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Scary lump


I have a 7-year-old female Maltese Terrier that has a hard lump on the right top nipple. At first it was the size of a 5-cent piece, now it has grown to a 10-cent piece. She has not been de-sexed and the only other dogs she plays with are her mother and her sister next door.

— Diana


You need to have this lump checked out by a vet because mammary tumours (breast cancers) are far more common in older bitches that haven’t been de-sexed.

Also if it is growing rapidly and is firm this could indicate that it is an aggressive tumour. These tumours spread via the lymphatic drainage ducts to other glands further down so it definitely should be removed before that happens and while it is still relatively small.

Even if she only plays with females you may wish to de-sex her to prevent further tumours as well as the possibility of serious infections of the uterus (called Pyometra) that can occur after every heat.

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Homemade cat toys

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Cute overload!

My daughter’s cats Jupiter and Minute. Tracy.

My naughty little dog Jack who just loves to play in the water and mud! Ruth.

Mojo Cahones at 18 months. Jade.

This is Oggy giving you a hand shake. Very smart, beautiful friend. Cassie.

This is Rameses, he loves yoga poses and cuddles on my shoulder all the time. Ursula.

My two dogs. The white sheppard is Yudi, the Rotweiller/Bullmastiff is CJ. Bavonia.

This is my dog Chloe she is almost four years old. Chloe is a Mini Poodle cross Shih Tzu. Karley.

Just wanted to share a picture of my beautiful Siberian Husky, Jasper – he has startling blue eyes that sometimes appear white in colour! He is now 2 years old, and still a mischievous devil always up to something! Sharon.

Marnie is four months old and has never had a real home of her own. If you are able to offer Marnie a home, please visit petrescue.com.au


This is my beautiful 8 month old pug Tanis! Sarah.

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Tough little guys

This is Harry who just loves smiling for the camera! Maryanne.

We often view the great animal photos and wanted to send in a picture of our own pride and joy. This is Hunter, our 5-month-old Staffy. He is very friendly and loves playing with my friend’s Maltise. Katrina and Daniel.

My cat Baci. Jo.

This is a picture of our family dog Ralph. He is a beautiful Beagle and he loves to play with our older Jack Russell, Snoopy! The Humphreys Family.

This is Mac, our 18-month-old Golden Retiever. Nikki.

This is a picture of our kitten Angus, and Molly our Kelpie. They are the best of friends, both are characters and are very much loved and spoilt! Nathan and Karina.

“Aren’t I just beautiful!” Jo.

Bear just loves his new little sister Asha. Daniel.

Jet in his favourite position — upside down for sleeping. Bron.


This is my puppy Momo, she is a Beagle. Joey J.

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Princess Mary pregnant!

It’s official! The palace confirms our princess is expecting another baby!

After weeks of speculation, Princess Mary has finally confirmed she is expecting a little brother or sister for Prince Christian. Chief of the Court Per Thornit announced last week, “It is expected that the birth will take place at Copenhagen University Hospital in the beginning of May 2007.”

Mary is believed to be around 14 weeks pregnant, suggesting the new baby was conceived during the couple’s romantic summer holiday to France and Graasten Palace in the south of Denmark.

In recent weeks, Mary had taken every measure possible to ensure she concealed any evidence of a protruding belly, making sure Christian or bouquets of flowers cleverly obstructed her stomach from view.

When asked about news of a second pregnancy at an art gallery opening recently, Mary was guarded but didn’t deny it. “Aah,” she said as she turned around smiling, lifting her arms up in the air, as if in surrender.

Pregnancy rumours had been rife since early this month when Mary suddenly left a function in Russia feeling ill — suspected to be a bout of morning sickness.

In the weeks following she has reportedly been looking “very pale” on a number of occasions.

Baby speculation increased when palace officials made the sudden announcement that Mary, Frederik and Christian were making their first visit to her hometown in Tasmania in November — several months before their scheduled visit to Australia next year.

It’s believed that Mary wants to share the joy of her pregnancy with family and friends, and does not want to make the long trip any later in her pregnancy.

The Crown Princess has made no secret of wanting a big family and it’s long been thought the royal pair would have “an heir and a spare” sooner rather than later.

Princess Mary beauty tips from celebrity ‘facialist to the stars’ Ole Henriksen

Read all about Prince Christian’s christening

Mary watch

As well as weekly coverage in Woman’s Day magazine, there will also be regular Mary updates on our website throughout the week, so check back regularly for the latest on all things Mary!

