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My drunken fumble with naked Prince Harry

Prince Harry's Vegas 'lover' writing tell-all book

Carrie Reichert (© Facebook) who claims to have drunkenly kissed Prince Harry in Las Vegas.

A 32-year-old woman has given a tell-all interview about her naked romp with Prince Harry.

Carrie Reichert claims she had a 20-minute “drunken fumble” with the nude royal in his hotel room during his now-infamous private party in Las Vegas.

Carrie — the first person to speak out about Harry’s wild night in Sin City — says the Prince’s friends spotted her at the hotel’s pool and invited her up to join the party in the penthouse.

Related: The most shocking royal scandals

Carrie says Harry was “completely wasted” and already naked when she arrived in the private suite.

“Harry was already undressed,” she told The People. “It was just crazy, he looked actually delirious. There was a pool table and he was playing air guitar with pool sticks.”

Blonde Carrie caught Harry’s eye immediately and the pair struck up a conversation.

She says he then took her by the hand and led her to his room, where she removed her dress, stripping off to a tiny string bikini.

Carrie claims she and Harry then kissed for several minutes, groping each other in the dark.

“We kissed for 15 to 20 minutes,” she said. “I am sure someone stumbled in as there were people going in and out of rooms all the time. We kissed again and he said ‘That was great’.”

But despite their state of undress, Carrie insists there was nothing “sexual” about their encounter, saying it was “fun” and “not romantic”.

Surprisingly, it would appear that Harry’s girlfriend Cressida Bonas is taking a similar view on the night’s events.

Despite reports that Cressida, 23, had dumped Harry over his naked frolic, friends say the pair is closer than ever.

Cressida joined Harry on his week-long trip to Richard Branson’s Necker Island immediately prior to his Las Vegas holiday, and friends say they decided to “get serious” about each other while there.

In pictures: Harry who? Loved-up William and Kate ignore scandal

Harry’s subsequent actions reportedly did nothing to dampen Cressida’s enthusiasm, and their friends are now predicting the next royal wedding will be hers and Harry’s.

“She’s so sweet and calm,” a friend told the UK’s Daily Mail. “She doesn’t do drugs. And she and Harry are so funny together. She’s perfect.”

Update: Clarence House has denied Harry ever met Carrie, who has since been arrested for writing fraudulent cheques.

Video: Harry partied with bridesmaids

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Make your next hair cut for a good cause

Make your next hair cut for a good cause

Alarna Kench with the 27cm of hair she will donate to the Beautiful Lengths program.

Alarna Kench has always had long hair and never even considered going in for the chop.

That is, until she learned about the Beautiful Lengths program, a joint campaign between Pantene and charity Look Good…Feel Better, which is designed to inspire women to grow, cut and donate their hair to be turned into wigs for women undergoing cancer treatment.

Alarna is the first woman to donate to the campaign, which is being launched in Australia today.

Although she says it’s a “massive honour” to be the first Australian woman to take part, she didn’t make her decision lightly.

“I have to be honest, it wasn’t an easy decision,” she admits. “But essentially, it came down to the fact that it will grow back and that my donation had the potential to encourage others to support the Beautiful Lengths cause.”

“I have always had long hair, so the decision to cut off what ended up being 27cm, was a pretty drastic change.”

Alarna was motivated to donate to the campaign after receiving a text from a friend letting her know that his mother was suffering from cancer.

“It really brought home how much bigger this was than just cutting my hair,” she says.

“It’s strange how you get so emotionally attached to your hair, but that was another reason for me to chop it.

“I had a choice to part with my hair, the women that will benefit from this campaign don’t have that luxury.”

Now sporting a new haircut, Alarna says she “feels like a different person” in a very positive way, and encourages other woman to get involved.

“Book in with your hairdresser and let them do the hard work. It’s much harder to back out when someone else is doing the cutting,” she says.

“The great thing is that they will be able to tidy it up immediately, talk you through how to style it and hopefully help make the transition one you will be really proud of.”

A recent study by Pantene found that 90 per cent of Australian women would be prepared to cut and donate their hair to help a friend with cancer.

Actress Naomi Watts, who supports the campaign, is encouraging Australian women to start growing their hair now and participate in National Donate Your Hair Week which starts on November 12.

