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OMG Churchill: British lord used acronym in 1917 letter

OMG Churchill: British lord used acronym in 1917 letter

Lord Fisher's letter to Winston Churchill.

It’s commonly heard spewing from the mouths of giggly Gen-Y’s, but the annoying acronym OMG was actually coined in 1917 by a British aristocrat.

Celebrated naval officer Lord Fisher used the three-letter abbreviation in a wartime letter to Winston Churchill.

The missive — which was penned in 1917 and published in Lord Fisher’s 1919 book Memories — sees Fisher complaining about negative press coverage of World War I.

“I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis — O.M.G (Oh! My! God!) — Shower it on the Admiralty!!,” Lord Fisher wrote.

OMG was originally used exclusively in written communication but has recently become used in spoken communication.

The acronym gained official recognition when it entered the Oxford Dictionary last year.

Your say: Which new acronym or slang word do you find most irritating?

Video: Network’s embarrassing slang slip-up

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Holiday idea: Indian safari

The big drawcard of an Indian safari is the tiger, writes Mike Dolan. And yet, there is so much more to see in the forests of Central India.
Indian tiger

The first time I saw a tiger in the wild, a peacock signaled its arrival. As the bird strutted across a rocky ledge, it pulled up sharply, shrieked and flew into a tree. Mid-sentence, our guide stopped talking. The wind shivered through the grass and a langur monkey issued another telltale alarm, a series of guttural barks.

The tiger’s entrance was exquisitely understated. He didn’t arrive, so much as materialise. One moment, there was nothing of note, the next, a magnificent male standing like a statue, where the meadow met the forest. Minutes passed before he stirred. Then, imperceptibly, he raised his head to scent the air before disappearing over the edge of a gully.

The first sighting of a tiger leaves you in a trance. Adrenalin buckets into your bloodstream and, for as long as the tiger is visible, the rest of the world ceases to exist. “God invented the household cat, so that man could touch the tiger,” wrote Victor Hugo.

The second time I saw a tiger, the jungle issued no warning. A wealthy woman from Patna, with ruby earrings the size of raspberries, was eulogising in the front seat of our stationary Land Rover. “The very best rubies come from Burma. Thesearefrom Burma. Aren’t they, Ratan, darling?” Her husband nodded and looked away.

As she attempted to retrieve a matching brooch from her bag, a tigress stepped out of the forest just three metres from her vehicle door. Every one of the tigress’s white, wiry whiskers could be seen and its saucer-shaped, amber eyes were fixed on our lady from Patna, who, oblivious to everything around her, held up the brooch triumphantly. As tigress and woman made eye contact, the latter yelped and dropped the jewel; the tigress, seemingly unimpressed, moved on, ambling up the forest track towards another safari truck.

Camera flashes and eager faces greeted her, but she had seen it all before and soon slipped back into the forest – a vast tract of sal trees in Kanha National Park, the country’s largest tiger reserve and inspiration for Kipling’sJungle Book.

The state of Madhya Pradesh is tiger central. There are more tigers here than in the rest of India. For those on a tight budget, it’s best to book a bed at a basic lodge near the entrance of a tiger reserve and hire a jeep, driver and guide for half a day – the travel desk at the lodge will help. You’ll be in the park by sunrise and leave in the early afternoon. The odds of seeing a tiger are not great and you would be better off spending more time and money with a reputable company, such as Taj Safaris. For between $400 and $700 a day, depending on the season, you can stay in a luxury lodge. Included in the tariff are three meals a day, the option of a morning and evening safari, and the best guides money can buy. If you stay two to three nights and don’t see a tiger, consider yourself jinxed.

Banjaar Tola is just such a safari lodge. Considered one of India’s best, it has an enviable tiger-spotting reputation. Located in Madhya Pradesh, on the doorstep of Kanha National Park, close to the Mukki gate, the lodge is 20 minutes from the conjunction of three tigers’ territories. So the odds are up before you even enter the park.

The lodge has two camps, each with nine tented suites overlooking a tree-lined river that marks the park border, where antelope, monkeys and the occasional tiger come to drink on the opposite bank.

One fortunate guest wrote in the visitor’s book: “On our arrival at the lodge, I sat on the balcony of my suite overlooking the river, throat parched and beer in hand, when a tiger came down to the river and began lapping the water. Was I dreaming? No. It finished its drink, looked directly at me and strolled back into the jungle. And this before I had set foot in a safari vehicle.”

The day at Banjaar Tola starts with a pre-dawn wake-up call and after hot beverages and biscuits guests pile into their allocated safari vehicle and enter the park at sunrise.

