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MasterChef’s Kumar: Inside my spicy marriage!

MasterChef's Kumar: Inside my spicy marriage!

The popular contestant tells how he keeps the sizzle in his 30-year relationship with ‘soul mate’ Sally.

Kumar Pereira and his wife Sally seem like the most unlikely of matches. For one thing, the MasterChef Australia contestant was born in Sri Lanka and Sally is from Essex in England, so their backgrounds could hardly be more different. Yet the pair agree they’re a perfect match. “We are so very compatible,” says Kumar, 62, speaking from the couple’s Sydney home during a production break from the hit cooking show. “We click beautifully together. There is nothing I don’t like about Sally.”

“He is my best friend,” smiles Sally, 59. “And of course I love his cooking… but I would be so much thinner if it wasn’t for him!” It was “a hot summer’s night in Hong Kong” in 1981 when Kumar’s friendship with Sally finally grew into something more. Little did Sally know that 30 years later she would be living in Sydney with the man she fell in love with, and Kumar would be a star of the small screen.

“We were both teaching at Hong Kong Polytechnic University when we met – I was in graphics and Sally was in fashion,” Kumar says. Sally had started teaching while he was off sailing across the Atlantic, but her friends mentioned he was special and couldn’t wait to introduce them upon his return.

Read more about Kumar’s love story in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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Shatter nails: The latest in nail art

Looking for the latest in nail art? The new shatter nail lacquer from OPI offers an easy solution for getting patterned nails in an instant. Just follow these easy steps.

Step one – Apply a base coat. This will help the nail lacquer to last on the nail.

Step two – Add two coats of coloured lacquer to the nail using long strokes of the brush from the base of the nail to the tip.

Step three – Add the shatter nail polish directly over painted nails from the base to the tip of the nail. Step back and watch it shatter.

Step four – Once all nails have dried apply a top coat.

Shatter nail polish from OPI is now available in a range of colours including black, white, silver, red, blue and turquoise from David Jones nationally.

Step one

Step two

Step two

Step three

Step three

Step four

OPI Shatter Nial polish

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Before and after hairstyling

We all know celebrities don’t wake up looking immaculate- and thank goodness for that! Here we take a look at the contrast between their dressed-down days and super-styled good hair days.

Katie Holmes

We all know celebrities don’t wake up looking immaculate- and thank goodness for that! Here we take a look at the contrast between their dressed-down days and super-styled good hair days.

Katie Holmes knows how to turn on the ‘wow’ factor after a day at the beach with her straightened, shiny, silky-looking tresses.


Kate Hudson goes from doting mum to glamorous movie star with a swoosh of a hair straightener.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton was sporty and a keen rower in her university days, now the Duchess of Cambridge is almost as well known for her polished look as she is for marrying Prince William.


Bec Hewitt is renowned for her hair experiments, including different colours and styles, but when she’s cheering Lleyton on courtside she tends to opt for a sporty-casual look.


Jennifer Lopez’ long locks go from slightly bedraggled to glowing glamazon with the help of a clever blow-dry.

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Worldwide ovarian cancer vaccine trial


Women whose ovarian cancer is in remission after surgery and/or chemotherapy are being sought to take part in a worldwide trial of a vaccine that may stop the disease returning.

The vaccine trial involves 800 women from Australia, America and Europe.

Earlier trials of the Australian-developed CVac™ vaccine indicate it is non-toxic and has no significant side effects.

For further information, email Neil Frazer at [email protected] or visit www.primabiomed.com.au

  • The National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre says ovarian cancer is the ninth most common cancer diagnosed in Australian women.

  • The number of woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Australia is on the rise. The number of woman increased from 833 in 1982 to 1,266 in 2007. It is estimated that 1,488 will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Australian in 2015.

  • One in 78 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer before the age of 85.

  • The risk of ovarian cancer is more common in older women.

  • The age-standardised incidence rate of ovarian cancer has decreased significantly. In 1982 the incidence rate was 12.4 compared with 10.8 in 2007.

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Abdominal or back pain

  • Appetite loss or feeling full

  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits

  • Unexplained weight gain or loss

  • Indigestion or heart burn

  • Fatigue

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True Confessions Agony Aunt: Should I leave my alcoholic husband?

Woman worried about her alcoholic husband

Image: Thinkstock, posed by model

I have been married for 17 months and I am now wondering if I have made a mistake and if I should stay or go.

This is mine and my husband’s second marriage. We get along very well, but recently have had several incidences that have left me wondering if I have done the right thing.

