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Groom caught cheating at his wedding reception

Groom caught cheating at his wedding reception — by his father in-law

A German groom has brought about an abrupt end to his wedding when he was caught cheating with a waitress at the reception. To make matters worse, he was caught by his new father-in-law.

According to the story from Austria, which has emerged some months after the event, the pair snuck into the kitchen for a secret rendezvous just hours after the newlywed said “I do” to his bride.

The father-in-law went into the kitchen for a snack but was instead confronted by his son-in-law’s infidelity.

Austria’s Vorarlberg Online reported that the groom wanted to experience singlehood one last time before he tied the knot. His timing was obviously a bit off.

Understandably, the bride’s father called off the celebrations, turning off the music and sending everyone home without an explanation.

The bride asked for a divorce from the wedding registry on the same day, but was refused.

Under Austrian law, she had to stay with her adulterous husband for six months before they were allowed to call it quits.

The court eventually granted the divorce and the groom has now remarried — to none other than the waitress he was caught with at the wedding reception.

Your say: Do you have any wedding disaster stories? Let us know in the comments below.

Check out this video compilation of some of the worst wedding disasters.

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Who knew there were this many royals?

They were noticeably absent from the official Diamond Jubilee celebrations, but the extended royal family was out in force on the weekend celebrating the annual Trooping of the Colour parade.

The balcony at Buckingham Palace groaned under the weight of nearly 40 royals, including the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine and Harry.

The queen looked radiant in a yellow dress – the same frock she wore to the royal wedding – and seemed delighted to have her husband back by her side.

Philip, who turned 91 last week, has been in hospital battling a bladder infection.

The royal family assembled on the Buckingham Palace balcony.

The young royals seemed to be having a great time catching up.

The Queen and Prince Philip chatted to William and Catherine.

The crowd was thrilled to see Philip healthy again.

Catherine wore a grey Erdem dress and custom-made hat.

Catherine spent a lot of time with William’s cousin Lady Louise.

The Queen seemed relieved to have Philip back by her side.

The queen chose the yellow Angela Kelly coat dress she wore to the royal wedding.

Catherine nearly lost her hat in the windy weather.

Camilla and Catherine shared a carriage to Buckingham Palace.

William and Charles rode in the parade.

Princesses Beatruce and Eugenie.

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160kg woman loses more than half her body weight

160kg woman loses more than half her body weight

Jacqui McCoy before and after. Image: ABC

Depressed, embarrassed and weighing over 160kg, 30-year-old Jacqui McCoy knew she had to lose weight. Today, she stands at a slim 67kg, but Jacqui’s is not your average weight loss story.

Battling food addiction and obesity for more than half her life, Jacqui, from West Palm Beach, Florida went on US TV series Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.

At the first weigh-in, she tipped the scales at 161kg. It took her 365 days, but Jacqui eventually lost 58 percent of her body weight, the largest percentage ever to be lost on a reality TV show.

Throughout the series, she revealed the heartbreaking reasons behind her weight gain and weight loss.

At 14, Jacqui was raped at a party. This childhood trauma sent her weight spiraling out of control.

“I just couldn’t deal with it,” she said. “I kind of used food to help me cope.”

The trauma continued to affect Jacqui throughout her life and when she married her husband, Shawn, she realised her size might stop her from having children.

“I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome…because of my weight, we’re unable to have a child,” she said.

Extreme Makeover trainer Chris Powell challenged Jacqui to a 90-day, 40kg weight loss program and it worked.

Although tired, drained, and emotionally exhausted, Jacqui soon realised her potential.

“Once I lost so much weight in the first 90 days, I started to recognise my own power and my own worth, and that I could do these incredible things,” she said.

But it wasn’t always easy. Jacqui said she had to overcome a lot of hurdles to get her head in the right place. She also underwent painful surgery to remove almost half a square metre of excess skin following her weight loss.

“I found the biggest hurdle to weight loss is not your body, but your brain,” she told US TV channel ABC.

“It was when I changed my mind about who I am, what I am worth, and what I am capable of doing.

“Once I finally found my fight to lose the weight, I realised life is a fight.”

Jacqui continues to work with Powell and his team to maintain her weight loss and credits him for her life-changing experience.

“I know that he met me in the darkest time in my life and he didn’t have to love me and invest in me in the way that he did,” she said.

“I am forever grateful and I love that he’s proud of me.”

Jacqui’s weight loss success earned her a lot of rewards on the show, including a trip to Ireland, but her personal gain was a lot more precious. Although she is still unable to conceive naturally, she has learned that she is now a perfect candidate for IVF and will start treatment soon.

She has also changed jobs from an internet sales manager to a weight-loss coach and will be part of next season’s Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition coaching team alongside Powell.

“I got this amazing gift and I want to share it with everyone I can,” she said.

Do you have a successful weight loss story? Tell us about it!

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Should women still be doing more housework than men?

