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Slimming beach options

Image: Getty


I am going to the beach on the weekend and I haven’t lost any weight since I having my baby so I am quite large.

What should I wear in the water? My thighs are covered in cellulite and I am a size 18.

Brianna, via email.


Stripping down to your swimmers can often be a daunting thing especially at the start of the summer season. Luckily there are lots of options to help us feel more comfortable and covered up.

Find a swimwear style that is designed for larger sizes, these are function-built with bust support and tummy control panels. A one-piece or a tankini will offer the most coverage. Brands to look out for include: Palazzi, Ada, Miraclesuit, Jets.

To help cover your thighs try wearing a boardshort, most surf stores and department stores will carry a range of women’s board shorts.

The AWW Fashion Team

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Shoes for a formal

Image: Getty


What colour and style heels would best suit a pale yellow, shimmery cocktail dress?

Kim, via email.


Sounds like you need a strappy, gold or bronze shoe. Silver could also work if you had some silver jewellery to tie it all together.

Look in stores like Zu, Betts, Mollini, Myer, David Jones, and Wanted for loads for affordable formal shoe options.

The AWW Fashion Team

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I turned down a famous country singer

Ever since I was a teenager, I have had a thing for country music stars. Well, musicians in general. I suppose I like the idea of fame and fortune. There is something that makes them stand apart from normal guys.

This never translated into my love life, however, and I have never gone out with or even kissed a musician. I don’t even think I know any musicians other than the guys that sing karaoke down at the RSL on the weekend and I don’t think that counts. I suppose I have been a bit unlucky in love — though not for want of trying.

Two years ago, I met the most wonderful man. He is gorgeous, good to me and really sexy. We hit it off straight away and a few months later we got engaged. I couldn’t have been happier. We were planning a short engagement.

It was around this time that I heard about a country music festival near where I lived that was a two day extravaganza of music with my favourite singers. I decided to go, but my new fiancé wasn’t into music at all and none of my girlfriends wanted to go, so I thought, “Why don’t I go alone?”

Well, the day arrived and I was really excited. It was kind of weird being alone but the great music was worth it. Towards the end of the night, it was hot and I think I may have been a bit tipsy. I was waiting in the line for the bathroom when I realised that I somehow was in the VIP area. I’m not sure how I got there but standing next to me was one of my favourite singers! We started chatting and he was so sweet and normal. He was wearing a great big western hat and was so gorgeous! He invited me to have a drink with him and of course I went.

The night rolled on and we were getting on really well. Not only was he very good-looking but he was smart and flirting with me! I couldn’t believe it. I did think now and then about my fiancé but this was a dream come true.

The last bus was leaving back to town and it was time to go. I was torn. I thought, “Should I stay?” I knew that this man wanted me to. Or was I to go home to my fiancé and miss the last chance I had of living out my fantasy? Being there with him was so different to my normal, boring life.

The musician took my hand and asked me to stay with him. I couldn’t help but lean forward and we kissed. What a kiss! Something happened, though, and my brain clicked. I stopped, looked him in the eyes and said “Goodnight”. I picked up my handbag and much to his surprise, I left. I just couldn’t have lived with myself if it went any further. My fiancé was so good to me. He may not been as exciting as this country star but I wasn’t about to find love here.

I have been thinking lately, while in bed next to my now-husband, what would have happened that night if I had stayed? Would it have mattered? Would things be different? I suppose I will never know. But whenever his song comes on the radio, I like to have a secret smile to myself.

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Shadow chaser


I was wondering what we could do with our 10-month-old puppy. She is a border collie named Misty and whenever light comes into the house or there are shadows on the ground from lights, she tries to dig the light up. We have tried distractions but she goes back to the same thing. Our carpet has threads loose everywhere. Please help save our carpet. Thanks.

Felicity Power


Dogs certainly can chase things of interest such as shadows or lights, especially dogs from working breeds such as yours. Misty may just grow out of this behaviour on her own. However, if it gets worse or you feel this is severe, you should have her assessed by your vet. These dogs can suffer obsessive compulsive disorders such as you describe and it could be a sign of anxiety or a chemical imbalance in the brain. The vet can give her a thorough physical examination to look for any neurological or medical problems and refer you if need be. Treatment may involve medication or just behavioural therapy to try and reduce this habitual behaviour. Or they may decide treatment isn’t warranted and to just wait and see. Err on the side of caution and have her checked out.

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Mouse years


What is the lifespan of mice?

Danuta Elliott


Poor little mice don’t grace this earth for very long. The lifespan of the average pet mouse is 18 months to two years, but they occasionally live up to three or four years.

While some people shriek at the sight of them or think they will contract some horrible disease, mice really are harmless and make lovely docile children’s pets. And they are inexpensive to buy and look after. Be warned that they will breed like there’s no tomorrow! Mice become sexually active at six to eight weeks of age. They show signs of heat every five days, their length of pregnancy is three weeks and they can have five to 15 in each litter. So in a very short time you could find yourself with lots of mouse cubs.

Look for healthy mice with clean eyes, mouth and bottom, shiny coat and good weight at about six weeks of age.

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Give blood

By Annette Campbell

Stuck for a really good Christmas gift idea?

How about the chance to save someone’s life? The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is making a special holiday-time plea for us all to take a little time to give some precious blood.

“Many of our regular blood donors take a well-earned holiday,” says Susannah Rands, the ARCBS’s Community Relations Manager. “But the need for blood never takes a break.

