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Jennifer Aniston says YES!

Jennifer Aniston says YES!

The beaming bride-to-be has found real love, and Ange, her nemesis, isn’t happy.

Jennifer Aniston’s love-life has often mirrored those romantic comedies she’s so famous for. Dumped by her A-list husband Brad Pitt for his sexy movie co-star Angelina Jolie, Jen was then forced to watch from the wings as Brad became cast in real life as dream dad to six cute children. Meanwhile, she endured a string of failed relationships with the likes of Vince Vaughn, John Mayer and Gerard Butler.

But, just like in the movies, she never gave up hope that one day she’d find “the one”. “It will happen,” she promised Vanity Fair in 2005. “There’s an amazing man wandering the streets right now who’s the father of my children.” And last year, she found him in the form of quirky scriptwriter/actor Justin Theroux — her patience had paid off. Last week, Justin surprised Jen by showing up unannounced to her movie set and proposing on his 41st birthday.

The pair later celebrated at a restaurant. And this time, Jen knows she’s in this marriage forever. “The proposal totally melted Jen’s heart,” says a source close to the actress. “She couldn’t resist — she screamed out, ‘Yes!'” The overjoyed couple confirmed the news two days later, with his rep saying, “Justin had an amazing birthday on Friday, receiving an extraordinary gift when his girlfriend accepted his proposal of marriage.”

It’s no secret Jen, 43, has had a hard and humiliating time trying to find the perfect man. And even when she first met Justin back in 2007, introduced by their mutual friend Ben Stiller, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. “I remember thinking he was very dark. At first, you think he could be, like, a serial killer,” she recently revealed. “But he’s actually the nicest person in the world!”

Read all the details about Justin’s proposal in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 20, 2012.

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John Mayer moves on to Katy Perry

John Mayer moves on to Katy Perry

He’s happily loved up with Katy but can’t help thinking about how he lost Jen.

When news of Jennifer Aniston’s engagement broke late last week, all John Mayer could do was wistfully wonder what might have been. The singer, now in a fledgling relationship with Katy Perry, knew he’d lost a good thing when his bad-boy ways broke them up back in 2009.

“Jen really liked him,” says a close friend. “He could’ve been where Justin is right now but he didn’t play his cards right. He regrets screwing up.” The 34-year-old — nicknamed Mayer the Player — humiliated Jen by calling an impromptu press conference with the paparazzi after they split. “He played games,” says the source. “Not calling her when he was on tour, coming up with all kinds of excuses not to show up to things…that sort of s**t doesn’t fly with adult women.”

It’s this kind of behaviour that has Katy’s friends concerned for the pop star, 27, who’s fresh from her divorce from UK comedian Russell Brand. But a mutual friend of the hot new couple says John’s learned his lesson from losing Jen – and this time he’s playing for keeps.

“He’s very happy with Katy — and they’re much more of a good match,” the source says. “They both have immature sides and serious sides, and they’re closer in age and career.” And while John has — perhaps deservedly — beaten himself up over his Lothario ways, which also broke the hearts of Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Love Hewitt, a close insider says he’s ready to move on from that time in his life.

Read more about John and Katy in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 20, 2012.

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Lisa McCune’s marriage crisis

Lisa McCune's marriage crisis

The exclusive shock photos which show the actress and her co-star in a passionate embrace will break her husband’s heart.

Australia’s favourite actress Lisa McCune has been busted passionately kissing her South Pacific co-star, Teddy Tahu Rhodes, when they met in Sydney’s eastern suburbs last week for an intimate morning rendezvous. The popular star of new Channel Ten drama series Reef Doctors has spent the past few weeks in Sydney away from her Melbourne-based husband Tim Disney and three young children, to star in South Pacific.

Last Thursday, Lisa, 41, was seen kissing and cuddling Teddy, 45, who is known as the “Brad Pitt of the opera world”, at a café in Paddington. At one stage the pair even slipped down a laneway to share a passionate kiss. Lisa, who was difficult to recognise in a knitted cap, jeans and check shirt, was not wearing her wedding or engagement rings. “I couldn’t believe it was Lisa McCune,” admits one observer, who said the two were making no secret of their close relationship. “The guy she was kissing was very into her and kept touching her and holding her hand.”

There is no denying the on-stage chemistry between the two stars, and Lisa was recently overhead telling a friend she thought Teddy was “really hot” and that it was easy to kiss him during rehearsals for South Pacific. One reviewer says the “chemistry between McCune and Rhodes is palpable”. Lisa herself told Time Out magazine that she was “loving” working with Teddy. Lisa plays Nellie, a WWII army nurse who falls for sophisticated French plantation owner Emile, played by Teddy.

Their passionate kiss shocked Lisa’s friends and family, who thought her 12-year marriage to Tim was rock solid. Lisa even told Woman’s Day just three days before she was caught out how the couple made their marriage work long distance. “I jump on the plane on Sunday morning and don’t come back [to Sydney] ’til Tuesday lunch time so I’m missing a few nights a week, and it’s only for a month,” she told Woman’s Day during the interview.