Women still doing more housework, not happy about it

Women are doing less housework than they used to, but they’re still doing more than men and they’re not happy about it.

New research shows that while men have started to pull their weight around the home, 85 percent of women still do most of the work, leading to increased stress levels.

Swedish researchers studied data from 371 women and 352 men collected in 1986 and 2007, when the respondents were an average age of 21 and 42 respectively.

The participants answered questions about their relationship, housework responsibilities and socioeconomic status. They were also asked how often they had felt restless, worried or nervous in the past 12 months.

At 21, male and female participants did similar amounts of housework and were equally stressed, but by the time they were 42, women were doing the majority of work around the home and were far more stressed than the men.

The stress worsened when other inequalities existed in the relationship, like women getting paid less than their partners for the same work.

“Domestic work is a highly gendered activity as women tend to have a greater and men a smaller responsibility,” the researchers wrote.

“Inequality in domestic work, in combination with experiencing the couple relationship as gender-unequal, were associated with psychological distress.”

The research was published in the journal PLoS ONE.

Your say: Does your partner help you with the housework? Contact us at [email protected]

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Man seeking sex change aged 84

Man seeking sex change aged 84

Chinese transgender trailblazer Qian Jinfan, who now prefers to be known as Yi Ling. © Southern Metropolis Daily.

A Chinese octogenarian has decided to undergo a sex change aged 84.

Qian Jinfan was born a boy in Jiaxing, south of Shanghai. He rose to become a mid-ranking government official in Foshan, Guangdong province, and married when he was 54.

In 2008, just after his 80th birthday, he decided he wanted to become a woman.

He started taking hormones to give himself breasts and has spent the past four years dressing in female clothes, using women’s bathrooms and insisting friends and family call him Yi Ling.

Now, he is seeking a sex change operation to make his journey from man to woman official.

“This is my real self. I have covered myself up for the past 80 years,” Qian told Guangzhou’s Southern Metropolis Daily.

“I hope to stand up against the prejudice people hold towards transsexuals. I want to eliminate it.”

Qian told the newspaper he has felt like a female for as long as he can remember.

His decision to make his gender struggle public has won praise from China’s gay, lesbian and transgender community, who have declared him a hero.

Others have not been so accepting. Qian says many of his neighbours do not approve of his decision to become a woman, and he suffers regular abuse from children near his home, who call him a “man-monster”.

“I don’t think I am inferior to others. I will not give up easily. I am not wrong,” he said.

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Puppy love: William showers Lupo in kisses

Royal protocol prevents Prince William and Catherine kissing in public but the same rules don’t apply to the couple’s puppy Lupo.

William wasn’t shy in showing his affection for the black cocker spaniel at a polo game on Sunday, scooping him up and kissing him repeatedly during a break in play.

But while William might not be tactile with Catherine in public, she told a group of school children that he spoils her rotten in private.

“William is very sweet and kind of spoils me,” the Duchess of Cambridge told kids during a royal visit on Saturday.

William scooped up Lupo and covered him with kisses.

The puppy also brought a smile to Catherine’s face.

Catherine is believed to have bought the pup for William for Christmas.

Prince Harry preferred to play with his cousin Peter Phillips’ toddler Savannah.

The Duchess of Cambridge was also a fan of Savannah.

Catherine and Lupo with Savannah and her mother Autumn Phillips.

Catherine shows Savannah how to pat Lupo.

Catherine and Lupo.

Prince Harry.

Catherine visited the Expanding Horizons primary school camp in Kent on Saturday.

She told kids that her first year as a royal had been “great fun”.

Catherine also told children that William “spoils” her.

Catherine said she is “very well looked after” by the royal family.

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Seal meets a seal

It was bound to happen. You can’t expect singer Seal to visit the zoo without bumping into an actual seal. And so, without further ado, here is Seal with … a seal.

The Voice coach met the seal while spending the day at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo with his four children – eight-year-old Leni, six-year-old Henry, five-year-old Johan and two-year-old Lou – who are visiting their father in Australia this week.

His children are in town while their mother Heidi Klum promotes her cosmetic range in Spain.

‘The Kiss from a Rose’ singer certainly has been busy Down Under. Not only is he continuing his coaching duties on The Voice in the lead-up to the season finale, but he also performed at the State of Origin game in Sydney on Wednesday night.

Seal gets up close with an actual seal.

Seal and the seal give a wave.

Seal with his daughter Leni and son Henry.

Seal was surrounded by young fans and stopped to sign autographs.

Seal with Karise Eden at The Voice final four press confrence.

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What to eat to beat cancer

What to eat to beat cancer

New research suggests the majority of cancers may be triggered by diet and environmental causes, not genes. Be proactive about protecting yourself with these powerful herbs and supplements.

Garlic: Regular consumption of garlic has a significant effect on lowering the risk of a variety of different cancers, particularly stomach cancer.

