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Puffy morning eyes


When I wake up I have extremely puffy eyes! I moisturise the night before, and do not want to stop doing this, but I do think this might be the problem. Any quick and easy solutions?



You may be using a moisturiser nightly, which is great, but you really need to keep your regular moisturiser away from your eye area as it is too strong for this delicate area. Invest in a gel-based eye treatment as it will be less likely to irritate your eyes. Clarins have a great one.

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I left my husband for his cousin

At school I was skinny with braces on my teeth and fairly average in looks. I wasn’t even able to find a date for the school dance, so I feigned illness and didn’t attend. Secretly I longed for one particular guy, Mike. He was a super-cool surfer type and lived quite close to me. Although I saw him on the school bus every day, he never acknowledged my presence in any way.

In the last summer holidays before I finished school for good, I went to the local swimming pool one really hot day and started swimming lengths of the pool. I was swimming up and down like a robot when someone grabbed at my swimsuit. I tried to shake them off, but when they persisted, I stopped and looked to see who it was. It was Mike! I tried not to look happy or even shocked. I just stared at him. Inside, though, my heart was beating like a drum and my legs had turned to jelly. Mike just laughed. He must have been able to sense how I felt. He held up a set of keys and jiggled them in my face. I realised that they were my house keys. I’d pinned them to my swimsuit and they’d fallen off in the water. How lucky that he’d found them!

I thanked him profusely and offered to buy him a coffee. I was thrilled when he accepted. I was a little bit lost for words but he seemed to be quite happy to talk about himself. He told me some news that broke my heart. The next month his family was moving interstate and he was going with them. I had finally met him and now he was leaving. Nevertheless, he seemed quite happy to be in my company. He even asked me to meet him at the pool the next day. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

We spent the next day together, then he drove me home. My parents were at work so I invited him in for a cup of tea. We walked in and the moment the door was closed he grabbed me in his arms and kissed me passionately. My dreams had come true! It was my first kiss and definitely worth waiting for. That holiday was the most magical time of my life. We went to the beach, to the movies, even on a picnic together. I cried and cried when he went interstate.

Years later when I was 23, I met Tom at university. He was doing the same degree as me and we had a lot in common. He wanted to have children and I knew he would be a good father, so when he proposed I said yes straight away. We decided to have a really nice wedding and I said I wanted three bridesmaids and the whole works. He chose his two best friends and his cousin from interstate as groomsmen.

On the day of the wedding I arrived at the church looking as gorgeous as I was ever going to. As I stepped out of the wedding car, I practically fell into the arms of one of the groomsmen. I looked up and couldn’t believe my eyes. It was Mike! He was the cousin from interstate! He hugged me and told me how beautiful I looked and how he’d never forgotten me. He kissed me gently on the lips and wished me luck. Suddenly I realised that I shouldn’t be marrying Tom. Mike was the one I really loved. Unfortunately, the church was full of guests — some from overseas, others from interstate. There was no going back. I bit my lip and proceeded with the ceremony.

When Tom wanted to know why I looked so unhappy, I told him that all the excitement had given me a migraine. He was so understanding. He suggested that I go and lie down in an empty room at the reception lounge until I felt a bit better. Mike was hovering nearby and overheard his suggestion. As soon as I entered that room, he followed me in and locked the door. He was all over me. When he kissed me again, I knew that my marriage was a sham. How could I stay with Tom when Mike turned my heart upside down?

That night I told Tom that he’d have to ‘wait’ till the next day as my migraine was so intense. Fortunately, we’d planned to take our honeymoon the next month, as Tom was very busy at work. The next morning I ducked over to Mike’s hotel and consummated my marriage with Mike. He agreed that I shouldn’t go back to Tom and with his help I packed a bag of clothes — that afternoon we flew interstate, back to his home.

My selfish actions ruined Tom’s life and embarrassed my family severely. My parents refused to speak to me for years. Finally, after the first flush of love had worn off, I came to regret my actions, as guilt ate me up.

In the end my guilt forced me to leave Mike and fly back home, where I tried to start my life anew. I’ve heard that Tom never married again. He joined a religious organisation and went overseas to do aid work in underdeveloped countries. His parents blamed me for losing their son overseas and my parents continued to blame me for making them a laughing stock.

