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Girls, 12, skipping meals because they’re ‘too fat’

Girls, 12, skipping meals because they're 'too fat'

More than half 12-year-old girls think they are too fat, with many admitting to skipping meals to try to slim down, a new study has found.

A major study of 31,000 British schoolchildren revealed that over 50 percent of girls aged 12 to 13 were unhappy with their bodies.

Older girls — aged 14 to 15 — fared even worse, with nearly 60 percent reporting they wanted to lose weight, and regularly skipped meals to achieve their goal.

Related: Why girls are having sex at 12

A quarter of the girls surveyed had skipped breakfast on the morning they were interviewed, and 20 percent had skipped lunch the previous day.

Of those who had skipped breakfast that day, 36 percent had also skipped lunch the previous day.

Even more alarmingly, the majority of girls who were desperate to lose weight were already at a healthy weight, or even underweight.

“An analysis of the characteristics of the year ten females shows that most of those wanting to lose weight are within the limits of ‘healthy’ weight, and some are already underweight,” the researchers reported.

Related: Are our girls growing up too fast?

The researchers blamed the media for the current body image obsession, citing airbrushing and glossy features on impossibly thin models and celebrities as the major cause of body insecurity in young people.

The study was conducted by the Schools Health Education Unit.

Your say: Do you think airbrushing is to blame for negative body image in children?

Video: The media gave me anorexia

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Demi Moore heartbroken over Ashton and Mila hook-up

Why Demi is dragging out divorce proceedings

Demi Moore is reportedly heartbroken over pictures of her estranged husband Ashton Kutcher getting cosy with actress Mila Kunis.

Ashton and Mila, who starred alongside each other in That 70s Show, were snapped kissing this week but are yet to confirm a romance.

Demi was reportedly “devastated” when she saw the pictures and is “beyond heartbroken” an unnamed source told RadarOnline.

“Even though Ashton cheated on her all the time, it was with random girls, it wasn’t a relationship like it is with Mila and that is what is killing Demi now,” the source said.

“Seeing photos of him kissing another woman is too much for her to handle, it’s like having her nose rubbed in it time and time again. She kind of knew it was definitely over between them but I think she was still holding out a little hope for reconciliation — now he’s actually dating someone else she knows that’s not going to happen.”

Demi, who has spent time in rehab since the pair’s split in October, 2011 was already finding it difficult to cope with the break-down of her six year marriage. Friends of the troubled actress now fear that she will find it even harder to cope.

“Each time Demi hears about Ashton and Mila it breaks her heart. She really loved him despite the flaws in their marriage and to see him dating someone new, who is so much younger than she is, is like a knife in her heart,” the source said.

Even Demi’s daughters Rumer, Scout and Tallulah have distanced themselves from their mother in an act of tough love and have been considering a restraining order against her.

Her daughters supported her through her break-up with Ashton and rehab, but now they don’t want to “deal with the drama” surrounding their mother and feel that they need time out.

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Cybill Shepherd is engaged!

Cybill Shepherd is engaged!

She has had a colourful dating history in Hollywood, but Cybill Shepherd has proven you’re never too old to find the one.

The 62-year-old actress has announced that she is engaged to her jeweler-turned-psychologist boyfriend, Andrei Nikolajevic.

Until recently Cybill, who once turned down Elvis Presley, said that she couldn’t see herself getting married again following her two failed marriages — the first to nightclub entertainer David Ford and second to chiropractor Bruce Oppenheim.

“I never thought I’d get married again,” she told New York’s Daily News.

She added that Nicolajevic’s proposal was, “very romantic and on one knee”.

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Should a child sex offender be allowed to have IVF treatment?

Should a child sex offender be allowed to have IVF?

A child sex offender fighting for the right to have IVF treatment has ignited a fierce debate about the rights of convicted criminals in Victoria.

The 34-year-old man — known only as ABY for legal reasons — had sex with a 16-year-old girl in his care while working as a teacher’s aide in 2009.

He was convicted of child sex offences and jailed for three years, with two years suspended.

ABY’s child sex conviction automatically bans him and his wife from undergoing IVF treatment but in July 2011, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) overturned this ban, giving ABY and his wife the green light to start trying for a baby.

VCAT ruled that ABY’s risk of reoffending was low and there was no evidence to suggest he might sexually abuse his own child.

The decision sparked outrage and the patient review panel — which rejected ABY’s initial application for IVF in November 2010 — is now urging the Court of Appeal to overturn the VCAT ruling.

The review panel argues that even if ABY did not abuse his child, he or she would still suffer if he reoffended with another child.

“They’ve only focused on ABY’s risk of re-offending per se … if for example he was to reoffend against another child, that would also impact on ABY’s biological child,” review panel barrister Kerri Judd told the Victoria Court of Appeal yesterday.

ABY’s barrister John Ribbands said that the risk posed to any child was not great enough to prevent that child being born.

ABY and his wife have frequently spoken out about their situation, saying they believe everyone has a right to have a family.

