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Ange vs heroin mum – ‘Don’t take my son’

Angelina Jolie could be forced to give back her new adopted son to his birth mother — a money hungry heroin addict who never signed the papers to give up her child.

These shock revelations have been made by the grandparents of Pax Thien, 3.

Now Angelina may have a massive legal battle on her hands if Pax’s drug-addled mum, Pham Thu Dung, 29, contests the adoption.

“Our daughter is a heroin addict and she is a bag of trouble,” says Pax’s grandfather Chien, 55. “When she finds out that a rich movie star has adopted her baby, she will go after Angelina Jolie for money and make trouble for her. She may even try to take the child back.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 2).

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Courteney’s date with mystery man

Courteney Cox has been spotted holding hands with a mystery man, igniting further talk that her marriage with David Arquette is all but over.

The former Friends actress met up with the hunk at a West Hollywood restaurant where she was dining with former co-star Lisa Kudrow.

“It was clear something was on Courteney’s mind,” says one onlooker. “She was deep in conversation with Lisa, and it was pretty clear that she was getting something off her chest. She looked miserable, but lit up once her new man arrived at the table.”

Just last week, insiders revealed Courteney, 42, and David, 35, were meeting with lawyers to discuss whether they should stay together for the sake of their daughter Coco, age 2.

The couple’s marriage has been under strain in recent months, after Courteney was spotted drinking and partying with her Dirt co-star Josh Stewart, 30. According to insiders, David was furious over Courteney’s friendship with sexy Josh.

David has publicly spoken about his belief that if all else fails it’s better for couples to cut their losses in a relationship.

“In general, I think that if something’s not working out between people, you just move on,” the actor says.

Unfortunately for David, it’s possible that Courteney already has moved on.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 2).

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Prince Harry’s wild night

Prince Harry ended up in the gutter following a boozy night out in London last week which included dirty dancing with a TV star, falling over and kicking out at a car.

Out on the town to celebrate the end of his training for duty in Iraq, eyewitnesses say the party prince let loose at hotspot Boujis, spending the night dirty dancing with British TV host Natalie Pinkham — the same girl he made headlines with last year when a photo surfaced of Harry kissing her while groping her breast.

Don’t miss this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 2) to read how the young royal has come under fire from the military — and his girlfriend — for his drunk and disorderly behaviour.

Plus, Kate’s tears as Prince William is caught with two other women!

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‘How I escaped the babysitter bomber’

For the past two years, Melissa Birkin has remained a silent hero. In December 2004 the petite babysitter foiled a crazed bomber’s plot to take hostages and blow up a luxury apartment block on the Gold Coast, but her actions went unnoticed until last week, when a stunned court heard of her terrifying encounter with Jonathon Richwood.

Despite being battered almost senseless, Melissa, 26, mustered all her strength to escape her brutal attacker and raise the alarm.

Opening her heart to Woman’s Day, Melissa, who’s just 155cm tall and weighs 50kg, tells for the first time of her chilling ordeal.

“I thought I was going to die. But I wasn’t going down without the fight of my life,” she says.

A nursing assistant, Melissa had taken on some shifts with a babysitting agency on the Gold Coast and had been booked to look after two children at suite 1312 at the Grand Apartments.

“I telephoned the father, Jonathon, to introduce myself,” she says. “We had a quick chat and I had no reason to be concerned.”

But unknown to Melissa and hotel staff, the “father”, computer expert Jonathon Richwood, had turned his two-bedroom unit overlooking the Gold Coast Broadwater into a torture chamber and weapon-packed fortress. Police later found a long-range rocket launcher, flame throwers, grenades, guns and homemade bombs filled with nails in the apartment. He’d put chains and cuffs as “torture restraints” on a wall in one room, and stockpiled food to last a month.

Don’t miss this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 2) to read this truly heroic story — how a crazed man plotted to torture and kill six women, and how Melissa disrupted his plans… and saved the lives of many in the process.

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Everyday heroes

This is a photo of my niece Sophie who has MPS VI, and her Mum. No matter how much she goes through her smile is always the light of our lives! She is so brave, she is our hero.

She needs treatment that costs roughly $100,000 per year for every 5kg she weighs. Without this treatment Sophie will die. So far we have raised $25,000 but cannot start the treatment till we have enough for the full year. This treatment is not government approved therefore it is up to us to fight for Sophies life.

You can help Sophie’s fight for life. To make a donation see go to www.oursophie.notlong.com

— Auntie Carla

My husband is my hero. Not only has he taken me on as his much-loved wife, he has also taken on the role of father figure to my four kids, and he has three of his own.

You see l am disabled and in pain 24/7 but with his care it has put the sunshine back into my life. Our six years together have not been easy but no matter how dark the days seem, he has always put the sunshine in it for me.

— Gwen

This is my mum and my two nephews. Mum is always there to help anyone and has helped endlessly with helping us raise our children. She was especially helpful when my husband had a heart attack at 28, and mum was there every step of the way. Love ya mum.