Kanha has many spectacular landscapes, including forests, meadows, mountains and lakes, where deer and gazelle are common, birds are prolific (more than 200 species) and tigers, leopards, sloth bears and wild dogs are often seen. Around 10am is tiffin time, when breakfast is served at a scenic spot, usually on a hill with a beautiful view. The safari vehicle’s bonnet is laid like a table with linen and plates and delicious hot and cold dishes are laid out in abundance.

By 1pm, after two hours of further exploration, it’s back to the lodge for lunch. The afternoon, before the evening safari, is when most guests slumber on day beds on their riverside balconies until tea is served at 3.45pm. Then, those who wish to set off on another safari can do so. The evening meal is served after cocktail hour and is either a barbecue, next to a roaring fire (it does get chilly at night during the Indian winter), or a more formal three-course dinner. And, trust me, the chefs at Banjaar Tola are gifted with Indian and international fare. The service is impeccable.

It was a guide at Banjaar Tola who told me about the tiger’s legendary ferocity. Lions may be king in Africa, but only because there are no tigers. A large male is more than a metre high at the shoulder and from nose to tail tip is as long as a medium-sized car. Such an animal would have paws the size of dinner plates and teeth the length of an index finger. They have been known to remove a human face with a single swipe of their claws.

Even so, it is man who has brought the tiger to the edge of extinction. In India, poaching and habitat destruction have reduced their number from around 45,000 at the turn of the 19th century to a mere 1411 today. And if it wasn’t for Project Tiger, an Indian government initiative that has set up 28 tiger reserves (Kanha included), it is doubtful that even a handful would survive in the wild today.

The next day, we climbed into a howdah that was firmly fastened to the back of an elephant. It takes several minutes to settle into the rhythm of an elephant’s swaying gait, but the superb view compensates for this. A tiger had been seen in the vicinity and the expectation in the howdah was electric. Soon we arrived at a waterhole teeming with creatures. Because we were on an elephant, the animals seemed oblivious to us. We watched peacocks fan their tails, sambur deer lock antlers in mock battle, gazelles gambol like lambs and a large troupe of mischievous black-faced langurs play tag at the water’s edge. Next to a marsh nearby, hundreds of white egrets were feeding and a pair of cranes danced in courtship.

It’s was a scene straight fromThe Jungle Book. Admittedly, the major character, Shere Khan, was missing, but we had been warned about the pitfalls of going on safari with the sole goal of seeing a tiger.

“Guests who become single-minded about it rarely see anything else,” confided our guide. “As soon as you stop to show them a hornbill or a sambur, they say, ‘drive on, I don’t care, just show me a tiger’. And often, it is these guests who are most disappointed; simply because if they don’t see a tiger they end up seeing nothing at all.”

If, on the other hand, you keep your mind and eyes open to every creature, great and small, and listen to your guide, at day’s end, the mysteries of the Indian jungle will leave you with unforgettable memories — and hopefully, a photo or two of the elusive tiger.


Taj Safaris operate four lodges with & Beyond, the African safari specialists. They are:

Banjaar Tola

This safari lodge at Kanha National Park is spectacular in location and presentation. Each spacious tented villa has wooden floors, luxury bedding, heating/air-conditioning, Victorian-style bath, separate shower and a large balcony overlooking the River Banjaar. Ideal for couples or families with older children.


Next to Pench National Park, this is the most accessible lodge and is only two hour’s drive from Nagpur Airport. The teak forest that surrounds this lodge is as rare as it is beautiful. The suites are built on the ground built, but in tree-house style. Ideal for families with children.

Mahua Kothi

As famous for its tiger sightings as Banjaar Tola, this lodge at Bandhavgarh National Park has suites styled in the architecture of the local people. The scenery is some of the most spectacular in Madhya Pradesh.

Pashan Garh

Marble and limestone have been used to create a sublimely beautiful lodge next to Panna National Park. The tiger reserve has fewer tigers than Pench, Bandhavgarh and Kanha, but is still popular with visitors interested in the wider safari experience.

Incredible India

India Tourism has information centres in the state capitals around the Sub-continent.


Qantas has flights to Mumbai and Delhi with code-share partners.

Jet Airways

Jet Airways delivers a reliable network or flights that cover the main tourist and business centres in India.

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The pictures that prove Kate isn’t pregnant

The pictures that prove Kate isn't pregnant

What baby bump? Kate showed off her extremely flat stomach last week.

The gossip mills have been working overtime, churning out rumours that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her first child.

