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Fake tans


I want a fake tan for a wedding that I am involved in. I’m wondering what are the best brands to use and what do I need to do to ensure that the tan works and doesn’t make me orange?

Casey Cobcroft, via e-mail


There are a number of great fake tans available over the counter that you can trial. I would suggest that you have a trial run with a few different fake tans to see which one is most suited to your skin tone. However, the most important thing is to prepare skin first before you apply your chosen fake tan.

In the shower exfoliate, concentrating on dry areas such as elbows, knees, and heels. Apply fake tan straight after a shower when the skin’s pores are still open. Use long, smooth movements to apply.

If you end up with a few patches, soak cotton wool in toner and gently rub the area or smooth whitening toothpaste on any blotchy areas and then wash off after a couple of minutes.

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Trimming a kitten’s claws

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Cat scratching furniture


I have a beautiful one-year-old English chinchilla who is constantly scratching, mainly on my couch (which he is ripping into threads), but also on the carpet. He does have a scratching pole and lots of toys to play with, but he prefers the furniture.

I have tried a number of different products on the market and nothing seems to work. He is an indoor cat (he does not go outside at all, as he is afraid of going outside and I prefer him inside).

Could you please help, since I have run out of ideas? Is there perhaps a certain plant which cats dislike that I could place in different areas? I was told that cats dislike the smell of lemons, but my cat seems to love the smell.

Teresa Zerafa, via e-mail.


Dear Teresa,

Cat scratching is perfectly normal behaviour, but not very acceptable when it’s on our furniture or carpet. It’s also not the easiest problem in the world to solve, but it is possible to do so if you understand why they do it. And believe it or not, it’s really not to annoy you, as annoying as it is!

Cats need to condition their claws, but they also do it to mark their territory. And the more anxious cats are, the more they feel the need to do it. Having a scratch post is essential, but you need to ensure it is tall enough so that as an adult he can stretch right out when using it. Sometimes cats also need to be taught how to use a scratch post. Try spraying some catnip on it or putting food treats on it, so he gets a reward every time he uses it. You can even hang toys off them to make them more inviting.

Cats have scent glands between their toes and actually deposit scents where they scratch, so they come back to that familiar smell. You can try spraying something offensive to cats (there are commercial products around) or talk to your vet about pheromone therapy (sprays or vaporisers) to make the cat feel more comfortable and less in need of marking their territory. Other medications may be used after an assessment by your vet if the anxiety issues are severe enough.

Blocking access to the areas he’s scratching helps break the cycle. Cover the part of the lounge or carpet with some heavy plastic — they don’t like the feel of this under their feet and it’ll also protect your furniture. You can distract him if you catch him red-pawed with clapping or a squirt of water, but don’t scold him after the event. This will only confuse him or make the anxiety worse.

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My secret profit

My sisters and I and some friends all went on a big shopping spree in Melbourne a few years ago. On the second last day of our week in Melbourne, we all decided to split up and go our separate ways to score the bargains we’d each had our eyes on. I had my heart set on some beautiful bed linen at a major department store.

The queues were abominable and I waited for almost an hour to pay for my sheets and quilt cover. When I was finally served, I took the $250 out to pay for my items and the girl said, “That’ll be $25, thanks.”

I couldn’t believe my luck! The bed linen was the last left in the range and the colour I wanted and I was being charged just 10 percent of the reduced price!

I quickly handed over the $25 cash and took off, almost before the cashier could even bag my goods.

When I arrived back at the hotel, I couldn’t wait to show the girls what I’d picked up for such a cheap price. They oohed and aahed over the quality, the colour and the lovely brand name. When I showed them the receipt, however, some were excited that I’d got away with such a bargain, while others were appalled that I’d taken advantage in such a way.

“Hey, you win some, you lose some, right?” I shrugged.

Yet they were still disgusted with me, so I begrudgingly agreed to take the set back to the store the next day. It seemed I had to do it just to save face, as everyone was beginning to agree that I was in the wrong.

Next day, I trudged into the department store and waited another eternity in the queue. When I reached the counter, the woman asked, very abruptly, “Do you have your receipt, madam?” I rummaged through my bag, my purse and even my pockets … no receipt.

The woman rolled her eyes and indicated to her junior cashier to grant me the refund, but not before giving a dismissive flick of her hand in my direction.

Here I thought I was doing the right thing, only to be abused for it. I felt angry and ashamed and my face was beet red.

Imagine my surprise when the junior cashier handed me $250 cash instead of the $25 I’d paid!

