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Jessica Simpson said what?

Jessica Simpson will marry before second baby arrives

She has always been one to speak her mind (who could forget her “is tuna chicken or fish” incident), but since becoming pregnant Jessica Simpson has been sharing a little too much information.

Recently, while on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the singer turned businesswoman explained why her baby bump was so big.

“Apparently I have a lot of amniotic fluid, so whenever my water breaks it’ll be a like a fire hydrant,” she said. “And let’s hope it doesn’t happen tonight!”

But this is just the start of what the 31-year-old has been sharing about her pregnancy.

Watch the video above to hear all of Jessica’s strange pregnancy comments.

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See Kate Middleton speak for the first time

See Kate Middleton speak for the first time

When you’ve watched someone from afar for so long, it’s always bizarre to hear them speak and Kate Middleton is no exception.

We’ve seen thousands of pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge over the years, but she hasn’t spoken publicly since becoming a royal — until now.

In pictures: Kate Middleton borrows her mother’s dress

And much like when David Beckham or singer Adele speak, the voice doesn’t quite match up to the public image.

While Kate is known as the “commoner” princess, who came from a middle class home to steal Prince William’s heart, her voice is 100 percent posh — and very similar to Queen Elizabeth’s plummy speech.

Kate, 30, seemed a little nervous as she addressed the crowd at The Treehouse children’s hospice in Ipswich, Suffolk, yesterday.

Her speech — which royal aides stressed she wrote herself — received rave reviews from royal watchers, but the duchess’ choice of outfit attracted the most attention.

Kate recycled a Reiss dress from 2008, which was most recently seen on her mother Carole Middleton, 57, in 2010.

In pictures: Camilla steps out in Diana’s jewels

Kate frequently reuses her favourite outfits, and has been known to borrow clothes from her mother.

This habit is said to please the queen, who frequently recycles clothes herself.

Your say: Do you think Kate’s voice matches her public image?

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Kate Middleton borrows her mother’s dress

Kate Middleton made her first public speech yesterday but it was her outfit that made the headlines.

Instead of buying a new dress for the momentous occasion, the Duchess of Cambridge donned a blue Reiss frock last seen on her 57-year-old mother Carole in 2010.

Kate, 30, is famous for recycling her favourite outfits, and has been known to borrow clothes from her mother.

Her frugal clothing habits are said to please the queen, who frequently recycles clothes herself. Here are some of Kate’s best recycled outfits.

Kate in Suffolk yesterday, and Carole Middleton at Ascot in 2010.

Kate in 2009 and at Prince Philip’s 90th birthday celebrations in June 2011.


Kate at Laura Parker Bowles’ wedding in 2006 and at Zara Phillips’ wedding in July 2011.

Kate at an event in Los Angeles last month, and at Zara’s pre-wedding celebration in 2011.

Kate at an engagement in April and in an official portrait for her Canada tour.

Kate recycled her cream engagement dress for Canada Day celebrations last year.

William is also a royal recycler, wearing the same outfit two days in a row in Canada.

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Five reasons we love George Clooney

George Clooney has given women everywhere another reason to adore him - while in prison last week he used his only phone call to ring his mum to tell her he loved her.
George Clooney

George Clooney © Getty

He’s sexy as hell, but that’s not the only reason to adore George Clooney — here are five reasons we can’t get enough of the 50-year-old hunk.

1. He loves his mum

George was arrested last week while protesting the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington DC. He was charged with civil disobedience and sent to prison and while there, used his only phone call to ring his beloved mother Nina. When quizzed about who he had called, George told reporters: “My mom. Some things never change!”

2. He has never kissed and told

George has dated dozens of beautiful women but has never spilled any secrets about what goes on between his sheets. He is always discreet and keeps his private life, well, private! He has reportedly enjoyed dalliances with Julia Roberts, Renee Zellweger and Charlize Theron, but we’ll never know for sure because George would never kiss and tell.

3. He’s generous

George is famously generous, to both his friends and complete strangers. He once bought a woman a new car after he damaged hers in a collision, gave a homeless man a fistful of money and paid his struggling ER co-star Noah Wyle’s rent until Noah got back on his feet. He gave another friend the keys to his Lake Como villa as a honeymoon gift and is known to shower the cast and crew of his films with extravagant presents.

4. He cares about things

George has a social conscience and isn’t afraid to show it. He donated $1 million to the Hurricane Katrina appeal and a similar amount to the Haiti earthquake fund. He is passionate about civil rights and has been campaigned for an end to conflict in Dafur, the Sudan and Chad since 2006.

5. He looks great in a tuxedo

Most men look good in a tux, but George looks absolutely divine. Fortunately, George favours a more formal style of dress, meaning he wears suits most of the time. He is also a fan of old-fashioned grooming, so there’s no risk of him ruining his looks by growing a Brad Pitt-style beard.

