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Jess Marais shows off her bump

Mum-to-be Jessica Marais clearly loves being pregnant! She couldn’t help but show off her baby bump on Tuesday, as she and her fiancé James Stewart went to one of their final check-ups and to book in the birth of their first child.

The former Packed to the Rafters star, who looked like she was ready to pop, is due within weeks and is reportedly preparing for a home birth.

The pair are eagerly awaiting the birth, with James quietly confident that they will be welcoming a baby girl!

Tell us: Would you dare to bare your baby bump like Jess?

Jessica Marais and James Stewart are expecting their first child within weeks.

The pair met while filming *Packed to the Rafters*.

The pair met while filming Packed to the Rafters.

Jess will make her US TV debut this year on underworld drama *The Magic City*.

Jess will make her US TV debut this year on underworld drama The Magic City.

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‘I was a 15-year-old groupie’

'I was a 15-year-old groupie'

Then and now: Nikki at age 15 and now.

Go on, admit it, you have fantasised about bedding a celebrity. While many of us have thought about it, Nikki McWatters has done it — and more than once.

Today, as she lives her life in the Queensland suburbs with her husband, a primary school teacher, and five children, she is being tracked down by the washed-up 80s rock stars she once got up close and personal with.

So why are they trying to track her down? She has written an honest, detailed book, One Way or Another, describing her experience as a teenage groupie immersed in the mid-80s rock scene of the Gold Coast and Sydney’s Kings Cross.

As a young teenager, Nikki formed a group with her catholic school friends. The aim? To bed as many rock stars as they could. And so began her experience as a bed-hopping, drug-experimenting groupie at the age of just 15.

“One of the guys from Duran Duran who has read the book enjoyed it and wished me congratulations and said he couldn’t comment further because he thought he might have recognised himself,” Nikki told us.

“It is actually dangerously satisfying. It’s like flipping the finger at them in a way. Ultimately groupies were kind of not really treated as people, who had a life and feelings, you know. Really, we were only there for one thing. I hope that a lot of old-age rock’n’rollers read it and think, ‘Oh, we never really ever looked at a groupie like that.”

So what brought on the sudden urge to relive the past? Surprisingly, it was Nikki’s husband who encouraged her to pen the book about the period of her life that saw her sleep with leather pants-wearing ‘rock gods’ in the back of limousines, experiment with drugs, force her way backstage and witness “lots of bonking in spa baths”.

“My husband dared me to do it — after chatting and telling him all of the stories over the years,” she said.

But despite his supporting role in her writing the book, he isn’t allowing her to any Duran Duran concerts in the near future.

“Duran Duran came to town not that long ago and I said, ‘Oh I should go and see them,’ and he said to me, ‘Oh I don’t think so.’ I saw them up close and personal once and that was nearly 30 years ago now.”

From her first groupie encounter with Australian Crawl to posing as Rod Stewart’s sister backstage at an Elton John concert “just for the challenge”, Nikki’s experiences as a groupie are both shocking and entertaining. She claims that in the 80s you had no trouble getting backstage, particularly if you were female and that there were more groupies out there at that time than people think.

“It used to be that rock stars were gods and now they are just people,” Nikki says.

“Back then it was the bravado and if you were brave enough to front up and go ‘Oi!’ and make up some silly story they let you back. “A lot of kids wouldn’t be brave enough to try it. I just brazenly did.”

Nikki says that when it came to writing about her experiences, it helped her get over some tough times.

“I was actually in a really bad place when I wrote it. I was suffering post natal depression and battling loneliness. I had just moved away from all of my friends and I’d had two babies in the space of two years at the age of 40 which was just a shock to the system,” she said.

“Writing this, I thought there is a crazy spunky person still stuck deep inside me somewhere and I guess in a way writing that book allowed her to come out again and I must admit I’ve died my hair pink and I’ve gone a bit middle aged crisis. I’ve turned into a middle aged adolescent again.”

Although her teen years were controversial Nikki maintains that she has no regrets from her days as a groupie and says her experience has helped her to be a better parent too.

“It was fun and I hope it doesn’t come across as a cautionary tale I don’t want it to come as, ‘Oh my god I wish I had never done that’. I’ve got absolutely no regrets.

“I have five children and they all know about the book and they know where I have come from so if I tell them about drugs they know I’m talking from a point of view of knowing and not just preaching.”

One Way or Another is available from April, 2012.

