The broken pieces were deposited in to the outside bin just as I got up from feeding Frances.

My meal was waiting for me when I got back inside. Brian was distracted by burping Francis when I got to my feet and yelled at the top of my voice.

“Oh my God, there’s a piece of glass in my food.”

The packed dining room fell silent and looked my way as I lifted the offending gravy-covered piece of glass from my schnitzel. As I expected, Brian and his sisters joined my outrage.

“I think the health department needs to know about this,” I said dramatically. “I could have died from eating that.”

I’d made sure I’d picked a particularly large and jagged piece from the rubbish bin outside and held it high enough for the whole dining room to see it. By now other customers were eying their own food suspiciously and out of the corner of my eye I could see the manager heading in my direction once again.

I made such a fuss that to calm me down, the manager wouldn’t let any of our table pay for their food. I didn’t feel at all guilty. It was the price he had to pay for being so archaic.

The very next day, with renewed confidence I put Frances in the pram and headed to the local shop for the first time. I got chatting with the girl behind the counter and she offered to take me to the local mother’s group the next night. I really enjoyed myself and over time I made friends and genuinely enjoyed country life.

I kept that piece of glass in my dressing table drawer for a long time. It was like a symbol of a new me. Brian and I went on to have three more children and eventually moved to a new area.

About two years ago, we were visiting Brian’s family and went back for a meal at that very hotel. I had to chuckle as I walked out into the beer garden for old times’ sake. But as I sat at the dining table and watched our niece breastfeed her new baby boy, I was glad to know some things have changed for the better!

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Small eyes


How do I apply eyeliner on the bottom of my eyelash line without putting eyeliner in my eye? I have small eyes and can never seem to make the bottom part of my eyes look bigger. Help!



If you want your eyes to look bigger, avoid applying eyeshadow and eyeliner to the bottom of your eyes. This will only make your eyes look smaller. Instead, apply eyeliner very close to top lashes, blend the edges and then apply lashings of mascara to top lashes only.

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By Annette Campbell

Julie Pike is, unfortunately, well qualified to talk about living with the pain of arthritis. First diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at only 13, the 36-year-old mother of two and part-time primary school teacher from Adelaide has come to terms with the condition and is living the healthiest life she can.

“It’s a day-to-day thing and I struggle sometimes with two young children,” she says. “But today I feel pretty good. Life with arthritis is painful and not always easy, but it’s not the end of the world.”

When Julie first learned she had rheumatoid arthritis, she and her specialist were hopeful it was something she’d grow out of. “I had pain all the time, in all my joints,” she says. “Sometimes it was a dull, nagging ache, other times it was intense pain.”

It seemed their wish was granted when Julie was in remission from the age of 20 to 30. “During that time I was very active and played netball, indoor cricket, I swam and ran. I thought it had gone forever.”

But at the age of 30, following a period of illness due to a virus, the pain she knew so well returned. “I woke up one morning and my whole body was aching,” she recalls. “At first I thought maybe it was the flu, but as the day went on, I knew it had come back. Only 48 hours later I could barely walk. So I went back to my specialist and back onto medication.”

However, when the time came that Julie and her husband Martin, 38, wanted to start a family, Julie decided to explore more holistic ways of controlling her pain.

“I went to a naturopath and did a major detox — no yeast or sugar for six weeks,” she says. “This allowed me to ease off the medication. We have two gorgeous girls now — Madeline, four, and Ruby, one — and I chose to be on no medication while pregnant with both of them because, despite doctors’ reassurances, I was worried about any possible side effects.”

Julie also now runs a playgroup for parents with arthritis. “A few of us started it about three years ago,” she says. “The kids have a wonderful time playing, while we share the highs and lows and difficulties of our situation.” She also swims a few times a week to keep her weight down and increase joint mobility.

“I believe it’s important to keep healthy,” Julie says. “And the arthritis motto is ‘use it or lose it’!”

Arthritis Australia operates a free national telephone information service. The number is 1800 011 041. Or visit their website: www.arthritisaustralia.com.au

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Celebrity gossip from Woman’s Day

celebrity gossip

Get the latest celebrity gossip from around the world with the Woman’s Day hot gossip column.