— Kirsty

My Aunty Fi has always been there for me, she’s always there for anyone in the family. Everybody goes to her if they have a problem because she somehow makes the problem go away! Whether it be some assistance, a question answered, money needed, ANYTHING, she is always there and will help in any way she can!

All of her nieces and nephews, including me of course, just want her to know we love her, we love how special she makes us all feel and she’s like a second mum to us all. She ‘s Our Hero, Our Inspiration, Our Angel. We feel very lucky that Aunty Fi is ours! None of us could live without her. She is totally selfless and gentle too. We just want her to know she means the world to us and many, many others too! What an incredible lady she is.

— The Williams nieces and nephews

This is my hero, my beautiful li’l girl, Ela, who had open heart surgery at the age of four months. What a li’l champion!

— Racheal

My hero is my mum Leigh. She helps with everything and she cares about everyone and she works so hard to get money. I just want to say she is the mum anyone could have. In this photo she is on the left.

— Jasmine

My Husband Jarrod is my hero. When I was in premature labour my husband kept his cool and helped the doctor and midwife. Unfortunately he was not allowed in until after our daughter was born by emergency cesarian, so both he and I missed the precious moment our daughter came into the world.

He cooked, cleaned and did a wonderful job coming and going to the hospital whilst our baby girl was in intensive care. When I arrived home from hospital the house was clean and tidy. He has done a perfect job taking care of our four-year-old son and has formed a much stronger bond with him. It is our four year wedding anniversary next week and I intend to spoil him with a beautiful dinner.

— Katrina

On May 29 of this year my sister and I lost our beloved mum to lung cancer. Four weeks later my sister lost her best friend tragically who was in 16 days time due to have her second child. She has left behind her beautiful two-year-old little boy whom my sister and her husband are now guardians of.

Not only have we had to endure the loss of our mum but now Jenny and her husband have taken on the role of raising Riley.

As a sister I am extremely proud of her and know that our mum and Sharon will be watching over her and be as proud as punch knowing that Riley has gone to a loving, secure and hard working family.

— Lisa

My mum has battled breast cancer for 12 years. She is so strong, positive and inspirational to go through what she has and still smile and be there for her children and grandchildren. My mum believes a positive outlook and the love and support of her family have given her bonus years to enjoy. You are our world mum, we love you dearly.

— Wendy

I thought I would write in with a photo and show off my little granddaughter Scarlett, my little hero. She has Spina Bifida and right from the time she was born all through operations she has always been so happy and contented. Here in the photo she has just got her shoes and leg splints from hospital. She is eighteen months old and so happy with them, now she is on to walking bars. She is a very courageous girl and not even two yet. The way she is going, with her happiness and courage to conquer her disability, she will go a long way.

— Love from Nanny Betty

I want to thank my wonderful husband of almost 35 years for all the support and help he has given me. I suffer from chronic clinical depression and am 75% wheelchair-bound because of osteo arthritis in both knees. He looks after me with no complaints and is always there for me no matter what. I love him dearly and want him to know that along with all of Australia. I am so proud to have hime as my husband and don’t know what I would do without him. Thank you Rod, I love you, your wife… Chris

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Princess Mary’s private family hell

Princess Mary has hit an all-time low following a barrage of criticism for sending Prince Christian to school so young.

Eyebrows were raised over Mary’s controversial enrolment of her 17-month-old son, with cruel critics accusing the Princess of abandoning her son and not being able to cope with the demands of being a stay-at-home mum.

Insiders say the Princess burst into tears after learning of the backlash, especially as it hadn’t even been her decision to enrol Christian.

“Mary basically had no choice,” explains a palace insider, who says it was pressure to conform to Danish Royal protocol that forced the move. “Princes Nikolai and Felix did it,” the insider adds. “It’s normal in Danish society.”

Already suffering from feelings of isolation and loneliness as she nears her due date, this latest attack on the Princess has taken a serious toll on her emotional state. Palace staffers say she has been spending hours on the phone tearfully confiding to her family back home that she feels her fairytale life has become a nightmare.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 2).

Cute pics: Prince Christian’s first day at school

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In the mag – April 9, 2007

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Ange’s terror over plot to kidnap Pax

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Prince Christian’s first day

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Prince Christian’s first ceremony

Prince Christian attends his first official function at the ‘topping out’ ceremony with his reassuring mum, Crown Princess Mary.

Prince Christian takes the microphone with royal poise.

Prince Frederik lends a helping hand (and voice) to son Prince Christian at a ceremony for Frederik VIII’s mansion at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

A beaming Prince Christian on his first day at school in March 2007, aged 17 months.

Proud mum and dad, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, walk Prince Christian to class for his first day at school.

First day at school, royal family portrait.

Prince Christian: ‘Where are you going Mum and Dad?’

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