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Meet the world’s fattest man

Meet the world’s fattest man

The world’s fattest man who weighs in at 369.09 kilos (812 pounds) has said winning the title has finally made him determined to lose weight.

Keith Martin, 42, from London says that throughout his life he has been able to give up other addictions including smoking and alcohol, but hasn’t been able to give up his addiction to food.

“Finding out that I’m the fattest man in the world has been the wake-up call I needed,” he said.

“I don’t blame anyone other than myself for this horrible situation. Doctors have told me I won’t reach 50 unless I do something drastic.”

Martin, who has not left his home since September 11, 2001 – more than 10 years ago – requires a specialist team of eight men to move him and has had a number of health issues including two giant hernias. He has been instructed by doctors to lose weight or risk death.

“I am trying to heed their advice, but nothing has hit home like the headlines around the world talking about my weight. It has been a horrible week, but it’s made me even more determined,” he said.

Martin’s usual daily shopping list costs him $55 and includes a packet of bacon, six sausages, six eggs with a mound of toast and beans for breakfast, more of the same plus sandwiches for lunch and two large pizzas, three kebabs or Chinese for dinner.

In addition, Martin says he also snacks on packets of cookies, sweets, cakes and chocolate. At night, the snacking continues with another four sandwiches with ham, spam or bacon, two litres of coke and six cups of coffee with sugar.

He says since being crowned the world’s fattest man he has cut down on his 20,000 calories a day diet and now eats only four slices of bread and a ready meal. He occasionally treats himself to a can of mini hotdogs or spam.

“I used to eat four Big Macs plus fries and an apple turnover for lunch. Now, I can honestly say I don’t even miss food. I have to do this for myself and my family,” he said.

Now, Martin says he is working towards being happy and do the things that normal people do, like sitting in a normal-sized chair.

“The last time I was able to sit in a chair was seven years ago – and that was a two-seater,” he said.

“I just want to be happy, without needing food to make me happy. I want to be able to take my border collie, Cheyanne, for a walk – I’d take her wherever she wanted to go.”

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Why women are ‘marrying down’

Why women are 'marrying down'

Forget Mr Darcy — modern women are more likely to settle for his underpaid manservant.

For the first time in history, more brides are “marrying down” than “marrying up”, according to a study by UK think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

IPPR studied marriage figures from the past 40 years and found that — unlike Pride and Prejudice’s Elizabeth Bennet, who only returned Mr Darcy’s love when she saw the size of his house — women are now more likely to marry men from a lower social class than themselves.

In 1958, 38 percent of women married “above themselves”, while just 23% “married down”.

In the latest generation — those born between 1976 and 1981 — the trend had reversed, with just 16 percent “marrying up”, while 28 percent “married down”.

The percentage of people marrying into the same class also dramatically increased — from 39 percent in 1958 to 56 percent today.

IPPR spokesman Richard Darlington says the results reflect the changing positions of females in the workplace, from lowly-paid junior staff to successful and well-educated career women.

“In the 1960s, women working in highly segregated offices in junior clerical roles fell in love with men in senior positions and ‘married the boss’,” Darlington says.

“By the 1970s and 1980s, women had moved into more senior positions themselves and were marrying men in similar professional categories. By the 1990s, the toy boy phenomenon was at its height and by the noughties age was no longer a social taboo.

“Women are still marrying older men from the same social class as themselves, but for the first time, the proportion marrying down is higher than the proportion marrying up.”

Your say: Did you “marry up” or “marry down”? [email protected]

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Autism linked to obesity in mothers

Kids can 'grow out' of autism, study says

Obese mothers are 60 percent more likely to have a child with autism, a new study has found.

Researchers from the University of California, Davis and Vanderbilt University studied over 1000 children aged two to five, some of whom had autism or other developmental disorders.

Related: The joys and challenges of raising an autistic child

The researchers studied the children’s health and development as well as their mother’s health history.

They found that mothers who were obese when they got pregnant were 60 percent more likely to have a child with autism than mothers who were at a healthy weight when they conceived.

Obese mothers were also 50 percent more likely to have a child with other developmental disorders.

The risk was even higher in mothers who had high blood pressure as well as being obese.

Despite the findings, the researchers stressed that autism is a mysterious disorder, and just being obese is not enough to cause it.

“No one factor is going to be responsible for any one child’s case,” study leader Irva Hertz-Picciotto. “This is not a ‘blame the mom’ thing.”