I tried to speak up, but the store was in such frenzy, with customers pushing and shoving behind me, all wanting to be served. The older cashier nudged back into the limited space behind the counter, “Is there something else I can do for you, madam?”

Speechless at her rudeness, I shook my head, turned and walked away.

At the hotel, the girls were pleased — I’d redeemed myself in their eyes. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them that I’d profited by $225 and they still don’t know to this day!

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Sounds like hope!

The Tait twins

By Annette Campbell

When tiny premature twins Jackson and Samantha Tait were born at only 24 weeks and four days, it was a miracle they even survived.

Then, only two days before they were allowed home from hospital — more than three months after their dramatic birth — they were both diagnosed as being profoundly deaf.

“We’d been so excited and happy they were finally coming home — then we were hit with that,” says their mum, Francine. “We were devastated. But just look at them now!”

In the last four years, this determined duo has progressed in leaps and bounds, proving that nothing is impossible.

“Samantha actually regained her hearing entirely!” Francine says. “We’re told that’s quite rare and most probably due to maturation.”

Francine and her husband, Stephen, 44, an IT manager, were hoping and praying that Jackson would follow his sister’s example. But he has remained profoundly deaf — although the cochlear implant he received in March 2001 means he can now communicate clearly and access all sounds.

Despite the substantial hurdles they’ve already overcome, Jackson and Samantha are starting school next year.

“They’re ready!” says Francine proudly. “They’ll be going to a mainstream school here in Sydney and they’re so excited already! Jackson appears to have an auditory processing disorder but should cope well with support.”

Looking back to the time when they first brought their babies home, Francine and Stephen can hardly believe how they’ve thrived.

“Our neonatalogist had warned us that the antibiotics used to control their life-threatening lung infections would probably cause deafness,” Francine explains. “Even so, we were shocked when it happened.”

But the Taits came to terms with the diagnosis, and set about learning all they could about hearing loss and the options available for their babies — such as auditory-verbal therapy, the possibility of signing, hearing aids and cochlear implants.

When they were seven months old, Jackson and Samantha were enrolled at The Shepherd Centre — a Sydney-based early intervention service for hearing-impaired children and their families.

“Hardly a day went by that we didn’t have appointments for them — either at the Shepherd Centre or with other medical specialists,” says Francine.

“Samantha’s hearing was gradual, and she was almost one when her hearing tested within normal limits. Now she can hear as well as anyone.

“We think they’re both amazing kids. We had a difficult time when they were first diagnosed, but they’ve come so far. Not a day goes by when we don’t think how lucky we are.”

You can contact The Shepherd Centre on 1800 020 030, or visit their website for more information

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Bingeing blame

A few years ago, a friend who had to attend a work party asked me if I would mind taking care of her children for the night. I gladly said yes, unaware of what I was getting myself into. Her two children, aged nine and seven, turned out to be real horrors and I had to endure several hours of hell with two spoilt brats.

However, it was their bedtime soon enough and before I knew it, I was lounging in peace. Time began to pass more slowly, though, and it wasn’t long before I began scavenging through their pantry in search of something to pleasure my taste buds. And there it was, sitting on the second shelf, a large box of ‘Celebrations’.

I knew my friend would not mind if I helped myself to one. So I did. But to my regret, I had underestimated my self-control and a few hours later, having eaten so many, I thought I may as well finish the box. It wasn’t until after I’d finished that I realised the consequence of my actions.

I was too embarrassed to own up to eating an entire family-size box of chocolates, so my thoughts immediately went to how I would get away with it … and then it hit me. I grabbed the empty box, filled it with the wrappers and snuck into the children’s room.

I planted it right next to the daughter’s bed and planted some wrappers in her drawer for further conviction.

I never really found out what happened to her daughter. I was simply relieved that the blame was laid on that spoilt little brat instead of me!

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Cat tablets

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Charcoal-crazy dog


My Irish setter pup, 12 months, loves eating charcoal. She just eats straight from the cold fireplace as much as she can.

Part of her daily diet is eating grass. Can charcoal cause any problems or is this a natural thing for dogs to do? I’ve never seen any other of our dogs do this.

Cazz Henderson, via e-mail.


Dear Cazz,

It sounds like your crazy canine is a typical young Irish setter — into everything. Pica is the eating of unusual non-food things and is relatively common in young, curious dogs. She could be eating worse things. Some dogs eat sticks, stones, toys, their owners’ underwear and even their own or other dog’s faeces! Dogs will rarely eat unusual things because of a nutritional deficiency, usually it’s just curiosity, a bit like the way toddlers stick everything in their mouths.

