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Nigella Lawson’s new diet

Nigella Lawson has dropped two dress sizes going from a size 16 to a size 12. The celebrity chef was snapped while promoting her new Italian cook book, Nigellissima.

The 52-year-old, who is said to be on the Bodyism Clean and Lean plan, doesn’t want to lose too much weight.

“I love food and I love cooking so therefore I never deprive myself. Thinness is fantastic for clothes, but I don’t do fashion,” she said.

“There are times when I want to lose weight. I suppose the difference is I don’t want to be as thin. Greed always outweighs my vanity.”

Despite her desire to give into her greed, it seems Nigella is on a high protein diet, tweeting images of her daily meals which include fried eggs, chocolates truffles and smoked salmon.

Nigella Lawson on set promoting her new book.

Before: Nigella back in 2010.

Nigella showed off her size 12 figure while shooting in London.

Nigella tweeted this image of herself on set.

Nigella’s new diet consists of a fried egg sandwich for breakfast.

A lamb rack and vegies for lunch.

And smoked salmon and chocolate truffles for dinner.

Two days later she ate steak and chips for lunch.

And a bagel with avocado, hummus and smoked salmon with a rocket salad for dinner.

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Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux’s wedding plans

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's wedding plans revealed

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are finally engaged, but the pair have a slight hitch to overcome before they say ‘I do’.

Jennifer, 43, and Justin, 41, both have very different ideas about how and where they should celebrate their big day, with an unnamed friend of the pair telling US Weekly that they can’t decide.

The source says Jen would love a “destination wedding, kind of like eloping with a few friends”.

“There will be the feeling of a vacation, since that’s their favourite thing to do,” the friend adds.

Justin, on the other hand, is hoping to stay closer to home and would prefer “a New York City winter wedding”.

Justin is also said to want a low-key affair rather than celebrating in “high-style”, which is what Jen would prefer.

Although they disagree on the details, both are excited about their big day. “Jen is over the moon about her second chance at a happy marriage,” another source says. “Justin is giving her a solid vow to love.”

This will be the second marriage for Jen, who divorced Brad Pitt in 2005, and the first for Justin, who split from his girlfriend of 14 years, Heidi Bivens, in early 2011.

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Julia Gillard defends ‘sexist’ slush fund claims

Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Gillard answers questions about her past

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has come out swinging against allegations that she was party to a union slush fund scandal in an attempt to put the claims of what she labelled a “very sexist smear campaign” to rest.

Gillard has been mute on the 17-year-old issue since it was uncovered in 2007, but spoke out in her defence yesterday in a marathon press conference telling media she would answer questions on the issue and that would be “the end of it”.

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Addressing the scandal that has dogged her political career, in which she has been accused of setting up a dodgy union fund for her then-boyfriend and alleged conman, former Australia’s Workers Union state secretary Bruce Wilson, the Prime Minister denied wrongdoing but claimed she had been deceived.

Gillard admitted she did not follow protocol by failing to open a file for the account at law firm Slater & Gordon — where she was working as a partner and representing Mr Wilson — which would have given other partners an insight into the funds’ use.

But while she admitted regrets, the former industrial lawyer denied wrongdoing, saying she had no knowledge of the operation or the misuse of its funds.

“I provided advice, as the association has established. I then knew absolutely nothing about its workings until allegations about its workings became the subject of the discussion within the AWU and then more broadly,” she said.

She said she dumped her boyfriend over the issue.

Acknowledging the misjudgement, Gillard assured media she had matured since then and learned from this mistake.

“I am standing in front of you now as a 50-year-old woman. Have I learned a few things across my lifetime? Yes, I have.”

She urged the public not to take notice of the allegations, claiming they had been promoted by “misogynists and nut jobs on the internet”.

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Opposition leader Tony Abbott has so far chosen not to comment on the Prime Minister’s statement, but wants to bring it to Parliament, putting pressure on Gillard to make a formal statement.

