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The Duchess of Cambridge’s solo royal engagements

The Duchess of Cambridge was confident carrying on royal duties on her own as her husband left her to perform official engagements solo while he paid respects to his beloved nanny at her funeral.
Kate Middleton royal engagement

The Duchess of Cambridge was confident flying solo in Stockton as her husband left her to carry on royal duties on her own as he paid respects to his beloved nanny at her funeral.

If the Duchess was nervous performing duties on her own, it certainly didn’t show.

Wearing a berry coloured winter coat and her favourite suede boots, Kate seemed as comfortable and excited as the crowds who lined up to greet her.

The luckiest onlooker was 10-year-old Terry Campbell who scored a hug from Kate.

Kate looked surprised as 10-year-old Terry Campbell nervously asked for a hug.

All year round

If Kate was nervous on her first solo engagement, she certainly didn’t show it.

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Was the Prime Minister’s tirade at Abbott justified?

Misogyny tirade inspired dictionary rethink

The Prime Minister has blown up at Tony Abbott in an explosive speech

A fuming performance by the Prime Minister attacking Tony Abbott for his ‘sexism’ and ‘misogyny’ not only shocked the Opposition Leader, but has the whole world talking.

Julia Gillard’s explosive tirade made international headlines, caused feminists to cheer, and has also been a source of embarrassment for the PM following the Speaker’s resignation — a call for which spurred the attack.

Related: Prime Minister blasts ‘sexist’ Abbott in parliament

There’s no doubt the impassioned rant unleashed in parliament yesterday got our attention, but was it justified?

The ferocious speech came in reaction to calls from the Opposition to sack Speaker Peter Slipper over ‘sexist’ text messages, a motion which Gillard rejected and sent her into a scathing attack on Tony Abbott over his hypocritical idea of sexism and misogyny.

“I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man, I will not… not now, not ever,” she said.

“If he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia… he needs a mirror.”

Only hours later, Slipper resigned as Speaker, leaving the Prime Minister and fellow supporters red-faced.

Political commentators have come out in criticism of the Prime Minister’s rant, saying it showed poor political judgment, and that she should be embarrassed for supporting the former Speaker over the same issues that led to his resignation.

“Gillard’s parliamentary presentation was brilliantly ferocious, emotionally stirring and evocative of a wronged and injured party,” wrote The Australian’s Dennis Shanahan.

“But the substance and argument fell well short of an acceptable political strategy and risked only alienating more voters disenchanted with the grubby, hypocritical and personal abuse from both sides of parliament.”

In rare agreement, the Sydney Morning Herald’s Peter Hartcher acknowledged Gillard’s flawed judgment, saying all she achieved was a serious loss of credibility.

“She chose power over principle. It was the wrong choice,” he wrote.

“It was an unprincipled decision and turned out not to be pragmatic either. The Prime Minister gained nothing and lost a great deal.”

While there are many critics, the defensive Prime Minister, as we’ve never seen her before, has also won public support, as well as many new international fans.

Supporters rushed to Twitter praising “the real Julia” as a champion for women. Twitter feeds overflowed with ‘Go Julia’ hash tags and Facebook newsfeeds with statuses of appraisal.

And though she may have critics closer to the home, Gillard’s speech has seen her praised as a “badass” and champion for women around the world.

Clips from the speech and some of the PM’s impassioned quotes have being doing the rounds on the world wide web, earning top spots on popular US websites Jezebel, The Daily Beast, Salon, and was even praised by conservative British magazine The Spectator.

“No matter what you think of her politics, there’s much to admire in the manner in which Julia Gillard, the Prime Minister, sets about Tony Abbott, the Leader of the Opposition,” columnist Alex Massie wrote.

The speech prompted enthusiastic praise from the popular US women’s website Jezebel, which highlighted the PM’s quotes and flatteringly described her as “one badass mother—er”.

International mainstream media has also picked up the speech, London’s Daily Telegraph praising Ms Gillard for “playing her best hand”.

Related: Julia Gillard defends ‘sexist’ slush fund claims

“Watching a female Prime Minister tear apart the male leader of the Opposition with such aplomb, composure — but most importantly armed with a brilliantly impressive set of insults – backed up with dates and times of when each shocking comment was said — was the best card Gillard, ever the political animal, could have played in such a situation,” wrote women’s editor Emma Barnett.