See the exclusive pictures and read more in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 20, 2012.

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Pippa Middleton frozen out

Pippa Middleton offered US TV gig

Kate’s sister is feeling more alone than ever.

As Pippa Middleton’s star fades, so too does her presence in her “best friend” Kate’s life. The 28-year-old is said to be feeling more and more left out as public adoration skyrockets for her older sibling.

Once Kate’s right-hand woman, and dubbed “her royal hotness”, Pippa has experienced a dramatic fall from favour in recent weeks. It’s believed she’s devastated over being snubbed for an invite to the Olympics – especially given that just one year ago, she would have been sitting pretty in the VIP section.

“Pippa has been crying her eyes out and has never been so lonely in her life,” says our source. “She’s been distraught seeing all these happy pictures of Wills, Kate and Harry at the Olympics.”

But perhaps the most cutting is that Kate seems oblivious to her misery. It’s believed Pippa hit rock-bottom when poison-tongued fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld recently sniped that Pippa should “hide her face…[and] only show her back”, and Kate didn’t jump to her defence.

Read more about Pippa and Kate in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 20, 2012.

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Julia Gillard haunted by Wilson scandal

Julia Gillard haunted by Wilson scandal

Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s relationship with a former union official and fraudster came back to haunt her over the weekend with the revival of a 17-year-old union slush fund scandal involving Gillard’s former flame Bruce Wilson.

Gillard fell for the alleged conman as an industrial lawyer and partner at law firm Slater and Gordon, where she represented the then Australian Workers Union state secretary between 1992 and 1995.

The central allegations of the scandal are that Mr Wilson had ripped off a union fund that Ms Gillard had set up for him, hiding away union money that he then placed in special accounts, allegedly set up by Gillard, and misused those funds to buy a house and help renovate Gillard’s house.

While Gillard has consistently denied any knowledge of or role in the alleged scam, her involvement has been questioned again following the story’s resurrection in The Australian newspaper on Saturday with new revelations that an investigation into the accounts led to her dismissal.

An interview on Sky’s Australian Agenda revealed a very defensive Prime Minister as she fired up against The Australian’s Paul Kelly and refused to address allegations against her.

Gillard made it clear that she would not comment on the issue, saying she did nothing wrong and questioning the validity of Kelly’s queries.

But when the story was first reported in 2007, Gillard told The Sunday Telegraph she was in love with the man who had broken her heart and threatened to destroy her political career.

“These matters happened between 12 and 15 years ago,” Gillard told former Sunday Telegraph political reporter Glenn Milne. “I was young and naive.”

“I was in a relationship, which I ended, and obviously it was all very distressing. I am by no means the first person to find out that someone close turns out different to what you had believe d them to be. It’s an ordinary human error.

“I was obviously hurt when I was later falsely accused publicly of wrongdoing. I didn’t do anything wrong and to have false allegations in the media was distressing.

“The whole thing has taught me some lessons about life, generally, and [about] the slings and arrows of public life, in particular. I think that I have emerged a stronger person as a result.”

The scandal has once again raised tension as leadership speculation continues to cloud the Labor party.

Your say: Do you think Julia Gillard should answer questions about her role in the Bruce Wilson scandal?

Video: Gillard in heated exchange over her past

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Brave female soldier killed in Afghanistan

Brave female soldier killed in Afghanistan

Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker died in Afghanistan yesterday.

New Zealand has lost its first female soldier in more than 40 years in a roadside bomb attack in Afghanistan.

Medic Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker, 26, died yesterday when the vehicle she was travelling in was hit by a roadside bomb northwest of Do Abe.

Corporal Luke Tamatea, 31, and Richard Harris, 21, were also killed in the attack.

The trio was last in a convoy sent to rescue an injured comrade and take him to hospital.

Baker is the first female member of the New Zealand armed forces to be killed in combat since the Vietnam War, when a nurse was killed.

Australian women have served in combat positions for 20 years but none have been killed in action so far.

There are currently 12 women serving in Afghanistan. Ten are in Bamiyan and another two at the US air base near Kabul.

Defence Force Chief Lieutenant General Rhys Jones said women were becoming increasingly common on the front line because of their excellent communication skills.

“A lot of European countries are putting women on the front line because of the roles we do with community engagement,” Jones said. “Having women there to interact with children and other women in Islamic society becomes quite important.”

Baker was an experienced solider. She served in the Solomon Islands in 2010 and received a bravery award in 2011 for her professionalism and courage.

Harris serviced in East Timor while Tamatea had more than 12 years’ service to his name. He served in East Timor in 2001 and the Solomon Islands in 2003. It was his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, the first taking place in 2007.

Their bodies were evacuated by helicopter and will be transferred to Australia as soon as possible. From here, they will be flown home to New Zealand.

New Zealand has now lost 10 soldiers in Afghanistan. Australia has lost 32.

Australia changed its rules about women fighting on the front line in 2011. By 2016, all front line combat roles will be open to women as long as they can pass the tough physical tests.

