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The rise and fall of Demi Moore

After 25 years in the spotlight and three failed marriages, Demi Moore seems to be buckling under the pressure of her fame.
Demi Moore

After 25 years in the spotlight and three failed marriages, Demi Moore seems to be buckling under the pressure of her fame.

The 49-year-old actress was rushed to hospital on January 24 after paramedics were called to her Los Angeles home. She has now been checked into a rehabilitation facility, reportedly to help her deal with her “substance abuse”.

Demi split from her third husband Ashton Kutcher last September and has been looking shockingly thin ever since.

Here are some pictures from Demi’s long life in the limelight.

Demi in 1992, 1990 and 2011.

Demi with her first husband Freddy Moore in 1982.

Demi with Emilio Estevez in 1986.

Demi with Bruce Willis in 1989.

Demi at the *Dances with Wolves* premiere in 1990.

Demi at the Dances with Wolves premiere in 1990.

A slick-looking Demi in Las Vegas in 1992.

Demi and Tom Cruise in 1993.

Demi and Bruce at the *Striptease* premiere in 1996.

Demi and Bruce at the Striptease premiere in 1996.

Demi with Elizabeth Taylor in 1998.

Demi, new man Ashton and ex-husband Bruce in 2004.

Demi and Ashton on the red carpet in 2006.

Demi and Ashton looking tense before their split.

Demi and Ashton in 2010.

Demi and Ashton in August 2010.

The couple in September 2010.

Demi’s weight has plummeted since she split from Ashton in September.

Demi and daughter Rumer in LA in January.

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Five ways to lose five kilos

Five ways to lose five kilos

It’s easy to put on that extra 5 kilos, but it’s just as easy to lose them. Small changes are a big help in reaching a healthy weight, without feeling deprived.

Have fibre, first up

Breakfasting on fibre-dense multigrain toast or wholegrain cereal makes you less likely to feel empty by mid-morning.

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Swap hands

Using your nondominant hand when eating will slow your pace and help you realise when you’re full, making you more conscious of overeating.

Use less fat

Instead of spooning fat or butter into the pan when cooking, put extra virgin olive oil in a mist sprayer and top up with water; use to spritz the pot or frypan.

Drink green tea

It contains epigallocatechin gallate, a substance thought to curb appetite.

Related: Do diet pills actually work?

Use a smaller plate

This simple trick effectively reduces the food you serve yourself.

Your say: How did you slim down?

Video: Weight loss obstacles

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How to storm-proof your garden

Our 12-step guide to securing your garden in case of a storm.
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When we see clouds like bruised knees on the horizon many people’s first thought is, “Hope I get the washing in before it pours”.

But sometimes those rain clouds can bring disaster too: howling winds and flash floods. So how can you storm-proof your garden this summer?

1. Listen for storm warnings!

These are usually broadcast on ABC radio, and if you live in a cyclone, tornado, flash flood or bushfire zone (ie, most of us) at least listen to the news bulletins in danger times.

2. Do a “storm check” of your house.

How would your shutters fare in a high wind? Is that pergola weighed down with too much greenery? Could hanging baskets swing and break your windows? Could garden furniture crash against windows too?

3. Inspect your trees!

Any dead or dying limbs can be a danger. So can trees where the lower branches have been pruned off leaving them top heavy. Be especially cautious of any tree growing in the lawn. These may well have been watered very little or only just enough to keep your lawn green, but leaving your tree with shallow roots.

If in doubt, attach tethers to your tree, pegged into the ground on three or four sides, if a big wind is predicted. Pruning out some of the branches may make it less heavy, and so less likely to fall too.

4. Tree surgeons are your friend.

A good tree surgeon can assess what branches and trees may be dangerous, and take whatever action is necessary to sort out the problem. Make sure they’re qualified, though, and have their own insurance, so that if anything goes wrong, it’s not you who pays. A bad tree surgeon can actually make the situation worse.

5. Mulch!

Your topsoil can be entirely washed away in a major storm, especially if it’s a newly dug bed. A tough mulch like sugarcane mulch is perfect, stopping soil from eroding as well as keeping in precious moisture afterwards.

6. Drainage.

Make sure all garden walls have drainage holes, otherwise water can build up behind them, and they may collapse.

