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I terrorised my elderly neighbour

When my husband and I bought our dream house, I didn’t think life could get much better. It was everything we’d ever dreamed of: the right suburb, an idyllic tree-lined street, we thought it was going to be the perfect place to raise our two kids.

“Let’s go and meet the neighbours,” I suggested, not long after we’d moved in. Coming from a social block of units, I was looking forward to striking up a similar relationship with our new neighbours. I had no idea how impossible that was going to prove to be!

“I don’t like children, and I don’t like cats!” was how the elderly Mrs Thompson greeted me, in a waspish tone. My heart sighed. I had both: two beautiful children, Poppy and Samuel, and the cherished family moggie, Milo, as well.

“I promise they won’t be any trouble,” I promised, leaving quickly and without the friendship I craved. I hoped, perhaps, that we would be able to stay out of each other’s way, but I was wrong about that too. Every time my kids went out into the yard, Mrs Thompson’s dog would bark hysterically on the other side of the fence. She had a poodle, her pride and joy, although for us, its incessant yapping was constant noise pollution.

The dog was forever hassling our Milo, too, snarling ferociously through holes in the fence. I knew I was going to have to make a complaint, but Mrs Thompson beat me to it.

“Your cat’s been in my yard, upsetting my dog,” she accused one morning. I could have laughed. My cat was almost too afraid to go outside, let alone anywhere near her horrible dog and I told her so.

“Well it’s been there, and if I see it again I’m going to get it picked up by the pound!” my neighbour snapped, before storming off. I began to worry and decided to keep Milo inside for a while until things blew over.

A few weeks passed without incident, even after I returned the cat to the backyard. The nasty dog was still always barking, of course, but we didn’t hear from our neighbour.

Then one day, Milo didn’t come home for his dinner. He was missing all night. The kids were devastated and after ringing around all the cat shelters, and the pound, with no luck, I began to fear that Mrs Thompson had done something much, much worse than she had threatened. But I couldn’t prove it, and I sadly told Poppy and Samuel that their beloved cat might not be coming home.

I didn’t even know for sure if Mrs Thompson was responsible, until a few days later, she leaned over the fence, and with a cruel twinkle in her eye told the children she hoped he didn’t come back. I couldn’t believe anyone could be so mean. And at that moment I knew she had to pay for what she’d done!

Not being as horrible as the old woman, I couldn’t bring myself to do anything too drastic, but it still gave me a thrill. Late one night, I carefully opened the side gate to Mrs Thompson’s yard and lured the dog with some tasty treats. As soon as he was munching happily, I got out a can of bright pink spray paint and sprayed a not very nice word on the dog’s back. Then I went home, climbed into bed, and waited for the fireworks. I didn’t need to wait very long!

There was a rap on my door early the next morning. It was the police! I couldn’t believe she’d gotten them involved, and I suddenly felt frightened of what I’d done.

“The lady next door’s had her property vandalised,” the young constable informed me. “We were just wondering if you heard or saw anything last night?”

“No officer,” I replied innocently, shutting the door and breathing a sigh of relief. Nobody even suspected a thing!

Old Mrs Thompson had to shave her dog. She kept him inside after that, and we barely heard a peep out of either of them. Apparently, she was terrified of the local “thugs” who had violated her property.

When Milo walked casually through the door a few days later, I felt a bit guilty, but it was too late to apologise. My cat has no idea that, because of him, I terrorised the lady next door — and neither does anyone else!

Picture posed by model.

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Johnny Depp’s daughter seriously ill

Johnny Depp’s seven-year-old daughter Lily-Rose is seriously ill in a London hospital.

The 43-year-old actor, and father of two children with partner Vanessa Paradis, has been visiting his daughter on a daily basis since she was rushed to hospital nine days ago.

The details of the child’s condition are unknown, but a hospital source says, “Lily is a very sick girl and Johnny has hardly left her side. It’s heartbreaking for him to see her in this state. She is very poorly.”

Staff at the hospital said they immediately recognised the famous actor, but that he has not asked for any special favours and simply wants his daughter to get well.

“It is such a difficult time for him but he is hanging in there for the sake of his daughter, and the whole family is just praying that she gets better. They are taking each day as it comes,” says a hospital source.

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You call that exercise?

By Annette Campbell

So, you’re way too busy to get to the gym? There’s the long list of household chores that always need doing, as well as the kids who need to be delivered to and from school and sport and friends… The list goes on and hardly leaves time for any recreational exercise.

But if you’re constantly on the go, you might be surprised to know that you’re already burning some serious kilojoules, just by doing everyday things.

Sydney-based fat-loss dietitian Susie Burrell reveals just how many kilojoules we’re burning as we go. And remember … burning more kjs means burning more fat!

“Every day we burn kilojoules, even when we are sleeping,” Susie explains. “Think of your body as a machine, our muscles as the primary mechanics burning petrol each day. Metabolism refers to how many kjs your machine burns each day and hence how much food you need to eat just to keep blood flowing, the heart pumping and the lungs moving oxygen around the body.”

Here’s Susie’s guide to how much we burn, doing everyday activities:

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Gerard Fleischer: ‘I’m ready to fall in love again’

Biggest Loser contestant Gerard Fleischer talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show.

**Starting weight: 133.5kg

Elimination weight: 116.4kg**

How was your Biggest Loser experience?

I’m rapt to be out of the house. I had a fantastic time but I’m a person that when one door closes another door opens. I don’t look at it as being a sad event. I managed to have a good hard look at myself.

What was the most challenging part of being in the Whitehouse?

I had struggled in the house, not having any contact with the outside world or with my children, Richard, Jessica and Daniel, to see if they’re okay and how they’re coping. They were all split up and had to go in different homes while I was away.

You seemed to clash with some contestants?

The only one that got on my nerves was Munnalita, she was constantly having to go to the toilet and whingeing and asking dumb questions. That drove me nuts. Greg drove me crazy at times. He’s got a weird way of doing and saying things. Some of the conversations in the house were a bit rank for me, kind of like the Big Brother conversations. I went to the spa a couple times but I’m way past the silly talk.

You also butted heads with Shannon and Bob. What issues did you have with them?

We were on a high protein low calorie diet. For me I totally disagreed with it but it’s hard to argue with a trainer. I voiced my opinion a bit with Shannon but he wasn’t interested. He sees it as whingeing. I would have done better with a high calorie count and a bit more fat in my diet but I just did what I was told.

What are you looking forward to now on your new journey?

I can’t wait to get married again. I’d have a big wedding. We didn’t have the money for a fancy wedding the first time. I think I’ll want to lose a bit more weight before I want to take a relationship to another level. I’m not a promiscuous type person, I’m old fashioned and romantic. I want to fall in love first and then be comfortable with that person. I’m not interested in playing the scene. I haven’t had many partners in my life.

Who do you hope will win?

I’m hoping it’ll be either Damien or Jules, that’s where my heart lies. If Marty gets his way, then him.

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