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Antioxidants: Cancer development is related to damaging, destructive molecules called free radicals. Certain antioxidant nutrients — notably beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E and zinc and selenium — have the ability to stop these free radicals. Studies also suggest that higher dietary intakes of antioxidants help prevent cancer, with one study showing that people taking high doses of vitamins A, C, E, and zinc had a lower risk of bladder cancer. Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, is also a potent antioxidant and has been shown to boost production of tumour suppressor genes, kill off cancer cells and stop them from spreading.

Bromelain: This enzyme is found in the fruit and stems of pineapples, and — in a test tube study, at least — a concentrated extract of it has been shown to be capable of blocking a variety of cancer cells, including breast and colon. It also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect in the body, and ongoing inflammation is another risk factor.

Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides in mushrooms used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as ganoderma (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as reishi or ling zhi, and shiitake (Lentinus edodes), as well as supplements made from polysaccharide extract (PSK and PSP) obtained from the mushroom Coriolus versicolor, all have remarkable immuno-stimulating properties. Beta-glucans found in turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) increase your body’s immune response. Polysaccharides are also an active constituent of Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), two herbs widely used in both TCM and Ayurveda, India’s traditional medical system.

Green tea: Green tea, and in particular its polyphenolic compound ECGC, has demonstrated anti-mutagenic activity and can inhibit tumour growth. One study has shown that drinking green tea regularly reduces breast cancer risk, while another has found that men with early-stage prostate cancer who took green tea supplements were less likely to develop the disease, and another has linked green tea consumption with improvement in survival rates of women with ovarian cancer. Green tea also appears to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs.

Phytoestrogens: These plant oestrogens, found in soy foods and flaxseed products, may help protect against breast cancer. Flaxseed is also an important source of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids; other good sources include olive oil, salmon, grapeseed oil, walnuts and walnut oil.

Sulphoraphane: Broccoli, cabbage, and other members of the cruciferous family are rich in this compound, which is especially beneficial in countering hormone-driven cancers, such as those of the breast and prostate, because it triggers processes that break down toxins and speed the excretion of excess hormones from the body.

Anthocyanins: Found in berries, these act as free radical scavengers in the body. Berries also supply ellagic acid, which inhibits budding cancer cells.

Related: Ten amazing uses for lavender

Vitamin D: Much evidence links inadequate levels of ‘the sunshine vitamin’ with diseases, including cancer. Vitamin D is thought to trigger apoptosis, or cancer cell death. Optimal levels have also been shown to slow the spread of cancer. Even in sunny Australia, deficiency can be a problem, so get your blood levels checked.

Video: Blood test for cancer

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Double trouble: Sarah Jessica Parker’s twins

With Carrie Bradshaw for a mother, Sarah Jessica Parker's twins were always going to be stylish, but we underestimated the power of two.
Marion and Tabitha Broderick

With Carrie Bradshaw for a mother, Sarah Jessica Parker’s twins were always going to be stylish, but we underestimated the power of two.

Marion and Tabitha – who were born to a gestational surrogate in June 2009 – are nearly three years old and seem to get cuter every day.

The girls live in New York with Sarah Jessica, their dad Matthew Broderick and their brother James Wilkie, nine, and are often seen out and about in adorable outfits that would make fellow tiny fashionista Suri Cruise jealous.

Check out these pictures of the gorgeous girls over the years.

Pretty in pink: The girls playing in a New York park this month.

The twins looked immaculate on their play date.

Tabitha in 2011.

Marion and Tabitha practising their model pouts in 2011.

Sarah Jessica walking the girls home from school in April this year.

Sarah Jessica and Marion shopping in February 2012.

The twins in New York in 2011.

Tabitha and Sarah Jessica in October 2010.

Marion looks like she might have inherited her mother’s curly hair in this picture.

Sarah Jessica and Marion in New York in October 2011.

Tabitha and Marion in 2010.

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Kate Middleton: Queen in training

She was born a “commoner” but the Duchess of Cambridge will one day be Queen – and Elizabeth II seems keen to ensure she is fully prepared for the role.

The 86-year-old monarch has taken Catherine under her wing in recent months, allowing her new granddaughter-in-law to accompany her on many of her most important Diamond Jubilee engagements.

Yesterday, the pair – joined by William – visited Nottingham and Catherine’s close relationship with the Queen was again on show.

The two ladies laughed and chatted throughout the day, and seemed utterly at ease in each other’s company.

The Queen has taken Catherine under her wing.

Catherine and the Queen seemed to have much to chat about.

The monarch had Catherine in stitches.

William joined his wife and grandmother to wave to crowds in Nottingham.

Catherine wore a custom-made hat by Rachel Trevor-Morgan.

The Queen wore a turquoise silk tweed double breasted Stewart Parvin coat.

William preparing to throw a foam javelin.

Catherine also tried her hand at javelin-throwing.

Catherine, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince William.

William and Catherine.

Catherine recycled her favourite blue tweed Missoni coat.

Catherine wearing the same coat while out with the queen and Camilla in April.

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