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Miles off Course

Miles off Course

Miles off Course by Sulari Gentill, Pantera Press, $29.99

Communists, facists, sly-groggers, thieves, and older brother Wilfred make 1933 a year to remember for Australian gentleman-painter Rowland Sinclair.

Trouble follows him from the manicured croquet lawns of the Hydro Majestic up to the wild High Country and all the way to the front door of Kate Leigh’s dubious Darlinghurst establishment.

Sinclair is charming, brave, and generous. He’s the rebellious artistic younger brother in a family of wealthy graziers.

Oh if only the luscious sculptress and life model Edna Higgins would love him the way he loves her.

This is the third Rowland Sinclair novel from Sulari Gentill, who writes from her farm in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains.

It’s a joy to get reacquainted with Rowly and his friends as they live their luxurious but turbulent lives.

Miles Off Course is an rousing read that reeks of Australia in the 1930’s, a politically charged time of rapid change, privilege and poverty, glamour and crime.

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Jubilee by Shelley Harris, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, $29.99

Smart and insightful, familiar yet uncomfortable, watertight and believable, Shelley Harris’ debut novel ticks all the boxes for a compelling, original and compact read.

With a quirky premise of a newspaper photograph snapped at an English street party to celebrate the Queen’s silver jubilee in 1977, Harris confidently embarks on a versatile tale of criminal intrigue (blackmail), love against the (racial) barriers, all played out to a soundtrack of David Soul versus the Sex Pistols, in the Seventies-confused pop charts.

Satish Patel’s parents fled Uganda under President Idi Amin’s despotic rule, for a new life in “multi-cultural” Britain. Their 12-year-old son has endured mild racist ridicule in the playground so far.

Yet the photo of Satish, an Asian boy jubilant at his white majority village party — table piled high with Coronation Chicken and red, white and blue fairy cakes — becomes iconic; “…posing only a minimal threat to the house pricing,” muses Dr Satish Patel, a paediatric cardiologist, 30 years later.

The camera doesn’t so much lie, as conceal, and Harris will uncover the deeply disturbing events that preceded the snapshot.

When the photographer is keen to regroup for a reunion photograph, Satish’s proud father wants everyone to see “the doctor” his son became, but Satish’s vehement misgivings run much deeper than the memory of being the “Paki boy” no white neighbourhood mother would allow to stay for tea.

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Vincent Van Gogh: The Life

Vincent Van Gogh: The Life

Vincent Van Gogh: The Life by Steven Haifeh and Gregory White Smith, Profile Books , $59.99

Destined for posthumous priceless collectors’ value, it is still hard to conceive that when Vincent Van Gogh died at just 37, his star had yet to ascend.

And if Pulitzer prize-winning Jason Pollock biographers Naifeh and Smith’s hypothetical reconstruction of Vincent’s suicide is to be believed, in this one thousand page biographical masterpiece, it is possible the penniless “painter of peasants” was being stood his last few cognacs by the boy who may have fired the fatal shot that killed him.

The eldest of six children born in the south of the Netherlands to devout preacher Dorus and pious wife, Vincent displayed eccentric traits from childhood and described his banishment to boarding school at eleven years — one of countless well-meant, yet damaging attempts by his family to “cure” him of his exceptional ways — as akin to the insane asylum he would be locked in, stripped bare and shackled down in darkness years later.

His infant solace of urgent collecting of bugs, reading at demonic speed would translate in adulthood to lonely late nights at cafes frequented by vagabonds.

His peering eyes, red cropped hair and habitual self-perjury — starvation, sleeping on planks of wood, infrequent washing, trudging miles in bitter snow — repulsed even some of the prostitutes he used as models and as lovers, yet whom he positioned on canvas as maternal icons.

Never swayed from his stubbornly artistic bent, drawing was one of his few social graces and devoted artist brother Theo painstakingly tried to move him from the black of his charcoal to the more saleable colours of the Impressionist movement.

Starry Night and Vase With Fifteen Sunflowers were the among the vibrant releases for the hallucinating artist, who, after cutting part of his ear off, was committed to a lunatic asylum.