Cabinet minister Stephen Conroy has defended the Prime Minister, saying she as victim of “a dirty, filthy, smear by the Liberals.”

Your say: Do you think allegations against the Prime Minister are sexist?

Video: Gillard in heated exchange about her past

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Harry’s bodyguards ‘too busy partying’ to stop naked photos

Harry's bodyguards 'too busy partying' to stop naked photos

Prince Harry

Prince Harry’s bodyguards were too busy “enjoying the party” to stop girls taking naked photos of the royal.

The taxpayer funded Scotland Yard protection officers who accompanied the 27-year-old Prince to Las Vegas “acted like amateurs who were asleep at the wheel” a source has said.

Related: Should Harry be stripped of his royal title?

Instead of asking Harry’s new female friends to surrender their camera phones upon entering the royal suite, the men sat back and watched the incriminating images being taken.

“As one person photographed the Prince, an officer meekly told them ‘Awww, come on … no photos,” the source told gossip website TMZ, which initially published the scandalous nude images.

“They were enjoying the party more than protecting the Prince from himself. Harry’s team acted like a bunch of amateurs.”

Harry’s protection detail costs British taxpayers $3 million a year. They are meant to insist guests surrender their phones and cameras before socialising with Harry to prevent this sort of embarrassing scandal.

A Scotland Yard spokesman refused to comment on the allegations.

Harry arrived back in the UK yesterday to face the media storm over the illicit images, which saw Harry completely naked cavorting with an equally naked woman during a game of “strip billiards”.

The Queen and senior members of the royal family — including Harry’s beloved brother Prince William — are said to be furious with the rebellious Prince.

Related: How the Queen will punish Harry

But Harry is reportedly unrepentant, with friends saying he doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

“He’s not eating an awful lot of humble pie as I understand,” one friend told the UK’s Daily Mail.

Your say: Do you think Harry’s bodyguards are to blame for letting the incriminating pictures be taken?

Video: Harry’s nude scandal

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Matt Golinski: I have no idea why I’m still alive

Survivor Matt Golinski

Matt Golinski alongside a picture of his late wife and three children.

Celebrity chef Matt Golinski who survived a house fire that claimed the lives of his wife and three daughters has spoken publicly for the first time since the Boxing Day tragedy.

Eight months since the former Ready Steady Cook regular escaped the horrific accident with severe burns to 40 percent of his body, he is still searching for a reason behind his miraculous survival.

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“I have no idea why I was spared from the fire but I am determined to look forward and live a life that would make them proud,” he told News Ltd papers.

“To say my world has been turned upside down is an understatement. Although the loss of my family is unfathomable, at this stage of my recovery, I am simply grateful to be alive and to be alive and to have experienced the love of my beautiful wife and three daughters.”

Mr Golinski has said he chose to grant the interview as a way of thanking the local community for their support.

Although he says he appreciates the high level of media interest in the story, he has decided not to comment further as he works out what the next stage of his life might entail and continued his recovery.

“I am thankful for the respect and privacy that has been afforded to me whilst I focus on my recovery and work out what the future may entail. Physically I am getting stronger every day but emotionally it is still very difficult,” he said in a statement to media.

“My world has been turned upside down. Rest, medication, and the time to process all that has happened are important aspects of my healing.”

Mr Golinski has made progress in the eight months since the horrific incident, leaving hospital in April.

A condition common to severe burns survivors which causes bone to form in soft tissue around the joints in his elbows, has caused Mr Golinski limited mobility in his arms, so he has been unable to return to work at his Sunshine Coast catering business, but has managed to get back into some other hobbies.

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Picking up the guitar again has been a source of joy for Mr Golinski , who has strong memories attached to playing the instrument.

“Music was a big part of our family’s life with my wife Rachael, and our daughters Willow, Sage, Starlia and me regularly jamming and dancing in the lounge room,” he said.

“I am finding some solace in being able to play again.”