Overall he is a good man, he’s kind, generous, loving and very supportive. Both of us have children from our previous marriages and he’s fantastic with my kids, he loves them like his own.

The only thing is, he has an alcohol problem. Without the alcohol, you couldn’t get a better man. He becomes verbally aggressive whilst drinking and then very defensive for several days after. He gets so drunk his speech is slow; he stumbles all over the place, then usually sleeps on the lounge. But that’s not before he has come into the room turning on all the lights and bumping into the furniture.

I have told him on many occasions that I do not mind him having a drink, but I don’t understand why he doesn’t stop when he knows he’s had enough. He drinks extremely fast and is always onto his second drink to everybody else’s first.

A few weeks ago after he had been to the pub, he was not only verbally aggressive, he then became physically aggressive. He threw keys at me and was lunging at me like he wanted to grab me. Thankfully I was able to move out of the way and the keys hit the ground.

There were other people there and they were able to restrain him and take him away from the house to calm down. I still wonder, if he had been able to grab me, what he would have done.

I have suggested he seek help for his alcohol abuse but his response was “I don’t need a counsellor”. My other concern is, I feel he is slowly pulling me away from the people I am closest to. I have noticed he is quite negative towards them or will make excuses so we don’t see them.

You have a lot invested in this marriage, especially since his good points include being very loving with your children and lovely to you when he’s sober. However, this should not blind you to the simple fact that he refuses to accept that he has a problem with alcohol and without that awareness he will not look for help.

It also sounds as if other problems are escalating, with him isolating you from other people and the very real and frightening possibility of physical abuse. You should ask yourself if you would be willing to help him if he recognised his problem and went for help and if not, then you should look at ending the marriage as soon as you reasonably can as the longer you stay the more you will be isolated from others, especially if his drinking increases.

However, if you would be willing to stay if he went for help then for the sake of the person he is and the relationship you have when he’s sober, have one attempt to talk to him when he hasn’t been drinking. Taking the approach of ‘ I’m very worried about you….’ helps stop him feeling attacked and defensive and you can list the incidents when his behaviour has been completely unacceptable due to drink.

Don’t let him brush it away nor counter it with talk such as ‘Oh yes I’m a monster and everyone’s scared of me’ because he’s looking for you to deny that and almost give him justification for what he’s done.

If he agrees he has a problem then I suggest you go for counselling together, and make an appointment straight away, but if he refuses to acknowledge that he drinks too much there’s nothing further you can do until he does, so for your own sake you need to get out of the marriage.

Remember that if he does go for help it could still be a long hard road ahead with the chance of regression always there, so make your decision with all the facts clear in your mind. He might be a lovely person when sober but you’re married to him all the time.

You could also get in touch with Al-Anon which provides support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking and their website is www.al-anon.alateen.org/australia. They can direct you to local group support or offer advice through their helpline and they will support you as you decide what your next move should be.

Do you have advice on this problem? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below…

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Shane Warne debuts wrinkle-free new look

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley on their way to Elton John's White Tie and Tiara ball

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley on their way to Elton John's White Tie and Tiara ball

Shane Warne completed his metrosexual makeover last night, donning a black tuxedo to attend Elton John’s annual White Tie and Tiara ball with his girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley.

The former cricketer has slimmed down in recent weeks, and showed off his new physique in a slim-fitting suit. Elizabeth looked her usual glamorous self in a one-shoulder animal print ball gown with a long train.

Related: Shane Warne and Liz Hurley – true love?

The couple, who have been dating since late last year, couldn’t keep their hands off each other as they posed for photographs outside Elizabeth’s London home.

But while Shane wowed the waiting paparazzi with his debonair red carpet look, closer inspection of the photos suggest he’s done a little more than just exercise and eat well. The sportsman’s hair was noticeably darker and his eyebrows appeared to have been waxed.

His suspiciously smooth forehead also seemed to indicate Shane has had botox or a similar cosmetic procedure.

In pictures: Shane Warne sheds weight

Whatever the secret to Shane’s new look, he will no doubt be quick to insist it has nothing to do with keeping up with his beautiful new lover.

Shane denied Elizabeth was the reason he had lost weight in a recent Sydney radio interview. He said his makeover was entirely for ‘health reasons’ and not for the benefit of Elizabeth.

Your say: Do you think Shane Warne has had botox and an eyebrow wax?

Video: Liz Hurley’s divorce is finalised

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Age-defying beauty and fashion tips

Think Stock

Do you want to know how to look great, all the time, at any age, any time? Follow these fail-safe age-defying tips and tricks to always looking your best.