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Margaret Whitlam: A life in pictures

Margaret Whitlam passed away last week aged 92. Here are some pictures from her inspirational life.
Gough and Margaret Whitlam

Margaret Whitlam was a beloved public figure and a feminist icon, but to her husband Gough she was, quite simply, the love of his life.

Margaret passed away in St Vincent’s Private Hospital where she’d been undergoing treatment since falling in her Sydney home in February. She was 92 years old.

She is survived by her husband, their children Antony, Nicholas, Stephen and Catherine, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

We have put together this collection of pictures to pay tribute to this remarkable Australian woman.

Margaret met Gough in 1945 a party hosted by former AWW editor Alice Jackson.

Margaret thought Gough was “quite the most delicious thing” she’d ever seen.

“She was a remarkable person and the love of my life,” Gough said in a statement.

Gough and Margaret would have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary next month.

Margaret swam breaststroke for Australia at the 1938 Empire Games.

Margaret had four children, Antony, Nicholas, Stephen and Catherine.

The Whitlam family said Margaret was “an outspoken advocate for women’s rights”.

Margaret was beloved by the Australian people.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Margaret was a “national treasure”.

Margaret never forgave John Kerr for her husband’s dismissal.

Gough and Margaret with Queen Elizabeth in the 1970s.

“What am I to do? Stay in a cage and say nothing?” Margaret famously wrote in 1973.

Margaret remains one of Australia’s most popular ‘First Ladies’.

Margaret was 92 years old when she died.

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Diet and exercise could prevent 25 percent of cancers

'Successful' women more likely to get breast cancer


About 25 percent of cancers could be prevented by improvements in diet and exercise, a new Australian study has found.

Research conducted by the Medical Journal of Australia found that the incidence of cancer in Australia is likely to increase to 170,000 per year by 2025, a rise of nearly 60 percent since 2007.

Of those cancers, 43,000 could be prevented by simple changes in diet and physical activity, saving an estimated $674 million per year in health care costs.

Related: What to eat to avoid cancer

The study took projected cancer rates and combined them with previous research on the impact of nutrition, exercise and obesity on cancer incidences.

It found that healthier eating and increased physical activity could potentially prevent tens of thousands of cancers every year.

Bowel cancer was found to be the most preventable, followed by female breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and mouth and laryngeal cancer.

The latest figures show that almost 92 percent of Australians do not consume the recommended five serves of vegetables per day.

Obesity levels have increased to 62 percent, while harmful alcohol consumption has increased to 61 percent.

Researchers say protecting yourself from these cancers could be as simple as increasing your consumption of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains and eating less saturated fat.

Alarmingly, the study also found poorer people were at higher risk of cancer because they were statistically more likely to be obese, eat unhealthily and shun exercise.

“Increasingly, the poor are becoming obese faster than the rich,” the study reads. “The combined burden of obesity, poor diet and reduced physical activity is growing among the poor.

“In one survey, adults in rural and remote areas were more likely to have consumed fats and oils and those living in the most disadvantaged areas had the lowest average intake of vegetable products and dishes.”

Related: Soft drinks linked to heart disease

The report recommends government funding be dedicated to improving the diets and activity levels of all citizens.

“With an estimated 25 percent of cancers preventable through improvements in diet and physical activity, governments at all levels must act now, and act vigorously, in order to reduce the significant human and financial burden of cancer in the future,” the study concludes.

Your say: Would you eat healthier food if it lowered your risk of cancer?

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Is Bobbi Kristina Brown engaged?

Is Bobbi Kristina Brown engaged?

Bobbi Kristina Brown has reportedly taken her controversial relationship with her “adopted brother” to a more serious stage after she stepped out wearing a large diamond engagement ring.

But her rep has stepped in saying: “‘Bobbi Kristina is not engaged. She is simply wearing her mother’s ring.”

Just weeks after her mother’s death, Bobbi Kristina and her “adopted brother” Nick Gordon, were spotted hand in hand with Star magazine reporting that the pair became engaged on March 10.

But not everyone is happy for them, with Bobbi Kristina’s grandmother Cissy Houston labeling their relationship ‘incestuous’.

“Krissy has told her grandmother that she doesn’t need her blessing to marry Nick, and the more Cissy objects to the relationship, well that only cements Krissy’s decision,” an unnamed source told the magazine.

“It’s just a very sad situation. Clearly, Krissy loves Nick, but she has just lost her mother, and her entire world has been turned upside down.

“Krissy doesn’t think she needs to wait, and points to her mom’s sudden death as the reason to marry Nick.”

Friends close to Bobbi Kristina have also voiced their concerns that Nick is taking advantage of her while she is most vulnerable.

