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A substantial breakfast

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

“Can you suggest some easy protein-based hot breakfasts that my daughter can prepare herself with little effort, that taste great, excluding porridge and eggs? Some simple food to pop in the oven would be good. My daughter is a hairdresser and sometimes doesn’t get lunch till 2, 3 or 4pm.”

Regardless of what your daughter eats at breakfast, she should try to eat something no later than four hours after her last meal. Nuts, a great mid-meal snack are easy to transport. Raw nuts such as almonds are the best. They provide fibre, energy from their good fat content and are also a reasonably good source of protein.

If your daughter doesn’t like eggs, you could make a scrambled tofu by using a soft tofu. Simply heat a very small amount of oil in a pan, sauté a few chopped veggies such as capsicum and onion and add the tofu, stirring with a wooden spoon. Flavour it with a dash of tamari sauce and serve it on wholegrain toast.

Baked beans on toast are another great low GI protein food. When the beans are combined with the grain they complete all eight essential amino acids that make a complete protein. It’s a filling, well-balanced high fibre meal — even better when you add some veggies like tomato and mushrooms.

Cottage cheese is another good low fat protein food and served again with wholegrain toast, avocado and cottage cheese.

A popular breakfast in the northern hemisphere is fish: grilled kippers, sardines, herring grilled and served with grain bread — another great protein and terrific source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Smoked salmon on grain bread with avocado and tomatoes is also good but should be eaten in moderation due to its high salt content.

Milk is a great source of protein and low fat milk and yoghurt made into a smoothie with fresh fruit, a tablespoon of flax seed oil and some seeds is one of the healthiest starts to the day. If she doesn’t like oats, you could make up semolina with low fat milk sweetened with honey, dried fruit and nuts for extra fibre. Semolina is low GI and will provide a slow and steady supply of energy for the morning.

Regardless of all that, you should encourage your daughter to make sure she snacks on something three hours after breakfast — nuts, a few dried apricots, an apple or other piece of fruit, a small 30g block of cheese or some hummus dip with a couple of grain crackers are some of my favourites.

“I notice in your seven day diet plan on the website you begin each day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice. What are the benefits of this?”

Starting the day with warm water and lemon juice helps to stimulate the digestive system in preparation for the first meal of the day, breakfast. It also kick starts the metabolism and boosts your energy levels. It may stimulate the bowel, and acts as a gentle detoxifier. You should use boiling water, approx 350ml with the juice of half a lemon and leave it until it’s cooled sufficiently to drink. Don’t use any more than half a lemon as too much acetic acid can affect the enamel of your teeth.

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Allan Border Medal 2007

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Princess Mary’s marriage crisis

The lonely princess’s future is in doubt as a royal feud tears her and Fred apart.

Bitter divisions in the Danish royal family are threatening to tear Princess Mary’s marriage apart and have left the mum-to-be with secret fears for her future.

Mary is also furious that Prince Frederik isn’t standing by her as she struggles to maintain her position within a palace fraught with vicious in-fighting.

Worse still, Mary fears changes to her pre-nup ? insisted on by the royal family ? could see her lose everything, including her children, if her marriage to Frederik should ever falter.

Insiders say Mary is seething that Fred has been away sailing with his mates in the US while she rides out the storm back home in Denmark alone.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 5)

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Kylie blasts Olivier: It’s over

The pop star calls it quits over the French actor’s constant betrayals.

A heartbroken Kylie Minogue has finally ended her four-year romance with Olivier Martinez, telling the flirty French actor their relationship is over after his latest shock betrayal.

Tired of constant innuendo about her lover’s womanising, friends say Olivier’s latest flirtations last week, with Israeli model Sarai Givati and actress Michelle Rodriguez, were the final straw.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 5)

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Billy Crystal — My family are my everything

Billy Crystal reveals the inspiration behind the show he’s performing in Australia.

He could have hosted the Academy Awards in a few weeks time, but comic superstar and actor Billy Crystal chose to tour Australia instead.

Billy, who turns 60 next month, is here to perform 700 Sundays, a self-penned tribute to his father Jack, who died when he was 15, and his mother Helen, who passed away six years ago.

The show has been incredibly successful. Are you surprised?

I’m thrilled. But I guess everyone can relate to the themes. It’s a very warm, funny show with an unusual message. It’s about standing on your own feet after you lose your parents. It’s confronting when we become orphans, but the show has helped me come to terms with it.

What is the show’s message?

Have fun! Make sure the days you have are great and full and have as much fun as you can with the people you care about. I was 15 when I lost my dad. He worked six days a week and I calculated we enjoyed 700 Sundays together.

Why come to Australia?

Having toured most of the US with the show, I wanted to take it to another country. I wanted to see if its themes about family would work in another part of the world. I first visited Sydney eight or nine years ago and loved the people. They were so happy and friendly and I’ve never forgotten it. When I decided to go somewhere new, I thought, let’s play Sydney and Melbourne.

Which comedians do you admire?

My mentor Bill Cosby once said to me that when he first started out, there were 20 comedians … and five were good. Now there are 10,000 comics … and five are good! No, really, there are many brilliant young people in the States and I’m anxious to see some comedy in Australia. I admire Chris Rock and those guys, also David Letterman and Jon Stewart. And I think Robin Williams is as perfect as you can get!

