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Dressing your age

One of the most challenging fashion dilemmas for women over 40 is how to dress appropriately for their age.

Style expert Kim Johnson Gross explains “our bodies are in transition. Our lifestyles are changing. We may be becoming empty nesters, divorcing, starting new jobs.”

As your bodies are changing, so must your clothes, it’s important to learn how to flatter your body without doing a style overhaul.

The key to looking your best and dealing with these changes is about refreshing your look.

The AWW fashion team recommends starting with shoes and bags, as this is the fastest and simplest way to update your look.

Women over 40 need to learn how to adapt the season’s trends to suit them. For example, a key trend this winter is plaid — instead of dressing top to toe in plaid try a plaid skirt with a black sweater and black opaque tights.

Most of all, you need to learn not to hang on to what worked before; undergo what Gross calls a ‘Style Evolution’ and learn to dress for your new assets.

Fashion don’t’s for over 40s

  • Don’t dress too young. The worst thing you can do is to dress younger than you are. It can make you look older.

  • No miniskirts — regardless of how great your legs are.

  • Avoid baggy clothes and look for pieces that flatter your shape.

  • Don’t follow the ‘trend’ of the moment. Instead, find a print or a bold piece of jewelry and develop a signature look.

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Does pilates have a place in your fitness routine?

Pilates mat

Pilates is the people pleaser of today’s workout world. There are classes available at every gym and health professionals — such as physiotherapists and osteopaths — are setting up combined practices with pilates studios. Madonna and Gwyneth may swear by the total body benefits, but is pilates your best bet for exercise? Let’s take a look at some interesting research that says pilates has a place in your fitness routine.

The importance of three types of exercise

To lose weight (or to be effective at managing a healthy weight) there is no denying the power of exercise. The best approach is to achieve significant energy and fat-burning benefits from regular aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. For best results, you should also add in strength and flexibility training. Pilates certainly builds a strong core and increases flexibility, but despite participants feeling they are working hard, the cardio portion of the workout is often missing.

Huff and puff to blow the weight away

One study looking at the intensity of different levels of pilates classes measured heart rates and oxygen consumption at each session. The data as reported in Nutrition Today showed that the average percentage of maximum heart rate was 54 percent with the advanced class eliciting a higher response of 62 percent — both below recommended levels. Target heart rates for fitness and health gains are between 70 and 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 beats per minute (bpm) minus your age. A heart rate monitor is an easy way to keep track of your heart rate while you’re exercising.

Mix it up

The take-home message is that pilates is a valuable and popular form of exercise, but you need to consider the power of three for all-round fitness, good health and weight management. When you combine your weekly pilates sessions with brisk walking or other gym classes that work you at a target heart rate, you’ll be well on track.

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Hamish and Andy take the plunge

They’re bachelors no more but radio duo Hamish Blake and Andy Lee had fun playing up on a visit to Sydney.

What makes you laugh?

Andy: The people in our lives that make us laugh are our housemates and our friends.

Hamish: I am looking for new friends though. I have a space for two.

Andy: So if you could put in some kind of advertisement for him. Is that possible?

What kind of friend are you looking for?

Hamish: Casual, once to twice a week contact. Very platonic. I don’t have a vacancy for a best friend but each year I do a review. Once you’re in the group you’re a real chance to get there.

Andy: I’ve got no vacancies whatsoever. There’s a huge waiting list and I’ll have to let one go.

Do people ever get you confused with each other?

Hamish: Of course, and we get mistaken for Merrick and Rosso from time to time.

Who is the funniest one?

Hamish: Hamish by a mile. No, Andy is one of the funniest guys in the world. Having said that, we do keep a joke scorecard and it’s 98 to 95, that’s over 7 years!

What would your profiles be on a dating web site?

Hamish: Andy Lee’s friend!

Andy: You lie on those things, that’s the beauty of those things. I’d say 6-foot five, buff, full beard, short shorts, run marathons, can benchpress a car.

Hamish: I’d make up an obscure fact they could never check.

Andy: Like being in the NASA secret division so don’t ask me about it.

How did you become an entertainment duo?

Hamish: We met when we were 19 at uni. We were mates before we decided to go into radio and it’s turned out to be a living, which is great. That’s why we’re having so much fun doing it because first and foremost we’re mates. It’s the most important thing to us.

Do you give each other advice?

Andy: Sure, we do all that.

Hamish: You just hope that he doesn’t use it against you on air. But you know he secretly will.

Do your girlfriends worry you’ll do the same to them?

Hamish: I’m lucky enough that I’ve been with my girlfriend for two years so when we started doing the show she became part of it.

