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Shaving cats

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own or browse our archives.


I know you can clip dogs in summer, but can you do the same for cats? And if so, where do you clip them? My Persian X really feels the heat and needs some help!

— Paul


When you take into account the fact that our pets never evolved to live in our hot and often humid climate, its easy to see why your little mate needs all the help he can get at this time of year. The good news for your cat is that as the temperature rises, it’s quite okay to make that fur fall away. No matter what anyone says and no matter how short you clip their fur it will always grow back to exactly where it once was; same length, same thickness, same colour. The added bonus is that it reduces the risk of hairballs as well as the potential pain associated with knots that all too easily occur in long-haired cats.

So, how do you do it? Well, I may not be a feline fashion aficionado, but here are some styles that might not only cool down their temperature but also give them some cool ‘street cred’ at the same time.

Option one: The short, back and sides

The haircut your cat would have if it was in the army. A basic, no fuss clip that cuts the fur to a length of around one centimetre all over. You could set your watch by this one and at the same time observe the time you save by avoiding daily brushing. Completely shaved is also an option.

Option two: The Posh and Becks clip

The haircut your cat would have if it was David Beckham. Basically, a Mohawk for cats. A strip of fur (at least two centimetres long) is left along the top of the back and shoulders from the head to the tail. The rest is shaved. This is great for cats that knot their fur regularly but still want to maintain some length for their owners to run their fingers through.

Option three: The lion clip

The haircut your cat would have if it had a sense of humour. Basically, imagine your cat trying to look like a lion and you’ve arrived at the lion clip. Shaved short all over apart from fluffy feet, tip of the tail and of course a furry head and neck to make a mane. All jokes aside, it’s quite a functional style. They look cute, keep cool and avoid fur balls. Plus, they probably feel as though they can demand respect on the streets with their furry features.

It’s recommended that all clips be performed by trained groomers. You avoid potentially painful nicks and cuts, plus your cat has to live with the hairstyle once you’re finished with it…

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— Dave and Lisa

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— Jane Chapman

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“Did you say walk? I know you did… Let’s go!”

— Chris

My newly found kitten Millie. Shy when she first came into our home, but now she owns it!

— Kym


Kirra, a Weimaranar.

— Eleanor


— Tarrina

Whilst my boyfriend was packing for a holiday, our two Chow Chow pups, Bella and Rossi, jumped into his case! They really didn’t want him to go!

— Shelley

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Our Bichonxmaltese dog Makk, with Teagan (10), our grandaughter.

— Rusty

This is a photo of my favorite dog Pippa. Pippa just died four weeks ago from cancer. She was such a brave little battler and I miss her very much. She meant the world to me.

— Sarah

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Bec Hewitt betrayed

Her sorrow over cruel claims that her marriage is in crisis.

Bec and Lleyton Hewitt have been rocked by allegations that their fairytale marriage is in trouble.

The couple, who tied the knot in July 2005 and have a daughter, Mia, 15 months, feel hurt and betrayed by the unkind suggestions surrounding their high-profile relationship.

“Bec is a really sweet girl and her family are everything to her,” says a source close to the Hewitts. “That’s why she was so upset about people suggesting her marriage is on shaky ground.”

Some recent reports even suggested that Bec, 23, had resorted to a glamorous makeover to win back the affections of her tennis pro husband.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 5).

Picture: Icon Images

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In a massive blow to Fergie, who was only weeks ago named ‘Mother of the Year’ by a US charity, her daughter’s bad-boy ex Paolo Liuzzo has made a series of damning revelations about a wild, drug-fuelled holiday he shared with the royals.

Don’t miss this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 5) to read all the vicious claims made by Beatrice’s criminal ex, and to view the shocking pictures!

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Tensions between Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban boiled over at the Oscars last week, adding fuel to rumours their eight-month marriage is all but over.

After weeks apart, the Aussie couple did their best to keep up happy appearances at Hollywood’s night of nights, but things turned icy at the Vanity Fair after-party.

