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Skinny Posh’s life falls apart

Now in LA, Posh hits her lowest, and skinniest, point yet.

Victoria Beckham is distraught that she has become an an object of ridicule in her new home of LA, with critics panning her reality TV special Coming To America.

“Victoria and I rushed into this,” her hubby David has confided to a friend. “If only we’d waited a couple of years.”

Posh was reduced to tears when the show was savaged by critics and viewers, who labelled her “overhyped” and “overbleached”.

Friends back in the UK now fear Posh is pushing herself towards collapse, especially as she tightens her already extreme diet.

“The more her life gets out of control, the more she wants to control what she eats,” reveals one insider. “We’re all worried the Hollywood [dress size] 000-obsession will have a terrible effect on her, even worse than when she was at home…”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 23)

Read more about Posh

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Our miracle hospital wedding

The groom was struck by a flesh-eating disease that cost him his leg and almost his life, but it was no barrier to true love…

The week before their wedding day, Andrew Ballantyne and his fiancée Esther Jacobson were like any other couple eagerly anticipating their big day. But their world was turned upside down when Andrew fell victim to a rare flesh-eating disease that took his leg and almost took his life.

Andrew, 26, had always pictured himself standing at the altar waiting for Esther, the love of his life, to walk towards him. Instead he found himself exchanging vows lying on what had almost been his death-bed.

Not that he’s complaining. Andrew knows the fact that he made it to his wedding at all is nothing short of a miracle.

Just seven days earlier, doctors had told his loved ones to prepare for the worst, as Andrew’s chances of survival were minimal. All thanks to a rare illness Esther, 26, says took everyone completely by surprise.

“He began vomiting on Friday morning and we went to a GP, who diagnosed a combination of food poisoning and the flu. At lunchtime, he started complaining about a sore leg. I just assumed he’d knocked it.”

His condition rapidly deteriorated and Andrew called an ambulance. But before it had even arrived a worried Esther drove him to hospital, where doctors thought the rash on his leg might be deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

“The scan cleared him of DVT and he was put on antibiotics, which ultimately saved his life,” Esther says. “But the rash on his leg had grown dramatically in size and one alert doctor realised the significant dangers straight away.

“An MRI confirmed they were dealing with a rare flesh-eating disease called necrotising fasciitis, which destroys the skin and muscle by releasing toxins into the body. The surgeon told Andrew that if his leg was not removed he would die…”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 23)

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In the mag – July 30, 2007

On-Sale Monday July 23, 2007

  • Jemima and Imran back together!

  • Jemima Khan has decided to give love with her ex-husband Imran Khan another chance, after he made a heartfelt plea to the British heiress to take him back.

  • Ugly Betty star ties the knot

  • Rebecca Romijin and Jerry O’Connell have wed in an intimate western-themed ceremony at their private ranch in LA.

  • True life ‘I had twins at 60!’

  • Frieda Birnhaum was determined not to let her age get in the way of her desire for another baby. She had no idea she’d end up with two…

  • Princess Mary’s beach holiday

  • — cute family pics!

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Olivier tells Kylie: I want you back

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I stole to support my shopping addiction

I am addicted to shopping. I will go to extreme lengths to get the latest fashion trend. But nothing compares to what I did for my latest fashion fix.

I was at lunch with friends in the city and we decided to stop in at the local boutiques for some retail therapy. We entered a very expensive store that always had something fabulous and that day was no exception. I was instantly drawn to a beautiful coat in the window. My friends also started hustling for the coat and asking for sizes from the shop assistant. They only had one in stock but it was my size. I tried it on and fell in love with it. It was gorgeous!

I was very nervous to look at the price tag. The lovely coat cost $1500. I couldn’t believe it. There was no way I could afford it. But I just had to have it.

That night I went home and tried to think of ways to get the money for the coat. Like I said, I was addicted and convinced myself I needed the coat. I wanted to buy it before anyone else could. If I had the coat, I knew I would be the envy of all my friends. The problem was, it was so out of my reach.

A couple of days later my friends and I met up for coffee and as we walked past the boutique I noticed a ‘staff wanted’ sign. I suddenly had a thought. Once my friends and I parted ways, I went to the store and enquired about the job. It was a casual position, mainly weekends. I turned on my sales persona and told the manager I was interested in finding a second, casual job and had a lot of sales experience. I apologised for not having a resume on me as I had only noticed the sign as I was walking by, but the manager was quite eager to give me a trial anyway.

