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Is chocolate really the perfect lift-me-up?

Chocolate truffles

Most of us love chocolate for the smooth, creamy texture and treat it as an indulgent pleasure, and although chocolate is well renowned for its feel-good factor, there’s some debate as to whether chocolate really is the best food to improve your mood.

Welcome to the pleasure dome

Chocolate has been popularly claimed to act like a stimulant, relaxant, euphoriant, tonic and antidepressant. Although chocolate contains some active chemicals that work on the same neurological system as serotonin, these are present in low levels. One researcher has commented that you would have to eat truckloads of chocolate to be equivalent to one antidepressant tablet.

There is also the theory that chocolate has the ability to evoke the pleasure principle. When we eat pleasurable foods we get a rise in endorphins and a temporary mood boost. So when we have a chocolate craving it could be a response to our body crying out for more of that feel-good food.

Ridden by guilt?

There’s interesting new research showing that a person’s feelings about a food have the greatest effect on the emotional changes they experience after eating that food. Comfort eaters who look to chocolate to alleviate stress, boredom or depression are likely to experience a temporary elevation in their mood, but this is quickly followed by intense feelings of guilt, and a worsening of their earlier negative state. However, people who have a little chockie for pure pleasure are more likely to experience joy and ride the wave of the positive mood effect. Quantity appears to play a big role here: a little chocolate seems to be a good pick-me-up, but the whole block is less likely to leave you feeling overjoyed.

Choc-full of tips

  1. Buy the best quality chocolate you can afford so you savour every bite.

  2. Go for individually wrapped squares or mini-portion controlled bars.

  3. The darker the better, as the more cocoa present means the more flavonoid anti-oxidants.

  4. Curb cravings by putting diet chocolate topping on low-fat ice-cream, drinking a diet hot chocolate drink or going for a light dairy dessert.

By Karen Inge

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5 surprising ways to drop a dress size

Even the biggest losers reach a weight loss plateau. These tricks will help you shift those last few kilos.

Pump protein

A Baylor University study found that women on a short-term high protein diet lost 1.3 kg more body fat than those on a more conventional carbohydrate plan. Protein preserves muscle mass, which elevates metabolism and helps burn fat faster.

Avoid distractions

Women who ate identical lunches for 4 weeks consumed 11% more on the days that they watched TV at the same time, according to French researchers. Focusing on food prevents overeating.

Add spice

When overweight people added savoury flavour sprinkles to their food, they lost an average of 17kg over 6 months. “Stronger food aromas fool your brain into thinking you’re full,” explains study leader Alan Hirsch, MD, Director of the Chicago Smell and Taste Research Foundation.

Cultivate quiet

Noise raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which stimulates production of the fat-storing hormone insulin. It also causes you to overeat, especially when you’re trying to concentrate, say Pennsylvania State University researchers. They found people working in a noisy room ate twice as much junk food as those doing the same tasks in silence.

Eat grapefruit

San Diego researchers studied 100 overweight men and women who ate ½ a grapefruit (or drank 1 cup of juice) three times daily. Within 12 weeks, they had lost an average of 2kg. Researchers don’t understand why, but speculate that compounds in grapefruit may somehow block fat storage.

(Caution: Check with your doctor. Grapefruit may interfere with certain medications.)

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The latest and greatest in treadmills

If you're used to running or walking a local circuit for fitness, you better have a plan B for winter. Rain, hail, sleet and shorter daylight hours are bound to see you caught out and unable to work out. More and more people are turning to home based treadmills, that they either purchase or hire, and here's why...
Photos by Getty Images

If you’re used to running or walking a local circuit for fitness, you better have a plan B for winter. Rain, hail, sleet and shorter daylight hours are bound to see you caught out and unable to work out. More and more people are turning to home based treadmills, that they either purchase or hire, and here’s why…

Comforts of home

You may not actually go anywhere by pounding a treadmill, but that is the biggest appeal to many people. You can simply workout whenever you like in the comfort of your own home. You can wear what you like and not feel self conscious about fitting in with the latest look at the gym. Or worry about working up a sweat in the company of strangers. Even more appealing for some, you can watch your favourite program on TV without feeling guilty and make your session pass more quickly.

Safe and secure

Treadmills remove the ‘stranger, danger’ threat of walking at night on your own. Plus they also control the environment so there are no potholes or hard surfaces like footpaths to contend with, which minimises the risk of injury.

