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Kirstie’s tears – I’m losing my fat battle

Just five months after showing off her hot bikini body on Oprah, Kirstie Alley’s stacking on the kilos again.

The former star of Fat Actress is terrified she’s ballooning back to her heaviest weight of more than 130kg, after gaining 20kg in just three months.

“Kirstie is devastated. She keeps saying she’s let herself down,” says a friend. “She was proud of herself for dropping down to 65kg, but just months later she’s regaining the weight.”

“She thought she could loosen up a little once she’d reached her goal weight, but as the kilos crept up, her binge eating got out of control.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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Jen hits out: Brad and Ange will never last

Jennifer Aniston believes it’s only a matter of time before Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s relationship is over.

The 38-year-old told friends her ex-hubby’s romance is doomed to fail because of the temptations of Hollywood.

“When we were married, Brad and I talked all the time about settling down and living happily ever after, and we honestly thought we could put ourselves above Hollywood.

“But we found out you can’t. When you’re on film locations and in television studios with some of the most beautiful people in the world, how can you avoid the temptation?” Jen told her friend.

“We tried very hard and we failed. That’s why I believe Brad will fail with Angelina.”

Friends fear Jen’s outburst is a sign that she’s still bitter about her marriage to Brad ending.

“She was hurt, yes. Does she think Ange caused the break up of her marriage? She’s much too classy a lady to say that, but we all know what happened,” says the friend.

“She wishes she could recapture the way things were, Jennifer would love nothing more than to be given another chance with Brad.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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Pregnant Julia storms out

Julia Roberts is contemplating life as a single mum as her five-year marriage to Danny Moder suffers another serious setback.

The actress, who’s six months pregnant, walked out on Danny following a string of fiery rows, taking their two-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus with her.

“Julia and Danny had the mother of all fights,” confirms an inside source. “She stormed out after screaming at him.”

Friends say things came to a head when Julia told Danny she was moving the family to New Mexico to have her baby. The 38-year-old cameraman was furious his wife changed her mind after promising they’d stay in LA.

Sadly, the 39-year-old actress’s latest pregnancy has only added to the tension.

“Danny’s been moody and grumbling a lot ever since Julia told him she was pregnant again,” a friend reveals. “He already feels like he comes third in Julia’s life, behind the twins and her career. He figures with a new baby in the house he’s now even further down the chain.”

After months of tempestuous blazes, friends now worry the couple are facing their biggest crisis to date.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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The cheating husband and his missing wife

To the outsider, identical twin Chris Dawson looked just like a Ken doll — a charming, handsome and gifted sportsman who was irresistible to the opposite sex. But behind his perfect appearance lay a dark secret and a murder that’s mystified police for 25 years.

Now, using advanced DNA testing, police hope they can finally say who killed Chris’s wife Lynette.

For 25 years, her siblings have been tormented by the unexplained disappearance of their sister. One minute Lynette seemed to be living the ultimate happy-ever-after fairytale. Married to a football star with model looks, and living in a dream house raising two longed-for little girls, she appeared to have it all.

But in January 1982, the 33-year-old failed to show at a lunch with her mum and her hunky first-grade rugby league player husband Chris Dawson. Strangely, Dawson, then also 33, waited six weeks before reporting his wife “missing”.

On the day of their arranged meeting, he claimed Lyn had phoned him, saying she was “going away, needing time out to think” about the problems that were plaguing their marriage.

The main problem was that Dawson, who worked as a high-school PE teacher, was having an affair with their babysitter, his student, 16-year-old Joanne Curtis.

Now, with new clues emerging about her disappearance and murder, Lynette’s heartbroken siblings Pat Jenkins and Greg and Phil Simms, have no doubt that Chris Dawson knows a lot more than he’s ever let on. Their opinion is supported by Damian Loone, the detective who can’t let the case go.

“The family needs answers,” says Det Loone. “We want people who know anything to come forward. Every piece of information brings us closer to bringing Lynette Dawson’s killer to justice.”

Detective Loone and Lynette’s family are keenly awaiting the results of DNA testing on a jumper found buried on the Dawsons’ former property. It’s believed the garment belonged to Lyn. Psychics assisting in the case believe Lynette is buried in the backyard.