Andy: Both our girlfriends are very down to earth and enjoy listening, and us taking the piss out of each other. Both girlfriends help the other guy bring down each other. Anna’s always on the phone to Andy telling him things I’ve done which is annoying because I live with a spy.

Andy, how do the Italians feel about you dating Megan?

Hamish: They call you “il devillo”, the devil! You stole their favourite daughter. No, I really I have no idea. I would love to get an Italian person on the show to tell us what they thought. It’s like Kylie Minogue going out with some slouchy guy. I love you mate!

Andy: When she comes to and leaves me I can go back to you Hamish.

For more of this interview, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale Feb 19).

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Aussie air hostess tells: My wild fling with Ralph Fiennes

Lisa Robertson couldn’t be more ecstatic about joining the Mile High Club with Hollywood heart-throb Ralph Fiennes.

The statuesque stewardess and former undercover cop says her sexy mid-air romp with Ralph was so good they couldn’t wait to continue their lusty tryst back on the ground.

In an exclusive interview with Woman’s Day a very candid Lisa says the encounter was well worth being suspended from her job over.

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 19).

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Susie’s baby tragedy

Just weeks ago a jubilant Susie was celebrating New Year’s Eve with the knowledge she was pregnant ? happy news she and hubby Robert Daniels had been hoping for.

With so many triumphs under her belt, motherhood was to be her ultimate conquest. However a sudden bout of severe pain followed by bleeding only weeks into her pregnancy left Susie fearing the worst.

“At first the ultrasound didn’t reveal anything,” she says through tears. “So all the while I kept hoping my baby was going to be all right. It was a nightmare. Like it wasn’t real.”

For the full story see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale February 19).

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Is hot chocolate good for you?

Judy Davie

**”Your article about whether chocolate is good for you was great! Now I wonder about hot chocolate or powdered cocoa drinks. Do they contain any significant quantities of antioxidants? Should they only be consumed three times a month?”

— Trish**

It’s a bit like red wine — we know it contains some antioxidants which give us the excuse we need to drink it, but the bottom line is there are many other foods which provide significantly more antioxidants.

That said, even though we know we could buy a pack of blueberries and get three times more antioxidants, sometimes we just want chocolate! I understand you. I’m one of those people.

There are varying schools of thought on the best hot chocolate or powdered cocoa drinks on the market. Some dieticians base their best choice on the energy, fat and carbohydrate content found on the nutritional panel, but in my opinion that’s just part of the picture. Turn to the ingredient list. Artificial sugars, non-fat milk solids and a host of other additives may help reduce the energy and fat content but the additives negate the antioxidant effects of the cocoa.

A top quality cocoa has more antioxidants from flavonoids than any cheaper hot chocolate or cocoa drink. It’s also more bitter, which is a good thing as, like with dark chocolate, you’re less likely to over consume!

Here’s my tip

Buy a natural cocoa with no additives. Make it in a pan with skimmed or reduced fat milk. Sweeten it yourself with no more than one teaspoon of sugar or honey. Consider it a treat and not an everyday food.

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I live with my husband and my lover

I was adopted as a baby. During my teens I decided I wanted to find my birth mother and wondered if I had any brothers or sisters. Searches were unsuccessful and with time my teenage angst passed and I stopped thinking about my birth mother as I was busy with career, relationships and social life.

I met my husband Adam while working in a remote mining community. We married, travelled the world and finally settled down. Our attempts at baby-making were futile and eventually after much discussion we decided to live a childless life. My sister had a bunch of babies. I was already their favourite auntie and Adam and I felt we could express our parental urges on members of our extended family. I worked as a personal assistant in the city and Adam flew in and out from his mining position in the outback — his roster was six weeks on and two weeks off.

Materially we had everything we needed, a beautiful house in a leafy suburb, luxurious holidays at five-star locations, new cars and an ever-increasing art collection. It seemed to everyone we were happy. But the truth was that I was lonely, very lonely during those six weeks and at night I was scared. I hated being by myself at night. Adam had an expensive alarm system installed and tried to convince me that it would make me feel safe. I tried lamely to agree but my fears still bubbled beneath the surface.

As the years passed I resumed the search for my birth mother and any siblings I may have had. I was not having much luck and one day after yet another dead end, I picked up my purse and car keys and decided on some retail therapy at an art gallery I had been meaning to visit for some months.

As soon as I stepped into the gallery I could feel someone looking at me. A tall, dark-haired man, casually but stylishly dressed, was behind the desk and his eyes were firmly on me.

“Do I know you?” I asked curiously.

“Not yet,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.

And that is how the affair with Oliver began. It wasn’t long before Oliver moved into the guest bedroom, where he lived for six weeks at a time, returning to his flat above the gallery for the two weeks that Adam was at home. Nights of fear and loneliness were over for me; I slept safely in Oliver’s arms and moved back to my marital bedroom when Adam returned home. I finally had it all.

