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Doting dad Chris Hemsworth

If you're already a fan of Chris Hemsworth, get ready to swoon! Take a look at the new dad doting over his adorable daughter India Rose Hemsworth.

If you’re already a fan of Chris Hemsworth, get ready to swoon! Take a look at the new dad doting over his adorable daughter India Rose Hemsworth.

Chris and his wife, Spanish actress Elsa Pataky, were spotted taking a walk with their eight-week -old bundle of joy through Madrid on July 2 and in London a few days earlier.

So who does Chris turn to for parenting advice? His older brother Luke, who has two daughters, revealed he has helped his brother out.

“I actually made him a little video on how to wrap her up so that she can’t get her arms out of the blanket,” Luke told Entertainment Weekly. “He had a bit of trouble with her.”

Chris Hemsworth cradles baby India.

Chris and his wife, Spanish actress Elsa Pataky.

Chris and his mother-in-law Cristina.

Chris and Elsa take a stroll with baby India in London.

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Why I won’t let cancer take my breasts

Why I won't let cancer take my breasts

British model and actress Sally Farmiloe-Neville.

Most women would do anything to be rid of breast cancer, but British actress Sally Farmiloe-Neville has refused a mastectomy because she can’t bear to lose her “best assets”.

Sally, 57, — who starred opposite Bob Dylan in 1987 filmHearts on Fire— was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer in May.

She was told a mastectomy was the best way to treat the life-threatening disease, but asked for a lumpectomy instead because she feels her breasts are a “vital” part of her personality.

Related: Could you have ovarian cancer?

Sally has written about her choice in new bookMy Left Boob: A Cancer Diary, defending her decision to try to save her breasts.

“Although I am anxious to be rid of it, I do not want to lose a breast along with the malign tumour,” Sally writes.

“I cannot bear the thought of a mastectomy because my bosom is so vital a part of my personality that to forfeit half of it would be to relinquish part of my very being.

“At a 36B cup, I’m not particularly well-endowed; neither are my breasts perfect, but I’ve grown terribly fond of them over the years.

“A mastectomy, I believe, would have compromised my femininity, jeopardised my career and turned me into a woman remote from the fun and flirtatious one that I am.”

Sally goes on to accuse doctors of being too quick to encourage mastectomies, claiming lumpectomies and radiation treatment can be just as effective.

She says she felt “bullied” into a mastectomy, and thinks doctors should make breast cancer sufferers aware of all the treatment options available to them.

“There are a multitude of good reasons why ‘Off with her breast!’ should not be the battle-cry of doctors faced with women who have cancerous tumours,” she says.

Related: My wife died three weeks after giving birth to our daughter

“Lumpectomies are cheaper, less invasive and far quicker to recover from. I hope, and intend, to be back to work swiftly after mine.

“There are glamorous dresses to model, black-tie balls to attend, red carpets to teeter along — and I have drawers crammed with lacy lingerie which must not be allowed to languish unworn.

“I intend to turn heads. I’ll wear a lavish dress cut daringly low, hold aloft a glass of champagne and toast the health of my loved ones — including, of course, the imperfect but cherished pair of breasts I hold so dear.”

Sally does admit she would have a mastectomy if there were no other options and it should be noted that in many cases, mastectomies get the best outcomes for breast cancer patients.

Your say: Would you have a mastectomy if you had breast cancer, or would you prefer to seek less invasive treatment?

Video: Beating breast cancer

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Nicole Kidman: “I took six years to get over Tom Cruise”

Few people know what Katie Holmes is going through right now, but Nicole Kidman is one of them.
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman on the red carpet in 2000.

Few people know what Katie Holmes is going through right now, but Nicole Kidman is one of them.

Eleven years ago, the Australian actress was in the middle of her own divorce from Hollywood heavyweight Tom Cruise, which left her feeling like she had “nothing left to give” anyone else.

Though she is now happily married to Keith Urban, Nicole admits it took her longer than expected to get over Tom.

“I took a long time to heal, put it that way,” Nicole told The Australian Women’s Weekly during an interview last year.

“I was just very cautious. When I met Keith, for the first time in what had been quite a few years, my heart was open. And there were people before who had tried to date me and I was like, ‘No, wrong girl’.

“I just really wanted to spend time alone so I could heal and that took me almost six years, which is unusual I know, but that was just how it was. It had to do with me not having anything to give to anyone else.”

Nicole met Tom in 1989 on the set of their movie Days of Thunder and they married the following year.

