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Believe it or not: Bizarre celebrity rituals

Believe it or not: Bizarre celebrity health and beauty rituals

Diamond and ruby facial

Mila Kunis is a fan of this facial which will set you back $7000. The procedure uses tiny precious stones as antioxidants for the skin. Celebrity aesthetician Scott-Vincent Borba let slip that she had it done before the Golden Globes in 2007.

“I always do [this on] her skin, neck, décolleté, arms, and the back of her hands,” Borba told InStyle magazine. “Anything that will be possibly showing with her dress.”

Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell recently opened up to the US edition of men’s magazine GQ about his strange rituals. The X Factor judge says he gets a weekly vitamin kick from an intravenous drip where vitamin B12, magnesium and vitamin C are pumped into his bloodstream. The procedure is administrated by a nurse.

“Even when I’m having a viewing session with producers, she just sticks the needle in me and we carry on whatever we are doing,” he said.

As if that wasn’t strange enough, he also said he loves climbing trees. “I climb trees daily. It’s like a ritual.”

Evian water bath

Who would spend $5000 on a simple bath? Serena Williams that’s who!

She was one of the first guests to try the Evian water bath treatment, known as the Evian Experience available at Hotel Victor in Miami. The treatment involves a bath filled with litres of Evian water and gerbera flowers.

Cow brain ointment

Mel Gibson uses an ointment made from cow’s brains to help him concentrate on winning while playing poker.

B12 injections

How do you get an instant energy boost? Just ask Madonna who introduced Justin Timberlake to regular B12 injections.

Timberlake has explained the story saying that he began to feel sick while rehearsing with Madge. That’s when she pulled out a Ziploc bag of B12 syringes from her purse and asked him to pull his pants down.

“I don’t know what you say to that, so I immediately dropped my pants,” he said. “She gave me a shot in my a– and looks at me and says, ‘Nice top shelf.’ That was one of the greatest days of my life.”

Placenta face cream

Eva Longoria is a fan of EMK placental cream which comes from botanicals that mimic the nutrients found in human placenta. It retails for $90 and promises to restore the properties of the skin.

Bird poo facial

Victoria Beckham is a fan of the geisha facial otherwise known as the bird poo facial. The treatment which costs $180 for 60 minutes is available at the Shizuka New York Day Spa in NYC.

The facial promises to brighten, nourish and soften complexion.

Leech therapy

Demi Moore once told David Letterman that she is a fan of leech therapy. She said the treatment used trained medical leeches to rid the body of toxins.

“I’ve always been somebody looking for the cutting edge of things that are for optimising your health and healing, so just a week ago I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy,” she said.

Snake venom facials

Gwyneth Paltrow uses creams packed with bee sting venom and snake venom which is said to have wrinkle-busting qualities.

Coffee grounds body wash

Halle Berry is a fan of adding coffee grounds to her body wash. The actress says it helps to smooth her skin and prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Vinegar shots

Fergie takes two tablespoons of organic apple cider (the unfiltered variety) daily and says it has had an impact on her stomach.

The shot flushes out toxins in the body and assists the body to digest food.

Caviar face cream

Angelina Jolie on the other hand opts for a more expensive beauty regime, caviar face cream.

Retailing at $710 for 100ml, the cream contains the eggs of Siberian sturgeon, which helps moisturise and firm the skin.

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Rod Stewart reveals grandchild’s name

Rod Stewart reveals grandchild's name

Rod Stewart has told of his joy at welcoming his grandchild after his daughter Kimberly Stewart gave birth to a baby girl in LA on Sunday, August 21.

In a world exclusive, the singer revealed to Jono Coleman and Ian “Dano” Rogerson, who host the ‘The Jono & Dano Show’ on Sydney radio station WSFM on the Classic Hits Network, the name of his grandchild and how he was feeling as a grandfather.

This is the first child for the 31-year-old actress and model and her ex-partner Oscar-winner Benicio del Toro who is the father of the child.

Both Rod and his wife Penny Lancaster-Stewart were at the hospital during Kimberly’s delivery as well as Kimberly’s mother, Rod’s first wife, Alana Collins.

Rod will reveal full details of his upcoming Australian tour in a full interview on the radio network to air on August 25.

Listen to Rod Stewart talking about his new grandaughter by playing the video at the top of the page, then let us know what you think of the name in the comments below.

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Hilary Duff dropped from film due to pregnancy

Hilary Duff dropped from movie due to pregnancy

Hilary Duff and her husband Mike Comrie © Getty.

Pregnant women spend months agonising over whether to return to work or stay at home once they have given birth but one Hollywood actress has had the decision made for her.

Hilary Duff has reportedly been dropped from her latest movie because she is pregnant.

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The 23-year-old actress announced she was expecting her first child with her new husband Mike Comrie last week.