“Any person who can conceive a child naturally can and does,” ABY’s wife told ABC’s7.30last year. “There are people with sexual offense and murder charges that have children and more than one child. Why do they have children and we can’t?”

The Court of Appeal justices reserved their decision.

Video: Three-parent babies

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Grant and Candice: What went wrong

Grant and Candice: What went wrong

The estranged pair have hit the headlines again, this time over Candice’s alleged shoplifting.

Just four years ago life couldn’t have been better for Grant Hackett, who told the world he was ready have babies with his wife, Candice Alley, just weeks after celebrating winning two medals at the Beijing Olympics. “The thought of it excites us – and just the fact that I’ve found someone I want to do it with!” he told Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview back then.

“Before I met Candice, it wasn’t a big focus, but when you love someone it’s just a natural evolution.” So what went so terribly wrong in the four years since the much admired swimmer and his pop star wife spoke so glowingly about their future together? Friends say there had been problems ever since the birth of their twins Jagger and Charlize in September 2009, with Grant struggling with the demands of fatherhood, particularly after Candice made him sell his beloved Ferrari.

But the five-year marriage began to publicly collapse in October last year, when police were called to the couple’s home after neighbours reported hearing a violent argument following their appearance at Flemington on Derby Day. Both Grant, 32, and Candice, 30, tried to protect their image as Australia’s “golden couple”, insisting reports Grant had overturned his wife’s grand piano and smashed up their penthouse in an alcohol-fuelled rage were exaggerated. Grant’s drunken behaviour at a post TV Week Logies function in April this year proved to be the last straw for Candice, and Grant moved out of their swish home, later returning to Queensland.

When disturbing photographs of the wrecked apartment, showing holes in walls and broken furniture, were leaked to the media soon after, the couple were again back in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, with Grant dropped from a children’s charity.

Read the latest on Candice and Grant in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday July 23, 2012.

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Tom and Suri reunited and Katie’s not happy!

Tom and Suri reunited and Katie's not happy!

Devastated after Katie filed for divorce, the actor kept his distance and his silence. But now he’s back – and Team Tom are with him all the way.

When Tom and Katie split, many Hollywood insiders were wondering why he didn’t immediately jet to Suri’s side. But as a close friend explains, it sadly wasn’t that simple. “He wanted to see her as fast as possible since this started,” the insider tells People magazine. “But he couldn’t shut down production of Oblivion and cost people their jobs. People count on him.”

When he arrived in New York 18 days after the divorce bombshell, it was clear that Suri, who leapt into his arms, was thrilled to see her beloved dad. But despite the joyous scene, there was still a clear sign of power struggle between Katie and Tom. On his very first day with his six-year-old, Tom found a way to send a strong message to his ex-wife by inviting his sister Cass – who was armed with stuffed toys for Suri – to their reunion. “Tom brought his sister with him for his first day with Suri because he knows that is the one thing that would hurt Katie,” a close friend of the actress tells Woman’s Day exclusively.

“Cass used to live with them in Beverly Hills until a few years ago and it was making Katie’s life a misery.” As People reports, during her marriage Katie was forced to spend a lot of time alone with Tom’s sisters while he was away on film sets. “She was like, ‘I’m living with your sisters and not you,” says the magazine’s source. Our insider adds that: “Katie broke down and told Tom she couldn’t take it anymore and that he had to choose which one of them he wanted to live with.”

At his then-wife’s request, he kicked his sister out of the Cruise compound and bought her a house nearby. But with Katie out of the picture, it appears Cass has been welcomed back into the fold – and into Suri’s life. And it’s the last thing Katie expected. Another source, who has met Cass four times, describes her as a “rabid” Scientologist and added, “She is an extremely intense person – and not somebody you would ever want to cross.”

Read the latest on Tom and Katie’s split in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday July 23, 2012.

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Jason Segel’s romantic proposal

Jason Segel's romantic proposal

The actor enlists adorable Matilda to help him pop the question to Michelle Williams.

When Michelle Williams retreated to her hotel room after a long day promoting her new movie, Oz: The Great And Powerful, in San Diego, all she could think about was sinking into her king-size bed. The last thing she expected was to find boyfriend Jason Segel and six-year-old daughter Matilda waiting expectantly, the room scattered with her favourite purple flowers.

“Matilda was sitting on the bed, clutching a lavender bouquet,” reveals a close friend of Michelle. “It wasn’t until Michelle picked her up to give her a kiss that she saw a little note tucked among the blooms that read, ‘Will you marry me?’” The friend says it was no secret that Jason, 32, wanted to marry Michelle, so it was impressive that he managed to spring the proposal on her.

“He flew in from New Jersey with Matilda on Michelle’s last day at Comic-Con,” says our source. “It was tough making it a surprise because he’s been telling her from day one that he was going to marry her.”

The proposal is exactly how Michelle, 31 – who’s finally found love after the sorrow of losing Matilda’s dad Heath Ledger to an accidental drug overdose in 2008 – wanted it. “There was no big fanfare – it was easy breezy, just like the two of them are,” the friend says. The same laid-back attitude applies to the ring – or lack thereof.