Tailored training

Treadmills now come with sophisticated computer feedback systems that track your progress and allow you to adjust the exercise intensity as you train. You can monitor your heart rate and total kilojoules burned, adjust the incline by minute percentages and there’s even talk of customised iPod docks, so you can plug and play your favourite upbeat tunes.

What to look for?

According to Dr George Janko, Medical Director at the Institute of Health and Fitness, “There’s a huge choice available in treadmills. You really need to shop around to find the type and price range that suits. Hiring a treadmill is a great way to try before you buy.

“When testing treadmills look for things like cushioning (how well the treadmill’s belt and deck absorb the shock of your foot strikes) and stability or the smoothness of the ride. You also want adequate walking or running space and the optimal belt width is around 50cm. If you’re a bit unsteady on your feet make sure your treadmill has side bars” says Dr Janko.

Ultimately, treadmills come down to individual choice. If the best part of your power walk or run, is getting OUT of the house, into the fresh air and capturing some ‘me’ time, you may be better off investing in some good wet weather running gear, than an expensive treadmill. And if you have a dog, forget it. Treadmills are definitely not built for two!

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Minimise large pores

Face washing


What is the solution to minimising large pores?

Clover, via email.


Pores are passageways for oil to be released into the skin,” explains dermatologist Dr David Orentreich. “They may be barely visible on people prone to drier skin, whereas people with oily or thicker skin tend to have larger, more noticeable pores. They can get larger as we age, due to exposure to the sun and UV damage, which weakens the supporting skin structures surrounding the pores, allowing them to stretch.” He also warns against squeezing pores because this can damage surrounding tissue.

The good news is that you can shrink pores if you “empty” them. According to Dr Orentreich, this involves a regimen of careful cleansing, exfoliating and the correct use of moisturisers (that is, not over-moisturising) to help keep pores healthy and reduce the production of oil. Using oil-free make-up or taking certain oral medications prescribed by a dermatologist can also reduce pore size.

The AWW Beauty Team

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Vitamins to combat ageing



How do vitamin supplements help maintain the quality of your skin through the ageing process? Is there any need to take them?

L. Watson, via email.


In his book, The Murad Method, dermatologist Dr Howard Murad says the amount of vitamins you get from foods depends on how fresh they are, how they’ve been stored and how you cook them. The environmental toxins and stresses of modern life that our bodies contend with mean there’s a good case for adding vitamin supplements to our diets.

The use of oral supplements or nutraceuticals specifically designed for skin nutrition, such as Imedeen, which is based on marine extracts, is a rapidly growing trend. Supplements are more effective in maintaining skin quality than topical treatments, because, when taken internally, antioxidants go straight into the bloodstream, as opposed to sitting on the surface of the skin.

“My own research has shown that supplying the body with extra nutrients reduces fine lines, increases the elasticity of the skin, helps build connective tissue and increases the protective power of sunscreens,” says Dr Murad.

The AWW Beauty Team

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How to: Perfect foundation application



I’ve tried many foundations and I always have the same problem. The nose area becomes shiny and has a blotchy look. What am I doing wrong?

Michelle, Lara VIC.


Preparation is essential. Start with a regular skincare regimen of cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. Exfoliating will help to minimise uneven, flaky skin and maximise the hydrating effect of your moisturiser. Remember to apply an exfoliator to damp skin and gently massage it over the surface.

Eric Antoniotti, international artistic and training director for Clarins, says the nose and centre panel of the face can tend to have more oil flow, so use less of your moisturiser here to counteract the problem. He also suggests choosing an oil-free foundation, such as Clarins Multi-Matte Foundation that leaves more of a matte finish for your skin type. You could also try using blotting papers, such as Estée Lauder Clear Difference UltiMatte Blotting Sheets for quick touch-ups.

The AWW Beauty Team

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The latest and greatest in treadmills

Photos by Getty Images

If you’re used to running or walking a local circuit for fitness, you better have a plan B for winter. Rain, hail, sleet and shorter daylight hours are bound to see you caught out and unable to work out. More and more people are turning to home based treadmills, that they either purchase or hire, and here’s why…

Comforts of home

You may not actually go anywhere by pounding a treadmill, but that is the biggest appeal to many people. You can simply workout whenever you like in the comfort of your own home. You can wear what you like and not feel self conscious about fitting in with the latest look at the gym. Or worry about working up a sweat in the company of strangers. Even more appealing for some, you can watch your favourite program on TV without feeling guilty and make your session pass more quickly.