“I’m really proud to be part of Pantene Beautiful Lengths and bring this fantastic cause home to Australia,” she says.

“If we can support women undergoing cancer treatment by donating our hair, that’s a difference I hope many of us will make.”

Hair donation events will take place across the country throughout National Donate Your Hair Week, with women pledging their hair to the Beautiful Lengths cause.

Pantene will fund the creation of real-hair wigs and they will be distributed by the Look Good…Feel Better charity to cancer patients at no cost, to help restore their appearance during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

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Nicole Kidman steps in: Bella’s wedding is off!

Nicole Kidman steps in: Bella's wedding is off!

Nicole Kidman and her adopted children Isabella and Connor Cruise.

The actress implores her impressionable daughter to think twice about her future.

When news broke last week that Bella Cruise’s fiancé Eddie Frencher had joined Scientology inner group Sea Org, no-one was more horrified than her mother, Nicole Kidman. With Scientology insiders explaining that members of the organisation aren’t allowed to marry anyone who’s not a member of the unit, it stood to reason the actress was terrified her 19-year-old daughter would follow her future husband into Sea Org, which also forbids members having children.

Nicole, 45, was already worried about the daughter she adopted with Tom Cruise committing to marry one of the future stars of Scientology. When the latest news reached her, it’s no wonder she panicked. “This is a very strict group,” a source tells Woman’s Day. “Members must sign a billion-year contract to serve the church, and they only make $40 per week for their service.” It’s believed Nicole has been trying to subtly convince Bella, who she’s seen less than she would have liked since her 2001 divorce, that she’s too young to marry.

When she learned of Eddie’s decision, Nic knew she had to do more. “Since Bella’s engagement, Nicole has been making a point to ring her more often, and occasionally managed to bring the conversation around to Bella’s wedding plans,” the source says. “Bella did listen to her mum’s warnings.

“She considered joining Sea Org alongside Eddie, but the thought of such a strict way of life did not appeal to her. Nicole told her to consider what she really wanted out of life and not to commit to a situation she might live to regret. Bella rang her mum this week to say she’d reconsidered… and Nicole was ecstatic.”

Read more about Nicole and Bella in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday September 3, 2012.

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Kate and Pippa’s showdown over Prince Harry!

Kate and Pippa's showdown over Prince Harry!

Harry’s wild behaviour has come between the duchess and scandal-plagued Pippa, who is furious about the royal family’s double standards.

The fallout from Prince Harry’s Las Vegas nude photos scandal has been spectacular, with everyone from palace insiders to the US mass media taking aim at the party-hard royal. But what he didn’t count on – and what he’s most ashamed of – is the effect it’s had on those closest to him. The Duchess of Cambridge is said to be the most disappointed in the 27-year-old prince, who she has come to regard as a confidant and a brother – especially because of the huge rift he’s opened up between Kate and her controversial sister Pippa.

Once one of London’s society queens, 28-year-old Pippa has been conspicuously absent in recent months. Palace insiders have informed Woman’s Day that she’s been politely requested to go to ground after her now infamous Paris trip in April, where she partied with strippers and was pictured with a male friend who waved a replica gun at photographers. Compare it to Harry stripping naked in a hotel room with at least 15 party girls during a weekend-long booze session, and it’s no wonder Pippa’s sick of being cast as the villain when he blatantly flouts royal etiquette. And that’s exactly what she’s believed to have told her sister.

According to UK magazine Now, Pippa’s told her sister she’s “sick of being treated unfairly”. “Pippa feels like it’s one rule for the royals and another for her,” the magazine’s royal insider explains. “After the dressing down she was given, Harry’s behaviour grates.” Kate heard her grievances loud and clear – and turned on Harry. “She’s upset she was ordered to reprimand Pippa over her behaviour while he’s essentially got away with it,” the source says. “In the heat of the moment, she even said he’d ruined everything between her and Pippa.”

Harry, who once described Kate as “like a sister to me”, is devastated over her cutting words. And that’s not the only cross he has to bear – big brother Prince William is similarly disgusted and is also getting stuck into Harry. “When the pictures first surfaced, it was Wills, not Prince Charles, who was straight on the phone to give Harry a piece of his mind,” a source tells Woman’s Day exclusively. “Wills gave him both barrels and told him he’d really let the family down, not to mention himself and his own reputation.”