Less than seven days later, sources at her upcoming film The Story of Bonnie and Clyde announced the film’s director Tonya S. Holly was looking for a new actress to play the infamous bank robber.

The decision to replace Hilary was said to be unavoidable as the movie is scheduled to start shooting next month and can’t wait until Hilary is ready to return to work.

“Hilary won’t be available until next June. If we could wait we would,” an insider told gossip website TMZ.

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It’s not the first time pregnancy has cost an actress a role. Tylo Hunter was famously sacked from Melrose Place in 1996 after she became pregnant. Hunter successfully sued the show for $4.8 million.

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Television is slowly killing us, study claims

Most people love nothing more than flopping down in front of the TV at the end of a busy day, but a new study has shown our habit might be slowly killing us.
Television is slowly killing us, study claims

Most people love nothing more than flopping down in front of the TV at the end of a busy day, but a new study has shown our habit might be slowly killing us.

Researchers at the University of Queensland found that every hour of TV watched by people over the age of 25 was associated with an average drop in lifespan on 22 minutes.

Over time, this could shave years off the life of a dedicated TV viewer.

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Study leaders say that it is not TV itself that is shortening our lives, but the way we watch it — sitting down and almost completely inactive.

Television also affects our eating habits, often causing watchers to overeat because they are distracted and unable to realise their body telling them they are full.

The good news is inactivity and poor diet choices encouraged by TV watching are easily remedied simply by being aware of them.

Try to be active while watching TV. Cleaning, cooking or even exercising while your favourite shows are on can counteract unhealthy inactivity — with the added bonus of making the usually unenjoyable tasks done before you know it.

Avoid eating in front of the television and if you need snacks while watching a movie, choose healthy options. Vegetable sticks provide a satisfying crunch while being low in energy and high in nutrients and can be served with a healthy spread, like hummus, as a great alternative to chips and dip.

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Air popped popcorn can also be a good choice, giving you the benefits of wholegrain without the fat and salt of traditional popcorn.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Television is slowly killing us, study claims

Television is slowly killing us, study claims

Most people love nothing more than flopping down in front of the TV at the end of a busy day, but a new study has shown our habit might be slowly killing us.

Researchers at the University of Queensland found that every hour of TV watched by people over the age of 25 was associated with an average drop in lifespan on 22 minutes.

Over time, this could shave years off the life of a dedicated TV viewer.

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Study leaders say that it is not TV itself that is shortening our lives, but the way we watch it — sitting down and almost completely inactive.

Television also affects our eating habits, often causing watchers to overeat because they are distracted and unable to realise their body telling them they are full.

The good news is inactivity and poor diet choices encouraged by TV watching are easily remedied simply by being aware of them.

Try to be active while watching TV. Cleaning, cooking or even exercising while your favourite shows are on can counteract unhealthy inactivity — with the added bonus of making the usually unenjoyable tasks done before you know it.

Avoid eating in front of the television and if you need snacks while watching a movie, choose healthy options. Vegetable sticks provide a satisfying crunch while being low in energy and high in nutrients and can be served with a healthy spread, like hummus, as a great alternative to chips and dip.

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Air popped popcorn can also be a good choice, giving you the benefits of wholegrain without the fat and salt of traditional popcorn.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Teen boys at risk because brains lag behind bodies

Teenage boys at risk because brains lag behind bodies

Testosterone has been getting teenage boys in trouble for centuries, but modern teens are in more danger than those in the past.

A new study has found that today’s young men reach sexual maturity at 18 years old, four years earlier than males of 1800.

But while their bodies are all grown up, modern teens’ brains are lagging behind, leading to reckless behaviour.

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This combination of mature body and immature brain can be deadly, study leader Joshua Goldstein from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research said.

“Earlier risk-taking among males may be dangerous because it occurs at an age when young men are less mentally and socially mature,” he said.

Goldstein studied death records from five European countries, paying particular attention to the ‘accident hump’ — a testosterone-fuelled surge in deaths that occurs when men reach physical maturity.

He found that the average age this surge happened fell steadily from 1750 to 1950 due to swelling testosterone levels.

The reduction happened at a rate of 2.5 months a decade, meaning that modern men reach their hormonal peak four years earlier than their 18th century counterparts.

Goldstein said improved standards of living, nutrition and medicine could all have contributed to the shift.

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Several studies have shown girls are starting to menstruate earlier but it has been difficult to prove boys are similarly affected. Anecdotal evidence suggested they were, with the average age a choirboy’s voice broke dropping from 18 in the 18th century, to just 13 in the 20th century.

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Fork it: the latest diet craze

Fork it: the latest diet craze

We’ve heard of the Dukin diet thanks to Kate Middleton and the Five Hands diet thanks to Victoria Beckham, but what is the latest diet craze? It’s the Fork It diet.