Read more about Michelle and Jason, plus see more celebrity engagements in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday July 23, 2012.

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*The Shire*’s Sophie and Vernesa: We’re not bimbos!

The Shire's Sophie and Vernesa: We're not bimbos!

There’s more to the outrageous reality stars than meets the eye.

In the space of a week Sophie, 28, and Vernesa, 26, have gone from unknowns to Australia’s most controversial new reality TV stars. Following the premiere of Ten’s “dramality” The Shire last week, the girls faced a barrage of vitriol over everything from their looks to their ethnicity.

Things got worse when, in the midst of the backlash, Sophie’s grandfather passed away after a long battle with cancer. “They raised me,” Sophie says of her grandparents. “It’s so weird to see someone pass away in front of you that’s given me my whole life.”

It’s enough to send most of us to ground. But far from hiding away, Sophie and Vernesa handled things the only way they know how: head-on. “It does not bother me one bit – if it did I wouldn’t be sitting here,” says Vernesa of all the criticism they’ve copped. “I’m very thick-skinned and that does come from life. My whole life experience, and Sophie’s life experience, has made us this way.”

“Life experience” as they put it, is an understatement. Born in Sarajevo, Vernesa literally grew up in a warzone. Her father passed away when she was three, leaving her mother and grandmother to raise her. “You see people die around you but it does make you a lot stronger,” she says. “They tried to start schools but they’d get bombed. People were being murdered left, right and centre.”

Read more about Sophie and Vernesa in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday July 23, 2012.

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At home with *MasterChef*’s Audra

At home with MasterChef's Audra

She’s wowed the judges and made it to the finals – but Audra’s toughest critics are her sons.

She’s one of the break-out stars of this year’s MasterChef,  impressing us each week with her delicious Asian-inspired dishes. Now even Audra Morrice’s two children have started to judge her culinary creations!

“Since I’ve been home, I’ve had a whole list of things they want me to cook and when I’ve finished it, I get rated,” laughs Audra, who says her sons Alex, 8, and Andre, 6, have started taking their cues from George, Matt and Gary. “You know, you don’t have to live with the judges but you have to live with these guys!” the 41-year-old says. “I think I’ve only had a really bad score once though. Alex said, ‘Oh my god, Mum, this is the worst meal you’ve ever made!’” Thankfully, most nights Mum’s cooking gets full marks.

“Can I have another one?” Andre asks during the Woman’s Day shoot, eagerly reaching with his chopsticks for a second serving of Audra’s Pot Stickers (pork and prawn dumplings). The score for tonight’s meal is a perfect 10.

The kids aren’t the only ones enjoying it – Audra’s husband of 10 years, Carl Anderson, 42, is also a big fan of her food. He admits they all did it tough when she was away filming. “We didn’t eat as well,” says Carl. “We definitely missed her.” In fact, it was Audra’s fabulous cooking that helped win Carl’s heart in the first place. “She’s a very open person with a warm heart, a big heart,” Carl says. “And she’s a very good cook!” he adds.

Read more about Audra and her family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday July 23, 2012.

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165kg teen says she is beautiful, enters beauty pageant

165kg teen says she is beautiful, enters beauty pageant

After being tormented and bullied about her weight for most of her life, 18-year-old Kirstie Mouncey has finally decided to show her critics exactly what she is made of.

The UK teen, who weighs 165 kg, has decided to enter a beauty pageant for larger women because she says she feels beautiful in her own skin.

“I think I’m sending out a positive message about feeling confident with who you are,” she told UK TV show This Morning.

Appearing on the show with her boyfriend Alex Boakye and organiser of the Miss Big Beautiful Woman International contest Emma Walker, Kirstie explained why she decided to join the pageant.

“People were putting me down 24-7 and it made me feel really uncomfortable and not worth anything, so I just thought, like, I’m me, and if people can’t accept that, they can’t, I shouldn’t change for other people, I should just be me,” she said.

Kirstie has been over weight most of her life and began to comfort eat when she was six-years-old following the death of her father. Once she reached high school Kirstie weighed 127 kg and hoped that the teasing would stop once she began college.

“I thought it would be different when I got to college but it was the same,” she said.

Kirstie eventually dropped out of college because she couldn’t take the constant bullying. Now, she hopes to return after finally learning to love the way she looks. Throughout her life Kirstie did try to lose weight, but says she did it more for others than for herself.

“I did it more because people were telling me to lose weight and there was lots of pressure to look a certain way,” she said.

“Obviously for health reasons if I needed to lose weight I would, because health is the most important thing, but then I just think if you love the way you are and you’re comfortable what’s the problem?”

Although the idea of having a beauty pageant for larger women has come under scrutiny for sending out a poor health message, pageant organiser Emma Walker said it was important to encourage overweight people to feel confident.

“A beauty pageant is a good place to show off yourself and be positive,” she said.

Video: See Kirstie Mouncey in the video player above.

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