Safe and secure

Treadmills remove the ‘stranger, danger’ threat of walking at night on your own. Plus they also control the environment so there are no potholes or hard surfaces like footpaths to contend with, which minimises the risk of injury.

Tailored training

Treadmills now come with sophisticated computer feedback systems that track your progress and allow you to adjust the exercise intensity as you train. You can monitor your heart rate and total kilojoules burned, adjust the incline by minute percentages and there’s even talk of customised iPod docks, so you can plug and play your favourite upbeat tunes.

What to look for?

According to Dr George Janko, Medical Director at the Institute of Health and Fitness, “There’s a huge choice available in treadmills. You really need to shop around to find the type and price range that suits. Hiring a treadmill is a great way to try before you buy.

“When testing treadmills look for things like cushioning (how well the treadmill’s belt and deck absorb the shock of your foot strikes) and stability or the smoothness of the ride. You also want adequate walking or running space and the optimal belt width is around 50cm. If you’re a bit unsteady on your feet make sure your treadmill has side bars” says Dr Janko.

Ultimately, treadmills come down to individual choice. If the best part of your power walk or run, is getting OUT of the house, into the fresh air and capturing some ‘me’ time, you may be better off investing in some good wet weather running gear, than an expensive treadmill. And if you have a dog, forget it. Treadmills are definitely not built for two!

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My secret love affair

I’ve been with my boyfriend for five years and as much as I loved him, things did get a little stale and routine in our relationship. On top of that, I found that my partner Tom and I were starting to take less notice in each other and definitely neglecting to take the time to listen and communicate with each other. I felt we were slowly slipping away.

When I started my new job at a corporate office I hit it off instantly with a colleague named Matt. I didn’t think anything of it at first and considering he had a long-term, yet far-distance relationship, why would I? We just had so much fun joking around with each other. I felt we were very similar and connected with and understood each other.

Well, another year and half went by, nothing really changing in either relationship. Tom and I were still distant but cared for each other and Matt and I still remained nothing but work friends. But one day Matt came to work to announce that he would be leaving to go travelling and working overseas indefinitely. His family owned and operated a very successful business in the USA and the opportunity to help his family expand the business was too good to pass up. Surprisingly, I was very disappointed and saddened by the news. During the day Matt approached me and asked if I wanted to go to the movies with him for good time’s sake before he left. It was an innocent invite so I accepted.

We went to the movies and it turned out to be a fun and platonic night. During the next few weeks we continued to go to the movies once a week and I slowly but surely developed feelings for him, but I kept it a secret. The next week Matt told me that he was going to have a going away party at his place and it was going to be a big night that would probably eventuate into a slumber night with all his mates from work. He invited me to come and promised that it was going to be a good night. I was excited but hesitant. First off, I didn’t know what I was going to say to Tom. All the times Matt and I went to the movies, I told Tom I was going with my friends from work but a slumber party with drunken adults was sure to raise questions. Secondly, I knew that if I was to go to this party, something was bound to happen between Matt and me. While spending time with Matt over the last few weeks I was picking up vibes and signs that the feelings I was having were mutual.

The night of Matt’s going away party arrived and we were all in good spirits. The night was getting on and a lot of the people decided to leave. As I had had too many drinks driving wasn’t an option, so staying the night was. We retreated to the room and Matt settled on the air mattress next to the main bed. However, it wasn’t long before I asked Matt to join me on the bigger bed. I partly felt guilty for taking his bed but of course I had a second motive. Matt joined me and it wasn’t long until we were fooling around with each other. It was a pretty long night, without much sleep at all. The next morning I was afraid that things would become very strange between us but they weren’t; they were better than ever. The final week before Matt left, I spent basically every day with him. We carried on like a puppy love couple, courting and fussing over each other. We had secret rendezvous and went to little, unknown coffee shops to spend time with each other. I have to say I did feel very foolish and guilty for lying to Tom but at the same time I was so consumed by the feeling of young love. And as naïve, foolish and selfish as that sounds, that’s exactly what it felt like for me.

At the end of the week Matt left and I was devastated. Tom could tell something was wrong and noticed a dramatic change in my persona. I was very down and just blamed it on work stress. I know what Matt and I had was very unrealistic and irresponsible but I couldn’t help myself. As I said, I felt we shared a special bond from the start but now it was gone.