Pictures of Kate touching her stomach have been held up as incontrovertible proof she is expecting, and a British MP’s comments about how a royal baby would be fabulous for the economy as good as confirmed the pregnancy in the eyes of the gossip magazines.

In picture: William can’t keep his hands (or eyes) off Kate

But how many pregnant women (or any women, for that matter) have stomachs as flat as the one Kate showed off at the Olympic cycling last week?

As Kate hugged William to celebrate another British gold medal, her shirt rode up, exposing inches of completely bump-free flesh. It certainly didn’t look like there was anything other than a very small salad hiding in her abdomen.

And then there’s Kate’s current penchant for champagne. The Duchess attends so many galas and soirees that she is rarely seen without a glass of bubbly.

Most recently she was snapped sipping away at a pre-Opening Ceremony event, something you can bet she wouldn’t do were she pregnant.

Perhaps more significant is that this is the Diamond Jubilee year, and Kate and other members of the royal family are under strict instructions not do anything to overshadow their matriarch the Queen in what is meant to be her finest hour.

William and Kate take their royal duty extremely seriously, and their schedule this year has been extremely punishing, including countless appearances around the UK and a tour of Malaysia, Singapore, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu later this year.

In pictures: Kate wins fashion gold in recycled dress

There is, as royal watchers put it, simply no time in their busy calendars for a baby — at least until next year.

But no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, the rumours Kate is pregnant will persist and one day — hopefully soon — they will be true.

Video: Kate upset by pregnancy rumours

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Fans go wild for newly single Johnny Depp

Fans go wild for newly single Johnny Depp

Recently single Johnny Depp is back out in Hollywood and showing that he’s still got it.

The 49-year-old turned up at an Aerosmith concert at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles on Monday night and was swamped by a sea of female fans.

But the A-lister, who separated from his partner of 14 years model Vanessa Paradis less than two months ago, wasn’t just there to enjoy the show — he soon became part of it.

He surprised the audience and celebrity guests Liv Tyler, Jim Carrey and Seth Green by jumping up on stage, grabbing a guitar and jamming with Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler to Train Kept a Rollin.

And the party didn’t stop there. Following the concert, Johnny and the band gathered their famous friends for an after-party at Harry Morton’s Pink Taco on Sunset Boulevard.

Wearing his signature black fedora, Johnny was all smiles as he signed autographs and chatted to adoring female fans.

Johnny has been spotted around Los Angeles since his split from Vanessa in late June and has been linked to his Rum Dairies co-star Amber Heard.

He briefly reunited with his 39-year-old ex last month for a family holiday in the south of France with the pair’s two children Lily Rose, 13, and Jack, 10.

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Brange won’t be sending wedding invitations

Brange won't be sending wedding invitations

Access to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s upcoming wedding will be hard to come by — even for family members.

Although very few details have been released about the pair’s wedding plans, Ange’s cousin Martin Poucher has said the pair are being very selective about who will be asked.

“Trust me, there will be no wedding invitation,” he told Celebuzz.

“The family has joked about who will be invited.”

Although Martin doubts he will be on the guest list due to his distant relationship with Angelina, he is still “excited for them”.

Recent reports suggest the high profile couple are planning to tie the knot at their French estate, Chateau Miraval, in front of just 20 guests including their six kids, Maddox, 10, Pax, 9, Zahara, 7, Shiloh, 6, and four-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

Brad, 48, also recently bought Ange a £250,000 ($370,000) watch as an early wedding present.

The piece is a Patek Philippe Minute Repeater, which normally takes up to two years to be delivered to customers.

Although there is no set date, the nuptials — which have reportedly been planned with precision by Brad — are set to take place before the end of this year.

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Tom Cruise rents Disney Land castle for Suri

Suri Cruise already has the wardrobe of a princess and last week she got the fairy tale castle to match.
Suri Cruise Cinderella Castle

Suri Cruise already has the wardrobe of a princess and last week she got the fairy tale castle to match.

Suri, six, was treated to a night in Disney World’s famous Cinderella Castle Suite. The lavish room can’t be booked – instead Disney chooses who stays there. It is not known how much the chosen few pay for the privilege.

Tom has been a guest several times before, and is thought to have pulled a few strings to make his daughter’s princess dreams come true.

Tom and Suri haven’t seen much of each other since Katie Holmes filed for divorce in June. They spent their time at Disney World enjoying rides and shopping for souvenirs.

Tom and Suri stayed in Cinderella’s castle for a night.

Lucky guests receive a wake-up call from Cinderella herself.

The suite is modelled after a 17th century French chateau.

It has a private lift, a 24-hour concierge and other magical touches.