The best age-defying skin secret is to protect your skin from the sun and harmful free radicals. Always cleanse your skin morning and night to wash away environmental aggressors that cause wrinkles. Never leave the house without applying SPF 30+ and give your skin a shot of moisture morning and night with nourishing creams.

A serum is also essential for ageing skins as they penetrate deeper into the skin layers. For a radiant complexion, exfoliate three times a week to buff away dead skin cells.

Hands are the biggest giveaway of your age. It is imperative that you protect your hands as well as your face from harmful UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Apply SPF 30+ daily and keep a hand cream on your desk for easy application when your hands feel dry.

If you’re thinking about Botox to help smooth lines and pump up the skin it’s important to have this done by a certified practitioner. Opting for Botox shouldn’t be taken lightly; it’s costly and only lasts up to three to four months, so you’re committed to having refills to maintain the results. You should never buy Botox online and inject your skin yourself ? it’s dangerous and could end in a disaster with severe facial disfigurements.

Before Botox, try laser skin rejuvenation. MedLite Skin Rejuvenation treatments have proven results on repairing the dermal layer of the skin, increasing collagen in the fibroblast cells within the skin. After just four skin rejuvenation treatments you will see a noticeable improvement in your skin.

Benefits include, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, decrease in pore size, a brightening appearance of the skin’s colour giving a radiant complexion, evenness of skin texture, plus it also works wonders on lightening discolouration caused by years of sun exposure. Find out more about skin rejuvenation at the Sydney City Laser Clinic.

Tasteful make-up

The first tips to wearing tasteful, age-appropriate make-up is to never wear glitter, bright eye shadows, candy-coloured nail polish and lipstick hues that are made for under-20s. Don’t pack on thick foundation to fill wrinkles. Wear an age-defying foundation that works to help conceal fine lines, energise and radiate the skin. We love Revlon’s Age Defying Spa Foundation. It comes with an easy-to-use brush for application and is infused with antioxidants and vitamin C to revitalise the skin.

Coating your lashes in mascara is always a must as it helps to open and brighten up your eyes. Applying a smart lips shade; red, a deep plum or (in summer) soft pinks are failsafe options. Just remember to always line your lips first with pencil to avoid lipstick bleeding into fine lines around your mouth. A hint of bronzer or blush also still gets an ageless beauty nod.


Avoid being accused of being “mutton dressed as lamb” by keeping your wardrobe elegant and age appropriate. Here are a few rules to stick too. Sky-high miniskirts, mid-riffs and hotpants are out over the age of 30, stripper high-heels, frills and bows are a no-go after 40 and over-50s should trade in leathers, plunging necklines and backless dresses. Wear sophisticated pieces with clean lines; think tailored pants, below-the-knee skirts, suit jackets and add in splashes of colour with prints and tasteful hues. Arm yourself with a serious carryall to attract all the attention.


There’s a certain point in our lives when hair just decides it doesn’t want to be long and lustrous anymore ? it gives up on us before we’re ready. When this starts to happen it’s time to chop off your locks. Short hair can actually be more flattering. Think a nice choppy bob or a super-short pixie cut, Cate Blanchett style.

Hair colour

Don’t panic when flecks of silver start to shine through on your head. Colour works wonders on covering greys, you just have to be smart about choosing the right hue to help turn back the clock. Don’t go for a Vivienne Westwood-style flame-coloured mane, instead opt for highlights to help mask grey hair or go a darker shade. Just remember to always upkeep your roots.

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Eat for healthy skin, hair and nails

Get your glow on with these foods

You really are what you eat, so if you want glowing skin, shiny hair and strong nails you need to fuel your body with the right foods. Here dietician Caitlin Reid reveals the top six foods for healthy skin, hair and nails.

1. Green tea

The epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) contained in green tea may help to eliminate cancer-causing free radicals by making DNA and reactivating dying skin cells. EGCG may also speed up wound healing and reduce scarring risk, but more research is needed. Start your day with a cup of green tea.

2. Lean red meat

Red meat is a rich source of iron, which is essential for the normal growth and functional maturation of our skin. Inadequate iron produces dull and dry skin. It may also contribute to hair loss, as inadequate iron reduces the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to hair follicles. Boost your iron intake by enjoying three to four serves of lean red meat each week.

3. Almonds

The essential amino acid arginine found in almonds is converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps blood vessel relax, allowing oxygen and nutrients to travel to your cells and promoting good circulation to your skin. Almonds also contain the fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E, which helps protect the scalp’s natural oils and produces an anti-inflammatory effect on skin. A small 30g handful of almonds each day is all you need.

