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Energy boosting detox plan: days 5 – 7

Judy Davie

If you really want to boost your energy and kick-start the new year, then do what celebrities like Demi and Nicole do. A detox will help to unclog your liver, purify the blood and flush your whole body. As toxins release, the metabolism increases and with an increased metabolism you can reclaim the energy from your youth and love the new you.

Use this meal plan to prepare your shopping list and have everything ready before you start. Yes, it requires effort, but what worth doing doesn’t? The rewards are well worth it — find out for yourself.

(For those who don’t like fish, substitute fish dishes with organic chicken, turkey or tofu and take 1 tbs flaxseed oil each day. Flaxseed oil is available from health food stores. Always serve cold — it’s delicious with cereal or used in a salad dressing.)

Before embarking on a weight reducing diet you should consult your medical practitioner. This detox diet should be followed for seven days only and not for an indefinite period.

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Energy boosting detox recipes

Judy Davie
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Steroids nearly ruined my life

A few years ago I had a great job working for a small business owner. I was also playing rugby, hitting the nightclubs and generally having a blast being young and single.

Playing rugby on the weekends was definitely a highlight of my week and I was playing so well and improving so much that there was even talk that I may make the next representative squad and hopefully move on to bigger and better things.

It was late one evening after training that one of my team-mates started chatting to me as we walked home. He said that if I was going to move up to the next level in my sport I would need what he called “that extra advantage” over the other contenders for my position. I was so keen to do well that I agreed to meet him the next afternoon at a local pub to talk about it.

The next day I turned up to the pub to find him talking to another guy who was introduced to me as the man who could help me get to the top. He said that he had some remedies that would boost my performance and bulk me up to better perform at the higher level. What I didn’t know at the time was that he was referring to steroids and I had already agreed to meet him at his house to get my first batch of “remedies”.

At first I shied away from injecting myself but after the first couple of weeks I noticed that I was getting bigger and putting on more muscle mass — I was ecstatic! This was exactly what I needed and things were moving smoothly.

After a while the steroids went up in price and I started to struggle for money. That’s when things started going downhill. I started dipping into the cash tray at work — just a little bit at first but before too long I was taking home over a hundred dollars a week to afford the drugs.

What I didn’t know was that my boss had installed a secret camera to see what was happening to the cash each day. One afternoon he pulled me aside and told me that he thought it was best I didn’t work there any longer and that if I left straight away he wouldn’t call the police. This made me furious and I started smashing things in the shop until a co-worker calmed me down and persuaded me to leave.

Now I had no job and a growing addiction to something I thought was doing me a favour when in fact it was beginning to ruin my life. The turning point came when the new squad I was trying out for requested that I turn up for a drug test as part of their “clean game” policy. Although I was assured that the steroids couldn’t be traced, I was still very nervous as I waited for the results. It was with much trepidation that I fronted up to the training grounds that afternoon and was told that I had not made the squad and that the director wanted to talk to me.

This was turning into a nightmare! The director of the squad informed me that they had found an irregularity in my test and that was the reason I was not included in the team. To my absolute amazement he said that he would make sure that the results of my test would not become public knowledge if I immediately stopped using the steroids and agreed to have regular tests to check my progress. I felt so relieved that I nearly cried — not a good look for a big rugby player! Having lost my dream to play representative rugby but still being able to play the game I loved so much, I felt blessed. To this day I have never touched the drugs again and I have even started to pay back my old boss. I never made the rep team but managed to make a reserves squad and this was all I ever needed. I had really dodged a couple of bullets — not to mention the health risks!

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My sister recently bought an adorable fluffy white Poodle Maltese cross puppy. However, within about four weeks of having her, the poor little thing got two ticks and was terribly ill and nearly died. Now my sister is too paranoid to take her out and won’t let her anywhere near any grass when she does. What can she do?




Your sister is right to be concerned about ticks, especially in warmer months. Ticks are usually picked up in very bushy areas so care needs to be taken if the puppy spends time in the bush. It is a good idea to regularly check the body for ticks — the paralysis tick is slate blue-brown in colour and begins a few millimetres in size but grows as it feeds and becomes engorged with blood. They are often on the front half of the body but can be found anywhere, including in the ears and between the toes.

The other thing to suggest to your sister is to use a spot-on tick preventative medication every two weeks over the tick season. Her vet can advise on what type will be safe and effective, but certainly don’t forgo any enjoyment for fear of ticks — attack them head-on instead!

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I stole for fashion

I’ve always loved wearing the latest fashions. I love the reaction I get from friends when I wear a new outfit and I love looking in the mirror and seeing a stylish woman.

It doesn’t matter whether the latest fashion is thigh-high boots or thongs, low-cut jeans or mini-skirts — I’ll buy them all. My wardrobe is full of outfits I wore for one season and haven’t touched since. There’s nothing wrong with them except they were last year’s fashions.

Being a fashionista is an addiction, just like gambling or drinking. Finding the perfect outfit gives me an adrenalin rush. It makes me feel confident and attractive, like I could achieve anything.