Now, five years later, I wouldn’t care if I never met another man again. I got what I wanted and, believe me, it wasn’t worth losing my family and my self-respect for.

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Lamb toy

lamb toy


  • Kunin rainbow shaggy plush felt in antique white

  • Kunin rainbow plush felt in smoky brown

  • 25cm x 20mm ribbon

  • Small quantity polyester wadding

  • Sewing cotton to match felt colours, plus basic sewing patterns

  • Anchor stranded cotton colour 905 – Very dark brown


Pre-wash felt following manufacturer’s instructions before cutting.

Download and print pattern pieces.

Cut out pattern pieces from Antique White and Smoky Brown felt following directions on patterns. On all pattern pieces the straight outline is the cutting line and the dotted line the stitching line. The Top of Head and Ear do not need seam allowances because the felt does not fray, and these pieces are topstitched into position. If substituting another material, please take this into account. Short lines marked in seam allowance of body pattern are for Leg and Head placement.

Pin legs together in pairs with right sides facing. Sew around each leg leaving the top (straight) seam open. Turn the leg right side out and lightly stuff (use a pencel to push small amounts of wadding into place in each leg).

Sew around front seam of lamb’s head with the fabric folded right sides facing. Turn the right side out and lightly stuff with wadding. Machine stitch opening closed.

Pin legs and head in position facing inwards on the right side of one body section using marks on pattern as a placement guide. Tack in position, then pin the other body section on top, right sides of body pieces facing, sandwiching the limbs between.

use a zipper foot to stitch accurately around entire body, leaving belly section between the legs unstitched for turning through. Carefully turn sheep right side out. Stuff body lightly with extra polyester wadding; it should remain reasonably flat, so don’t overstuff. Slip-stitch opening closed.

Tie a bow around the lamb’s neck, using ribbon to hide the join between the head and body. Fold ear piece in half lengthwise, with the wrong sides of the felt facing. Top stitch the centre of the folded ears to the head, approximately 1.5cm up from the ribbon. Pin Top of Head section over ears so the straight edge is aligned with the ribbon. Overcast stitch the top of head section into position.

Use 6 strands of Very Dark Brown stranded cotton to embroider the features. Fronch-knot each eye and straight-stitch nose and mouth over front seam, using the pattern as a guide for placement.

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Top motivators for weight-loss success

glass wine

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a personal Mr Motivator in your sub-conscious? You know, the one to help drag you out of bed for that power walk on a winter’s morning. And the one to help you say ‘no thanks’ when the dessert menu arrives. While motivation is a hard thing to harness, and a very individual one at that, you might like to check out some of these tried and true secrets to success below.

1. Get married

Perhaps this is the greatest motivator to help women achieve a goal weight. It’s natural to want to look and feel your best on the big day. Plus the photos will act as friendly reminder to how fabulous you can look, for many years to come.

2. Have 0.0 days

A great way of keeping the kilojoules on track is to have appointed alcohol free days, no matter what, for the same days every week. Yours might be Mon, Wed and Sunday. If you’re out socialising on an alcohol free day get into a new signature drink like rich tomato juice with all the condiments or a cranberry spritzer.

3. Dine with a fine view

Research shows that women eat less at a meal when they dine with an attractive male. So, make it a habit to dine with a date as often as possible!

4. Take a European vacation

Just watch your pedometer clock over as you wind through cobbled streets, around hill top towns, up bell towers, and through breath taking chapels and art galleries. Even if you stop to enjoy the odd French pastry or two, most people find that all the extra walking leaves them looking great, feeling fit and invigorated after an overseas holiday.

5. Reward points

As well as setting your goal weight and targets, make sure you match these with some well earned rewards. You might start with tickets to a show when you lose 3kg and work up to a shopping spree for new clothes when you hit your goal. Remember to factor in the biggest rewards for maintaining your weight loss over 6 and 12 months.