The basis of this new diet involves no spoons, knives or fingers after 6pm, so you can only eat dinner using a fork, meaning burgers and pizza are out limiting you to foods only eaten with a fork.

The TODAY nutritionist, Joanna McMillan, says the diet aims to encourage people to eat less at dinner.

“What they are actually trying to get at is the first aspect of the diet is that you eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor person,” she said.

The theory is that you are burning off more energy during the day when you are eating more and less at night when you are eating less.

Diabetologist doctor Philippe Passa, who is listed as one of the medical experts on the Fork It website, said: “It is about learning to eat in a healthier and more balanced way, while reducing the familial and social constraints that often accompany dieting.”

However, Joanna said that although the diet is encouraging people to eat white meat and fish for dinner with salad or vegetables, there is a definite flaw in the theory.

“The only flaw in that theory is that when we eat it takes several hours to digest and for the energy to be able to use. And from a practical perspective, we don’t have time to eat a great deal in the morning,” she said.

Have you tried the Fork It diet? What other diets have you tried?

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Marriage can be good for the heart, but bad for the waistline

Marriage can be good for the heart, but bad for the waistline

When it comes to a healthy heart, a happy marriage may be the key but when it comes to keeping weight off marriage doesn’t necessarily help, according to two separate studies.

The results of both studies relied heavily on gender.

The first study by the University of Rochester found that happily wedded people who undergo coronary bypass surgery are more than three times as likely to be alive 15 years later as their unmarried counterparts.

Conducted by the university’s School of Nursing, the study found good relationships show positive results.

“There is something in a good relationship that helps people stay on track,” lead author on the paper Professor Kathleen King said.

The marriage advantage affects woman and men differently. For men marriage in general is linked to higher survival rates and the more satisfying the marriage, the higher the rate of survival.

For women on the other hand, the quality of the relationship is even more important with satisfying unions increasing a woman’s survival rate almost fourfold.

“Wives need to feel satisfied in their relationships to reap a health dividend,” co-author Harry Reis, professor of psychology at the university, said.

“But the pay-off for marital bliss is even greater for women than for men.”

But this isn’t the only health issue which takes is measure by happily married couples. A separate study has found that weight gain throughout a marriage and following a divorce has differing effects on men and woman.

The study found that women are more likely to gain weight after they get married, while men are more likely to put on pounds after a divorce.

Study researcher Dmitry Tumin, a doctoral student in sociology at Ohio State University, said: “When you have these kinds of big life changes, your weight may go up.”

The study found that although people did not put on enough weight after marriage or divorce for it to have a significant impact on their health, a small percentage would be affected by health risks, especially for those aged more than 30.

The research, which is being presented at the American Sociological Association in Las Vegas, surveyed more than 10,000 US men and women on their weight and marital status and found that participant’s weight did not fluctuate much in the two-year period following a marriage or divorce.

But for about 10 to 15 percent, a large amount of weight was gained after a marriage, and 10 percent lost weight after a divorce.

The study also found that in a two-year period, women who married were 46 percent more likely to gain a large amount of weight than those unmarried, while men were not at increased risk for large weight gains after marriage.

Although data was not collected as to why women gained weight during marriage, professor of sociology at Ohio State University researcher Zhenchao Qian said it could come down to married women having a larger role around the house and having less time to exercise.

Your say: What’s your secret to a happy marriage?

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Fitting health into your life

Top six tips to help you achieve success

Nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid reveals the tasks you should add to your to-do list today.

With long working days, job-related stress, traffic delays and school drop-offs, it’s hard for many of us to spare even a thought for our health. Sure if we could exercise whenever we pleased and had a personal chef to prepare our meals, finding time for health wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately for most of us, this just isn’t an option. The good news is by making small changes to your day-to-day life you can easily fit health into your lifestyle.

1. Start your day the active way

Bound out of bed each morning straight into a work-out. Starting your day with exercise is a great way to make sure you get your daily quota. Leaving it until the evening makes it easier for it to be overlooked by other “more important” things. Put your sneakers and work-out gear next to your bed and just do it.

2. Break the fast

Breakfast boosts concentration levels and reduces the likelihood of binge eating later in the day. Whether you eat breakfast at home, on the run or in the office, make sure it contains low-GI carbohydrates and some protein. Muesli with low-fat yoghurt or milk or poached eggs on multigrain bread are perfect breakfast options.

3. Limit the lattes

Gone are the days of the Nescafe with a dash of milk — today’s coffees are more like a meal. With loads more milk (not to mention sugar), the extra kilojoules can easily sabotage any weight-loss attempt. Enjoy your morning coffee but limit your daily intake to one or two regular skinny espresso coffees without sugar. If you’re currently slurping down more than this slowly wean yourself off by reducing the size and then the number of coffees you drink each day.