Brought to you daily, you can read up-to-date news on celebrities of the moment and what they are up to or not up to! We’ve already featured Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn & Jennifer Aniston, Hugh Grant & Jemima, Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban, Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen and of course Britney and Jessica make regular appearances – check back each day for our latest celebrity gossip. Read on for today’s dose of hot gossip.

Video: Hollywood gossip

Today gossip guru Richard Reid dishes the dirt on Justin Timberlake’s break-up with Cameron Diaz … and his hook-up with Kate Hudson. Watch video.

Friday January 12

Cam and JT split

It’s official ? Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake have ended their four-year relationship. The couple released this statement yesterday: “It has always been our preference not to comment on the status of our relationship, but, out of respect for the time we’ve spent together, we feel compelled to do so now. In light of recent speculation and the number of inaccurate stories that are being reported by the media, we have, in fact, ended our romantic relationship, and have done so mutually and as friends, with continued love and respect for one another.” Their relationship ends just as rumours are mounting over Justin’s involvement with both Kate Hudson and Scarlett Johansson.

Meanwhile, it looks like Cameron’s Charlie’s Angels co-star Drew Barrymore will be joining her in the single life ? she just ended her five-year relationship with boyfriend Fabrizio Moretti.

Pretty in pink

Liz Hurley is insisting on an all-pink dress code for guests at her March wedding to Arun Nayer in India. The 41-year-old, who will be wearing a $10,000 pink gown herself, has asked that all female guests dress in pink saris, while the men are required to wear orange tunics and turbans. Indian hubby-to-be, Arun, will compliment Liz’s dress by wearing a pink turban. The couple are flying their friends and families to India for the million dollar wedding, which will run for five days and feature wild horses and a team of white elephants. Sources say Liz is dieting like crazy to get in shape for the big event. “She has her main meal at lunchtime, a small snack in the early afternoon and then just stops eating after 4pm,” says a friend.

Helen’s 50p outfits

Helen Mirren may be a highly-paid film actress but that hasn’t hindered her love of a bargain. “If I travel anywhere particularly cold or hot, I don’t take any clothes with me,” she revealed in a recent interview. “At the airport I’ll ask the taxi driver to take me to the nearest charity shop where I’ll buy what I need for the trip.” Before she heads home, Helen simply returns her holiday clothes to the op-shop where she bought them. “That way I don’t have to haul luggage around with me and I get the pleasure of wearing a new outfit for only 50p!”

Thursday January 11

Claire’s British fling

British actor Hugh Dancy apparently bedded his Evening co-star Claire Danes one month before she split up with boyfriend Billy Crudup. An eyewitness says the two actors hooked up on November 2 in Hugh’s Rhode Island hotel suite while their fellow cast members partied nearby. According to the source, they shared a bed “with the door two feet ajar and everybody listening”. But the handsome actor didn’t just get lucky with Claire during his time in America, he also shared a snog with the film’s screenwriter Michael Cunningham in the hotel lobby.

Marcia Cross told to rest in bed

Pregnant Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross has been ordered to rest in bed. Marcia, 44, is expecting twins with her husband Tom Mahoney. According to her publicist, the actress is in good health and the bed rest is simply precautionary. Filming of Desperate Housewives has been temporarily relocated to Marcia’s Los Angeles home.

Mini-Me in rehab

Verne Troyer, aka Mini-Me, has checked himself into rehab. “Verne chose to admit himself to a treatment centre for alcohol addiction,” says his manager. The 85cm star also spent time in rehab after his family staged an intervention in 2002. “This time he admitted himself, because he realised he was slipping,” explains his manager.

Wednesday January 10

Jesse Spencer pops the question

Jesse Spencer is set to wed his House co-star Jennifer Morrison. The former Neighbours actor met his bride-to-be on the set of the medical drama two years ago ? she plays Dr Allison Cameron and he plays Dr Robert Chase. Jesse, 27, proposed to Jennifer, also 27, while holidaying in Paris on their Christmas break.

Halle Berry pregnant?