Read more about Kate and Pippa’s showdown over Harry in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday September 3, 2012.

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Suri’s first day at school!

Suri's first day at school!

While Katie won the battle to send Suri to a normal school, she fears Tom will turn her big day into a circus.

While her famous parents were still married, the idea of Suri Cruise packing her sandwiches, shrugging on a backpack and heading off to school surrounded by her fellow students was out of the question. Instead, at the insistence of her intensely private and religious father Tom Cruise, Suri faced a similar upbringing to her older siblings Connor and Bella — home-schooling with a Scientology practising teacher. Or worse — being enrolled in the extreme boot-camp style facility, Sea Org.

But after being deftly removed from her old life by mum Katie Holmes, whose divorce was finalised last month, the six-year-old is preparing for Thursday, September 6 — her first day at school, where she’ll finally be able to mix with hundreds of girls her own age. It’s yet another victory for Katie since her split from Tom, with insiders saying she was desperate to give Suri a life that was not dictated by the church.

Now the 33-year-old actress is finally able to give her little girl a normal upbringing, in which she’ll attend Manhattan’s prestigious Convent of the Sacred Heart — an all-girls Catholic school much like the one Katie attended as a child. The only thorn in Katie’s side after getting her own way is that her ex-husband is insisting on being there on Suri’s milestone day.

“Katie has very reluctantly agreed to Tom’s demands that he walk Suri to school,” a close friend of the actress tells Woman’s Day exclusively. “She sees this as little more than a photo opportunity for Tom, who continually goes over the top with his public attempts to win ‘Father of the Year’.” While it’s believed Katie is digging her heels in, she knows she has to carefully choose her battles against Tom – one of the most powerful people in Hollywood.

Read more about Suri’s first day of school in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday September 3, 2012.

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Antonia Kidman pregnant with sixth child at 42

Antonia Kidman, 42, has announced she is pregnant with her sixth child.
Antonia Kidman

Antonia Kidman, 42, has announced she is pregnant with her sixth child.

The author and TV presenter is six months pregnant and due to give birth in December.

The new arrival will be Antonia’s sixth child, and second with her husband Craig Marran.

While the thought of six children might leave some people in a cold sweat, Antonia says she is very excited about expanding her family again, and isn’t anticipating her stress levels will increase.

“I don’t think there’s much difference between five and six (kids), but if you ask me in a few months’ time when I’ve got a screaming newborn and feeding every three hours, I might say differently,” she told the Daily Telegraph.

Antonia and Craig married in 2010 and welcomed their first child, son Nicholas, eight months later.

Antonia also has four children, Lucia, 14, Hamish, 11, James, nine, and five-year-old Sybella, with ex-husband Angus Hawley.

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Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban kiss at the tennis

They've been married for six years, but Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban behaved more like newlyweds on the weekend, passionately kissing for the cameras at the US Open.
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban kiss

They’ve been married for six years, but Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban behaved more like newlyweds on the weekend, passionately kissing for the cameras at the US Open.

The famously private couple couldn’t resist a public smooch while watching the tennis in Flushing Meadows, New York.

At one stage, Keith, 44, leaned over the wife of the president of the United States Tennis Association to plant a huge kiss on Nicole, 45, who seemed thrilled with the attention.

Their public display of affection also delighted tennis fans, who cheered and applauded as the couple kissed.

Nicole and Keith enjoy a kiss at the tennis.

Keith couldn’t resist leaning over his host to kiss Nicole.

The crowd cheered and clapped as the couple smooched.

Nicole and Keith have been married six years.

The couple have two children, Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.

Nicole and Keith.

Nicole looked much younger than her 45 years.

Nicole and Keith were in excellent spirits.

Nicole looked lovely at the sporting event.

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How to grow crab apples for spring

Crab apple trees are hardier than a cherry tree and the blossom lasts longer in our harsher climate, too.
Spring into glory with crab apples

The Japanese have a ceremony where they watch the first of the cherry blossom unfold. We watch our crab apple tree do the same thing — crab apple trees are hardier than a cherry tree and the blossom lasts longer in our harsher climate, too.