7. Accidental dams

Watch out for steep banks behind your house — especially if there are houses above you. Sometimes a storm can wash down grass and leaves and make a “dam” behind fences — and when that dam breaks, a wall of water can crash down towards your house.

8. Divert the flow.

If necessary, put in drains around your house to direct water away from living areas. These don’t have to be the big drains you see under roads. Our “house drains” are just gentle slopes in the grass as well as garden beds that will divert water around the house, not through it.

9. Mind your slopes

Check that your paving slopes just very slightly away from your house, not towards it. I don’t mean a steep slope — you need to be able to place chairs and tables on it without them wobbling. But when you hose your paving, watch where he water flows. It should wash off the paving, not towards the house.

10. Pack away the shade

Make sure you can take your shade sails down, or loosen them on one side, if there’s a high risk of a hail storm — a shade sail full of hail may collapse.

11. Clean out the gutters.

Gutters full of leaves will mean your gutter overflows and water may seep into window or roof edges.

12. Fix your leaks

If your roof leaks, do more than stand a bucket under the drips. A leaking roof needs to be sealed before ceilings or timbers rot in the damp.

I learned my lesson many years ago when the house flooded simply because a torrent of rain fell on the small slope behind us.

These days the trees are pruned around the house, the drains are kept clear, there are garden beds above the house that divert any water that might flow down the slope — and when I see purple clouds on the horizon I only need to take the washing in, and yell “Hurray!”

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Finding balance in the bedroom

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You and your partner love each other and want to have sex. But what if you’re on different pages when it comes to when and how often?

Libido. It’s a fickle thing. If we believe everything we read, men do nothing but think about sex while women use headaches and hair-washing to get out of it. In reality, many factors can affect when both men and women want sex, but if your body’s telling you yes while his says no, or vice versa, what can you do?

Hidden problems

If your sex life is suffering from a lack of synchronicity, the first thing you need to do is address any underlying relationship issues, says Phoebe Hutchison, author of marriage survival guide Honeymooners Forever.

“If one partner is feeling resentful about something, sex is likely to suffer,” Hutchison says. “Women especially tend to refuse sex if they’re mad at their partner, because they often connect sex with emotions. It’s different for men. Feelings are still important, but sex is more of a physical thing.” Which is great if he’s the one not in the mood. Just push the right buttons and you’re likely to get lucky.

Busy, busy

A hectic schedule can also affect sex drive. “During my research I heard the same story again and again — women are often too exhausted for sex,” Hutchison says. “If your mind’s busy with so many other things — kids, work, friends, family — you just can’t think about sex.”

The secret is to save half an hour a day for yourself. “This allows you to get in the mood. Something as simple as a shopping trip without the kids can help you feel more relaxed and open to sex,” Hutchison says. And remember men get stressed too. “If a man is worried about work or finances, he can lose his sexual appetite completely,” she says.

Confidence crisis

We often think only women worry about how they measure up, but men do too. “They like to feel masculine,” Hutchison says. “They like to be king of the castle and satisfy their woman. So praise him.” If he’s doing something right, tell him. If he’s doing something wrong, gently suggest changes or guide him with your hands.

If you do nothing but complain or lie there like a corpse, his confidence will suffer and likely affect his libido. “And give your partner plenty of attention,” Hutchison says. “I asked a sex worker why she thought many of her clients were married men. She said they’re all looking for attention they don’t get at home.”

Give and take

If the problem is simply hormones — perhaps yours are raging when his aren’t — it’s time to compromise. “My research showed men tend to prefer morning sex,” Hutchison says. “So if you like it at night you might clash. You need to acknowledge your differences and accommodate each other, otherwise the rejection will turn into anger.”

Try alternating mornings and evenings. The same goes if he wants sex every day while you’re more of a once-a-week kind of girl. “Communication is vital,” Hutchison says. “The one who wants it less needs to explain it’s nothing personal, while the one who wants it more might be able to get satisfaction from masturbation.”

Roller-coaster ride

Communication is the key as silence only results in misunderstandings. “And realise that, like everything in life, your sex life will have its ups and downs. We will all experience dry spells,” Hutchison says.

Don’t write sex off it’s not happening for you right now. Talk things through and try things out. Moving from the bed to the sofa might spice things up, or a few games or toys could add a whole new dimension to lovemaking.