Then one evening as Oliver and I were finishing dinner, Adam appeared in the doorway — he was home earlier than expected.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t phone, everything conspired against me today, it was a sudden change of plans, I only had an hour’s notice I was to come home, then I thought I would give you a surprise.” he said, looking at Oliver and me curiously.

“You certainly did that!” I said, trying to hide my shock. “But now that you are here, I have a surprise for you. I have been meaning to tell you all week, but it has been such a emotional rollercoaster ride for me, well, both of us really,” I said, indicating to Oliver with a wave of my shaking hand, “I have found my long lost brother.”

Oliver coughed and looked a little alarmed, then said, “No! No! Not brother! Half brother! I am your half brother.”

“Oh y-y-yes, s-s-s-sorry,” I said stuttering with nervousness and fear at the enormity of the lie Oliver and I were telling. “Adam, I would like you to meet Oliver my half brother. Oliver, this is my husband Adam…” and then I burst into tears! The lie was told and by the look on Adam’s face, it was believed.

“Adam, I was going to tell you but I only found Oliver this week and it has been, well, confusing and exhilarating all at once!” I said between sobs.

Oliver interrupted and suggested he make us all a cup of tea.

“So much has happened,” I went on, “I asked Oliver to move into the guest room while we get to know each other. He is the only blood, well, half-blood relation I have now, since my birth mother’s death. I want to see as much of him as possible.”

“I understand,” said Adam as he hugged me firmly in a familiar way. “It is a great idea that Oliver lives here for awhile.”

Oliver brought the tea, “Yes,” he said holding my hand, “Now that I have found Sis I never want to let her go. We both just want to make up for lost time.”

That was five years ago and my “brother” Oliver still lives with Adam and me. We all share an interest in art and our collection has grown beautifully. Adam and Oliver are great mates. I move into the guest bedroom when Adam flies out and back to the marital bed when he flies in. I live with both my lover and my husband. No more lonely nights. It is the perfect arrangement.

Picture posed by models.

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Hot Gossip — Feb 12 – 19, 2007

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Sam Birrell: ‘My health was in danger’

Biggest Loser contestant Sam Birrell talks to Woman’s Day about why she had to leave the show.

**Starting weight: 128kg

Departure weight: 121kg**

What made you leave the Whitehouse?

I had a lump on the back of my leg. After a few days of being in the house I noticed the lump and went to the paramedic and they said, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ My leg started throbbing, getting red, and I went back. They informed me I’ve got clots in my surface veins. Unfortunately it just kept getting worse so they booked me in to have an ultrasound. I couldn’t bend my knees too well and after an ultrasound they informed me I had deep vein thrombosis. On the way back to the house they called to say I needed to go to hospital and I wouldn’t be able to exercise for a week. Due to the health concerns I wasn’t going back to the house.

How do you feel about your Biggest Loser experience?

I lost 7kg in two weeks. It was good, I would have liked more, but I was happy. I started to believe in myself, yes I can do this.

What is your opinion of the trainers?

Bob was the one I wanted so I was very happy in that respect. He’s very nurturing, very reassuring, he believes in you and that’s the method I think that works for me. Jillian spoke to us a lot as a person, not as a trainer. I don’t like her approach, it wouldn’t have worked for me. I would have got defensive and probably punched her out or something! She swears and pushes you and grabs you and to me I find that very offensive. To us she was very approachable and relaxed. I saw a different side to her. She would have a joke. I wouldn’t cope with her though I think the red team believed more in Michelle. She was a bit more nurturing and she was there more.

Who do you want to win?

One of the girls, but at the end of the day it comes down to a game. Damien might because he’s the biggest and he’ll do extremely well.

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Incontinent dog

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own and browse our archives.


My mother has recently died and I have inherited her sweet 15-year-old dog. The only problem is that she seems incontinent when she sleeps, meaning we have to change her bedding every day. Any suggestions?

— Trish


It’s truly a kind gesture to not only take on a dog that must be experiencing some deep sadness but to also ensure her health and comfort is of paramount importance. The good news is that I think we can fix this problem at the same time as restore the old girl’s confidence in herself.

Dogs that wet the bed do feel embarrassed and confused by the situation, so any help you can give them is often much appreciated.

You will need a hormone tablet called ‘stilboestrol’ that when given once a day for 5 days then weekly acts to close the valve at the neck of her bladder that is opening when she sleeps or is distracted.

In her younger years, she had enough hormones in her system to keep this valve closed, however, as time has gone on, those levels have dropped and this incontinence, called Hormone Responsive Urinary Incontinence (HRUI) is the result. Good luck with her.

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