“So we need more people to donate to ensure an ongoing and constant supply during this period.

“And if you are already a donor, we’d love it if you could donate before you go away, or find a mobile service in the area you’re going to, and just give up an hour of your holiday to make a donation.”

Susannah explains that while one in 30 Australians regularly donates blood, one in three will need blood or blood products during their lifetime. And every donation can save three lives.

“Blood donations can help treat cancer, burns and even some newborn babies,” she says. “And we’re constantly needing to replenish our supplies, because while whole blood lasts 42 days, one of the most important components, platelets, only last for five days.”

When blood is donated, it’s taken to a processing area and separated into platelets (to help clotting, often used by patients undergoing chemotherapy); plasma (the most versatile component, which can be manufactured into a number of different products, for example to treat immune disorders); and red cells (for treating blood disorders like anaemia).

“Our supplies are constantly being shipped-out to hospitals for life-saving work,” says Susannah. “So as fast as it comes in, it goes out.”

She also adds that the need for blood increases each year, as the population increases.

“So we need more people to come forward and give blood. It’s one of the easiest things to do, to help save someone’s life.”

Did you know?

  • About 30 percent of blood donated is used for cancer patients.

  • Australia needs 20,000 donations every week to meet demand.

So how can we help?

You can donate blood either at “fixed-site” Red Cross donor centres, or any of their mobile units.

To find out about locations, opening times and whether you’re eligible, visit: www.donateblood.com.au or phone their national information line to make an appointment to donate on: 13 14 95.

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Top four celebrity ways to keep fit

Heather Lockler
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Apples and pears diet

Most women’s bodies are one of two shapes — apple or pear. Here’s how to recognise which category you fall into, then choose a diet plan that fits …

The apples and pears diet might sound as though it’s all about eating fruit but, in fact, it’s based on the theory that identifying your body shape is the key to staying slim and healthy.

US health expert Dr Marie Savard believes that to lose weight, you need first to find out whether your body type is an apple or a pear — then follow the appropriate diet and exercise regimen.

Marie says that the diet “will change the way you relate to your body forever” and help you make simple changes to become much healthier and stronger. By following her eating plan and exercising, Marie believes that you will lose centimetres from your problem area within six months. On top of this, Marie claims she can predict if a woman is more likely to suffer from a certain illness simply by looking at her body.

“From my 30 years of clinical research, I’ve discovered that the single most powerful predictor of a woman’s health is the shape of her body,” says Marie, who says by following the correct diet for your shape, you can help your body defend itself against illness.

Follow our guide (below) to discover how to analyse your own shape then modify your diet and exercise routine accordingly.

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Beat the Christmas diet trap!


Woman’s Day asked Healthy Chef and personal trainer Teresa Cutter, author of hot new book 80/20 Diet, for her tips on feeling fantastic this festive season.

Most of us put on a few kilos over the Christmas period due to nibbling between meals, drinking more alcohol and exercising less.

I’ve come up with 10 survival tips to keep you looking good this festive season and ready for the new year.

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The face lift diet

Jennifer Lopez

This new diet promises an added bonus … as you lose weight you’ll look younger too!

Are you looking for weight loss and glowing skin? Dr Nicholas Perricone could be the expert to turn to! The American dermatologist and skincare guru has branched out into the diet market and has been getting great results with his book The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet (Penguin, rrp $29.95), which promises to dramatically reduce fat and wrinkles, and to boost energy. Celebrity devotees of his eating plan and anti-ageing products include Jennifer Lopez, Kim Cattrall, Courteney Cox and Oprah Winfrey.

The 28-day eating plan advocates foods that reduce inflammation and stabilise blood sugar, such as salmon, yoghurt, eggs, salads, fruits and vegetables, organic unsalted nuts, grains and legumes, and the healthy fats found in avocado, olives and olive oil. The plan also promotes the use of spices and healthy, tasty herbs like oregano and basil to add flavour to foods. The book takes a holistic approach to weight loss by incorporating herbal supplements that contribute to better sleep and less stress.

“A diet centred on breads, baked goods, snack foods, sweets, and other sugary, starchy foods results in unwanted weight gain and great difficulty in losing the weight,” Dr Perricone tells Woman’s Day. “My research has shown that the chief therapeutic intervention to prevent weight gain is the anti-inflammatory diet. I have observed significant weight loss in thousands of individuals who follow the simple formula of avoiding foods that are pro-inflammatory and choosing in their place foods with anti-inflammatory properties.”

Over two decades working with patients in a dermatology practice, Dr Perricone observed that the foods that made his patients’ skin healthier and younger-looking also helped them drop unwanted kilos. “The same foods that fight many diseases, ageing, skin sagging and wrinkling also cause significant weight loss — and they are safe for everyone, children and adults alike.”

The Perricone diet ditches kilojoule-counting in favour of long-lasting energy foods that keep the blood sugars from spiking — a principal of the Low GI Diet. “It is not the caloric value of the foods causing the weight gain. In fact, a rice cake only has around 40 calories [167 kJ]. However, because it is rapidly converted to sugar in the bloodstream, resulting in insulin release, it will cause you to store body fat,” Dr Perricone says.

Keeping the blood sugar stable has the added bonus of staving off hunger pains. Dr Perricone says his diet plan is suitable for anyone wanting to look and feel better, regardless of age. “It’s a healthy diet for everyone — especially those who wish to lose weight and keep it off without going hungry. It is not about deprivation. This is a way of life — a lifestyle that works for everyone.”

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