Mr Golinski said he is very grateful for the support proided to him during these past eight months, and appreciates the interest in his story, but at this point, he isn’t emotionally or physically ready to tell it.

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Oprah abused for her role in Ellen DeGeneres coming out

Oprah abused for her role in Ellen DeGeneres coming out

They are both mega-successful daytime talk-show hosts, but when Oprah Winfrey became involved in Ellen DeGeneres revealing her sexuality, neither was prepared for the backlash they received.

Oprah has given a new interview about the experience, saying that had Ellen not come out of the closet, she wouldn’t have the same impact on her audience.

Back in 1997, Oprah agreed to guest star on Ellen DeGeneres’ sitcom Ellen, playing a therapist to DeGeneres’ character Ellen Morgan. In the episode, Ellen reveals her sexual orientation. At the same time, Ellen came out in real-life, in a Time magazine article titled “Yep, I’m Gay”.

“I did it because she asked me to do it and I wanted to support her,” Oprah tells The Hollywood Reporter.

“It didn’t occur to me that there would be a backlash.”

Following the episode, which was viewed by 42 million people, Oprah received hate-fuelled letters and phone calls.

“It always turns to race. I got all of the, ‘N—–, go back to Africa. Who do you think you are?’” she says.

Show producers were also targeted and advertising for the show was pulled.

As part of her announcement, Ellen also appeared on Oprah’s talk show to speak of her decision to come out.

“She was pretty emotional that day — kind of tense and not fully herself,” Oprah says.

“It’s one thing to be ready to step out, it’s another thing to be ready for the thunderous explosion that occurred after she did.”

But more than a decade later, as Ellen is about to launch into her 10th season of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, her possibly career destroying decision has helped her create a $50 million empire.

“Being able to be free — literally — and to express herself in a way that she can be 100 per cent truthful with the audience has allowed them to fall in love with her,” Oprah says.

“Honest-to-God truth: I don’t believe she would have been as successful as she has become had she not come out.

“The reason why people love Ellen so much is because they see themselves in her. It’s not about gender or sexual preference.”

And it seems she has also paved the way for other gay celebrities — such as Ricky Martin, Glee star Chris Colfer and Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon — who today don’t need a tell-all interview to reveal their sexual preference.

Rosie O’Donnell simply announced her sexuality during a speech at an ovarian cancer benefit saying: “I’m a dyke!”

“I don’t know why people make such a big deal about the gay thing,” Rosie said.

“People are confused, they’re shocked, like this is a big revelation to somebody.”

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Should Harry be stripped of his royal title?

Should Harry be stripped of his royal title?

Prince Harry

Prince Harry’s naked photo scandal has led to calls for him to be stripped of his royal title — something experts claim Harry himself would dearly love.

Harry, 27, has always been something of a royal rebel, but seemed to have finally grown up in recent months.

He was a picture of composure at the royal wedding, completed a wildly successful tour of the Caribbean in March and was a constant fixture at the recent London Olympic Games.

Related: Prince William ‘not impressed’ with Harry’s naked photos

Harry was even granted the great honour of representing the royal family at the closing ceremony, something that displayed the Queen’s confidence in him to the world.

But just days later, Harry was photographed naked in a Las Vegas hotel room, undoing all the reputation rehab his minders have been working hard on for the past two years.

The embarrassing images have led many to call for Harry’s royal title to be stripped.

It sounds extreme, but royal watchers say Harry himself would jump at the chance to be a “normal” citizen.

Without his royal title Harry would be free to behave as he pleases, and liberated from an endless list of boring official events.

He could party to his heart’s content, take up with any number of women and drink as much alcohol as he likes and it wouldn’t be a story (because he is third in line to throne, anything he does now is).

Relinquishing his title would also allow Harry to fulfil one of his dearest ambitions — to return to Afghanistan to serve on the front line.

Harry served in the war-torn country in 2007, but had to be evacuated early when the media blackout on reporting his location was breached by an Australian magazine.