What did you think of former Seinfeld star Michael Richards’ recent racist outburst on stage during a stand-up performance?

Michael’s a friend. He’s not that way. I think he got caught up in an awful stage. It was awful … disgraceful. I think he had a meltdown, in that he thought he was going to be funny and he just slipped up. It was awful to watch. I feel bad for him. I hope he can somehow find peace and work through this and that audiences will forgive him at some point.

You’re one of those rare showbiz types who is still married to the same partner after several decades. Congratulations!

If you met Janice, you would understand why. We’ve been going together for 37 years. Janice is the great strength of my life. My family means everything to me. I have two great daughters — Jenny, who’s 34, and Lindsay, 29, and two grandchildren — Ella, 3, and Dylan, 1. They’re both beauties. Having grandkids puts life in perspective. Someone older leaves and someone new comes along … that’s how it goes.

For more of this interview, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 5)

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Madonna and Guy’s divorce talks

The singer flees to Paris with another man after a public row with her hubby.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie‘s troubled marriage has hit crisis point, with the couple in serious divorce talks, according to close friends.

The singer was seen leaving the Paris Ritz Hotel with a mystery man after she fled to Europe following a string of blazing public rows with Guy.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 5)

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Hot Gossip — Feb 5 – 12, 2007

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Renae slams Schapelle — ‘She’s a liar’

Renae Lawrence

Schapelle Corby is a “sick sociopath” who “lies all the time” to get sympathy, according to her former prison mate, Bali Nine drug mule Renae Lawrence.

Hurt and furious at being described as a “psychopathic lesbian” and a “freak” in Schapelle’s best-selling book My Story, the 29-year-old has finally decided to get even by telling her version of events behind the grim walls of Bali’s Kerobokan jail.

In a secret, exclusive interview with Woman’s Day, staged behind bars at Kerobokan visitors’ centre, Renae opens the pages of her own prison diary to reveal:

The “inside story” on Schapelle’s jail romances with Tjin “Eddy” Yu and Bali Nine tough guy Andrew Chan Why her former friend Schapelle stopped going to church Schapelle’s involvement in “weird” ritual ceremonies How Corby broke a pact with Australian model Michelle Leslie — who was caught with an ecstasy pill last year — and the Bali Nine not to discuss each other in public Her “lies” about conditions inside Kerobokan Schapelle’s snubs to her Aussie well-wishers

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 5)

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I faked infertility to keep my career

My career has always been my first love, but when I was 31 I agreed to marry a lovely man that I had been seeing for several years.

Sam was really keen to have children straight away but I was focussed on my job and doing really well so I managed to convince him to wait a few years. He kept bringing up the topic and, although I was still not interested, I eventually agreed to start trying for a family.

I started taking folic acid and calcium and stopped drinking alcohol. But secretly I kept taking the pill. I felt terrible but I knew that if I got pregnant now I would lose my job, I figured this was the best way to keep everyone happy. Besides, by this time I was still only 34 and figured that I still had plenty of time to have children later, when I had achieved what I wanted at work.

Sam was so excited, he started buying little present for our ‘baby’ and spent time researching the best cots, car seats and carriers. I felt bad but I’d just been promoted again and was able to throw myself into work and forget about my lie.

Each month when I got my period Sam was so sad, and I had to pretend to be too. He’d cook me special meals full of baby-making vitamins and burn oils that supposedly promoted fertility. After a year of “unsuccessful attempts” Sam suggested seeing a fertility specialist. I put it off as long as I could but eventually I had to agree to go along.

I felt sick sitting in a waiting room surrounding by hopeful looking couples waiting nervously. I had to lie to the doctor and undergo a series of tests. When I couldn’t take it anymore I broke down and cried to Sam that all the testing was too intrusive and made me feel like a failure. I was consumed by guilt. As always, Sam was so wonderful and supportive, I hated lying to him.

By this time Sam has spent loads of money on all kinds of “natural treatments” and with the stress of it all, along with me working longer and longer hours at work, we began to fight. Sam resented me spending so much time at work and putting extra stress on my body. Gradually we stopped fighting and gave up on the idea of a baby of our own.

Today I am 46 and have pretty much missed out on my chance to have children. It hurts me to watch the sad look on Sam’s face when he plays with our friends’ children. And it hurts me even more to watch the sympathetic look that my poor childless husband gives me; misinterpreting my guilt for the pain of being unable to give him what he wanted.

No job is that important. If only I’d realised this 10 years ago.

Picture posed by model.

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February seven-day meal plan

With holidays behind us and school back, there are no excuses left for putting off your 2007 health and fitness plan — other than thinking you’ve no time to do it.

February’s plan has time restrictions in mind — the meals are quick and easy and most of the dinners serve four, so you don’t have to make different meals for everyone in the household.

If you don’t have four mouths to feed, simply adapt the quantity of ingredients to suit.

Of course, the whole family may not want to lose weight, so you can boost their intake with larger portions of wholegrain carbs or indulge them with some fruit and ice-cream after the main course is over.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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