“Most importantly, be nice to your partner,” Hutchison says. “And treat them like a lover, not a spouse, even if you’re married or living together.” Seeing them as a sexual being and not just someone who you split the bills with can only lead to good things in the sack.

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Are double dates the secret to a happy marriage?

Double dates the secret to a happy marriage

Beyonce Knowles and Gwyneth Paltrow are known to double date frequently.

Want to know the secret to Beyoncé and Gwyneth’s happy marriages? Apparently the answer is as simple as double dating.

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z regularly spend time with Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin — and a new study suggests their marriages are happier as a result.

Psychologists from the University of Maryland surveyed 123 married people and 58 divorcees.

They found that those who regularly ‘double dated’ with another couple were much happier, more physically attracted to their spouse and far less likely to break up.

“Couples with couple friends seem to have happier relationships,” study leader Professor Geoffrey Greif said.

“With a great couple friendship, you get to see your partner at their best, having a good time and that makes them more attractive. They are having fun, interacting in a loving and supportive way with another couple as well as with the partner.

“Having close couple friends is often a reflection of a longer and happier marriage.”

The study also found that double dating led to greater understanding between partners as observing how other couples behave makes people reflect on how they treat their own partner.

“We watch other couples,” he said. “How do they deal with their children? Does he open the car door for her? Is she supportive of him? Do they hold hands?

“Those behaviours are teachable moments for a couple. If you admire your friends, you can learn from their relationship.”

The research is published as part of the bookTwo Plus Two: Couples and Their Couple Friendships.

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Pink shows off her adorable daughter in video to Ellen

Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelly show off their adorable daughter

Pink has sent a video birthday message to daytime talk show host Ellen DeGeneres with a special surprise appearance from her adorable daughter.

Ellen, who turned 54 last week, aired the video on her talk show.

“I wish you this year freedom, love, laughter, sleeping in late, getting lots of rest,” Pink said, before saying she had a surprise for Ellen.

Pink goes inside her house and picks up her eight-month-old daughter Willow Sage Hart who was all smiles for the camera.

“‘Say Hi Ellen, I was on your show last year!” Pink says to Willow.

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Nicole Kidman’s panic: I’ve lost my baby girl

Nicole Kidman's panic: I've lost my baby girl

The Aussie actress is devastated as ex-husband Tom Cruise chooses a Scientology prodigy for their teenage daughter’s first love.

The controversial religion almost cost her everything. But more than a decade after her devastating divorce from Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman thought she’d finally escaped the clutches of Scientology. Having re-embraced her Catholicism and started a whole new family, Nicole had found happiness leading the simple life on a Nashville farm with Aussie husband Keith Urban and their gorgeous girls, Sunday Rose, 3, and one-year-old Faith Margaret.

However, last week Nicole was dealt a fresh blow when her and Tom’s daughter Isabella debuted her boyfriend, Eddie Frencher, a junior Scientologist who Woman’s Day can reveal has been hailed as a “prophet” within the organisation. Insiders tell us the young lovebirds are “very serious” about each other – and, in shocking news, Tom and the mysterious Scientologist elders are encouraging the couple to marry so they can be installed as future leaders of the cult.

“Nicole is absolutely beside herself,” reveals a close family friend who regularly spends time with the actress and her mum Janelle. “What should have been a heart-warming tale of her daughter’s first love has turned sour. Nicole can only look on helplessly as the relationship ties Bella deeper and deeper into Scientology. She desperately wants her little girl to have a normal life and had secretly hoped her daughter would rebel against whatever weird master plan was made for her.

“But it’s almost as if Bella’s under the Scientology spell, much like Nicole was during her marriage, and Nic can’t help but feel it’s a case of history repeating itself.” Adding to Nicole’s horror is a complete sense of helplessness.

Read more plus see the pictures of Isabella and her new boyfriend Eddie Frencher in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 30, 2012.

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Michelle Bridges: Meet my ‘secret’ husband

Michelle Bridges: Meet my 'secret' husband

The Biggest Loser trainer shows off her man, and tells LEIGH REINHOLD why she’s too scared to have a baby!

Every so often, The Biggest Loser fitness trainer Michelle Bridges steals a quick kiss from her husband and business manager, Bill Moore, and gazes adoringly into his eyes. Obviously deeply in love, with a super-successful fitness business, Michelle’s just-released The No Excuses Cookbook, a newly renovated house, a much-adored kelpie-cross-cattle dog and regular overseas holidays, these two are on top of their game.