Read more celebrity hot gossip from Woman’s Day

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Celebrity workouts: Pilates

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Meet Phoebe


Meet Phoebe — she’s two-and-a-half years old and likes to dance, play with her 14-month-old brother Jacob, and sing along with Max and Milly on TV. She loves Weetbix, playing with mega blocks, and paddling in the baby pool — perfectly normal, except for the fact that she has a rare condition called Alstrom syndrome, which is so rare that she’s one of four people in Australia to have it.

As a result, she’s already had heart failure and is at very high risk of getting diabetes because of her weight, which is another effect of the illness.

She is legally blind, has flat feet and gaps between her teeth, is on constant medication, has developmental skill problems, and her organs will eventually deteriorate and she’ll need transplants.

She can’t go outside and play like other children because she’s sensitive to light and the doctors have predicted she’ll completely lose her sight and hearing within the next five years — her world will be blackness and absolute silence; she’ll be trapped in her own body.

“How am I going to communicate with her?” says her 21-year-old single mum Kelly.

“She will never hear or see me, she will never hear ‘I love you’ from me again.”

To try to treat the illness, she’s had test after test, three life-times’ worth of needles and repeated hospitalisations — sometimes up to two months at a time — but the doctors in Australia can only go so far, as they don’t know enough about the illness yet.

But there’s a ray of light at the end of this tunnel. They’ve been invited to the Alstrom Clinic in Texas where they’ll find out more about the illness and how to minimise the effects. There, the Alstrom syndrome specialists can meet Phoebe and help find a cure or just even further treatment. But there’s just one problem — they can’t get there.

“There’s no way we can afford to go,” says Kelly.

“I’m a single mum, trying to keep clothes on my children and food on the table. I’ve moved back home with my mum to try save some money so I can hopefully, one day, buy a home for them. I would like to get my own place before she completely loses her sight and hearing, so she at least knows her way around the house.

“Even if going to the clinic doesn’t help Phoebe with her life on earth, the research would help other children born with the syndrome,” she says.

Kelly and her family are frantically trying to raise enough money to go to America and to also buy things for Phoebe’s future, such as hearing devices, shade cloths for around the house, interstate hospital trips, and for any unpredictable complication.

“I’ve been running around like a crazy woman trying to raise funds. I’ve got a headache, I’m tired and stressed. Sometimes I break down because everything is so overwhelming.”

“It’s so sad that Phoebe can’t have a normal life and I’m scared that her heart will stop again or that her organs will start deteriorating.

“But she’s a happy girl who gets treated with all the love in the world by us and we aren’t letting anything bring her down.

“The doctors only gave her 20 percent of making it when her heart stopped, and she made it, so she’s a fighter, and we will fight this,” says Kelly.

If you’d like to donate money to help Phoebe, please contact Kelly on 0404 755 722, (03) 6229 3599 or via [email protected]

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Balloon belly

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

‘I don’t have to lose much weight, but I do have a very bloated stomach and carry a lot of excess fruit. I want to wear a bikini this summer but my stomach sometimes looks like a balloon. It’s embarrassing.’

You could be suffering from fluid retention or digestive problems causing abdominal bloating. Fluid retention can be the result of many things, including smoking, too much salt in the diet, medication, etc.

Cut down on packaged foods and buy sodium-reduced goods. Eating salads with cos lettuce, celery, parsley and watercress may help reduce fluid retention, as might watermelon and pineapple.

Another cause of abdominal bloating is candida albicans, a fungal infection caused by a diet high in refined sugar and processed carbohydrates. Often triggered by a course of antibiotics which kills the good bacteria in the gut, candida can be treated by eliminating sugar and yeast-promoting foods such as bread, biscuits, cakes, oranges, melons, lemons, grapes. Other symptoms of candida include fatigue, a white coated tongue and white mucous discharge. If you suspect candida may be the problem, see a natural health practitioner for treatment.

Eating too quickly, swallowing air when you eat or eating food your body may have difficulty digesting can also cause bloating. Highly processed wheat products, like bread, pastries and cake may aggravate your condition, as may lactose in dairy foods.

If you eat excessive amounts of either wheat or dairy, try cutting down your intake to see if it makes a difference.

Finally, to improve digestion you should avoid water for at least one hour after eating.

‘Is there a good fat-free salad dressing to use? Most diet books suggest lemon juice or nothing at all on salads but I don’t like them without a dressing of some sort.’

