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Liz Hurley: “I don’t want kids with Shane Warne”

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne have four children between them so it's perhaps not surprising they aren't planning any more.
Shane Warne and Liz Hurley

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne have four children between them so it’s perhaps not surprising they aren’t planning any more.

Elizabeth, 47, and Shane, 42, are due to marry later this year but in an interview sure to disappoint gossip magazine editors the world over, Elizabeth has confirmed her child-bearing days are over.

“My biological clock is silent now,” the actress told A magazine. “So the marriage is just for us.”

Elizabeth also shared details about the couple’s upcoming nuptials. Unlike her lavish wedding to Indian businessman Arun Nayar in 2007, Liz wants this ceremony to be low-key and uncomplicated.

“I would like to marry Shane in a simple ceremony, with only a few friends,” she said. “A very simple do. But I don’t know if I will be satisfied.

“First of all, we must decide in which country to get married in, or better on what continent?”

Elizabeth has one son, Damian, 10, with billionaire Steve Bing. Shane has three kids, Brooke, 15, Jackson, 13, and Summer, 10, with his ex-wife Simone Callahan.

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Christie Brinkley bans Peter Cook from speaking to her

Most of us swear we'll never talk to our ex again but former supermodel Christie Brinkley has made it official, signing a contract banning her former husband from speaking to her.
Christie Brinkley and Peter Cook

Most of us swear we’ll never talk to our ex again but former supermodel Christie Brinkley has made it official, signing a contract banning her former husband from speaking to her.

Christie, 58, divorced architect Peter Cook, 53, six years ago after her confessed to an affair with an 18-year-old girl, but they have been in a bitter custody dispute ever since.

They finally reached an agreement over the weekend, which included a strict ‘no verbal contact’ clause, which bans Christie and Peter from speaking again.

The former couple will hire a “parenting coordinator” to manage pick-ups, drop-offs and any other matters pertaining to their children Sailor, 14, and Jack, 17, whom Peter adopted when Christie’s previous marriage to Richard Taubman ended.

Christie was thrilled with the settlement, and particularly glad she would not have to communicate with Peter anymore.

“I finally won the right to establish boundaries with provisions such as an intermediary to deal with email bullying, verbal and emotional abuse,” she wrote on Facebook.

“It has been an odyssey of frustration as I have navigated the court system with one goal to find peace and protection for my family from the various forms of abuse at the hands of a narcissist.”

Peter also commented on the settlement, releasing a statement to the New York Post through his lawyer Jim Winkley branding Christie “frivolous” and claiming that her unreasonable behaviour had dragged out their custody battle.

The comments are the latest in a six-year public feud which has seen both parties repeatedly use the media to attack each other.

Peter has accused his former wife of “publicly castrating” him and “throwing her family under the bus” to promote her new Broadway musical, while Christie accused him of “intimidation” and carrying out a “smear campaign” against her.

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Nora Ephron dies aged 71

Nora Ephron dies aged 71

Nora Ephron and Meryl Streep in 2010.

Iconic screenwriter and journalist Nora Ephron died yesterday aged 71.

Nora, who wrote When Harry met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, passed away after a battle with pneumonia, brought on by acute myeloid leukaemia.

She was born in New York in 1941, the daughter of a Broadway playwright and a Hollywood screenwriter.

Nora started working as a journalist, writing for the New York Post and the New York Times before penning a series of novels, which she adapted for successful film scripts.

Despite her many talents, romantic comedies were where Nora would find widespread fame.

She wrote several blockbusters including You’ve Got Mail and Silkwood.

She wrote and directed her last film Julie and Julia in 2009, which starred her good friend and long-time collaborator Meryl Streep.

Nora was married three times. Her first — to writer Dan Greenburg — ended in divorce after nine years.

She married legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein in 1976 and had her first child, son Jacob, the following year. She was pregnant with her second son Max when she found out Bernstein was having an affair with a mutual friend in 1976, ending their relationship.

Nora’s third marriage was far more successful. She wed screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi in 1987 and was still happily married to him when she died.