Autism now affects more children than ever. Last month, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one in 88 US children are on the autism spectrum, up from one in 110 in 2009.

Research suggests the incidence of autism in Australia is also increasing. A 2009 study from Melbourne’s La Trobe University reported that as many as one in 100 children were born with an autism spectrum disorder, compared to one in 130 in 2005.

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The precise cause of autism is still unknown, but scientists believe about 50 percent of cases are genetic, while the rest are caused by lifestyle factors including older parents, lack of prenatal vitamins, environmental toxins and premature birth.

The research was published in the current issue of Pediatrics.

Your say: Do you know anyone who is living with a child with an autism spectrum disorder?

Video: Autism app to help families communicate

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We’re the only two kids in school!

We're the only two kids in school!

In gold rush days, Taradale Primary had 200 students. Now there are just two.

Whether they’re playing tag in one of the playgrounds, kicking a ball around the oval or raising a hand to answer a question in class, seven-year-old Mollie McCarthy and eight-year-old Tim Grant never have to compete too hard for space or attention.

They are the only students at their school! Taradale PS, on the Calder Highway in rural Victoria, is one of the most spacious schools in its region in terms of size and numbers of classrooms. It boasts an historic building that houses three of the five classrooms, a new kitchen, new furniture and a bell tower. There’s also an art studio, a multi-purpose room, two playgrounds, an oval, a basketball court, lovely landscaped gardens, including a vegie patch, and even a hobby farm with five chooks, two lambs and a calf.

But there’s never any danger of Mollie or Tim getting lost in the expansive grounds, with Taradale’s acting principal Chris Burgess and teacher Michelle Law watching over them. “We think it’s a really nice, friendly school with nice children and nice teachers,” Chris reflects. “The kids get one-on-one education, and we can really cater for what they need educationally and their individual areas of interest. We don’t have any problems with wagging – the kids are very keen to come.”

With seven computers and a state-of-the-art whiteboard each, not to mention all the room they could ever desire, it’s easy to see why. There’s never any issue with bullying either, although the kids don’t always get on perfectly. “They still have the odd barney every now and then,” laughs Michelle. “They have a bit of a love/hate relationship, but we do lots of different things in the playground to keep them happy.”

Read more about the school in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday April 9, 2012.

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Jeanne Little’s Alzheimer’s heartache

Jeanne Little's Alzheimer's heartache

As her memories fade, the larger-than-life showbiz darling is still very much in the hearts of her family and friends.

She was once the life of every party – a vibrant, triple-Logie-winning TV legend whose trademarks were those wild wigs, outrageous outfits and that unmistakable voice. These days, Jeanne Little sits quietly in her nursing home chair as the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease continue to rob her mind of memories – from times spent with her loving family, to her past glittering life as a colourful entertainer.

“What’s happened to Jeanne is truly heartbreaking,” says music icon Marcia Hines. “A kinder, warmer person you’d be hard pressed to meet. Behind the dizzy persona and those crazy garbage-bag dresses was a clever, generous woman. I love Jeanne, she’s my friend, someone incredibly sincere, and that’s a rarity in showbiz.”

Marcia met Jeanne in the 80s when they were both cast in the stage musical Jerry’s Girls. “Jeanne didn’t think she deserved to be in the show, that she didn’t have enough talent. I told her she had plenty, she was a star, and to enjoy the ride. We clicked instantly, and I’ve loved her ever since. It’s impossible to imagine this larger- than-life person in a nursing home. It’s a tragedy.”

Since she was diagnosed in 2009, the cruel disease has left Jeanne barely recognisable, says her daughter Katie Little Poulton, 38. “It took hold so quickly. Mum went into nursing care in 2010 and it was a shock. I’d drive home from visiting in tears. It’s still heartbreaking, but she seems more serene now.”

Read more about Jeanne Little’s Alzheimer’s battle in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday April 9, 2012.

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Posh begs David: ‘Please don’t leave me’

Posh begs David: 'Please don't leave me'

The two are reduced to communicating through their hired help as their relationship is put to its greatest test.

It was an unusually candid confession in an otherwise meticulously stage-managed interview in which Victoria Beckham let the facade of her picture-perfect marriage slide. “Of course, getting into bed with David every night after having four kids,” she sighed to US Harper’s Bazaar, “I’ve come to the conclusion that David is getting older as well… Maybe my tummy isn’t as tight as it used to be.”