I’m not a big fan of commercial dressings — those with no calories are full of other food chemicals which may present worse problems than added calories. Everything we eat should have some positive effect on the health and a salad dressing made from good oils has many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, cholesterol-related gallstones, improving digestive function and lowering the risk of some types of cancer.

As part of a reduced-energy diet and provided you eat it in moderation, you can include salad dressing.

A dressing using one tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and a half tablespoon balsamic vinegar is enough for two large salads and only adds an extra 83 calories to highly nutritious but low-energy salad ingredients.

For a delicious Asian-tasting salad, try this fat-free, low-energy dressing which only adds 40 calories to each salad serve.

Fat-free Asian salad dressing

1 garlic clove

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

1 tsp lemongrass, finely chopped

½ tablespoon maple syrup

½ tablespoon fish sauce

Juice 2 limes

Blend the ingredients together in a food processor

Serves 4

‘My husband is about to have a hip operation and even though he knows he has to lose at least 20 kilos, he won’t do anything about it. He eats all the wrong things and drinks too much beer and wine. I know deep down he’s worried but he laughs it off if I try to talk to him about it.’

Men have a great ability to bury their heads in the sand when faced with a health challenge, especially if fixing the problem involves changing old habits and behaviours. When joints and organs wear out before their time, it’s a cry from the body demanding change, so like it or not he has no choice but to do something about this before his quality of life deteriorates completely. He needs to face the fact his life is going to change whether he acts or not. Better he act to change it for the better.

The good news is most men, when they do pull their head out and commit to change, are generally more successful than women when it comes to achieving weight loss.

The simplest place to start is in cutting out/down alcohol intake. Four schooners of beer each day is the equivalent of 2500kj or 595 calories. Add to that ½ bottle red wine with the evening meal and the alcohol intake alone has clocked up a total of 3600kj a day. One kilogram fat takes approx 32,000kj energy to burn off, therefore if your husband did nothing more than cut out alcohol he could lose one kilo in less than nine days.

Another problem with many people, particularly men, is they forget to eat for long stretches at a time. If starved of food repeatedly, the body prepares for a famine, storing fat in preparation of lean times ahead.

Eating four to five meals a day is the only effective long-term way to lose weight.

A typical healthy day’s diet might include:


Small fruit salad with low-fat natural yoghurt

1 cup baked beans with 1 slice soy and linseed toast (no butter)

Grilled tomato

Mug tea with low-fat milk

Morning snack

Mug tea with low-fat milk


Sandwich made with roast beef (fat trimmed) on wholemeal pitta and packed with avocado and salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, beetroot, grated carrot, sprouts)

Afternoon snack

Small handful of almonds (approx 30) and 6 dried apricot halves

10cm cube cheddar cheese


3 grilled medium lamb cutlets (fat trimmed)

1 tablespoon mint jelly

1 cup steamed broccoli with ½ teaspoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon roasted slivered almonds

½ cup steamed sweet potato

¼ cup green peas with mint

1 glass red wine (150ml)

Make sure he drinks plenty of water throughout the day and caution him not to replace water with cups of tea!

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I made my best friend fat!

My flatmate Jenny and I had been best friends since we were five and we did everything together … until Alex arrived on the scene. Even on the first date, Alex was Mr Wonderful. He was constantly telling me how beautiful I looked and I was hooked on his gorgeous smile. I knew this was going to be something special.

Jenny, however, hated my intense new love affair, constantly moaning that she didn’t deserve to be the single one. The only reason Alex didn’t move in was because Jenny wouldn’t have put up with it.

The trouble really started when we started talking about marriage; she flew into a rage, screaming that I was fat and ugly and it should have been her to get married first. I should have seen this as a warning, but I was so happy at that time I just dismissed it. She was the beautiful one, the thin one, it must have been hard to take. But I should have taken her outburst more seriously, because before long things got much, much worse.

Not long afterwards, Jenny started making jibes whenever she could in front of Alex. She would say I looked fat or tell me off for eating — even vegetables! Alex stood up for me initially, but this didn’t stop Jenny! She began wearing really skimpy, sexy outfits all the time. One night I went home early from work and noticed Alex’s car already parked outside. It was strange, because he didn’t like Jenny enough to be there without me. I opened the front door to find them kissing passionately on the couch, half of their clothes strewn on the floor. Alex fled almost immediately, but Jenny didn’t even seem to care, she wanted me to see it.

We fought about who was going to leave the flat. Jenny wouldn’t and I couldn’t afford to lose the bond so I was stuck there. But Jenny was going to pay and I knew just how to get her!