I was grateful for the time we had, nonetheless, and our lives had to move on. Matt went overseas, met up with his long-term partner and helped with the family business. I hear from him from time to time but even if I do see him again, it will only be as friends. I got over my little affair but I thought a lot about it after the first few months Matt was gone. I still do now sometimes. I never told anyone about what happened. It’s just a distant memory now that, as much as I feel guilty about it, I am thankful for also.

Picture posed by models.

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Eat all day and lose weight!

Hollywood’s leading ladies know all about slimming… and now you can, too!

‘By eating every three hours, you’re never hungry and constantly reset your metabolism’. Tinseltown’s brightest lights are usually a fickle bunch when it comes to diets.

Over the last few years, the fad-diet bandwagon has been overloaded with A-list names, all vying with each other to be the first to endorse a particular diet — only to drop it a few months later when the next food guru rolls into town.

But now, it seems, things have changed.

Led by some of the most beautiful women in the world, those in the know have given up on the starvation-and-deprivation diets and waved goodbye to complicated, percentage-based eating plans.

Carbs are back in vogue — and, miraculously, so is eating.

In fact, now the most popular way to stay in shape in Hollywood is to eat all day long.

The high-profile A-listers who have opted out of dieting hell include Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Penélope Cruz, Lucy Liu, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Garner, Uma Thurman, Cindy Crawford, Jessica Biel, Halle Berry… we could go on.

They have their personal trainers to thank — and some scientific research — for this happy change of heart towards eating. Judging by how fantastic they all look, it appears eating all day is one trend that’s here to stay.

It’s great news for anyone who has ever found diets difficult to stick to (is there anyone who hasn’t?) and for all those who actually enjoy eating. The new way to slim is never to go hungry, eat between meals, and enjoy the foods we have previously been denied and therefore craved.

Boost blood sugar

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, here’s the science behind it.

It is all about speeding up the metabolism, explains Dan Benardot, PhD, professor of nutrition, kinesiology and health at Georgia State University.

“Blood sugar fluxes every three hours, so if you don’t eat something to raise the blood sugar, metabolic rate can slow down,” he says.

During his research, Dan discovered this even applied to athletes. Female athletes who ate their total daily food intake in three big meals — as opposed to five or six smaller ones — tended to have higher body fat percentages and lower energy levels.

Dan puts this down to the extended time between meals. He is keen to stress how important it is to keep blood sugar levels steady in order to prevent the need to binge.

“One of the stimulants to hunger is low blood sugar,” he says. “If you let yourself get really hungry and find a bag of unpeeled carrots and a ready-to-eat cake in the refrigerator, which would you choose?”

We are programmed to eat for energy — but if we don’t listen to that programming, we can easily upset the natural balance of our bodies, which leads to a vicious cycle of binge/starve and weight gain.

On top of all that, our moods will suffer, making us even more prone to pigging out on the wrong foods.

Think of your metabolism as a furnace you need to keep stoked. If you let it go out, there will be nothing to burn the fuel that goes into the body, meaning it will store it as fat.

Graze away

A speedy metabolism is what it is all about in Hollywood right now. Bobby Strom, trainer to Britney Spears and Jessica Biel, says you can easily boost your metabolism and kick-start weight loss.

By “grazing” your way through the day, the weight will fall off naturally.

“Your metabolism gets so revved up it zaps the extra kilojoules,” Bobby says.

During his time spent training Jessica, he divided her normal three meals a day into six smaller ones.

“Because she increased her frequency of eating but decreased her portions, she actually lost about 4kg, as well as 10% body fat,” Bobby says.

Valerie Waters, trainer and food guru to such stars as Jennifer Garner, Uma Thurman, Cindy Crawford and Kate Beckinsale, claims the biggest pitfall she sees in her work is people who go several hours without eating as a means of losing weight.

“Then your body is no longer OK with a healthy salad and chicken breast,” she says. “Your food cravings will override anything at that point, and your body will want sugar and fat, so you’ve chemically set yourself up to eat badly.”

Valerie encourages all her clients to eat regular healthy meals… and never to even think of starving. Harley Pasternak, who honed Halle Berry into shape, preaches that five meals a day are needed to maintain blood-sugar levels.