Video: Nora Ephron’s last interview with Kerri-Anne Kennerley in 2011

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Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Clever cat shows how to walk a human

Everyone has seen their fair share of cute and cuddly kitten videos, but there is something different about the stars of the latest viral kitten video, Shorty and Kodi.

Their owner Rob Moore, who lives in Toronto Canada, knew they had star appeal and many others soon agreed once he created a YouTube channel about the pair. Their latest video ‘How to walk your human’ (above) is going viral.

Moore says his cats, which were both adopted from a local animal shelter, have very interesting personalities.

“Kodi acts very much like a dog: short attention span, roughhousing, growling when we play tug of war,” Moore toldWoman’s Day.

“When he grabs the end of his [leash] he will never give up and just walks away from me, pulling me behind.

“Naturally, I filmed it but it was only when I reviewed the footage that I saw he was actually walking me like a human would walk a dog, so I went with that idea thinking of all the tips I’ve heard over the years about how to properly walk your dog.”

The video, which has had more than 160,000 views, isn’t the only viral that has brought the cats fame.

“Shorty had already found a bit of fame with her ‘Cat yoga’ video but having ‘How to walk your human’ go viral and being featured on so many great websites that I visit regularly has been awesome,” Moore said.

“Now so many people are getting to know Shorty and Kodi and are falling in love with them. I guess I kind of feel like a proud parent.”

Moore says he continues to post the videos because so many people get so much joy out of his pets. He also hopes that it encourages people to adopt animals from their local shelters.

“Shorty and Kodi’s unique personalities inspire the videos, but also the feedback from their viewers who come to our channel wanting a smile or a laugh,” he said.

“When Shorty was a kitten, people nicknamed her ‘The Antidepressant Kitty’ because they said her videos made them feel better, even gave them something to look forward to.

“So, aside from just wanting to share the quirks of my cats with the YouTube world, I really wanted to keep reaching those people who needed a laugh and so it became a fun challenge to try and present Shorty, and then Kodi, in a way that first made me laugh and then hopefully others as well.”

Do you have a talented pet? Tell us about it in the comments box below.

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Kate must curtsey to Beatrice and Eugenie

Kate must curtsey to Beatrice and Eugenie

Catherine, Princess Beatrice and the Countess of Wessex curtseying to the Queen.

The Duchess of Cambridge will one day be queen but she will still have to curtsey to Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

Queen Elizabeth II has updated the royal Order of Precedence — which dictates the status of every member of the royal family — to clarify Catherine’s position.

The rules make clear whom Catherine must curtsey to, and who will have to curtsey or bow to her.

In pictures: Kate Middleton – Queen in training

If Catherine is without her husband Prince William, she must curtsey to all “blood princesses” including Beatrice, Eugenie, Princess Anne and the Queen’s cousin Princess Alexandra.

But if William is present, Catherine curtseys only to Prince Charles, Camilla (only if Charles is present), Prince Philip and the Queen.

The Order of Precedence also determines the order in which royals arrive at official engagements.

In pictures: Camilla and Sophie succumb to the Kate Effect

It was last updated after Charles’s wedding to Camilla in 2005 and is taken very seriously by the royal family, who bow and curtsey to each other in public and in private.

This most recent update does not change anything practically, merely clarifying Catherine’s official position. She was privately schooled in whom to curtsey to shortly before her marriage and has been obeying the protocol ever since.

Your say: Do you think bowing and curtseying is old-fashioned and out-dated or an important part of the British monarchy?

Video: What next for the royal family?

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Male celebrities who admit to cosmetic surgery

Sylvester Stalone before

Stallone as most would remember him during his Rocky and Rambo days when he was younger and cosmetic surgery-free.

Sylvester Stalone after

Confessing to having had a face lift, People reported that Stallone once responded to a question about plastic surgery by saying, “Sure. Why not do it? You have body work done on your car.”

Gene Simmons before

KISS singer Gene Simmons before his alleged face lifts and removal of excess skin around his chin area.

Gene Simmons after

Simmons was no stranger to cosmetics and was known for applying heavy makeup before every show.

He took it to the next level when he underwent plastic surgery on his reality TV show, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, having a face lift on camera.

Mickey Rourke before

In his youthful prime Mickey Rourke was a sex symbol but years of boxing damaged his face, forcing him to go under the knife.