They adopted two children, daughter Isabella and son Connor, and Nicole was reportedly pregnant with their first biological child when Tom filed for divorce in February 2001.

Nicole suffered a miscarriage shortly afterwards, but went on to have two daughters, Sunday Rose and Faith, with Keith Urban.

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Is porn an excuse for rape? This judge thinks so

Is porn an excuse for rape? This judge thinks so

Judge Gareth Hawkesworth.

A UK schoolboy who raped a five-year-old girl he was babysitting has escaped jail after a judge ruled he had been “corrupted” by pornography.

The 14-year-old boy — who cannot be named for legal reasons — blindfolded the girl before forcing her to perform an indecent act on him last December.

The boy appeared in Cambridge Crown Court on Monday, where Judge Gareth Hawkesworth sentenced him to three years of community service, blaming “the world and society” for exposing the teen to hardcore pornography.

“You have not shown any particular sexual interest in children,” the judge said. “I’m satisfied it was impulsive and I believe you have become sexualised by your exposure to and the corruption of pornography.

“Your exposure at such a young age has ended in tragedy. It was the fault of the world and society.”

The judge said the teen’s crime could have seen him jailed for more than six years.

The teen had been paid to babysit the girl — who lived in a nearby house in Cambridge, east England — when the attack occurred shortly before Christmas last year.

He was caught after the girl told her father about the assault. In his first interview with police, the boy admitted to regularly watching pornography online.

He pleaded guilty to one count of raping a girl under 13.

The boy’s lawyer Julia Flanagan said her client regretted his actions and was no threat to any other children or women.

“We have a very frightened and remorseful boy who is very ashamed of what he has done,” Julia told the UK’s Daily Mail.

“He knows it will follow him for the rest of his life. He is marked to some as a sexual deviant for ever.”

In addition to his three-year community service order, the boy is also banned from accessing pornography of any kind.

Your say: Do you think pornography can be blamed for sex attacks? Email your thoughts to [email protected]

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Katie’s transformation: How she changed for Tom

All loved up

Just weeks after leaving her then fiancé Chris Klein, who she had dated for five years, Katie Holmes began dating actor Tom Cruise in 2005.

Marriage bliss

On June 17, 2005, Tom proposed to Katie at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The pair were married on November 18, 2006, in a Scientology ceremony.

Katie’s baby bump

Katie proudly shows off her baby bump as the pair demonstrate plenty of love for each other on the red carpet.

Katie’s drastic change

Following the birth of the couple’s first child, Suri, Katie Holmes made a bold change to her appearance. She cut her signature long hair into a cropped bob.

Fears for Katie

Soon after, Katie hit the red carpet looking super-skinny, sparking reports she had an eating disorder.

At the time it was rumoured she was taking part in a Scientologist-approved vitamin detox program.

From fab to drab

Katie began caring less about her appearance stepping out in clothes that didn’t fit and stopped doing her hair and make-up.

Small smile

Despite starting to look like her old self, Katie could barely crack a smile on the red carpet of Elle magazine’s 16th annual Women in Hollywood event in October 2009.

Family time

The time that Katie, Tom and Suri spent together as a family began to look tense and the husband and wife began spending less time together.

Red carpet

Even the pair’s red carpet appearances began to look forced. Katie’s body language says it all.

Final appearance together

In what was their final red carpet appearance together, the pair tried their best to look happy.

But this is a far cry from their red-carpet moments earlier in their relationship.

Happier days

Just a few days before filing for divorce Katie seems more relaxed.

Katie and Suri are now living together in New York.

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Katie Holmes: Why she rebelled against Scientology

Katie Holmes: Why she rebelled against Scientology

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes spent time seperately in New York in early June, 2012.

As the details of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ marriage breakdown come to light, so too do glimpses of the future Suri Cruise could have if she is raised by her father, something that Katie is determined not to let happen.

Holmes, who is seeking sole custody of the pair’s six-year-old daughter, had reportedly been planning her escape from Scientology for years . And as details emerge of the organisation’s rules it’s not hard to see why she felt she couldn’t simply walk away.

Holmes’ carefully structured escape plan was reportedly cautiously put into action for fear of losing access to her child. Following her divorce from the Rock of Ages star in 2001, Nicole Kidman has limited access to her two adopted children with Cruise, Bella and Connor, who are both devoted Scientologists.