I wasn’t really sure what I was doing. Well, I was in a way, but I couldn’t believe I was actually contemplating it. So I went for my trial, fake resume in hand. The manager gave me a few tasks and then gave me a set target to try and reach before the end of the day. It was really busy and funnily enough the only thing I was nervous about was if one of my friends happened to walk by. That would surely thwart my plan. Thankfully, no familiar faces showed up. My next challenge was to figure out my plan of attack.

Lunchtime showed that opportunity. The manager told me she would be leaving for lunch but would only be 20 minutes or so. She took some large bills from the register and said that she was going to get change from the bank. I watched her walk into the bank as I could see it from the boutique. The rush had died down and there was no one left browsing the racks. I knew this was my chance. The coat had been removed from the window dummy earlier as someone was trying it on and it now remained on a centre couch. I quickly picked it up, folded it and stuffed it into a large bag I had ready. I peeped at the bank to see if the manager had left. She was still in there. I had parked my car just around the corner. I grabbed the bag and ran to my car, leaving the store unattended. I didn’t care at this point. All I knew was that I needed to get the bag out of the shop.

I was in and out in less than a minute. I took a quick glance around the shop and everything seemed in place. I composed myself and waited for the manager to return. At this point I was getting very nervous. I had a fair idea of what I was going to say but wasn’t sure it would work. By the time the manager walked in I had put on my frantic face and even managed some tears. I was carrying on in a hysterical panic and she told me to calm down and explain why I was panicking. I told her that a customer had come in and asked for another size in a particular top. I’d gone out the back and when I’d returned the girl was gone and so was the coat.

All the manager could do was scream out a huge “What?” I explained that I had only been out the back for one minute but the manager said that I should never have left the front in the first place. I was very afraid she was going to make me pay for the coat, so I said I was only trying to reach budget and that I didn’t want to lose out on a sale. The manager looked distraught.

She called the police and told me that I would have to give a full statement of what the thief looked like. I already knew they didn’t have cameras installed. The police asked me to give a description of the girl and I gave the best description I could of my imaginary thief. I kept picturing a girl who I despised so my description would be consistent.

After the police left, the manager told me that under the circumstances the trial had not worked out. I put on a devastated face and once again said how sorry I was. I walked to my car and couldn’t believe what I had just pulled off or what I’d done for a coat.

I never told anyone what I did. I still have the coat tucked away secretly in my closet. I haven’t even worn it because I am scared the manager might see me in it. Being a small city, it’s quite possible I could bump into her on one of my nights out with the girls. I am waiting until next season to wear my beautiful coat but I have now become quite paranoid that I will get caught. I feel guilty for what I did and of course ashamed that I was so desperate. If I eventually wear the coat and my friends ask where I got it, I am going to say it’s from eBay.

Since then I have stopped shopping so much and am considering talking to someone about my compulsive shopping behaviour. When I was younger I used to joke about how much I liked to shop and being a typical shop-o-holic. But after what I stooped to, somehow it doesn’t seem so funny any more.

Picture posed by model

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Brad still in love with Jen

The actor’s mother reveals her son is still pining for his former wife after becoming fed up with ‘drama queen’ Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt is still in love with Jennifer Aniston. The stunning revelation was made by Brad’s mum Jane Pitt, who admits that her son still has strong feelings for his ex-wife.

Jane told a friend how Brad was finally confronted with his true feelings for Jen after realising that his life with Angelina Jolie is just one drama after another.

“Brad’s not over Jen,” the insider says. “He still cares for her and always will.”

As well as receiving secret visits from Brad’s mum — who has never been a fan of Ange — Jen has also been visited by Brad and his kids, as the actor reconciles with his former wife…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 16)

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Skinny Courtney’s life in danger

Friends fear Courtney Love is putting her life at risk, as her obsession with losing weight begins to take its toll. A gaunt and pale Courtney shocked fans at a surprise gig for her 43rd birthday in London, having lost more than 23kg and at least three dress sizes in what she calls an “anthropological experiment”.

“I was at a charity event and my friend Sting said, ‘Why don’t you do a body transformation?’ I was about to start on a new album and was feeling experimental. It made me wonder what would happen if I got really skinny,” she says.

However, friends believe the singer/actor has taken her dieting obsession way too far.

Courtney says she began her weight-loss program by eating just 3000kJ a day. While that has now increased to 5000kJ, Tania Ferraretto from the Dietician’s Association of Australia, says that is still frighteningly low. “The average adult should consume at least 8000 kilojoules a day,” Tania says.

More alarmingly, Courtney admits to passing out after becoming dizzy from fluid loss after taking diuretics. She also does daily workout sessions, including Pilates and running.

“It’s like kicking drugs,” she says of her extreme measures.

While Courtney claims she’s been sober for the past two years, friends now fear the former drug addict has simply swapped one addiction for another…

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 16)

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