“There was no mistaking the growing divide between them,” says a spywitness. “Nicole wasn’t herself all night. She was miserable, especially when Keith was around.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 5).

Plus, don’t miss our 16-page bonus Oscars mag! All the frocks, parties and gossip!

Click here for a sneak peek!

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The actress, who’s admitted to anorexia in the past, shocked red-carpet spectators as she showed off her bony rib-cage and twig-like arms in a revealing midnight-blue gown.

“She was scarily thin,” says a witness. “Every rib was visible. She’s definitely lost weight.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 5).

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Mary Moody: Let them stay!

The paranoia of a few shouldn’t prevent refugees settling here, says Mary Moody.

The way we have treated refugees in the past is heartless. I spend a lot of time travelling around the world and it’s sometimes embarrassing to be an Australian.

With the Tampa incident, we more or less turned away a boat full of people who were in desperate need of shelter. It seemed to me that we weren’t being good Samaritans. There must be a different way.

For a country and government that professes to be Christian, a lot of these policy solutions are too pragmatic and too much with an eye on the economy.

There’s also too much fear and paranoia. Terrorists are very well organised — they’re likely to be the last people who are going to be floating around in the ocean for three months.

The reality is many other countries take a lot more refugees per capita than we would ever contemplate taking. Yes, we’re a country with limited resources in that we have a finite amount of water. We have all those things to consider, but in that situation you accept people, look after them really well, and then work out what to do with them.

I’d welcome refugees in my own home, and have joined an organisation called Rural Families for Refugees. A lot of people have done so. It’s a wonderful indication that there are thousands of Australians who feel the way I do, in spite of the government’s policy.

Do you agree with Mary? Have your say on the Woman’s Day discussion board.

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Would you like that gift-wrapped?

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P’eta Phelan: ‘I was a threat’

Biggest Loser contestant P’eta Phelan talks to Woman’s Day about her time on the show.

**Starting weight: 131.6kg

Elimination weight: 126.3kg**

How did you feel about being a replacement contestant?

When I was told I wasn’t in, I’d said to myself, “Thank God I didn’t get in”. There was a part of me that wanted to get in and a part that didn’t want to go, leave my family and friends. I didn’t know whether I wanted to be a part of a reality TV show and lose my anonymity.

Why do you think you were eliminated?

The person who voted me out [Munnalita] probably saw my strength and dedication and focus and thought I was probably the one who could cope the best on the outside. I also think that she might have thought I was some competition as well. I had a dream the night before that I was eliminated. I went downstairs in the morning and said it to Jules and she said, ‘Don’t be stupid’. I said to her, ‘My dreams come true a lot of the time’. Before we went into the elimination room we didn’t have time to shower, only change. But in that lockdown time, I just packed my bags as I knew it would be me.

Looking back on it, how do you feel about your time in the Whitehouse and your fellow contestants?

I loved it, it was very emotionally difficult. You feel like these people are here for one reason and you can’t 100% trust anyone. Mel and Jules were ones I could trust, everyone else is there to win. I was there to learn things, if I won, it was a bonus. One person who was there for the money is Michael. Michael left because he wasn’t doing the work he was set and he wasn’t working as part of a team as he should have been. Courtney’s shifty but great. He’s there to play games and stir the pot. He’s not fooling anyone and he knows that.

Did your openness about your homosexuality affect your time in the house?

Greg was so interested in it. He’d say, “So you’re a lesbian? Oh, what’s that like?” He did the same thing to Courtney, asking him every question under the sun. No one treated me any differently in the house. The only person that I heard speak negatively about my sexuality was Kelly.

You’ve been with your partner Carley for five years. Are you excited about seeing her again?

Being in the house made me realise she’s just the best. We love going out with our friends. We’re pretty inseparable. I just want to get back home to her and our two dogs Lily and Coshi.

You lost your job by being in The Biggest Loser. What happened?

I can’t talk about it because it’s going to legal proceedings but I’d been terminated from a private college in Melbourne. When my dad told me, it gave me so much more determination to stay in the house.

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