“[Bella and Connor] lived with their father and Katie during the marriage full-time. They aren’t that close to Nicole, and Katie is determined that she won’t be cut out of Suri’s life,” an unnamed source close to the situation told Radar Online.

“Bella and Connor are devoted to their father and Scientology, and Katie saw this firsthand, and this is one of the reasons she filed for sole custody.”

Meanwhile, details have emerged of the Scientology school that Cruise planned to send Suri to: the headquarters of Scientology’s higher order, Gold Base, a 200 hectare property in Gilman Hot Springs, California.

Here, members reportedly pledge their allegiance for 1 billion years, are banned from having children, are paid just $50 a week and can be punished by being thrown in “The Hole”.

Details have also emerged of the religion’s Sea Organisation — a subsection of the movement’s headquarters, which is heavily guarded and secured by motion sensors and razor-tipped wire.

Members are not permitted to leave the property, and if they do, face being hunted down by military style teams, US ABC News reported. In some cases members are subject to “voluntary punishment”, which can include isolation, manual labour, malnutrition and sleep deprivation. Reports by the New York Post in February state that the FBI have investigated the site and its associates for connections to human trafficking.

With the reality of her daughter attending a Scientology school in mind, Holmes was reportedly constantly careful with what she said during the Scientology audit sessions she took part in while married to Cruise.

“Katie wasn’t exactly forthcoming with information during her Scientology audit,” an unnamed source told Radar Online.

“Katie’s father, Martin, advised her to be careful with what she said during these sessions so that nothing negative could get leaked to the press or be used to make her look bad.”

Both Holmes and Cruise’s audit sessions, a practice that Scientologists believe clears them of negative influences while heightening spiritual awareness and enhancing their potential, were always recorded and videotaped and kept inside the church of Scientology.

Despite taking part in the sessions the source told Radar Online that Holmes’ heart just wasn’t in it.

“Look, Katie led a very ordinary and honest life before she met Tom and tried to continue to do so during the time she was with him. Katie is level headed and extremely smart,” the source said.

“She was never completely committed to Scientology, but she participated because she truly was in love with Tom and she knew it meant a lot to him.”

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Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

Two-legged kitten is a heart- warming inspiration

This video of a two-legged kitten playing with a ball and feather will make your heart melt. Understandably, the cuteness level of this video has allowed it to go viral on YouTube.

The adorable and persevering kitten featured in the video and named Anakin, had an instant impact on her owner, Carrie Hawks, 36, when she found him, prompting her to adopt and care for him. Ms Hawks discovered the kitten in the woods near her father’s work.

Naturally, being on two legs was difficult for him especially when he had to fend for himself against other feral cats.

Regardless of the fact that Anakin was born without a pelvis or two rear legs, he is clearly not letting it get him down as he walks with his two front legs, using his tail to centre his balance. Watching this video will allow all viewers to look on the brightside, rather than the hardships of life.

Is your pet a daily inspiration? Share your story

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Were Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ problems written on Suri’s face?

The world was stunned when Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise last week - but were their marriage problems written on their daughter's face?
Suri Cruise

Despite years of reports of marital disharmony, the world was stunned when Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise last week.

The couple had appeared relatively happy of late, and tales of Tom’s crazy behaviour had been missing from the pages of gossip magazines for months.

Only one thing suggested things were not as they seemed – the behaviour of the couple’s six-year-old daughter Suri.

Suri has been looking increasingly troubled for the past 18 months. Divorce is hardest on kids and we hope Tom and Katie remember that in their upcoming custody battle.

Suri has been looking increasingly troubled in recent months.

March was a tense month for Tom and Katie and Suri was often upset in public.

Suri and Katie in New York City in March.

Suri’s acting out seemed to worsen in April.

Suri outside her New York apartment block in April.

Katie was reportedly scared Tom would send Suri to Scientology School.

Suri is Tom’s only biological child.

Suri started acting strangely last November.

Katie and Suri.

Katie and Suri.

Suri looked forlorn in this shot taken in September last year.

Suri in March 2011.

Suri looked tense in Los Angeles in August 2011.

Suri in New York in September 2011.

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Women who fail to have kids twice as likely to become alcoholics

Women who fail to have kids are twice as likely to become alcoholics

Women who want to become mothers but can’t are twice as likely to become alcoholics, a new study has found.

Danish researchers found that women who tried to become mothers but failed were at greater risk of being hospitalised for alcohol abuse than those with children.