Every winter we watch the buds swelling, then suddenly in late August the first pink and white flowers open until the tree is a glorious mass of flowers, bees and birds.

Then every summer we discuss cutting the tree down, as it’s too close to the house and the leaves clog the gutters and cause drips indoors in summer storms. But we love it too much to let it go, even though I’ve planted many other crabs around the garden.

Crab apples are grown mostly for their stunning spring flowers. No other trees gives quite as much glory as the best of the crabs, like ‘Gorgeous’ (Malus x atrosanguinea ‘Gorgeous’), with its white flowers blushed with pink and small fruit covering the tree.

M. floribunda, the Japanese crab, is one of the most specular crabs, with deep pink buds opening to pink tinged white flowers so thick you can’t see the braches, followed by small fruit that can be used for jelly.

Bechtel’s Flowering Crab or M. ioensis ‘Plena’ is one of the largest bloomed crabs, with huge soft pink buds opening to semi-double pink white flowers, but it rarely sets fruit.

‘Eleyi’ or M x purpurea has deep pink-red flowers, and red foliage too. Its fruit is small and deep red, and hangs in attractive bunches, but again is too small to really bother with if you want crab apple jelly (but if you do decide to give it a go, the jelly is the most glorious deep red colour).

‘John Downie’ is one of the best ‘flowers and fruit’ varieties, with pink buds, large white flowers and orange red fruit.

The fruit of a few crab apples can be eaten fresh like ordinary apples, but basically the definition of a ‘crab apple’ as opposed to an eating apple is that they produce small, hard fruit.

Once the name ‘crab apple’ referred to wild apple trees with small fruit, but these days many of the crab apple varieties have been carefully bred to produce even more stunning and long-lasting flowers.

We have three varieties that can be eaten, one bought simply as ‘big red crab’ and the other as ‘big yellow’, while the third is an unnamed purple fleshed apple.

All three have single flowers — beautiful, but not nearly as spectacular as the ones grown simply for their blooms.

You’d be better off with the newly released ‘Tom Matthews’ crab, with vivid scarlet spring flowers, and clusters of dark red-purple fruits, or ‘Sutyzam Sugar Tyme’, if you can forgive it’s awkward name. It’s another new release, with massed pink white flowers, and small red crabs that hang even after the leaves have dropped in autumn.

‘Golden Hornet’ gives large, oval, bright yellow fruit ‘Wandin Pride’ is a weeping crab apple tree, and makes a superb ‘show off’ tree in the spring front garden.

Actually crabs can be stunning in autumn, too. Most have bright gold yellow autumn leaves, but a few, like M. trilobata and M. tschonoskii have striking red orange leaves. M. ioensis ‘Plena’ also has rich red and orange autumn foliage.

It’s very easy to fall in love with crabs. We had seven varieties at last count, all opening at slightly different times, so we have flowers from late August through to October, and a healthy crop of crab apples for what, with no modesty at all, are some of the best crab apple jellies around, ranging from deep red through pink to a glowing gold, depending on variety.

This year I threw several varieties of crab together, and the result almost glows from the bottle.

Crabs are drought resistant, once established — water and feed them well for the first three years, then ignore them.

They don’t need pruning to give stunning displays, and if you forget to pick the fruit the birds will do it for you. The fruit are usually too hard to get infected by fruit fly or codlin moth, though it can happen.

Crab apples are suitable in any area that gets light to heavy frosts each year. (If you wear sandals all winter, plant a jacaranda instead).

Some can grow very large indeed, others will have been grafted onto dwarfing stock and only grow about two metres, perfect for pots. But most crabs are naturally small, neat trees.

The only rules with crabs is not to plant it too close to the gutters, as they get clogged with leaves and fallen petals — same with swimming pools.

You should also avoid the very large fruited varieties in areas with bad fruit flies.

Otherwise crab apples are one of the most easy-care spectaculars for the garden — flowers in spring, followed by bright coloured fruit; a glory of autumn leaves than crab apple jelly all winter.

If I were starting my garden again, an avenue of crab apples would be one of the first things planted — all the same, for a couple of months of magnificence, with other crabs scattered around the garden to lengthen the displays and give me the joy of picking fruit you’ll never see in a supermarket.