Charcoal in small amounts is actually used to treat gastrointestinal upsets and flatulence. I wouldn’t let her eat a lot of it. If she is also eating a lot of grass, there may be a digestive problem that needs a more bland diet to settle things down. You can get low allergy food from your vet or try boiled chicken and rice for a few days to a week. (Be aware this is not a balanced diet for the longer term.) I would also worm her, if she isn’t already wormed every three months for all intestinal worms.

Failing all of that, it is a behavioural habit that you should rid her of. Block access to the fireplace and give her toys, chews and bones to keep her occupied. Plenty of exercise and stimulation, plus a bit of doggy psychology to train her out of it, wouldn’t go astray.

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Diana: her family’s tribute

The Australian Women's Weekly is proud to be the first in the world to bring you Diana: The Portrait - the official story of the Princess's life as seen through the eyes of her sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and those family members and friends who loved her best.

The Australian Women’s Weekly is proud to be the first in the world to bring you Diana: The Portrait – the official story of the Princess’s life as seen through the eyes of her sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and those family members and friends who loved her best. In the September 2004 issue. Lady Sarah, head of the Princess of Wales’ Memorial Trust, has also given a first-ever interview in which she talks about her younger sister, not just as the beautiful, if troubled woman the world knew, but also as the extraordinary humanitarian who did so much to break down prejudice and lift up those unable to speak for themselves.

Diana, Princess of Wales, Queen of Hearts and People’s Princess, died tragically young on August 31, 1997. Dozens of books have been published since, but now – for the first time – her family has authorised her official biography, Diana: The Portrait . Sales of Diana: The Portrait will benefit The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, which continues the Princess’ humanitarian work, distributing millions of dollars annually to causes that were dear to her heart.

In this special extract, her family and friends, such as the legendary Nelson Mandela, remember this extraordinary woman. In his words, “however privileged and famous she was, she had time for the most humble people – and made them feel special”.

The childhood

The romance

The engagement

The wedding

The marriage

The mother

The divorce

The fashion icon

The humanitarian

The memories

The legacy

For the full story, and the family’s favourite photos of Diana PLUS an exclusive interview with her sister and Lady-in-Waiting, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, see the September 2004 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly

Diana: The Portrait © 2004, Rosalind Coward. Published under licence from The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. Published in Australia in 2004 by Hodder Headline Australia Pty Ltd, rrp $85.

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Magda’s comedy

Australia’s most popular comedienne talks candidly about body image, self esteem and where her hit characters such as netball-mad Sharon, Pixie-Anne and Chenille are drawn from.

Australia’s most popular comedienne talks candidly about body image, self esteem and where her hit characters such as netball-mad Sharon, Pixie-Anne and Chenille are drawn from. Magda Szubanski is giving way to her inner demon. At least that’s what it sounds like. Perched in a comfy, mustard-coloured chair, Magda, the much-loved, much-applauded queen of Australian comedy, is shrieking a preposterous satanic chant and fighting to keep her composure. “Oh, Prince of Darkness,” she howls. “Oh, Lord of Evil, Oh, Mighty Pointed Phallus …” Her attempt at self-control is futile, though. As the words leave her mouth, she loses it, slaps her thighs and dissolves in peals of warm, infectious laughter. This is Magda’s guilty little secret. The funniest and most popular woman on Australian television is, it seems, utterly addicted to her own shameless sense of silliness and is a serial giggler. “I still crack up,” she says breathlessly. “I’m a terrible giggler. I’m probably the worst. I have got a real hair-trigger. I just find some of the stuff we do hilarious and that is where a lot of our comedy comes from, a genuine joy. Certainly, for me, it feels like that. It’s just funny and silly. I love it. I love it.” Magda might love laughing at her own jokes, but she’s hardly alone. During the past 20 years – yes, two decades – she has been at the forefront of Australian comedy, turning what was essentially a hobby into a perfectly timed and hugely successful career. There’s barely an Australian alive who hasn’t giggled with Magda as she’s transformed herself into some of comedy’s most memorable characters – Pixie-Anne, Chenille, Mrs Hoggett and sports-mad Sharon Strzelecki from Kath & Kim – some of whom are indelibly etched into Australian popular culture. Yet, despite her years of success and popularity – she has seven Logies, two People’s Choice Awards, three Australian Writers’ Guild Awards and an AFI award for best actress in a supporting TV drama role – this a woman who, at 43, is only now coming to terms with herself, her talent and the remarkable niche she has carved for herself as an entertainer. For years, Magda was beset by insecurity, convinced that, one day, she would be revealed as a fraud. Read our intimate and far-reaching interview in the October 2004 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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