Harry was devastated his service was cut short and has repeatedly spoken of his desire to return to active duty in the years since.

Unfortunately for him, his royal status makes that dream extremely unlikely.

Harry’s behaviour is also a strain on his grandmother, who has devoted 60 years of her life to her country.

She has never behaved inappropriately, and such brazenly scandalous behaviour from her grandson is sure to hurt her deeply.

Guardian journalist Emma G Keller says stripping Harry of his royal title would be the best thing for him, and the Queen.

“Being royal is nothing but a pain for him and it’s nothing but a pain for the rest of the family, either,” Keller writes.

“Imagine being the Queen today. It’s your Diamond Jubilee year and you’ve clocked dozens of hours celebrating round the country, standing in the freezing rain on a Thames barge and pretending to parachute into the Olympic stadium.

“From a PR point of view this has been one of your best years ever. Until now. You were back on top. And now this. It’s tiresome and embarrassing and has nothing to do with all the work you’ve done. But it’s become the story and you have to deal with it. And you know it’ll happen again — and again and again.”

Keller thinks Harry should follow in the footsteps of his mother Princess Diana and retire from public life.

This would endear him to the public and give him the freedom to live his life however he sees fit.

Related: How the queen will punish naughty naked Harry

“Remember when Princess Diana announced she was retiring from public life?” Keller writes. “She knew what she was doing. Everyone loved her for it.

“Prince Harry should follow in his mother’s not his father’s footsteps. Strip off his crown. Retire from royalty. Leave the firm and join the crowd. Then we’d leave him alone.”

Your say: Do you think Harry should give up his royal title?

Video: Harry’s nude photo scandal

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Prince William ‘not impressed’ with Harry’s naked photos

Prince William 'not impressed' with Harry's naked photos

Prince William and Prince Harry.

Prince Harry is reportedly dreading his showdown with the Queen over his naked photo scandal, and now it appears his brother William will be next in line to lecture the royal rebel.

Royal aides informed William of his brother’s latest indiscretion over breakfast this morning.

While William has steadfastly supported Harry throughout his previous brushes with scandal, he is reportedly furious Harry was careless enough to be photographed nude.

Related: Clarence House confirms Harry nude photos are genuine

“William was told about the photos this morning,” a royal insider told Us Weekly. “He’s not impressed.”

William is said to be particularly upset with his brother’s actions because he tries so hard to behave appropriately at all times and is worried Harry’s latest stunt might tarnish his own carefully-built reputation.

There is no word yet on how the Duchess of Cambridge or Harry’s father Prince Charles — who has been the subject of many embarrassing scandals himself — have reacted to the news.

The Queen has been ruthless in her punishment of royal rule breakers in the past, freezing Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana out of the inner circle for their various indiscretions.

She is far more willing to turn a blind eye to misbehaviour from her own relations however. Charles has been involved in several public scandals — including the infamous ‘Camillagate’ tapes, in which he was heard telling his lover he wanted to be her tampon — but has never appeared to be punished for his behaviour.

Similarly Prince Andrew, known as ‘Air Miles Andy’ for his love of luxury and alleged inappropriate use of public money, has never been disciplined for his repeated indiscretions.

Based on this, it looks likely Harry will just receive a stern talking-to and begged not to embarrass the royal family again.

Related: How the queen will punish naughty naked Harry

The response from his army bosses is likely to be much more serious. Any activity which brings the army into disrepute — even if it is done in private time — can result in a disciplinary hearing and Harry is reportedly expecting a summons from his superiors in the next few days.

“He will be reprimanded,” a senior military source said. “Officers should never bring the Service into disrepute, whether on or off duty. This display of social misbehaviour has raised eyebrows.”

Harry arrived back in the UK today to face the consequences of his weekend of fun in Las Vegas.

Your say: Do you think Harry should be punished or praised?