“Everyone is worried that Nick is looking to take advantage of Krissy,” a friend told Star.

Nick has been part of the Houston family since he was 12-years-old after Whitney took him into her home when his father was sent to jail and his mother was unable to care for him.

Although Nick was never formally adopted by Whitney, he and Bobbi Kristina were raised as brother and sister.

The pair has been spotted out together on numerous occasions recently, holding hands while running errands and both are currently living in Houston’s $1.2million Atlanta home which she left to Bobbi Kristina.

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Bec Hewitt breaks down

Bec Hewitt breaks down

Isolated and raising three young children virtually alone while her famous husband tries to resurrect his tennis career, a heartbroken Bec Hewitt is at breaking point.

As the always “sunny” Bec watches her invalid, and increasingly depressed, husband limp around their luxury compound in the Bahamas, she is privately seething at his latest betrayal. The gorgeous mum-of-three cannot help but support the man she fell in love with seven years ago but she is terribly worried – and hurt – that he is even contemplating a return to tennis.

“Bec sees it as a real betrayal,” confides one close friend. “She had already started planning their new life back home in Australia when Lleyton decided to delay his retirement once again, this time to chase Olympic gold at the London Games in August.” Bec is also humiliated that he “deliberately” kept the extent of his injury from her, yet confided to his parents, Glynn and Cherilyn, that he needed painkillers to even walk.

A close family friend says hiding this really “burned” her, taking the gorgeous former Home And Away actress back to the early days of their marriage when Lleyton’s moods were black and often almost unbearable. He says they almost split up then, because Lleyton often confided in his parents before his bride.

“His parents had the prime roles in his life and decision-making, and he resented having to communicate with this person who had just become his wife,” the friend says. “Like now, they never had fights, but just suffered along in silence when times were tough – and that sort of pressure kills Bec as she’s bubbly and up-front, and what’s happening now is pushing her to the edge. There was a very real chance they would split back then and I think she is struggling once again.”

Read more about Bec’s struggle, plue see exclusive pictures of her spending time alone with her children in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 19, 2012.

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Olivia Newton-John: Ian Turpie was my first true love

Olivia Newton-John: Ian Turpie was my first true love

A broken-hearted Olivia fought back tears at the bedside of Ian Turpie in his final days.

It was the swinging 60s and a teenage Olivia Newton-John was just another wannabe singer with stars in her eyes when she met a clean shaven TV host called Ian Turpie. “He was Olivia’s first big love,” remembers a Turpie family friend, who says a 21-year-old Ian was instantly smitten with the pretty blonde singer, who was just 16 when they met on the set of Time For Terry.

“Olivia was a gorgeous girl with a sweet voice, and as soon as she and Ian sang together there was amazing chemistry – he was bowled over by her and she fell hard for him.”

The young sweethearts captured the attention of the nation, but according to friends, Olivia’s mum Irene was the quintessential “stage mum” who had big plans for her daughter. “As soon as the romance started getting really serious she whisked Olivia off to London, leaving a broken-hearted Ian behind,” explains another family friend.

Olivia was soon on a path to stardom, while Ian, who went on to become an Aussie TV game show legend affectionately known as Turps, met another beautiful blonde, Jan.

Read more about when Ian and Oliva were reunited shortly before he died in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 19, 2012.

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Richard Gere: *Pretty Woman* was rubbish

Richard Gere: Pretty Woman was rubbish

In an exclusive interview with Woman’s Day, the actor blasts the film that made him a heart-throb.

It was the modern-day fairytale that captivated hundreds of millions of film fans the world over. But it seems Pretty Woman holds nothing but regrets for its leading man, Richard Gere. While promoting his new financial thriller Arbitrage recently, the 62-year-old shared his scorn for the feelgood 1990 chick flick, telling Woman’s Day, “It’s my least favourite thing.”

Richard adds, “People ask me about that movie, but I’ve forgotten it. That was a silly romantic comedy. This is a much more serious movie that has some real cause and effect.” Incredibly, the grumpy star also claims his Pretty Woman character Edward Lewis helped contribute to the global financial crisis, as he glorified greedy and selfish Wall Street types.

“It made those guys seem dashing, which was so wrong,” Richard explains. “Thankfully, today, we are all more sceptical of those guys.” Despite the actor’s high-minded misgivings, Pretty Woman went on to take more than $460 million at the box office and is one of the most successful movies ever in terms of worldwide TV syndication.

It also cemented Richard’s place as one of Hollywood’s leading men, making him a sex symbol to women everywhere, including his then-22-year-old co-star Julia Roberts. Julia reportedly fell for Richard in a big way during filming, with her family friend Thomas Caldwell revealing, “Julia was crazy about Richard – I mean, absolutely mad about him.”

Read more of Richard Gere’s exclusive interview in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 19, 2012.

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