Setting aside the fact her husband is still one of the world’s most desirable men, and that she bounced back to her super-slim pre-baby shape almost immediately after giving birth nine months ago, it’s a remarkable admission that the fire in the Beckhams’ fairytale romance has dimmed. While Posh, 37, may put the strain down to their hectic home life, their age or her figure, sources close to the family say it’s Victoria’s fixation with her fashion career that has dulled the passion between the pair.

“They’re living separate lives at this point,” reveals one household insider, speaking exclusively to Woman’s Day. “She’s become obsessed with her clothing line and all the praise she’s getting. The more successful she becomes, the more hours she spends at work and away from David. They’re sleeping at different hours and sometimes not even in the same bed. The house is split in half at the moment. He’s got his staff and she’s got hers. Right now, they communicate mostly through their hired help. It’s not good.”

As the former Spice Girl spends long nights in her LA office, taking phone calls from clients in New York and holding Skype meetings with her team in London until 3am, David, 36, goes to bed when their children do and rises early for soccer training.

Read more about why David and Victoria’s relationship is falling apart in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday April 9, 2012.

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Melanie Griffith: Why I won’t leave Antonio

Melanie Griffith: Why I won't leave Antonio

Their marriage has survived on love, honesty and, above all, tolerance.

There aren’t many women in the world as forgiving as Melanie Griffith. After shocking video emerged last week of her husband Antonio Banderas kissing a mystery blonde in Mexico, many expected the fragile actress to crumble. But according to a source close to the family, she loves him so much she’s turning a blind eye to the 51-year-old’s indiscretion – even though it’s allegedly not the first time he’s been linked with another woman.

“Melanie’s way too invested in Antonio and loves him more than life itself,” the insider tells Woman’s Day. “When someone catches his eye – and it does happen – he always tells her and lets her know she’s ‘the one’ and that he’ll never leave her.” And Antonio’s dalliance in Cancun, which Woman’s Day exclusively reported last week, was no exception to his honesty policy.

“Melanie knows about it,” says the source. “She knew about it almost right after it happened. It doesn’t make her happy… but she tolerates it as long as Antonio comes home to her.” It goes a long way to explaining why Melanie cut such a forlorn figure while out to lunch in LA at the weekend, where the shockingly thin star ordered a prawn salad and soup. Sadly for Melanie, 54, it’s her insecurity stemming from years of substance abuse that’s left her no choice but to forgive her husband of 15 years. “She’s very addicted to Antonio. She seriously can’t live without him,” says the source.

So smitten is the Working Girl star with her husband that it’s not even a case of an eye for an eye. “She does her thing and he does his, but she’s not interested in any other men,” her friend confides. For all his faults, it appears Antonio is still the glue that holds his troubled wife together. Throughout her well-documented battle with alcohol and prescription drug addiction and stints in rehab, he has been by her side – and that will never change.

Read more plus see the pictures of Melanie’s lonely life in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday April 9, 2012.

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Harry and Chelsy secretly hook-up…again

Harry and Chelsy secretly hook-up...again

As Chelsy splits with her boyfriend, a reunion is on the cards.

It’s the royal romance that refuses to fade. Prince Harry clearly can’t get his ex, Chelsy Davy, out of his head – and it seems his attempts to win her back are paying off. Following several late-night meetings between the on-off couple, Chelsy, 26, has ended her short-lived romance with art- dealer boyfriend Blaise Patrick.

With his blonde former flame firmly on his mind, Harry, 27, hit The Brompton Club in London on March 15 and made a beeline for their mutual friend Lady Melissa Percy. During a stairwell encounter, she confirmed what he’d been desperate to hear – Chelsy still holds a candle for him. “After that, he began calling and texting her frantically,” a source tells UK magazine Now.

“Harry then headed to her home at 2am… He wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip by.” A week later, the pair met again – this time at Princess Eugenie’s 22nd birthday party. “They’ve met in secret a few times over recent weeks. Harry’s talked about the chances of them getting back together,” the insider confirms. It’s no wonder Blaise was so miffed. When asked about Chelsy last week, he curtly confirmed the split.

“That chapter of my life is over,” he said. “I’m now focusing on starting my art gallery.” But for Harry and Chelsy – who split for “a final time” last year – it seems a new chapter is just beginning. Sources say they are planning a trip to her native Zimbabwe to figure out once and for all if they can make their tumultuous relationship work.

Read more plus see the pictures of Melanie’s lonely life in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday April 9, 2012.

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