Video: Prince Harry’s naked romp

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Clarence House confirms nude shots are of Prince Harry

Clarence House confirms nude shots are of Prince Harry

It looks like Prince Harry will be in a bit of trouble when he returns home, with Clarence House confirming that the naked images published on the internet are indeed of him.

Harry, who was seen looking sheepish as he flew out of Los Angeles yesterday, was accompanied by his six-strong security team and kept a low profile. He avoided questions about the snaps, which are thought to have been taken in Las Vegas on August 17.

Clarence House has confirmed that it is indeed Prince Harry in the photos — which show the prince fully nude, cupping his genitals in one and standing behind a seemingly naked girl in the other — but has not commented further about the incident.

The pictures of the 27-year-old, who was in Las Vegas enjoying some down time after the Olympic Games, are thought to have been captured on a camera phone when the prince and his friends invited a group of girls back to their VIP suite, where they played a game of ‘strip billiards’.

Clarence House has asked that the press respect the prince’s “expectation of privacy”.

Former head of royal protection at the Metropolitan Police Service, Dai Davies, has told the UK’s Telegraph that it would have been difficult for the Prince’s security guards to avoid the situation.

“I don’t envy their [the security officers] job. It must be a nightmare at times, trying to ensure that he doesn’t get into these kinds of scrapes,” he said.

“I’m told he’s a lovely man and everyone forgives him for whatever he has done almost as soon as he has done it.”

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Meet Brad Pitt’s almost famous brother

The second most famous Pitt brother

Doug Pitt in Sydney

Christmas at Doug Pitt’s place is pretty hectic. On a year the Pitt clan can all get together there will be 17 cousins, from babies to high school age, some adopted from Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the others born in Springfield, Missouri, all awaiting gifts from their favourite uncle. That’s Brad Pitt. He gives the best presents.

“He’s hard to compete with, I’ll admit that,” the actor’s now famous little brother tells The Weekly. “I don’t even try now, but he’s a great uncle.”

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He’s has been living in his favourite brother’s shadows for years but now Doug, officially the second most famous Pitt, is getting a taste of Tinseltown himself.

When I go to meet Doug at a swanky Sydney cocktail bar, there’s a queue to get to the guy.

I have to walk up a red carpet, be snapped by paparazzi, have a glass of champagne thrust in my hand before passing the ice sculpture of his face, and ask his minder if I can push through the press pack and meet him.

This is Doug Pitt’s party, and it’s clear he’s kind of a big deal.

So how’s he handling it?

“It’s just funny,” he says. “It’s really fresh, tongue-in-cheek, I’ve never done anything like this before and if I didn’t think I could have fun with it I wouldn’t have done it.”

As the face of Virgin mobile, Brad’s little brother has been introduced to us as just a regular guy, and he is. He lives in a regular family home in Springfield with his three teenage children and his high school sweetheart Lisa who he married 22 years ago.

We’ve seen the commercials where the dorky 45-year-old hams it up for the camera in daggy shorts making dad jokes, pointing out the differences between his life and his famous brothers, but there are also many similarities.

Along with the stunning likeness, Doug, like his brother and soon to be sister-in-law Angelina, has family values and philanthropic interests at heart.

As well as running a networking firm which he has done for 22 years, the successful businessman runs water and sanitation projects in Tanzania where he is a goodwill ambassador, and a school-base youth program in Missouri called “care to learn.”

Doug credits his charitable instincts to his parents, who must have done something right to raise such successful kids with giving at their core. Younger sister Julie has added three Ethiopian adopted children to her two-child family.

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But really, let’s cut to the chase, we want to know about Brad.

“There’s probably not much out there left that people don’t know about it, so if I had that nugget I’d probably keep it safe,” Doug says.

“I’m really proud of him, I think he’s done a phenomenal job not only in his career but just the way he handles himself. He thinks (the campaign) is hilarious.”

When it comes to Brad’s just as famous fiance Angelina, Doug loves her just as much.

“She’s great, wonderful. I love her to pieces.”

Your say: Who is your favourite Pitt brother?

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