Women who remained childless due to infertility were also more likely to suffer from serious psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia.

Related: Solving your infertility problems

The scientists claim their “shocking” findings add weight to the argument that IVF should receive more public funding.

Birgitte Baldur-Felskov and her colleagues at the Danish Cancer Society Research examined the hospital records of nearly 100,000 women who had experienced fertility issues.

They split the women into two groups, those who had gone on to have a child, and those who remained childless.

The women who remained childless were twice as likely to be hospitalised for alcoholism, and 47 percent more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia or a serious eating disorder.

Though the findings are shocking, Baldur-Felskov says the real impact of infertility is likely to be much greater as this study only examined psychological disorders severe enough to result in hospitalisation.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg,” she said. “We were only able to analyse the risk of severe psychiatric disorders resulting in hospitalisation.

“There would be many other women who were affected but treated as outpatients, and perhaps even more not treated at all.”

Related: What to eat to beat cancer

The findings were presented at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Istanbul.

Video: How to beat infertility

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How Katie Holmes escaped Scientology

How Katie Holmes escaped Scientology

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes together with daughter Suri in December 2011.

Katie Holmes may have only been married to Tom Cruise for five years, but her impending divorce caps off a long-awaited, well-planned escape from him and Scientology.

Slowly easing herself away from her life as Mrs Tom Cruise and a life involved with the strict religion, Holmes reportedly spent years preparing for her divorce, with her main priority being that she gains full custody of the pair’s six-year-old daughter, Suri.

Holmes, who filed for divorce on June 29 and is seeking sole legal custody and primary physical custody of Suri, relied heavily on her family to help her leave. With her father leading the way, Holmes and her family have gathered damning information about Cruise’s life as a Scientologist to use in the divorce.

Former high-profile Scientology member Marty Rathbun, who left Scientology in 2004, says Tom’s chances of gaining custody of Suri are very slim.

“Tom Cruise would be stupid to fight Katie Holmes for custody of Suri because of the information her family has about his ties to Scientology,” he told Radar Online. “Katie’s family has information that Tom probably wouldn’t want released to the public.”

Rathbun has been involved with Cruise’s Scientology life, helping him run “audit sessions”, a practice that Scientologists believe clears them of negative influences while heightening spiritual awareness and enhancing their potential. He says a personal friend has been helping Holmes’ family gather information on Cruise.

“I did audit sessions with Tom Cruise from 2001 to 2004, and I can tell you that I have a friend that has been providing Katie Holmes’ family information for years about the iron grip the Church of Scientology has on Tom Cruise’s family and professional life,” he told Radar Online.

“This has been going on for at least four years.”

He says Holmes’ father is the driving force behind the family’s involvement in her escape from the religion.

“Katie’s father is very involved in the divorce proceedings and working closely with Katie’s lawyer,” Rathbun said.

“Katie’s father has truly been her rock in the last several months and she just doesn’t know where she would be without him.”

The former Dawson’s Creek star put her escape plan into action more than 18 months ago when she stopped attending three-times-a-week Scientology classes and made a conscience effort to avoid Cruise’s sister Lee Anne De Vette, a devoted Scientologist.

Her Scientology life consisted of punishing detoxes and while away on film sets Cruise would order Holmes to undergo Scientology audits and cleansing.

“Frankly Katie escaped,” an unnamed source told Us Weekly.

The source also said that Holmes recently fired her team of mostly Scientology staff “so that she wouldn’t be spied on”.

Meanwhile, Cruise is currently filming a new movie in Iceland after wrapping up work on Rock of Ages, on which he worked almost non-stop. His preparations for that musical included spending five months rehearsing doing voice and dance training for 10 hours a day.

The time away from his family has certainly had an impact on Suri who has been spotted crying and throwing tantrums recently.

But it seems Holmes, who didn’t agree with Cruise’s strict Scientology parenting methods, is ready to bring up her little girl with a much more normal life and is determined that Suri doesn’t end up like Cruise’s other children, Isabella and Connor.

“Katie and Tom also have very different parenting views,” a source told Us Weekly.

“Katie wants Suri to go to school with other children and have a grounded routine whereas Tom doesn’t. He wants her schooled in the same manner Connor and Isabella were.

“Tom is nowhere near as strict as Katie is and doesn’t believe in disciplining Suri, whereas Katie believes that is important.”

Holmes was spotted today looking relaxed in New York without her wedding ring, but smiling as she attended the filming of Project Runway.

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