But like any addiction, it’s expensive to support. My marketing job paid well, so I could afford to buy anything I wanted but last year the company folded and I was out of work. It took three months to find another job and when I did, the pay was much less.

Money became tight. After rent, food and other essentials, there was none left over for clothes or accessories. I learned to hunt for bargains and shop only during sales but the simple truth was I didn’t have enough money to feed my shopping habit. I couldn’t even repay the minimum on my credit cards.

With the week-long Spring Racing Carnival looming, I needed at least two new outfits. I borrowed one dress from a friend and made a hat myself using materials from a craft store but still it wasn’t enough. I needed that special outfit — the one perfect ensemble that had that “wow” factor.

I became more desperate when I learned the Marketing Director for a major promotions company would be in the same marquee as me on Melbourne Cup Day. First impressions counted and I wanted to impress him with my confidence and fresh attitude. To do that, I needed the right outfit.

But no matter how much I shopped, how many bargain stores I rummaged through, I couldn’t find anything. As Melbourne Cup Day drew closer, I became more desperate. I begged my friends for money but they all refused, saying I wouldn’t be able to repay them or I spent too much on clothes already.

Walking past a boutique shop one day, I spotted exactly what I’d been looking for — a turquoise knee-length dress with a delicate gold pattern embroidered through it. It would go beautifully with a pair of gold shoes I already owned. As I saw it, I’d be saving on the shoes!

But the price was too high. No way could I find that amount of money in just two days. That night, all I could think about was the dress and how it would look great on me. I couldn’t sleep and by morning I’d decided I had to have it — no matter what.

So I did something I’d never done before. The next day I entered the shop and began browsing, just like any other customer. The sales assistant smiled at me but I couldn’t smile back. My heart stopped beating and my stomach did somersaults. When she turned her head to speak to another customer, I saw my chance and took it.

I quickly stuffed the dress into my oversized bag and walked as casually as I could out the door. Then I ran all the way home.

With a calming cup of tea in hand, I laid the dress out on my bed and stared at it. It wasn’t as pretty as it looked in the boutique window. In fact, I hated it. I couldn’t bring myself to try it on. I wanted it out of my sight. It wasn’t until much later that I realised my reaction to the dress was probably due to guilt.

I did go to the Melbourne Cup but I wore an outfit I already had. I spent a lot of time talking to the Marketing Director but he didn’t have a job opening at that time. He has my resume so I’m still hopeful.

I returned the dress by leaving it in a bag outside the shop just before opening time but to this day, I can’t walk past the boutique without an attack of guilt. I still love the latest fashions but now I get my fix by flicking through magazines and limiting my purchases to one new outfit per season. And the bargain stores love me!

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No magic diets or gimmicks

Diet Club

It has taken a whole year, without any magic diets or gimmicks, for me to lose 25kg. The hardest part was the decision to do it. Firstly I committed myself to a lifestyle change. I cut out snack foods, reduced the amount I ate, never ate after 8pm, never missed breakfast, never deprived myself of occasional treats (just had less), and exercised for 30 minutes each day.

This lifestyle change worked well for me but I felt even better when I ran into a friend I had not seen for a while. She told me that my few simple rules had inspired her to do the same and she lost 11kg in 8 weeks. I am happy that my weight loss success has helped others to do the same.

Michelle Connors

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‘I’ve lost over 40kg’

Diet Club

In August 2004 I weighed in at 122 kg. When a girlfriend rang and asked me to go to Weight Watchers with her as moral support, I agreed.

Now some 15 months later I have just weighed in at 80kg — that’s over 40kg lost, 22 of them in the last 12 months.

When I think of what my life was like before … no energy. I have a bad knee and could not even walk up a small step without holding onto a railing in case my knee gave out on me. I was in size 26 clothing and they were very, very tight.

Now I am size 14-16, I exercise everyday and I recently ran up the cliffs at the lookout at Byron Bay and beat my kids.

To anyone who is thinking of losing weight, I don’t believe it matters what program you decide to do, you just need to be ready in your mind and it will work for you.

Here’s to a fantastic 2006!

Robyn Ord

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Celebrity fitness trend: Bushwalking

Téa Leoni
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The Hibernation Diet: lose weight while you sleep

It’s a dream come true! As you grab some shut-eye, a spoonful of honey may help you work off kilos.

It’s the stuff that weight-loss wishes are made of — shedding kilos while tucked up in bed and waking up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

The new Hibernation Diet claims we can all do it, by following some simple rules and enjoying a few spoonfuls of honey before bed!

The diet, created by British pharmacist Mike McInnes and his son Stuart, a nutrition expert, promises to help us sleep and lose weight at the same time by using our biology and working with our bodies, rather than against them.

“The Hibernation Diet is about recruiting your own natural recovery system for weight control,” Mike says. “You don’t have to fight your body every step of the way to get a healthy weight. You need to learn how to make it work for you.”