He doesn’t worry about kilojoules or carbs. His message is to eat sensibly and include a good balance of lean protein and fibrous carbs (grains, fruit and vegies). “Eat five meals a day, including fibre, low-fat protein, healthy fat and non-sugar beverages,” he advises.

“By eating every three hours, you’re never hungry and constantly reset your metabolism,” confirms Jorge Cruise, fitness guru and author of The 3-Hour Diet. “My three-hour diet is about uncovering the buried concept of timing — the fact that when we eat is critical to weight loss.”

Jorge believes that a little of what you fancy also does you good.

“I never advocate deprivation,” he says. “If you want something sweet, you’ve got to indulge or you’ll just end up bingeing and regretting it.

“You can be smart about how you enjoy dessert. There are no bad foods, just bad portions.”

It’s about time

Grant Roberts, a fitness expert who works with Hilary Swank, among others, concedes that getting into shape is a science.

“But it’s not rocket science,” he quickly adds. “Forget the fad diets and pills. The most potent weight-management drug on the market is in your market — it’s food!”

One person who thinks it is about time Hollywood caught up with what she has been saying for years is Paulette Maisner, author of The Food Trap and founder of the very successful Maisner Centre For Eating Disorders.

Paulette has long preached the benefits of regular small meals. Having been a compulsive eater herself, she fought and eventually won the endless diet battle by constructing an eating plan that kept blood-sugar levels steady and therefore stopped the urge to binge.

“The best way to maintain a good blood-sugar level is to eat many small meals and snacks during the day,” she says.

“These should contain protein and carbohydrate. For example, a quick and easy snack would be a glass of skimmed milk with a piece of fruit.”

Paulette’s plan — the golden rules

  • Eat six times a day — 3 meals and at least 3 snacks a day.

  • Start every day with a protein breakfast.

  • Include 90g of protein in your diet each day.

  • Include 30g of fibre each day.

  • Do not eat any concentrated sugars.

  • Any bread, pasta or rice should be wholegrain.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Sample menu

Breakfast: A boiled egg with wholemeal toast and a piece of fruit.

Snack: Two slices of lean ham and a piece of fruit.

Lunch: Chicken breast and salad.

Snack: Low-fat yoghurt with handful of unsalted nuts such as almonds, or fruit.

Dinner: Lean roast lamb, with green vegies, carrots and ½ a jacket potato.

Snack: Wholewheat crispbreads with tuna and tomato. Or a glass of skimmed milk and a banana.


You can turn your normal three meals into six by dividing breakfast, lunch and dinner in half, and eating the second half three hours after the first. As long as you keep the portions smaller than you would have if you’d lumped it all together in three meals, you won’t overload your system and will keep your metabolism revved up. This will improve energy, help you lose weight and give you a much better mood.

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Too much toast and pasta

Judy Davie

Now that daylight saving is over and the temperature has dropped I can’t stop thinking about food. I’m eating much more toast and pasta and don’t feel like eating nearly as much fruit and salad. I really don’t want to gain any weight. What do you suggest?

Kim — Geelong

It’s quite common to eat more carbohydrates during autumn and winter. Carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta, cakes and biscuits are the preferred source of energy by the body, and when we’re cold we choose these foods as a quick fuel to heat up.

The first strategy is very simple. If you think this could be the reason for extra carb consumption then wear some warmer clothes!

There is also a condition called SAD (seasonal adjustment disorder) a condition that effects women more than men. During dull weather and reduced hours of sunlight we can become anxious, depressed or just plain “blah” (out of sorts). When carbohydrates are eaten the brain makes a chemical called serotonin which makes us feel good and aids sleep. They are comforting and feel like an internal blanket has been wrapped around us. The treatment for SAD is not as simple as putting on another layer of clothing, but it can be eased by taking the herbal supplement St John’s Wort, spending as much time in the sunlight as possible, lying under a sunbed, or eating foods rich in Vitamin D. These foods include cod liver oil, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines and liver. Other foods which may help to lift seasonally adjusted depression include wholegrain cereals, nuts and seeds, garlic, cayenne pepper, ginger, fennel, dill, coriander and basil.

While you are working through this you must at least ensure that you are eating the best possible carbohydrates. These are wholegrain carbohydrates and include bulgar, oats, barley, wholegrain bread, legumes and wholemeal pasta. Not only do they contain more B vitamins to help to fight mild depression, they also have a low GI and will keep you feeling sustained for longer.

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