At first, I just did it to see if she would notice; I would switch the no-fat cheese and light mayonnaise she bought to the high-fat variety. When I realized how easy it was, it became an addictive game: how far could I go before she noticed?

I stirred butter into her sauces as they cooked; I basted her meat with lard and added fat to her casseroles. I waited to get caught, but she never seemed to notice — I think she liked the improved taste so much she was happy to believe that nothing was out of the ordinary!

It wasn’t long before she started to thicken up around the waist. Pretty soon, she couldn’t even wear any of her own clothes. The funny thing was she couldn’t even diet; when she tried, I just replaced the food!

I almost felt guilty for what I was doing, but Jenny never let me forget that she had stolen Alex because she was thin and I was fat, so my shame never lasted long.

I ran into Jenny a few months ago and I didn’t even recognise her at first, she was so big. She looked really unhealthy. I realised what I’d done was wrong. We chatted and she even invited me around for a coffee, but I didn’t go. I couldn’t look at her without remembering that I was the reason she was fat.

Picture posed by models.

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Secrets of Shanghai: China’s holiday gem

Known as the Pearl of the Orient, Shanghai has always been a sophisticated and elegant city. Today, it sizzles with style, blending East and West, modern and colonial under a spectacular scifi skyline
Shanghai city lights

Few outsiders are privy to the delights that await them just beyond the city boundaries. Here, four charming little towns — Wuzhen, Suzhou, Tongli, and Hangzhou — reveal some of the wonders of Chinese civilisation. They’re famous for their ancient lake gardens, pavilions, waterways and wooden bridges, and have changed little since they were built during imperial times. Today, one is even known as the “Venice of the East”.

What you’ll find: a cosy little town whose charms lie in stepped stone bridges, ancient docks, waterside pavilions and fine architectural detailing. Also look out for lion and dragon bronze door knockers, intricately carved wooden screens and women navigating the flat-bottomed punts along the canals, often dressed in tunics and conical straw hats.

More than 80 per cent of the town has remained unchanged since the 17th century. Some areas originated in the Song Dynasty (960-1279); the rest was built during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Though tradionally famous for its distinctive blue-and-white patterned textiles — which the locals dye and weave in workshops — today, visitors also come to visit the traditional herbal pharmacies, a wonderful museum of Chinese carved mahogany beds (some the size of modern bedrooms) and beautifully preserved ancient houses full of antiques.

Like Wuzhen, it also has a Grand Canal (completed during the Sui Dynasty between 589-618) and a network of lakes and waterways.

The gardens originated when officials from the imperial court retired here in a bid to shun worldly affairs. Their ideal was to create vistas that would open up like landscape scrolls. Today, Suzhou is a microcosm of ancient imperial China — a living museum that still lives up to the phrase: “There is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below”.

During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), it was popular among scholars and poets from the imperial court. One poet wrote:

“The town is a world of water and the views are like paint;

The roads of the town are made up of water,

The rivers of the town are made up of water,

And the gardens of the town are also made up of water.”

You soon get the idea when you arrive. Don’t miss the Tulsi Garden, where ancient wooden houses and elegant pavilions with peaked roofs surround a lake of water lilies, bordered by shrubs and graceful trees.

Besides the bridges and water gardens, the local sights include teahouses, shops and ancient meeting halls with carved wooden beams.

Imagine hazy hills rising above willow-lined banks forming crinkled silhouettes punctuated by solitary pagodas and tiny boats floating on glassy reflections. The gardens are imperial, the landscape quintessentially Chinese, and there’s more than enough walking, cycling and green spaces to keep everyone leisurely occupied.

The gardens are at their most atmospheric during the early morning or late in the afternoon, especially if you’re lucky enough to see them emerge from a light mist. They’ve charmed generations of emperors and still work their magic today.

China tours

Australia’s leading China holiday specialist, Helen Wong’s Tours (tel: 02 9267 7833 and 1300 788328; www.helenwongstours.com) can arrange itineraries to Shanghai, Wuzhen, Tongli, Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The company also has a 14-day China Highlights tour. Beginning in Shanghai, it encompasses Guilin with its inspiring limestone peaks; Xian, home of the ancient Terracotta Warriors, and Beijing, host of the 2008 Olympics and location of the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China. Priced from $5930 per person, twin share, flying Qantas from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Adelaide. And a 18-day Supreme China tour that includes the China Highlights tour, plus a cruise on the Yangtze River. Priced from $7165 per person, twin share, flying Qantas from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Adelaide.

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