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Mattel introduces drag queen Barbie

Mattel introduces drag queen Barbie

Mattel's new 'Drag queen Barbie' modelled after fashion designer Phillipe Blond.

Barbie has taught generations of little girls that they can be anything from an astronaut to president, but now the famous doll is preparing to inspire male fans too.

Mattel is releasing the first ever “Drag Queen Barbie”, modelled after New York based fashion designer Phillipe Blond, himself a cross-dresser.

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Ever politically correct, Mattel does not use the term “drag queen”, instead giving the figurine the exotic name: The Blonds Blond Diamond Barbie Doll.

The doll is sure to be controversial, particularly in conservative America, but a Mattel spokeswoman says Barbie doesn’t care how many feathers she ruffles.

“One of the great things about Barbie is that she continues to push the envelope,” vice-president of marketing for Mattel Cathy Cline told the New York Times.

“Barbie doesn’t worry about what other people think.”

The special edition doll sports Phillipe’s trademark “drag queen” eye makeup and over-the-top false eyelashes.

She is dressed in an embellished corseted silver mini dress with metallic shoes and a white faux fur coat.

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Mattel commissioned the new doll to honour the achievements of Phillipe and his partner David Blond, who run fashion label The Blonds.

The duo have been outspoken fans of Barbie since they launched their label in 2007.

Your say: Do you think drag queen Barbie should have been made using a Ken doll instead of a typical female figurine?

Video: Mattel to make bald Barbie

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Scientists close to birth control pill for men

Birth control pill for men is coming

Scientists have announced they are on the cusp of developing a birth control pill for men

More than 50 years after women started taking the pill, scientists have announced they are on the cusp of developing a birth control pill for men.

The breakthrough, which has been tested on mice, targets the protein that instructs sperm to mature. It only lasts while the drug is being taken, and there are no impacts on hormones or sex drive, they say. Once the mice had stopped taking the pill, they sired healthy litters.

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James Bradner, of the Dana-Farber Cancer institute at Harvard, says he stumbled on the discovery while working on a molecule to make cancer cells forget they were cancer.

He said the protein could be delivered via pill, injection or a cream.

“As early as next year, we may have a sense of how well this works in humans,” he told the New York Daily News.

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Dr Bradner is still working on the cancer project. “What was initially a side project in our laboratory has become a major focus of our research … we’re still aggressively advancing a derivative of it as a cancer drug.”

However, some say that even if a reliable pill came on the market – which would still be at least five years away – women should not trust birth control to men because they are the ones who have to shoulder the responsibility of an unplanned pregnancy if their partners make a mistake.

Your say: How would you feel about trusting birth control to your partner?

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Fears for Prince Philip’s health as he is hospitalised again

Prince Philip ill on the eve of his 92nd birthday

Prince Philip at the Olympics earlier this month.

The Duke of Edinburgh was rushed to hospital yesterday after his recent bladder infection returned.

An ambulance took Philip, 91, from Balmoral to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a distance of 80km.

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Doctors there confirmed the Duke was suffering from a recurrence of the bladder infection which saw him hospitalised during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations in June.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said Pihlip was taken to hospital as a “precautionary measure” and was expected to stay in hospital for “the next few days”.

“The Duke of Edinburgh has had a recurrence of the bladder infection that he had in the summer and has been admitted to hospital for investigation and treatment,” a palace statement read.

It is the third time in eight months Philip has been hospitalised. He spent five nights in hospital in June and four nights last Christmas after heart surgery to clear a blocked coronary artery.

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His recent poor health has led to calls for the Duke to slow down. He is currently one of the hardest-working members of the royal family, undertaking 350 engagements a year.

Video: Prince Philip’s health scare

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Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to reunite for Suri’s first day of school

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are putting their problems behind them to escort their daughter Suri to her first day of school.
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise in New York

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are putting their problems behind them to escort their daughter Suri to her first day of school.

Tom was reportedly blindsided when Katie filed for divorce in June and has spent most of the past six weeks overseas filming upcoming movies.

He is currently in London shooting scenes for an unspecified project, but will fly back to New York in two weeks to join Katie for Suri’s first day at Manhattan’s prestigious Convent of the Sacred Heart school.

“Tom and Katie have been speaking on the telephone regarding Suri and Katie has been very supportive of Tom wanting to be there when Suri goes to her new school for the first time,” a source close to the former couple told Radar Online.

“It’s a big moment in Suri’s life and Katie wants Tom to be a part of that. Katie doesn’t want Suri to suffer because of their divorce and both parents are truly putting the needs of their little girl ahead of their own feelings.”

Katie’s desire for Suri to attend school is said to be one of the main reasons behind her decision to file for divorce.

Tom was reportedly keen for Suri to be home schooled by Scientology tutors, as his children with Nicole Kidman were, while Katie was desperate for Suri to have a normal education.

“Tom doesn’t like it, but he has reluctantly accepted this is the way it’s going to be and will absolutely be a big part of Suri’s life at school,” the source said. “Both Tom and Katie will take part in parent/teacher conferences and other school activities that Suri will become involved in.”

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