Diagnosed with epilepsy by an insightful doctor, it would be the century after Starry Night was painted, scientists would discover that latent epileptic fits resembled fireworks of electrical impulses in the brain.

The butt of pranks in Auvers, the French village he exiled himself to, Vincent accepted abuse and an absinthe from boys including Rene Secretan, a sixteen year old holidaymaker.

The authors believe it was Rene’s .380 calibre peashooter which accidentally or intentionally fatally wounded the artist on July 27 1890.

This biography stands as a staggering tour de force, densely and definitively detailed.

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Tideline by Penny Hancock, Simon & Schuster UK, $29.99

This chilling psychological thriller navigates through its undercurrent of a 43-year-old woman’s obsession and kidnap of a fifteen year-old-boy, to sway the reader into a dangerous comfort zone.

“These boy-men did not exist quite like this when I was young… taller, broader, softer, gentler,” muses voice coach Sonia, as she seduces Jez into her riverside London house.

“I want to cherish this feeling… like the night after you give birth and stare at the baby you have brought it into the world,” she shares under a cloak of respectability.

But Tideline builds to a brutal climax: a teen hostage gagged and shackled.

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Royals before they were famous

She was just 26 years old, mourning the death of her father and about to be crowned Queen of England, but in this previously unseen portrait, Elizabeth II exudes calm and dignity.

The image is one of 35 official photos taken in March 1952 by Kenneth Clayton. Clayton was allowed to keep the snaps as long as he kept them private for 30 years.

He kept his promise until his death in 2001 and now his family has put the images up for auction to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee.

Here are some candid pictures of some of our favourite royals before they became famous.

Elizabeth in 1952 and in 2007.

The image was taken before Elizabeth’s coronation but after her father’s death.

Kate Middleton in 2005, and in London yesterday.

Princess Diana aged just 19 in 1980 and looking stunning in 1995.

Denmark’s Crown Princess Mary in 2003 and last month.

Sarah Ferguson before her wedding in 1986 and in 2011.

Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall, in 1998 and earlier this month.

Grace Kelly as a movie star in 1950 and a princess in 1979.

Prince Edward’s wife Sophie in 1995 and earlier this month.

Prince Harry’s on/off love Chelsy Davy in 2006 and at the royal wedding in April, 2011.

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Elle’s first bikini shoot in six years

For the first time in six years, Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson is back in her signature triangle bikini.

In a shoot for US magazine People the 47-year-old mother of two, who has had a long career known as “The Body”, showed she still has it.

Putting her figure down to her healthy lifestyle (get tips from Elle’s trainer here) and her good genes, she admits she still gets nervous at shoots.

“I do get jitters,” she told People. “I was comfortable [at the shoot]. But I had to get my self-conscious ‘maybe I don’t look my best’ head out of the way and go with, ‘Let’s celebrate where I’m at’.”

Flick through the pictures of Elle in bikinis throughout her career, then watch the video from her shoot with People.

Elle Macpherson for *People* magazine.

Elle Macpherson for People magazine.

Elle with fellow models Kathy Ireland and Rachel Hunter on the cover of *Sports Illustrated*.

Elle with fellow models Kathy Ireland and Rachel Hunter on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Elle models a sailor suit bikini in 1994.

Elle soaks up the sun in Ibiza.

Elle shoots an exercise video on the beach in Hawaii.

Elle on the beach in her signature straw hat.

Elle hits the pool with her son.

Elle on Sydney Harbor after a day of sailing.

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Camilla steps out in Princess Diana’s jewellery

They were bitter love rivals for two decades so it’s not hard to imagine how Princess Diana would feel about Camilla wearing her favourite jewels.

The Duchess of Cornwall wore Diana’s beloved diamond and emerald brooch to the races in Cheltenham yesterday.

The Queen Mother gave Diana the brooch when she married Prince Charles in 1981 and it was returned to the royal family after her death in 1997. Charles then gave it to his new wife Camilla.

Diana would no doubt be more pleased to see Kate Middleton wearing her treasures.