But Barnett also acknowledged how the move may have cost her, as critics have closer to home.

“Defending the indefensible is a pretty tough job and could still cost her dear,” she said.

Your say: Do you think the Prime Minister’s tirade was justified?

Video: Gillard blasts Abbott on sexism

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Top five exercise myths

Weight training is just as important for woman as it is for men

Think you know all the facts and fiction about getting fit? Exercise physiologist and nutritionist Caitlin Reid busts the most common exercise myths.

1. Lifting weights will make women ‘bulky’

This is simply just not true, as women don’t have enough of the male anabolic hormone testosterone, which is required to build large and bulky muscles. Weight training is just as important for woman as it is for men, as it increases strength, improves balance, reduces the likelihood of injuries, keeps bones strong and helps with weight maintenance. Include two to three weight-training sessions each week and enjoy the benefits minus the bulk.

2. Exercise turns fat into muscle

Fat and muscle are two entirely difference tissues composed of different cells, therefore it’s impossible to turn fat into muscle. With exercise you can lose fat and increase the amount of muscle you have, but the two will never convert into the other. Regular exercise is a great way to reduce body fat, while increasing your muscle mass at the same time.

3. You can choose where you lose weight

When it comes to weight loss, spot reduction is just not possible. Exercise use energy from fat and carbohydrates stores all around your body, not just from around the muscles doing the work. So, if you want to lose weight from your stomach you need to lose weight from all over.

4. A cardio work-out boosts your metabolism for hours after your work-out

While exercise does increase your metabolism after your work-out, it’s not as large as what many people think. In fact, this metabolic boost following exercise only burns an extra 84 kilojoules — equivalent to about one Jelly Baby. So don’t think you can eat whatever you like after your work-out.

5. To have a good work-out you need to sweat

Sweating is your body’s cooling down mechanism — it doesn’t necessarily indicate how hard you are working. It’s possible to complete a great work-out without sweating. Going for a walk, practising yoga or going for a swim are all great work-outs that provide a number of health benefits such as boosting heart health, but don’t necessarily make you sweat.

6. No pain, no gain

Taking on this mantra increases the risk of injury. While exercise can be intense and cause some level of discomfort during and even for a couple of days after, pain is not required for a successful work-out. If you’re feeling pain during a work-out stop for a minute and see if it goes away. If it doesn’t, there is a good chance you have an injury.

The bottom line is that moderate exercise can improve your fitness. It also contributes to overall physical and mental health — it’s not just about body weight. The sooner you accept the truth about exercise, the closer you’ll be to achieving your desired results.

Your say: What exercise myths are keeping you from achieving your goals?

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Your desk job is making you fat

Our sedentary jobs are partially to blame for our expanding waistlines.

The simple act of sitting while you read this article is expanding your waistline, says accredited nutritionist and exercise physiologist Caitlin Reid.

When it comes to the obesity epidemic poor eating habits and inadequate exercise are the lifestyle factors receiving most of the blame.

However, according to research published in 2004, compared to our lifestyle habits in 1972we now eat fewer kilojoules and are more active during our leisure time, yet obesity rates continue to rise. Our sedentary jobs are partially to blame for our expanding waistlines.

Over the last 50 years, there has been a shift away from occupations that require moderate-intensity physical activity to occupations that are largely composed of sitting and sedentary behaviour.

In fact, our daily energy expenditure at work has decreased by more than 420 kilojoules in both men and women. US researchers speculate that this reduction in movement at work accounts for the large portion of the observed increase in mean weight in the US over the last five decades.

According to Australian research, prolonged unbroken periods of immobilised muscle, as seen when sitting for extended periods of time such as at your desk, has a detrimental effect on waist circumference. These effects happen even when we’re classified as being physically active, i.e. getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week.

When you think about it these findings don’t really come as a surprise, as over the years physical activity has been engineered out of our lives. Sedentary office jobs are now the norm and only 20 percent of jobs now require moderate physical activity.