There’s just one uncertainty in their otherwise blissful relationship – neither one can decide whether they should experience parenthood together. “I think that if I really wanted a baby, I could – I’m just very nervous about it. I think I’ve got ‘paralysis by analysis’ about having a baby,” admits Michelle, 41, borrowing a phrase from her best-selling Crunch Time books and DVDS.

“The problem is, I over-think it. My mum said to me, ‘I don’t know why you don’t just get pregnant! I don’t know why you have to think about this and think about that,’ and she’s probably quite right. “And if I wanted to have a baby, Billy wouldn’t stop me. He has always said if I wanted to, we could. But we did put a bit of a time limit on it.”

“Yeah, and it expired four years ago!” jokes Bill who, at 58, is already a father to two sons, Joseph, 33, and Luke, 29, from a previous marriage. Yet he says he’d happily be a dad again “if Mishy wants it”. It was 1996 when Michelle first met Bill at his gym, Balmain Fitness. She was the most popular fitness trainer he had ever employed, and in between classes she’d stop by his office for a chat. However, nothing romantic developed for quite a while.

Read more about how Michelle met Bill in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 30, 2012.

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Ange’s little tomboy Shiloh longs to be one of the boys

Ange's little tomboy longs to be one of the boys

Angelina Jolie walks her children through the airport in Japan.

Ange’s little tomboy longs to be ‘one of the brothers’… and Mum’s happy to help.

Sporting a super-short new haircut and a blokey black outfit, Angelina Jolie’s five-year-old daughter Shiloh looked like one of the boys when she joined brothers Pax, 8, and Knox, 3, on a trip to the Studio City Farmers’ Market in LA last week. (See the pictures in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale now.)

From her masculine new look, it’s clear the tomboy tendencies Ange and her partner Brad Pitt had both written off as “just a phase” are in no danger of disappearing and are, in fact, only becoming more extreme.

Following reports that Shiloh now insists on being called “Shax” – so her name ends in an “X”, like her brothers’ – a family insider tells Woman’s Day the little girl has taken her boyish behaviour to a whole new level by insisting on only using men’s bathrooms! “The first time Ange caught Shiloh using the men’s room at an airport, she was horrified and embarrassed,” our source reports. “A bodyguard had to go in and retrieve her.

“But now Ange has accepted it, allowing Shiloh to wash and bathe in her brothers’ bathroom instead of her own. And when the family is out in public, it’s par for the course that she be allowed to use the men’s restroom.” Shiloh has long been obsessed with toy weapons, fake tattoos and pirates, and our insider says she now dresses almost exclusively in her brothers’ hand-me-downs and begs to sleep in their rooms.

Read more plus see the pictures of Shiloh’s tomboy new look in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 30, 2012.

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*Excess Baggage* feud: Darryn VS Ajay

Excess Baggage feud: Darryn VS Ajay

He says she’s lazy, she says he’s a bully…the war of words between these celeb fatties is getting nasty.

Controversial paparazzo Darryn Lyons makes no bones about it – he does not like equally controversial former Biggest Loser host Ajay Rochester. “We don’t get along at all,” he confirms.

Darren says Ajay is a “manipulative attention seeker” whose real personality will be revealed during the challenges on celebrity weight loss show Excess Baggage, where eight overweight celebrities, including AFL legend Robert “Dipper” DiPierdomenico, singer Christina Anu, Beaconsfield miner Brant Webb and Muriel’s Wedding star Gabby Millgate, are teamed with eight ordinary, plus-size Australians.

“I don’t think she has played the game in the spirit of the game and her partner has had to carry 99 per cent of the load,” Darryn snarls. While Ajay at first refused to name Darryn on her personal blog – merely calling him “he who shall not be mentioned” – there is little doubt she is talking about the Big Pictures boss who is at war with her. She labelled him a “so-called hilariously entertaining villain” before later claiming he is a bully.

Ajay, 42, blogged: “Maybe kids see bullies on reality TV shows become even more famous and successful and think, “Well it works for him, everybody loves him/her for it, maybe I will be even more popular by picking on someone else!”

Read more about the feud plus Kevin Federline explains his heart attack scare in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 30, 2012.

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