4. Take a break

When lunch hits, take a break! Stopping for lunch gives you time to de-stress and refocus. Use your lunch hour wisely and get outside for some vitamin D. You may want to exercise with work colleagues or even enjoy your lunch in a park. Just don’t work through thinking that you’ll get more done — even a 15-minute break will make you more productive.

5. Decide on dinner early

Instead of deciding on dinner as you walk through the door each night, be organised and plan your evening meals before the week even starts. For nights when you have more time to enjoy more complicated dishes, but for those busier nights, quick and easy meals will do the trick. On weekends you could cook a meal in advance for those nights when you know you won’t be home until late.

6. Sleep well

Before you jump into bed clear your mind by jotting down all the things that you need to get done tomorrow. Turn off your mobile phone, tablet device and laptop and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable. Then lights out.

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Guess the slimmed down celeb: before and after photos

These celebs went from flab to fab. Can you identify these celebrity from their before and after weight loss photos?

Guess the celebrity weight loss star: before and after photos

These celebs went from flab to fab. Can you identify these celebrity from their before and after weight loss photos?

This Welsh beauty’s weight has always had its ups and downs, fluctuating between pregnancies and acting roles.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Her slim down was thanks to her highly demanding physical role in the broadway musical A Little Night Music.

This accomplished actress has never conformed to the Hollywood super skinny norm, and has spoken out against cosmetic surgey.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet has slimmed down with the help of a nutritionist. Kate has come to terms with her gorgeous curvy figure, particularly her bottom. “I’ve decided I am going to start loving my backside,” she told the Daily Mail.

Already slim, this young bride reportedly dropped a few more pounds for her big day. Her continued weight loss, however, has fuelled concerns that she is too thin.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Kate’s weight loss has been attributed to a combination of the stress of public life as well as the controversial Dukan Diet. Pro-anorexia websites are reportedly using images of Kate to inspire them in their unhealthy weight-loss goals. However the palace has hit back at anorexia claims, and says the duchess is “thriving” in her new role.

This British rock child has not only struggled with her weight, but also checked herself into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction three times.

Kelly Osbourne

Her appearance on a dancing contest Dancing with the Stars is what kick-started Kelly Osbourne’s weight loss. Dancing for hours each day burned a lot of fat from Kelly’s small frame. Her new lifestyle has shrunk the 157cm tall singer from a US size 14 to 2.

This retired cricket genius has discovered a love of moisturiser and diet shakes.

Shane Warne

Shane Warne credits his new look to girlfriend Liz Hurley’s moisturiser and a fondness for organic goji-berryshakes. Don’t get too scrawny, Warnie!

This Oscar-winning actress and singer has signed a deal to write a memoir chronicling her weight-loss journey.

Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson’s weight loss has brought her from a size 16 to 6. Hudson credits most of her success to following the Weight Watchers program. She is now a campaign spokesperson for the company.

Sex bomb actress has become famous in recent years for her body weight battle and yo-yo dieting.

Kirstie Alley

In 2010, Kirstie tipped the scales at 104kg. She started a diet and exercise regime to help reach her weight-loss goals, but it was a stint on US version of Dancing with the Stars that helped her shift 27kg. Kirstie tweeted, “Here’s a tip for any weight-loss plan: Dance for four or five hours a day. Sorta starts melting off!”

This pop star has stunned Australia with her dramatic weight loss.

Ricki-Lee Coulter

The former Australian Idol finalist has shed 30kg. The curves Ricki-Lee was once so proud to flaunt have melted away to be replaced by muscle. Her personal trainer boyfriend Richard Harrison has helped Ricki-Lee achieve what a host of diets and even a brief stint as a weight-loss brand ambassador couldn’t — losing the weight and keeping it off.

This actor is superfunny as Russell Brand’s sidekick.

Jonah Hill

If you passed Jonah Hill on the street, you may not recognise him. The Superbad actor is said to have lost close to 20 kilos since last December, according to the UK’s Daily Mail. Hill told the Los Angeles Times he lost the weight through diet and exercise adding he “thought it was important to be healthier”.

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Ricky Gervais

The Golden Globe award-winning comedian/actor has taken up jogging with his long-term girlfriend Jane Fallon. The creator of The Office has shed about 10 kilos, transforming himself from the round-faced comic we all knew to a svelte leading man.

This queen of comedy has become the poster girl for serious weight loss.

Magda Szubanski

Funny lady Magda Szubanski has lost 36kg to reach her target weight of 85kg. The Kath & Kim star signed up to a weight-loss program with Jenny Craig in 2009 after a series of health problems. She dropped from a size 26 to size 14. She recently ended her contract with Jenny Craig.

Next: 10 drinks for a healthier life (and 5 drinks to avoid)

We all know that water is the healthiest drink, but sometimes we need a change. There are many beverages that claim to boost your health, and many that can hinder it! Here are 10 of the healthiest drinks, and 5 drinks to avoid.

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