Few of us think about the negative impact a lack of movement has on our waistline. Instead we think that technology is saving us time and enabling us to get more done. While many of us understand the importance of our daily jog or gym session for keeping trim, few of us think about the important role incidental physical activity like taking the stairs or walking to water cooler has on our waistline.

Too often we think of going out for the office coffee run or walking to speak to a colleague instead of emailing as inconveniences instead of opportunities towards better health.

While it’s unlikely that we will regain the lost energy expenditure in the workplace, we can increase the opportunities for movement. On top of scheduling in group personal training sessions or employer-subsidisedgym memberships, we all can take our own initiative to sit less, move more and move often throughout the entire day.

This just doesn’t go for when you’re at work either—apply this principle to your whole day. On top of your daily exercise program, limit television viewing to no more than two hours per day and actively commute whenever you can. Your waistline will thank you for it.

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First look: Nicole as Grace Kelly

The first pictures Nicole Kidman on set as Grace Kelly have emerged. The actress was pictured on the set of Grace of Monaco on Tuesday dressed in a yellow trench coat with her hair styled in the short sweeping curls that Grace made famous.

The film, which is currently being filmed in Menton, France, explores the story of Grace Kelly’s involvement with Monaco’s Prince Rainier III and France’s Charles De Gaulle dispute over tax laws in the early 1960s.

Nicole now joins a long list of actresses who have signed on to star in a biopic, emultaing influential women in history.

See the best biopic performance by a leading lady here.

Nicole Kidman on the set of *Grace of Monaco*.

Nicole Kidman on the set of Grace of Monaco.

Michelle Williams performs in *My Week with Marilyn*.

Michelle Williams performs in My Week with Marilyn.

Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich.

Katie Holmes took on the incredible role of Jackie Kennedy.

Lindsay Lohan as the iconic Elizabeth Taylor.

Australia’s Naomi Watts takes on the challenging role of Princess Diana.

Dame Helen Mirren took on the enourmous task of playing Queen Elizabeth II.

Meryl Streep played Julia Childs in Julie and Julia.

Reese Witherspoon won herself an Oscar for her performance as June Carter.

Meryle Streep took on the role as Margaret Thatcher in *Iron Lady*.

Meryle Streep took on the role as Margaret Thatcher in Iron Lady.

Back in 1996 Angelina Jolie played the part of troubled model Gia Marie Carangi.

Actress Zoe Saldana is set to play music legend Nina Simone in a new Biopic.

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Flying solo: Kate back to business as William mourns nanny

Flying solo: Kate back to business as William mourns nanny

The Duchess is preparing for solo engagements as William attends his dear Nanny's funeral

The Duchess of Cambridge has made her first public appearance in the UK since she and William returned from their tour of South East Asia, clouded by scandal after topless pictures of Kate surfaced.

Kate was happy and collected by her husband’s side as they attended their first engagement on home soil since returning, brushing aside legal issues as her lawyers continue to pursue action against the French magazine that originally published the images.

Related: William and Kate win fight to ban topless photos

Attending a function for the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, Kate proved she was determined to get back to business as she prepares for local visits on her own later in the week as William leaves her side to attend the funeral of his beloved Nanny Olga Powell.

Mrs Powell cared for William and Harry for 15 years through their parent’s divorce and the death of their mother princess Diana, describing the princes “like my grandsons”.

The 82-year-old passed away after a heart attack last week and had been very close to both William and Harry up until her death, attending all the major events in their lives including the royal wedding last year.

“Given the significant role that Mrs Powell played in the Princes’ lives, The Duke wished to pay his respects in person,” St James’ Palace announced yesterday.

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William will represent the family as his brother Harry continues his tour of duty in Afghanistan, unable to take leave for the funeral.

While the Duke is away, Kate will carry on with four visits in Tyne, Wear, and Stockton-on-Tees on her own, meeting a host of community and charity workers in what will be one of her greatest challenges since commencing her royal duties.

Video: Australia’s Prince William

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Maria Shriver wearing wedding ring sparks rumours of a reconciliation with Arnold Schwartzengger

Maria Shriver has been spotted wearing her wedding band, fuelling rumours that she may be considering reconciliation with her estranged husband Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver has been spotted wearing her wedding band, fuelling rumours that she may be considering reconciliation with her estranged husband Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The unmistakable rock was spotted on Ms Shriver’s wedding finger, just days after Schwarzenegger made a public plea for her to take him back.