4. Atlantic salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats, which moisturise your skin from the inside out, making it smoother and suppressing inflammation, immune responses and blood clotting. Omega-3 fats are also important for skin cell membranes, helping to retain moisture and keeping your skin looking plumper and younger. They’re also the natural oil that keeps your scalp and hair from drying out and becoming brittle. Enjoy salmon or another oily fish two to three times per week.

5. Tomatoes

Lycopene in tomatoes is a carotenoid that is stored in the skin and helps enhance the skin’s ability to protect itself against harmful UV rays, reducing sunburn risk and premature ageing. In fact, UK researchers found that people who consumed 50g of lycopene-rice tomato paste daily for three months had 33 percent higher protection against sunburn compared to those who didn’t eat tomato paste. But UV protection properties from carotenoids are insufficient to act as a physical sunscreen, so you still need to slip, slop, slap.

6. Chicken

Chicken is rich in protein and zinc. Protein is the largest component of skin, hair and nails, with inadequate amounts producing loose skin, dull hair and brittle nails. Zinc maintains the integrity of the skin and plays a role in protein synthesis, cell division and DNA synthesis, making it important for keeping your hair and nails healthy. Enjoy a chicken pasta, sandwich or salad.

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Shane and Liz’s glam debut

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne have made their red-carpet debut, stepping out together for Sir Elton John‘s White Tie and Tiara Ball.

The pair, who usually share a long-distance relationship over Twitter, stepped out in London this week looking every part the glam celebrity couple.

Liz wore a flowing leopard print dress while Shane looked trim in a black tuxedo. Thanks to Liz’s influence Shane has lost about 10kg in recent months.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported that the pair looked happy and couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Flick through the pictures of Shane and Liz’s relationship so far here!

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley’s red carpet debut.

Liz supported Shane at the launch of the brand ‘Spinners by Shane Warne’ in Mumbai.

Liz with Shane as he captains the IPL Twenty20 match.

Liz cuased a media frenzy when she came to Australia to visit Shane.

The Pair have been dating since December 2010.

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My Nightmare Boss

Meryl Streep as a demanding magazine editor in The Devil Wears Prada

Meryl Streep as a demanding magazine editor in The Devil Wears Prada

The Weekly’s Executive Editor Juliet Rieden recalls working under a boss so demanding she made Meryl Streep’s The Devil Wears Prada character look warm and friendly.

Breeding the competitive spirit into a mean fighting machine was the ruling dogma at one of the most challenging workplaces I have experienced, a British newspaper office, and in order to achieve this a rigid hierarchy of bosses made their own competitive game of who could be the most unreasonable and demanding dictator.

My own fearless leader cut her teeth on reducing staff to tears in Oscar-winning performances of ritual humiliation but her particular and favoured sport involved lines of communication.

Cruella — not her name but an apt moniker — had a computer in her office but never used it. In fact when she resigned we discovered the computer had never actually been connected to the central server.

Cruella, you see, refused to use such egalitarian forms of communication as email — that would mean people would be able to talk to her freely and at will.

Instead Cruella’s office, the door of which was always closed, was protected by her own door bitch PA seated in an outer office, a purgatorial no man’s land where you could put in your request for an audience with Cruella.

Your name with your topic of discussion would be written in a big book and at some later time — maybe 10 minutes, maybe two weeks, maybe never — you would receive your appointed hour which she may or may not turn up for.

For more regular contact with myself and my sidekick, senior staff members on this publication — which had a substantial staff putting out a high circulation weekly magazine with cutting edge news content — Cruella had installed what we called “the bat phone”.

This was a phone that sat on the desk between me and my colleague and was connected to Cruella’s private phone line in her office, a number we were not given access to by any other means.

It should be noted that our desks were literally right outside Cruella’s office, but communication was only via said “bat phone” from her to us — not vice versa — or via the PA door bitch. This phone needed to be manned at all times when Cruella was in the building or Hell would most certainly freeze over.

If we were both busting to go to the bathroom too bad…if we wanted lunch at the same time, forget it. The phone had a unique shrill tone and when it rang raised heartbeats to critical levels.

Cruella would bark an order then put down the phone. There was no repeating the order, no supplementary explanation of what it might be about or how we might complete it, all that was clear was that instant action was required.

Needless to say we always worked it out — somehow — such was the fevered reaction of the abused children we were. And when we managed to complete the task — always undergone at high hysterical speed — we felt somehow fulfilled, even complete. Such is the power of the nightmare boss!

Your say: What is your worst nightmare boss story? Contact us at [email protected]

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