When it comes to crabs, just go wild.

Jackie French’s crab apple jelly

This is one of the greatest of all jams and jellies, almost glowing in the jar. Different crabs will give slightly different jellies, some red, some pink, or orange or gold. It’s impossible to give accurate quantities, as the juiciness varies with the variety and the season.

You need:

Crab apples



Empty sterilised jars, with lids

A very large pot

Wooden spoon


Large bowl

A clean cloth

Optional: mint leaves if you want to make mint jelly; dark red rose petals for rose and apple jelly; grated ginger for ginger jelly.


1. Place crabs (and any optional extras) in the pot. JUST cover with water. Simmer till tender. This can take half an hour or two hours. Mash a bit with the spoon.

2. Pour it all into the bowl, or several bowls if there’s too much for one. Suspend the sieve over the pot and line it with the cloth, then pour the crabs and liquid into the sieve. Don’t press down — let the clear juice drip into the pot overnight.

3. Next day, throw the crabby mess to the chooks, retaining the liquid. Measure the liquid in the pot. For every cup of liquid add 3/4 cup of sugar. Bring to the boil slowly, stirring so the sugar dissolves before it boils. It will rise up in the pot at first, then settle down and glop like a volcano. At this point it may be ready. Drip a little on a cold plate and push with your finger — if it wrinkles it should be right.

4. Turn off the heat, let it cool in the pot and see if it’s jellied. If not, cook for another five minutes and test again. If it gels, bring to the boil, then while still as hot as possible pour into the sterilised jars and seal at once. Store in a dark, cool place for at least six months and possibly a decade. Throw out if it changes colour or ferments.

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Harry who? Loved-up Will and Kate ignore scandal

Prince Harry’s naked photos scandal rocked the royal family, but William and Kate seemed blissfully unconcerned at the Paralympics yesterday.

The pair – dressed in matching red sneakers – spent the day watching team GB compete in the cycling and goalball events, looking happier than ever before.

Harry’s indiscretion seemed far from their minds as they took part in the Mexican wave, cheered raucously and grinned at each other, the picture of marital harmony.

Today is likely to be less joyous for the young couple. August 31 marks 15 years since the death of William’s beloved mother Princess Diana.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge take part in a Mexican wave.

The couple couldn’t stop grinning throughout the day.

The pair wore matching red Adidas sneakers.

Kate and William seemed more in love than ever.

William and Kate at the velodrome.

The couple seemed fresh despite a late night at the Paralympics opening ceremony.

William and Kate doing the Mexican wave.

The couple cheered loudly for team GB.

Kate was particularly thrilled with the day’s sport.

William and Kate.

William and Kate.

The couple put on a similar loved-up display at the Olympics.

William and Kate at the Olympics cycling earlier this month.

William and Kate share a moment at the Olympic tennis.

The couple exchange a loving look at the Olympic equestrian.

William and Kate at the equestrian.

Kate shoots William a playful look.

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William and Kate prepare for island getaway

William and Kate prepare for island getaway

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are preparing to continue their duties as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations with a planned trip to the South Pacific.

Starting on September 11, the couple will visit Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Borneo and the Solomon Islands, before ending their nine-day trip on the fourth smallest country in the world, the South Pacific island of Tuvalu.

The couple, who are visiting destinations chosen personally by the Queen, will also spend one night on privately owned Tavanipupu Island in the Solomons, which they are treating as a second honeymoon.

Kate is expected to take around 30 different outfits suitable for occasions ranging from state banquets to a jungle trek, as well as jewellery reportedly loaned to her by the Queen, including one of her favourite tiaras.

Kate’s famous hair will also be taken care of throughout the trip, with Prince Charles personally footing the bill for a freelance stylist to travel with the pair.

The trip will include visits to the Commonwealth nations of Singapore and Malaysia on behalf of the British Government, a dinner hosted by the Malaysian king in his palace, a trek through the jungles of Borneo and a state dinner in the form of an outdoor island feast. Kate will also give her first official speech abroad, at a hospice in Kuala Lumpur.

The Queen last visited the Solomon Islands in 1982.

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