Rumours are mounting that Halle Berry may be expecting a child. The 40-year-old actress recently admitted she was eager to have children. “I will adopt if it doesn’t happen for me naturally,” she said in an interview several months ago. The actress has been spotted more recently sporting a large diamond ring on her engagement finger and shopping for wedding cakes with her partner Gabriel Aubry. To add to the rumours that she may be expecting, pictures have emerged of the star wearing a loose fitting shirt over her decidedly rounded tummy.

Did you know?

Actor Andy Garcia was born a Siamese twin. At birth, doctors noticed an unusual growth on his shoulder about the size of a tennis ball. It was determined to be a conjoined twin and was surgically removed, leaving only a small scar.

Tuesday January 9

Oprah targeted for blackmail

A 36-year-old man has been arrested and charged in the US after trying to extort $1.5 million from Oprah Winfrey. Keifer Bonvillain is accused of illegally recording conversations with one of Oprah’s employees. He allegedly threatened to publish a book based on the conversations, in which the employee revealed unflattering details about Oprah’s life. The FBI foiled his plan to exchange the tapes for money and he was placed under arrest.

Mel B under police protection

Mel B is fearing for her life as fans of her estranged boyfriend Eddie Murphy have gathered outside her LA home to heckle and threaten her on a daily basis. Since her split from Eddie, the ex-Spicegirl has become the target of regular abuse from his fans, who have set up camp outside the house she shares with her seven-year-old daughter Phoenix Chi. Mel, who is five months pregnant to Eddie ? but hasn’t heard from him since he announced their relationship was over during a Dutch TV interview ? is feeling “lonely and isolated” in the US, says a close friend. “She was living with Eddie before all this happened and spent all her time with him ? now she’s all alone.” Hostility from Eddie’s fans has become so serious that a police officer has been stationed outside Mel’s home to protect her and her daughter.

Prince Charles waives his right to sleep with Welsh virgins

Since becoming Lord of the Manor at a country estate in Wales, Prince Charles has won the right to sleep with local virgins on their wedding night. According to ancient feudal laws, the owner of Llwynywormwood Estate ? which Charles and Camilla recently purchased as a holiday home ? is entitled to first pickings of his virginal tenants before they’re married off to local farmers. The only way to avoid the law is to pay Charles off with a 10 shilling (around $1) tythe. But a spokesman for the Prince of Wales has assured Welsh locals that Charles won’t be exercising his aristocratic rights. The townspeople agree they wouldn’t like to see a return of the ancient custom. Emma Thomas, 23, who is due to wed next month, said, “It wouldn’t be very PC in this day and age.” She added that she wouldn’t like to see her fiancé’s reaction if the law was enforced, “I dread to think what he would say to Prince Charles.”

Monday January 8

Britney and Kevin share the kids

Britney Spears and her soon-to-be ex-husband Kevin Federline have reached a temporary custody agreement for their two sons. The feuding pair plan to battle it out in court for permanent custody of the boys, but in the meantime Britney will be taking 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James to Miami for a week; when she returns, Kevin will be allowed to visit his sons for four hours a day, three days a week.

Britney might be making an effort to clean up her act at last, if a message posted on her website is anything to go by: “I am now more mature and feel like I am finally ‘free’,” she wrote recently. “I know I’ve been far from perfect and the media has had a lot of fun exaggerating my every move, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much and I appreciate everything you have done for me.”

Lindsay loses her appendix

Lindsay Lohan has been hospitalised yet again, this time for an emergency appendectomy. The 20-year-old star, who has a track record of frequent hospital visits, was discharged on Friday after having her appendix removed. But according to some reports, Lindsay went straight from the hospital to a fancy restaurant, then hit a West Hollywood club until 2.30am in the morning. Filming on her new movie I Know Who Killed Me has been delayed until she recovers.

Angelina criticises Madonna

Angelina Jolie has criticised Madonna for adopting Malawian child David Banda “illegally”. Despite having two adopted children of her own, Angelina says she was shocked at the way the singer handled her overseas adoption. “I prefer to stay on the right side of the law,” says Angelina, “I would never take a child away from a place where adoption is illegal.” Madonna and Guy Ritchie decided to save a child from the Third World after talking with Angelina and Brad Pitt about their experience of adoption. But the friendship between the two couples appears to have soured, with Angelina’s comments likely to have been sparked by Madonna’s recent criticism of her charity work.