6. User pays

Most people hate to see money go to waste, so one of the best ways to keep motivated with physical activity is to pay in advance. You might like to sign up for a 10 session pump class or buy a 20 session swim pass. Just make sure that there is a fairly tight use-by-date, so the pass is not still floating around in your wallet a year later.

7. Buddy or team up

Join a walking group, a netball team, a lap swimming club or find a friend to partner with. Research shows that most people could do with a little help from their friends. Make it a rule to forget the mobile phones if you meet for a regular walk. That way, no one can call to say ‘I’m running late’ when they’re really ‘running low on motivation’.

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Focus on folate


Folate is involved in more than 100 different processes within the body. It’s essential for the formation of new cells and tissues and the health of the blood, brain, nervous and immune systems. Most people think of B vitamins giving them back their b..b..bounce. And it’s true that B vitamins are required to release energy from food. But there’s been a lot more buzz about this B in recent years.

Fuss about folate

Folate has been found to be essential for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Specifically, it helps prevent neural tube defects, like spina bifida. As well as B for baby, it’s also B for a beating heart. Research shows that folate lowers homocysteine levels and the risk of heart disease. It could also be B for bones. Until recently, the only vitamins related to bone health have been vitamin D and vitamin K. However, there is new research on folate and lowered blood homocysteine levels and the link with osteoporosis prevention. One study has found that the risk of hip fracture nearly quadrupled in men in the top quartile of homocysteine levels and nearly doubled in the top 25 per cent of women. The newest area of research on folate is focused on genetic health and keeping your cellular material, like DNA, in tip top shape.

So how much folate do you need?

Well that really depends on how you define optimal intakes. Currently the adult recommendations are for 200 micrograms per day. During pregnancy this jumps to 400 micrograms a day. However, this recommendation is really for anyone planning pregnancy, as 400 micrograms of folate per day is needed to boost levels for at least 6 weeks before a woman conceives. That’s why there is a push to raise the recommended dietary intake to 400 micrograms per day for all adult women.

To achieve some of the other reported folate benefits, large, therapeutic doses were used in the nutrition research studies. It’s too early to say what the magic folate level will be, but chances are that they’ll keep raising the bar for this B vitamin.

Where do you find it?

One of the best and most available sources of folate is the Aussie favourite Vegemite, which also is a good source of other B vitamins. Fresh vegetables and fruit, orange juice, legumes, nuts, liver and yeast are also good sources. These days many food products are also folate fortified including certain breads and breakfast cereals. Just check for folate on the nutrition information panel.

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Athletes and iron deficiency


New research at the Australian Institute of Sport is focusing on the best way to test for suboptimal iron status and the findings will follow through to all people, even sports fanatics of the spectator variety. Sports scientists are honing a new, super sensitive blood test for iron status known as serum transferrin receptor.

Why is low iron a concern?

Constantly searching for ways to boost athletic performance, scientists have long been researching poor iron status and the fatigue factor, in both female and male sports people. When it comes to iron stores, fatigue can set in well before your tank runs dry and iron deficiency anaemia is diagnosed. Iron depletion can also result in increased recovery time, decreased immunity, cold like symptoms and depression.

Why are athletes at risk?

Along with being at risk of low iron intake from dietary imbalances, athletes undergoing vigorous training regimes or running sports, commonly experience increased iron losses due to foot strike haemolysis. Haemolysis, the breakdown of red blood cells and therefore iron loss, occurs at a faster rate than in sedentary people from the training stress on blood vessels when feet are constantly “striking” or in contact with hard surfaces.

Why is a sensitive test required?

Scientists have found it difficult to set “ideal” blood testing levels for the markers of iron status, as they’re most interested in detecting impaired performance when iron stores are slightly depleted, not by the time true iron deficiency anaemia has occurred. Iron depletion may be present when regular blood tests for iron are normal. Recently published data in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine is revealing that this new super sensitive iron test could pick up 66% of athletes with iron depletion that would have been missed with traditional blood tests.

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7 ways to reclaim your fitness


If you’re fit, you can function – if not, you’ll find it difficult to get through the day. Try these ideas:

1. Use stairs, not lifts

It’s nearly always only a flight or two.

2. Do two things at once

While you’re brushing your teeth, do leg lifts or knee bends. If you have a cordless phone, stretch or walk around while you talk.