The suite was built as a vacation home for Walt Disney and his family.

Sadly, Disney died five years before the apartment was finished.

It lay deserted until 2006 when it was refurbished to its current standard.

The grand entrance to Cinderella’s castle.

Cinderella’s castle.

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Paris Jackson posts pic of bedside shrine to dad Michael

Paris Jackson tweets pic of bedside shrine to her dad Michael

Paris Jackson has created a shrine to her father Michael Jackson, covering her bedroom wall in pictures of him.

The 14-year-old took time out from the recent Jackson family drama to create the wall, which took her three hours.

“Someone commented on my pic saying “obsessed much?” yeaa u better believe it…A whole wall of his pics is the LEAST I could do,” she tweeted.

The collage includes numerous magazine and newspaper pictures, taken throughout the King of Pop’s career.

The creation of the shrine comes just a fortnight after a much publicised dispute Paris and her siblings had with other members of the Jackson family, including her aunt Janet, over the whereabouts of their grandmother Katherine.

The 83-year-old was out of contact with her grandchildren for 10 days after she was whisked away to a luxury spa in Arizona and cut off from technology.

Despite allegedly being “tricked” into going, Katherine has revealed that she will not take any legal action against her children.

“This chapter of chaos is closed, and we are supportive of family unity in spite of recent events and arguably poor decisions,” Perry Sanders, Katherine’s attorney, told TMZ about the events.

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Oprah’s Bollywood diet!

Oprah's Bollywood diet!

Oprah has stepped out looking slimmed down and posted this picture of herself working out on Twitter.

The trimmed down star turns her back on Hollywood fad diets as she drops 15kg on a spicy new eating plan.

Oprah Winfrey has made no secret of her lifelong “war on wobble” with the scales fluctuating wildly throughout her career. But now the talk show queen has found a groundbreaking — and delicious — new way to shave off weight, and after shedding 15kg she’s looking better than ever! So what’s her secret?

The 58-year-old has not resorted to the latest Hollywood fad diet of poached chicken and wilted greens — instead she’s feasting on delicious Indian food. A source at her production company, who speaks to Oprah on a weekly basis, tells Woman’s Day that inspiration struck on a recent trip to the subcontinent.

“She fell in love with the taste of curried vegetables and other Indian fare while filming a segment for her TV show Oprah’s Next Chapter,” says our insider.

“She loves traditional vegetarian cooking, especially dishes based around spinach, cauliflower, peas or green beans. She sees it as ideal because she has always been looking for a way to make a diet stripped of dairy and red meat more interesting.”

Read more details about Oprah’s diet in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 6, 2012.

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Oops! Stars show off their spanx

These celebrities are often snapped in some of the most glamorous outfits, so it’s nice to know they cheat a little with their look from time to time.

Stars including Jennifer Lopez, Blake Lively and Beyonce have been snapped accidently revealing their spanx, but they aren’t the only ones who love the body shape wear.

A number of stars including Gwyneth Paltrow and Katherine Heigl swear by spanx admitting that they love the look it gives their shape.

Take a look at these celebrities showing off their spanx here.

Celebrities accidently show off their spanx.

Kim Kardashian reveals her spanx under her shear dress.

Lindsay Lohan’s red carpet mishap revealed her skin-coloured spanx.

Kristen Stewart showed a little too much skin and her spanx on the Jay Leno show.

The top of Blake Lively’s spanx were visible through the lace of her dress.

Jennifer Lopez thigh high skirt revealed her skin-tone spanx.

The wind blew up Beyonce’s dress durning a live performance to reveal her spanx.

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Prince William dreads the ‘kiss cam’

Prince William dreads the 'kiss cam'

The nail-biting cycling events weren’t the only things making Prince William nervous at the London velodrome during the Olympics last week. The Duke of Cambridge has admitted he was scared of being put on the “dreaded” kiss cam with his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

The loved-up royal pair, who are Olympic ambassadors, were photographed embracing during the celebration of the British Men’s Pursuit Team win, but managed to escape a very public kiss.

“I was absolutely dreading they were going to come and show myself and my wife, and that would have been very embarrassing,” Prince William told the BBC

Apart from the balcony kiss that they shared following their wedding, William and Kate rarely put on public displays affection.

During the interview, in which he was joined by his brother Prince Harry, Wills also revealed that they were very surprised by their grandmother’s part in the Olympics opening ceremony, where she performed alongside Bond star Daniel Craig.

“We were kept completely in the dark about it, that’s how big the secret was,” William said.

“She did such a good performance that she’s been asked to star in the next Bond film. I’m thrilled for her.”

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