Bizarrely, Chris Dawson returned to his former home on three occasions, asking the new owners if he could look in the backyard as it “meant a lot to him”…

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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Shane and Simone’s bizarre love pact

Shane Warne and Simone Callahan are living together as husband and wife in the UK, but have agreed to a bizarre love pact to keep their relationship on track.

The couple have been talking for months about renewing their vows, but some are shocked by the terms of their second marriage. Under the new arrangement, Simone has agreed to turn a blind eye to Shane taking on lovers, as long as he keeps his affairs out of the public eye.

“Simone will never publicly admit this, but I don’t think she held faith that Shane could turn over a new leaf,” says a close friend. “Her biggest concern is that her kids are happy, and that Shane no longer publicly embarrasses her by getting caught out bonking bimbos.”

“It’s all a bit bizarre,” adds the friend. “But whatever pact they’ve made seems to be working.”

Simone, 36, agreed to the unconventional arrangement with Shane before relocating with the children to the UK to be with him.

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale April 9)

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In the mag – April 16, 2007

On-Sale Monday April 9, 2007

  • **Kate and Owen set to wed


  • **Brave Rove — Belinda lives on


  • **Heartbroken Terri — being a single mum is tough


  • Jacko’s wacko birthday bash


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Nobody knows I’m a prostitute

No one at uni knows my secret. At night, after lectures, I go to work as a prostitute in a St Kilda brothel.

It started three years ago in my first year. I had arrived from a country town with only $200 in the bank. I desperately needed cash. I got a job at a supermarket but my wages barely covered my rent. I couldn’t work more hours because of classes and all the other jobs I applied for paid the same amount.

The hours I did get were at night or weekends so I had no social life and I always felt tired. Consequently, I was always running late for early classes. One morning after sleeping in, I burst into tears when the lecturer singled me out as I tried to sneak into class. The girl sitting next to me consoled me.

After the lecture, she asked me why I was always late and I told her. She smiled knowingly. “There is another way to earn money,” she said. “Lots of money.”

That piqued my interest. The girl, Nicole, was always dressed in the latest fashions with an expensive manicure and accessories. I had assumed her parents were rich but she said she paid for everything herself. When I pressed her further, she told me she was a hooker. She worked in a clean, safe brothel and could get me an introduction with the owner.

It all happened quickly after that. After a rather degrading “interview” in which I had to parade before the Madam in my underwear and answer all sorts of questions about my sex life, I was hired.

Ever since, I’ve worked in the brothel three nights a week. I earn ten times what I did at the supermarket, for much less effort. And it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. My regular clients treat me with respect and I’m never forced to do anything I don’t feel comfortable doing.

The hardest part is lying to my family and friends about where the money is coming from. They all assume I got a promotion at the supermarket but my mother grew suspicious when she dropped in one day and was told I no longer worked there. I told her she must have spoken to one of the newer employees who didn’t know me. I felt awful and I never want to have to do that again.

Thankfully I graduate this year so I can get a real job, something I can tell everyone about and be proud of. Although I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, there is a guy at uni who is showing some interest. If things get serious, do I tell him the truth? I’m scared that it might disgust him. On the other hand, if I tell him and he still wants to see me, then I’ll know he’s worth keeping. It’s a decision I’ll make when the time comes.

Picture posed by models.

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The crack on eggs

“I’ll have my Omega 3 barn-laid eggs poached, yolks still runny please”

Remember the film LA Story when taking the coffee order was more complicated than a six-course banquet? It’s happening with eggs. Fresh eggs, barn-laid, free range, vegetarian eggs, omega 3 eggs, organic free range … the list is endless. But what do they all mean and is paying up to $2 extra justified?

Fresh eggs make up approximately 90 percent of egg sales today. Hens are kept confined in small cages in a controlled environment.

Barn-laid eggs get their name when laying hens are given sufficient space to move and behave normally. They can bathe, flap their wings, socialise and lay their eggs in nests. Barns-laid eggs have an RSPCA stamp of approval on the packaging.

Free-range eggs are produced from hens that are free to roam outside during daylight hours.

Organic free range eggs are produced by hens free to roam on paddocks where no pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilisers are used at any time. This also applies to the land where the feed they consume was grown.

Omega 3 or “body eggs” — Eggs fortified with Omega 3 occur when the hen is given special feed containing Omega 3, e.g. linseed.

Vegetarian eggs are produced by hens fed only on grain and non-animal products.

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