The key is kick-starting our body’s recovery mechanism at night — speeding up fat-burning metabolism, easing stress hormones and helping us get a better night’s sleep. Which is where honey comes in.

First of all, are you a candidate for the Hibernation Diet? Ask yourself these questions …

Do you wake regularly during the night?

Do you have night sweats?

Do you experience acid reflux during the night?

Do you get up to go to the bathroom during the night?

Do you feel nauseous in the early morning?

Do you wake up exhausted?

Do you have a dry throat in the morning?

Do you get night cramps?

Do you feel weak in the early morning?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, it could mean you haven’t fuelled up your liver for the night. Instead of burning fat and repairing muscles, your body has produced a tidal wave of stress hormones while you’ve slept.

  1. Honey

Honey has long been prized for its therapeutic properties. The Hibernation Diet creators claim the fructose and glucose in honey also provides a fuelling mechanism for the body at night — keeping blood sugar levels balanced and letting your recovery hormones get on with burning fat stores.

They dispute the idea you shouldn’t eat late at night, insisting that a spoonful or two of honey will actually help you lose weight.

“We’re not going to give you carte blanche to stuff yourself with takeaways every night,” Mike says. “We’re talking here about nutrition — giving your body the right fuel to work with.”

How much honey should you eat? The Hibernation Diet recommends taking a generous spoonful or two of honey at night — either as a warm drink, a smoothie or straight from the jar.

  1. Healthy eating

The Hibernation Diet isn’t all about honey. Mike and Stuart also advocate a healthy, balanced diet void of highly refined, processed foods — that means no white bread, pizza, burgers, chips, beer and sugar. They suggest eating foods that provide the nutrients our body needs, without excess additives.

  1. Resistance

The Hibernation Diet recommends two to three bursts of resistance training each week. You don’t need to go to the gym to do it — use light hand weights or packs of sugar, rice or dried beans. Some yoga and Pilates DVDs have resistance exercises included.Have you ever tried the hibernation diet? Did it work for you? Leave your comments below.

Have you ever tried the hibernation diet? Did it work for you? Leave your comments below.

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Eva Longoria’s slimming secrets

Super-hot housewife Eva Longoria says balance is the key to keeping her curves steaming up our TV.

Moderation is the secret to Eva Longoria’s amazing body. The youngest of the Desperate Housewives stars tries to keep everything in balance when it comes to what she eats.

“I’m not obsessed with my diet,” says Eva, 30. “I love fish and vegetables, but I love my cheeseburgers and pizza, too! Everything in moderation is fine.”

Eva, who is of Mexican descent and grew up on a Texas ranch, was very sporty in her younger days and still loves keeping fit.

“As a kid, I did basketball, gymnastics, cheerleading … everything. I wasn’t too good, but I was a hustler,” she says. “I remember being an aggressive basketball player. I played point guard and always remember being underestimated because I was tiny … but I was quick!”

Wardrobe shock

The small-screen star says she finds it relatively easy to maintain her figure — but when she saw the skimpy wardrobe her Desperate Housewives character Gabrielle had to wear, she realised she would have to hit the gym.

“I knew Gabrielle would be a sexy role, but I didn’t realise how much lingerie I’d be wearing!” Eva laughs. “So I started working out. My degree is in kinesiology [a system of natural health care] — it’s about exercise. So it’s in me to be healthy … but I can get lazy.”

To help her keep motivated, Eva hired a personal trainer.

“He comes to the house and drags me out of bed, kicking and screaming,” she says. “It’s not easy. I work out for an hour, three times a week. He’s very happy his work has paid off.

“I have ADD [Attention Deficit Disorder] when it comes to working out, so my trainer changes it every day. I do kickboxing one day and cardio another, and weight training and yoga. Every day it changes, so I don’t get used to anything.”

Dating top US basketball player Tony Parker also helps keep the actress on track.

“He’s naturally fit, too,” she adds. “I love an athletic person!”

Lots of leafy greens

Some of Eva’s favourite foods are leafy greens, and although she eats a lot, it’s usually the right food.

“I’m Mexican, so I cook all the time,” she says. “I eat a lot, but I love vegetables. I love spinach and I love brussel sprouts. I eat vegetables with every meal.”

Because the sexy actress — who’ll appear on the big screen in The Sentinel alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Michael Douglas later this year — works out regularly, a strict diet is not on her agenda.

“With dieting, I should but I don’t,” Eva admits. “I actually eat pretty healthily anyway. And with going to the gym, the great thing is that I can eat what I want. I love spaghetti with meatballs.”

‘I love being small’

“On set, I am always in the craft-services [snack and beverage] trailer. And at home, I catch up on TV and order pizza,” Eva says.

She also fell in love with French cuisine while visiting Paris with Tony, who was born in Belgium and grew up in France.

“In Paris, the whole event is to eat,” she says. “But we walk it off. We love just walking around and meeting people.”

Eva’s completely at ease with her body, especially now she’s a gym regular.

“I love being small and petite,” says the 152cm-tall star. “There is nothing about my body I would change.”

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