3. Play with your kids

Get out there and ride a bike or have a go on the swings. When you watch them play sport, walk up and down the sidelines.

4 .Walk wherever possible

Always put a little distance between yourself and your destination. Walk up the street to get milk. Park and then walk to the theatre, school, or office.

5. Try Eastern-style exercise

Graceful practices such as tai chi enhance physical and mental wellbeing, without you having to raise a sweat.

6. Snippets of excercise

Buy a stationary bike or mini-trampoline so you can grab small snatches of exercise time at home.

7. Dance while you dust

Housecleaning can be a great aerobic workout if you put on upbeat music while you work.

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Letting go of tension

Pain and tension are enemies of good movement patterning and smooth coordination and you have to become aware of their effect on the body before you can fully overcome poor movement habits.

Pain and tension are enemies of good movement patterning and smooth coordination and you have to become aware of their effect on the body before you can fully overcome poor movement habits. Poor alignment causes tension and tightness. Muscle imbalances can cause aching in the lower back or tightness in the shoulders and neck. Unfortunately, holding tension in certain parts of your body can become habitual and unconscious. Often we tense up because of stress but if we don’t learn to let go then our bodies never fully relax and return to a state of ease.

As you journey through the bones, observe where you tend to hold tension. Perhaps you grip your buttocks or pull your knees up tight or clench your jaw. Quietly let go and feel the muscles soften. When you perform the exercises be aware of tension creeping in. As you work on one part of the body, make sure that you are not gripping elsewhere. It is counter-productive to hold yourself tightly in an effort to ‘work harder’. This disrupts holistic balance and coordination and interferes with sensitivity to fine adjustments in a movement – not to mention making the exercises much less enjoyable to do.

Unlearning tension can be a difficult process, in the same way that it takes time and persistence to retrain your movement patterns. Nevertheless a release technique can be as simple as becoming aware of your breathing. You can often release tension from your jaw, neck and shoulders simply by breathing out and this is a useful thing to remember throughout the day.

Exercise itself can help you relax. As you concentrate fully on your physical self, your mind calms down and tensions from everyday life recede. Your session should leave you feeling refreshed, deeply satisfied and returned to yourself.

copyright: The Australian Ballet 2005

Extracted from Bodywise, discover a deeper connection with your body; ABC Books; rrp: $34.95; fully illustrated. Available from all good bookstores.

Bodywise is written by staff at The Australian Ballet. In 2005 The Australian Ballet is performing throughout Australia and internationally. Visit The Australian Ballet’s website, www.australianballet.com.au for details.

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Figure eight arm swings

This exercise gently releases and mobilises the spine.
Photos by Getty Images

This exercise gently releases and mobilises the spine.

  • Align your bones in the standing position.

  • Soften the knees and swing the arms diagonally across the body with fingers dropping towards the floor.

  • Lift your arms up to the ceiling extending the legs and begin to turn your head to the other side.

  • Soften the knees and swing the arms diagonally down across the body to begin making ‘figure eight’ patterns in the air on the other side.

Keep movements loose and relaxed and feel the weight of the bones as they fall and swing. Experiment with your natural breath to assist in finding a rhythm for this exercise.

copyright: The Australian Ballet 2005

Extracted from Bodywise, discover a deeper connection with your body; ABC Books; rrp: $34.95; fully illustrated. Available from all good bookstores.

Bodywise is written by staff at The Australian Ballet. In 2005 The Australian Ballet is performing throughout Australia and internationally. Visit The Australian Ballet’s website, www.australianballet.com.au for details.

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Moisturiser vs serum

face model


What’s the difference between a moisturiser and a serum? Should I be using both?

Sally, via email.


Moisturisers hydrate the upper layers of the skin and generally come in a cream form. By comparison, a serum can deliver potent ingredients which repair and restore long-term changes in the skin through a lightweight, gel-like formulation that can penetrate into the skin’s dermal layers.

A serum should be applied before the moisturiser in your daily beauty routine and while it’s not essential, its reparative properties provide much desired anti-aging benefits.

The AWW Beauty Team

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