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Clipping in summer

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own and browse our archives.


My six year old Border Terrier really feels the heat. I would love to be able to cut his fur during the summer but have been advised that their coats shouldn’t be clipped. What should I do?

— Johnanna


On those hot days at the end of summer, there is nothing your Border Terrier would like to do more than to remove that thick jumper he’s been hauling around. So do it for him and give him a clip! The idea that his hair will never grow back, is in my opinion a bit of a myth. Sure it will take a few months to get back to how it looked before, however it’s a small price to pay for how your dog will feel now.

I promise you’ll almost be able to see the smile on his face. Removing that extra fur allows him to lose more body heat through radiating that heat away from his skin. And considering the fact that dogs can’t sweat and have to rely solely on panting to cool down, every bit of help counts. With a shorter coat, he will also be at a smaller risk of ‘hot-spots’ that in my experience occur when warmth and moisture are trapped close to the skin, allowing bacteria to breed.

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Dog grooming

Have a great pet tip? Share it here and read some great tips from other pet lovers.

Try buying a rubber body brush (normally for a horse) and use it to groom your dog. I find it doesn’t hold the hair and is suitable for dogs with dense coats (like the Bullmastiff).

— Verity

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Drink more milk

Diet Club

If you find yourself eating too much at mealtimes, try and have a glass of plain milk with your meal to help fill you up. Drink more plain milk in place of snacking throughout the day/night. It’s better for you than chips, biscuits, coffee etc.

But don’t forget to exercise and stay off your bum if you can, and say to yourself, “I am beautiful, I am healthy,” all the time. You will start to feel better.

And remember it won’t happen overnight but it will happen!

— Chellene

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Hot Gossip — Jan 29-Feb 5, 2007

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Oprah’s ultimate betrayal

Oprah Winfrey “cried and cried” for days when she learnt her half-sister Patricia Lloyd had sold her deepest, darkest secret to a US tabloid magazine.

Now she’s preparing for more heartache. Just weeks after learning her closest family and friends are set to dish the dirt in an explosive new tell-all book, Oprah has spoken for the first time about her most heartbreaking betrayal.

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day. On sale Jan 29.

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Island Proposal: Marry me again Simone

Shane and Simone Warne are more in love than ever — and they no longer care who knows it.

Soon to be man and wife again, the lovers spent the last week soaking up the sun, and each other, on an exotic Fijian getaway.

In their first public display of passion since they reunited, the scantily clad couple kissed and cuddled in full view of fellow poolside guests at the luxury Shangri-La resort.

“Looking at those lovebirds giggling, flirting and kissing made my day,” sighs one bikini-clad tourist, who watched Shane, 37, and Simone, 36, “cavort and kiss” in and out of the resort’s pool.

“They could hardly keep their hands off each other,” the guest adds. “Simone was radiant and beaming and just lapping up all the attention from Shane.”

For the full story, plus exclusive pics of the holidaying lovebirds, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day. On sale Jan 29.

Watch the exclusive ACA video of their island holiday: Warnie and Simone together again.

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Keith tells: Nicole saved my life

In his most revealing and personal interview ever, an emotional Keith Urban has credited his seven-month marriage to Nicole Kidman with saving his life.

Speaking for the first time since his release from a 90-day stint in rehab, the country singer gushes about Nicole, calling her a “good ray of sun in my life”.

“My wife stayed extraordinarily strong and loving,” he says. “I felt very, very loved, and I felt very supported. I never felt alone.”

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day. On sale Jan 29.

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‘I was swallowed by a shark and lived’

Eric Nerhus’s all-too-close encounter with a razor-toothed white pointer shark on the far south coast of NSW has captivated the world — and he knows how lucky he is to be telling his story of survival.

“It’s the only time I’ve ever felt true fear in my life,” says Eric, 41, speaking exclusively with Woman’s Day from his hospital bed 24 hours after the horrific attack.

Don’t miss this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale Jan 29) to read of Eric’s miraculous survival from the jaws of a killer shark.

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The basic rules of healthy eating

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

“I need help with the daily meal prep for both my partner and myself (and we both want to lose weight) and my seven-year-old daughter. I don’t want to be preparing different meals for each person.”

There’s no reason why you have to make different meals for the whole family. Whether you need to lose weight or just want to maintain good health the principles of healthy eating are the same. What you need to do is modify your portion sizes, increase the level of physical activity and cut back on treats.

The basic rules of healthy eating include:

Eating five serves of fresh veggies and two serves of fruit each day and including the best choices from each food group with each meal.

The food groups include:

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My internet lover

One day I visited a singles website out of idle curiosity. Scrolling through photos of all kinds of guys, I was astonished at the immense range of men on offer; old, young, fat, skinny, ugly, and some just plain bloody gorgeous.

I came across a very dishy guy; early thirties, smooth, toned torso with a ‘come hither’ smile. Not too many muscles either — as if he spent too much time admiring himself in the gym. Besides, men with perfectly moulded physiques intimidate me; I become uncomfortably aware of my own neglected and under-exercised body.

However, I still considered him to be way out of my league. I’m forty-ish, overweight and a single mother of three. I would have loved to get to know this guy better, but figured he wouldn’t be interested in someone like me. So, with a sigh of regret, I logged out and started on dinner in an attempt to forget him. If only it was that easy!

It wasn’t just his photo, the accompanying blurb intrigued me. He wrote of how he loved children, would love to have some of his own, loved sailing and dreamed of taking his future family yachting one day. I too had fantasised of sailing with a loving man, together with my children, seeing the world.

Impatiently, I shook myself free of daydreams. “Dream on, girl,” I told myself, “Bet he wouldn’t love three instant children!”

Even a week or so later, I still couldn’t get this guy out of my mind. For a laugh, I thought I’d get in contact, just to prove to myself he was not worth losing sleep over. I e-mailed a short note attached to a scanned photo of an attractive woman from a magazine who reminded me of myself ten years ago.

If he wanted to meet in person, I’d just fob him off with some excuse, pretend I was going away to America, whatever. I was highly skilled at making up excuses..

He emailed back and we began to correspond via e-mail. Soon we were e-mailing daily and sharing our souls and lives with each other. Luckily, he didn’t ever suggest meeting face-to-face.

After a time, it was clear to me that our relationship was special and that it was inevitable that he would want to meet with me in person. I knew I had to tell him the truth. I had to tell him I wasn’t the woman in the photo, that I was actually ten years older and fatter, with considerably more wrinkles.

With shaking hands, I poured myself a glass of red wine and dialled his number. I explained that the photo of me was not really me.

He listened in silence, there was a long pause, then he admitted that the photo of him was not really of him either. A stunned silence, then we both burst out laughing. You see, by then, it was no longer important to either of us how the other looked. We were in love with each other’s souls, not with each other’s bodies.

We did eventually meet and are now planning our first round-the-world sailing trip with the children.

Picture posed by model.

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