Editor’s gossip

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Travel sickness


I have two Maltese cross border collies who are five months old and they both suffer from travel sickness. They are not afraid of travelling, but if we go around too many corners, they’ll be sick after about 15-20 minutes. I’ve tried not feeding them before travelling but that didn’t work; they just threw up the water. Is there anything I can give them that won’t make them drowsy but will solve the problem?

Nicole Pardon


With travel sickness, you need to consider two causes. One is the trigger from the brain when a certain part of it is stimulated, just like if we get motion or seasickness, and there isn’t much you can do to prevent this. The other is an anxiety-related cause. And you could be dealing with a combination of both.

Unfortunately, most of the conventional medical treatments for travel sickness do have a sedative effect and so you really only want to use them when you absolutely have to. They can also make them feel disorientated, which can add to anxiety.

If there is, in fact, an anxiety-related cause (don’t rule this out, as it isn’t always obvious), your vet can prescribe medication to help without causing sedation, as well as some behaviour modification techniques. I have also heard good reports about both ginger and homeopathic treatments for prevention, so you might want to see a veterinary herbalist or homeopath for further details.

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Cat training


Cat training tips


Cats are quick learners. At feeding time, clap your hands or tap the food tin a certain way. Each time the cat hears your sound it will remember it and eventually the sound will be stored in the cat’s memory as meaning food. Watch your cat come running to that sound!

Tina Phillips

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Long distance love

My husband and I had decided to return with our two teenage children to my country of birth, Australia. There had been problems with my husband’s visa, so he was staying in England to tie up loose ends, such as selling the house.

It all started at my leaving party; I met this really nice guy, Jack. At first I put it down to the drink and the atmosphere — I have never considered myself attractive and I don’t know why, but we just clicked. We had a connection. That night I went back to his place and we talked into the small hours. I finally left to go home at 4am. My husband and I had been having problems — more arguments than loving times. Meeting Jack that night, I had found what I believed to be my soulmate.

Jack called the next day wanting to meet for a coffee. I thought in the cold light of day it would be different, but it was the same connection — we talked and talked. He was divorced with a child and was a recovering alcoholic. I knew that in less than two weeks I would be gone with the children and out of his life but there was this pull and for the next 14 days it was as though we were meant to be. We met up at every opportunity, finally giving into our desires. I confided in a good friend and she said things would change, feelings would change … just put it down to a lovely experience that isn’t meant to be and treasure the memories.

On the day of my departure for Australia, there was a tearful phone call to Jack from the airport; I then realised that I loved him, but tickets were booked and I went. I had left a forwarding address and number for Jack, hoping for some contact and he did contact me — within 72hours of our arrival. He was missing me like hell. I had no thought for my husband, I felt as though he had snatched this happiness out of my grasp.

But my thoughts turned to my children. I got them settled in school, found a place to rent and made do with letters and phone calls from Jack. Each time I urged him to move on … I would always love him but it was the wrong time. All the time my husband was ringing me, Jack was in my thoughts — then out of the blue Jack said he was coming over.

He arrived in the new year and we spent a full month together. He stayed at a hotel and we met up every day — there was not one guilty thought for my husband. Jack went back to England and I have decided to stay here. I will always love him.

My husband is due out in a fortnight for good. I’m prepared to make a go of it and as my friend said, treasure my memories. Jack and I have decided to write to each other, to keep in touch. I know this will be difficult and I think about him every day, but he is there and I’m here and he will always be in my heart.

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Ageing skin


I am nearly 40 and have noticed the wrinkles on my face are quite pronounced. I don’t want Botox. Are there any products that can help me to reduce the signs of aging?



Yes, there are a number of different companies that have creams specifically designed to relax wrinkles. Avon has a good product in their new range called Anew Clinical Deep Crease Concentrate.

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Concealing breakouts


I usually have good skin but when I have breakouts, I can’t seem to conceal them properly. What should I do?

Ann Bui


The best thing to use is a medicated concealer — I recommend the Bonne Bell one. I would also suggest that you invest in a range of skin care products that will help to keep breakouts at bay. Try Garnier’s Pure range. It is affordable and is available at supermarkets.

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