Mickey Rourke after

It’s no surprise that Rourke regrets his plastic surgery, admitting to The Daily Mail that, “most of it was to mend the mess of my face because of the boxing, but I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together”.

Kenny Rogers before

‘The Gambler’ singer once looked natural. Rogers was teased when he was younger about being overweight — something he could later control. But he couldn’t face a few wrinkles around the eyes, leading to his admission of cosmetic surgery.

Kenny Rogers after

Rogers told People: “Last year I had so many lines coming in at the side of my eyes up here. So I went in and got my eyes done, and I’m not happy about it. [The surgeon] is going to go in and fix that for me. They’re too tight around the eyelids for me. It drives me crazy.”

Simon Cowell Before

Cowell looking fresh-faced before cosmetic surgery claims hit the Hollywood rumour mill.

Simon Cowell after

Cowell was recently spotted with a band aid on his ear — a tell-tale sign of a face lift. Cowell explained that he “accidentally cut himself” and has since fought back at the rumours of plastic surgery.

But it seems he has no issue with Botox.

“To me, Botox is no more unusual than toothpaste,” he told Glamour magazine. “It works, you do it once a year – who cares?”

George Clooney before

Named the “sexiest man alive”, Clooney once looked extremely different to the actor he is today.

George Clooney after

Clooney boldly admitted that “I had my eyes done. Can you tell? I think it’s important to look awake,” to Julia Roberts on the Oprah Winfrey Oscars Special.

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I fantasize about another man

I fantasize about another man

Image: Thinkstock, posed by models

Two years ago I was at a conference for work. I had just started my job and was still trying to get my head around things with no idea what I was meant to be doing. I sat down at an empty table and stared at the program in front of me, wondering how I was going to survive the next couple of days without looking like a complete idiot. I felt the chair next to me move and turned to look up at the person who was going to sit next to me.

To my surprise and delight, it was a very good looking young man. He smiled at me and told me his name was Bryan. I smiled back and introduced myself. From that moment on, Bryan and I got along famously. We chatted non-stop in the breaks and sat next to each other during the conference dinners.

On the last night of the conference, we both drank a little too much an he decided to escort me back to my motel. On the way there, as we walked through the park, I stopped and looked at him. Without warning, he leant down and kissed me.

That kiss was amazing. It sent goose bumps up and down my spine. We ended up back at my motel, where we spent the night. The next day we said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch. Neither of us was ready for a relationship and besides we lived in different countries. As promised, we kept in touch via email and Facebook, but as time passed, we went from several emails a day to one or two a month.

About four months later, I met Liam. He was tall, dark and handsome, and we seemed to click. We had heaps in common and were extremely attracted to each other. Three months later we decided to give things a go and have a relationship.

As the months passed, Liam and I fell more and more in love and though our jobs took us all over the country, we only had eyes for each other. We started talking long term about buying a house, marriage and children. I had never been so happy with someone. Almost 18 months after we started our relationship, the conference I had been at two years earlier rolled around again and I was set to attend.

I was so excited to be going back. I was now confident and successful in my role and was ready to show off how much I had improved. I hopped on my international flight ready to take on the world. I got dressed for the welcome mixer and smiled as I left. I looked great and felt confident. I walked into the room and started to mingle, enjoying catching up with people I knew and meeting others for the first time.

I walked over to the bar to get a new glass of wine and as I looked up my eyes met a pair of deep, dark eyes looking straight at me … it was Bryan. I had not even thought about the possibility of him being there. As I looked into his eyes and made my way over to him, my mind was going crazy. Flashbacks were spinning through my mind and my heart rate sped up.

As I hugged him in greeting, shivers raced up my spine. He was better looking than I remembered and his smile had my legs going weak. Once again, we spent the conference talking and catching up. It was so easy to fall into how it had been two years ago. If we were in other groups, he would often catch my eye and wink or smile at me. Every time our legs or arms touched I would get goose bumps, and I wanted him to grab me and kiss me all over again.