Diana wearing the brooch as a necklace in 1986, and Camilla yesterday.

Kate has modified Diana’s earrings and wears them frequently.

Prince William gave Kate his mother’s engagement ring in November 2010.

Kate borrowed this diamond brooch from Queen Elizabeth for her trip to Canada.

The tiara Kate wore to her wedding has been worn by the Queen Mother and Princess Anne.

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Prince Harry fears royal duties will stop him “finding someone”

Prince Harry fears royal duties will stop him “finding someone”

He is the fun-loving prince who has been dubbed flirty Harry in the past, but the 27-year-old fears that his role as a royal may stand in the way of finding love.

In an interview with CBS, Prince Harry, who recently shone in his royal role with a successful solo 10-day tour of Latin America to launch the Queen’s diamond jubilee celebrations, spoke quite honestly about what life as a royal is really like.

When asked whether being a royal lived up to its expectations he said: “No, not at all, ha ha – as any girl would ever tell you.”

The prince, who also revealed that he sometimes wishes he were “normal”, spoke about the reaction he usually receives from women.

“It’s sort of, ‘Oh my god, he’s a prince’. But no. The job that it entails — I mean look at me, I’m 27 years old and not so much searching for someone to fulfill the role, but obviously, you know, finding someone that would be willing to take it on,” he said.

So far, Prince Harry has been somewhat unlucky in love with his five-year on-again off-again relationship with Chelsy Davy ending in 2009 after she made it clear to him that she did not want to live a life of official duties.

Since their split, he has been linked to UK television presenter Caroline Flack and briefly dated lingerie model Florence Brudenell-Bruce.

Despite his concerns it seems Prince Harry made a lasting impression on a number of women while on his tour, with Miss Bahamas 2011 declaring she wanted to marry him.

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VIDEO: Baby Lennon sees bubbles for the first time

VIDEO: Baby Lennon sees bubbles for the first time

When was the last time you took time out to appreciate the simple things in life, like bubbles?

As adults we can get caught up in the daily grind, but here, baby Lennon reminds us not to take life so seriously.

Watch the video of baby Lennon seeing bubbles for the first time in the video player above.

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Sugary soft drinks linked to heart disease

Fizzy drinks are 'evil' and should be avoided

Sugary soft drinks might be bad for your waistline but they’re even worse for your heart.

A new Harvard University study found that people drinking as few as 6.5 sugary drinks a week were 20 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those who never consumed them.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health studied the eating habits and incidences of heart disease in nearly 43,000 men aged 40-75 over a period of 22 years.

Related: You really can die from a broken heart

The men filled out surveys about their diet, health and lifestyle every few years from January 1986 to December 2008.

Ten years into the study, they also provided blood samples so researchers could test their sugar, cholesterol and lipid levels.

Researchers found that men who regularly indulged in sugary drinks had a significantly increased risk of heart disease.

This increased risk remained even once other risk factors — such as smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and family history of heart disease — were accounted for.

“This adds to the growing evidence that sugary beverages are detrimental to our health,” study author Dr Frank Hu said.

“There should be a concerted effort to reduce sugary beverage consumption in our population.”

Men who sipped sugary drinks once a week or less did not experience an elevated risk.

Likewise, men who consumed artificially-sweetened drinks saw no increase in their risk of heart attack.

But Hu insists this doesn’t give people the green light to consume diet soft drinks, which have been associated with a number of other health problems.

“Less than one diet soda per day is probably okay, but we need more research,” he said. “We also have much better alternatives like water and sweetened coffee and tea. We should consume those instead.”

While this study focused on men, Hu has previously found that women who drank more than two sugary soft drinks daily were 40 percent more likely to have a heart attack than women who rarely consumed the same beverages.

“The results are basically the same for both men and women,” Hu said. “We should avoid sugary beverages as much as possible. These drinks should be occasional treats rather than a regular part of our diets.”

Related: Why being married could save your life

This study was published in the latest edition of the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

Your say: Are you worried about how many sugary soft drinks you consume?

Video: Baby heart disease

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