In my mind, I knew that if he made a move I would not be able to resist. At the end of the conference we said our goodbyes and our farewell hug lingered a bit longer than perhaps it should have. I was sad and happy at the same time. I wanted him so badly my body ached for it, but I had stayed true to the man I loved.

Liam met me when I hopped off my flight and as I embraced him then, and later on when we made love, my mind was still full of Bryan. I pictured that it was him I was with. Each night I go to sleep dreaming of what it would be like if Bryan were in Liam’s place, and each morning I wake up to once again see that it is never going to happen.

Each day I fall in love with Liam all over again. But part of me will always wonder if it would have worked with Bryan. I dread and look forward to the day we are once again in the same room.

Your say: Have you had a similar experience? Share your stories and thoughts below.

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Unlikely animal friends: Lion, dog and rabbit play together

Lion cub playfully snuggles with rabbit

They’re an inseparable trio and they are out to prove that everyone can be friends regardless of what they eat or how they look.

Simba the lion cub, Monty the dog and Thumper the floppy-eared rabbit — who all live in Scotland — play together every day and this video captures some of their wrestling matches.

Thirteen-month-old Simba’s hunting instincts seem to be temporarily absent — he prefers a snuggle with his bunny mate to a killing spree.

The third member of the group, Monty the dog, sometimes dominates Simba when they are playing. Simba, who usually lives at an Edinburgh zoo, was taken to a keeper’s home after he became ill.

That’s where he met Thumper and Monty, who have reportedly helped the lion cub recover from his illness.

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Charles spends $55k on clothes for Kate

We have all told little white lies to our partners about how much money we have actually spent on a particular garment. Unfortunately, the Duchess of Cambridge does not have this luxury.

Prince Charles’s annual spendings will be made public in the next few days and will detail Catherine’s clothing expenditure, which is expected to top $55,000.

Charles funds his daughter-in-law’s wardrobe for work-related events and is thought to have footed the bill for many of the designer and couture pieces Catherine has worn this year. Here are some of our favourite outfits.

Some of Kate’s high-end creations.

Alexander McQueen dress $1,857.

RM Roland Mouret dress $2,051.

Alexander McQueen dress $6,200.

Jenny Peckham dress $3,185.

Alexander McQueen coat dress $5,531.

Alexander McQueen dress $1,841.

Emilia Wickstead dress $1,865.

L.K Bennett suit $963.

J Brand jeans $199.95.

Orla Kiely dress $551.

Cobalt blue Reiss dress $220.

Matthew Williamson dress $1,695.

Zara dress $150.

Rebecca Taylor jacket $450.

Leather-lined wellingtons from Le Chameau $490.

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Grant Hackett’s confession about his alcohol problem

Grant Hackett took to national TV last night to deny he had a problem with alcohol and account for the night he trashed the apartment he shared with his estranged wife, Candice Alley and their twins.
Grant Hackett and Candice Alley

Olympic gold medallist, Grant Hackett took to national TV last night to deny he had a problem with alcohol and account for the night he trashed the apartment he shared with his now estranged pop-singer wife, Candice Alley and their twins.

In a tear-filled interview on 60 Minutes, Hackett said he accepted responsibility for his actions, blaming a tense domestic situation for his violent outburst.

Alluding to a troubled marriage, Hackett told 60 Minutes reporter Tara Brown: “It gets to a point where it’s like a Coke bottle, it just keeps getting shaken and shaken and shaken and shaken and if you don’t release it, it explodes.”

Photographs of the significant damage Hackett wreaked in his luxury inner-city Melbourne apartment following Derby Day in November made headlines around the country last month.

The former 1500m champion said he had been drinking on the night, but he does not blame the booze for the incident.

“I was drunk – I will admit I was drunk. I think the alcohol exaggerated and exacerbated the emotions of that night and made it worse,” he said. “But I don’t blame that, I blame myself.”

He used the interview to deny allegations he had been violent towards his wife.

“Candice was totally unharmed,” he said. “I didn’t threaten her in any way.

“There’s one thing I remember and that’s certainly the interaction between Candice and I and there was no physical interaction.

“I was sobbing and then a policeman knocked on the door. I took him through the place. It was just a night I hoped to forget. I exploded that night and clearly you can see the ramifications of that wasn’t pretty.”

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