Maria filed for divorce over a year ago after it emerged that Schwarzenegger had a love child with the family maid and lied about it for years.

But just last week speaking on US talk show Hannity the “Governator” showed remorse and revealed he was confident he could win his wife back.

“It’s my fault. There’s no one else to blame. I screwed up badly and I take the full blame for it,” he said.

“It takes a lot of time to heal those wounds and to trust each other again,” he said.

“But, you know, I will make every effort.”

Arnold said he was holding onto hope of rebuilding again, and if Maria’s wearing of the ring which reportedly belonged to her mother who passed away two years ago might be any indication, he could have a chance.

The couple has been married for 25 years and they have four children together.

As well as using his memoir as an appeal to his family, Arnie has also made an effort to quall controversy, using his book to put to rest an old rumour that he once said he admired Hitler.

During the filming of the 1977 film Pumping Iron, the action star allegedly said, “I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power.”

But in his memoir, Arnie recalls the conversation, excusing his comments and refining what it was he “admired” about the dictator.

“I philosophised that only a few men are born to lead, while the rest of humanity is born to follow, and went from that into discussing history’s great conquerors and dictators,” he writes in Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story.

“I admired Hitler’s speaking ability, though not what he did with it.”

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Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman split after 30 years

Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman split after 30 years

Hollywood funnyman Danny DeVito and his wife Rhea Perlman have split after 30 years of marriage.

The two confirmed their separation via their representative Stan Rosenfield to Entertainment Tonight but did not elaborate further.

Danny, 67, and Rhea, 64, met in 1971 and have three children together: Lucy, 29, Grace, 27, and Daniel, 25.

The pair played lovers in ’70s TV series Taxi, and starred together in the 1996 movie Matilda.

They also founded production company Jersey Films, which is responsible for movies such as Pulp Fiction, Erin Brockovich and Reality Bites.

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Prime Minister blasts ‘sexist’ Abbott in parliament

Misogyny tirade inspired dictionary rethink

The Prime Minister has blown up at Tony Abbott in an explosive speech

In explosive scenes in parliament today, the Prime Minister has delivered a scathing serve to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, slamming his ‘sexist’ attitude, and saying he ‘needs only look in the mirror to see misogyny’.

In a fiery speech, Prime Minister Julia Gillard called her opponent a misogynist for the first time ever.

Related: Julia Gillard defends ‘sexist’ slush fund claims

The explosive comments come only days after Mr Abbott’s wife Margie defended the Opposition Leader against accusations of him being sexist, and has been spruiking Abbott as a feminist himself.

Gillard unleashed her frustration over the sexism she has faced in her position as the nation’s first female Prime Minister, cataloguing Abbott’s history of sexist behaviour, and the discrimination and abuse that has been hurled at her from both the Opposition and the public over the past two years.

In an explosive reaction to the Opposition’s move to sack Speaker Peter Slipper over sexist text messages, Julia Gillard said she would not be lectured about sexism by the ‘misoginystic’ Mr Abbott.

“I am offended by the content of Peter Slipper’s texts, in the same way I am offended by Tony Abbott,” Ms Gillard said.

“I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by this man, I will not… Not now, not ever,”

“If he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia… he needs a mirror.”

The Prime Minister called to discuss Abbott’s “repulsive double standards when it comes to misogyny and sexism” and went on to list occasions on which she had been offended personally by Tony Abbott, including his comments about women’s role in modern Australia, housewives, on abortion being “the easy way out”, and his calls for her to be “an honest woman”.

She said this was “something that would never have been said to any man sitting in this chair.”

“I was offended when the leader of the Opposition went outside and stood next to a sign that said ‘Ditch the Witch’,” she added.

Gillard tore into the Opposition Leader for not disciplining members of the party who attended a function where the “most vile things” were said about her family, and quoted Abbott who drew on Alan Jones’ controversial comments saying the Government was “dying of shame.”

“This Government is not dying of shame, my father did not die of shame, what the Opposition Leader should be ashamed of is his performance in parliament,” Gillard said.

Related: Our advice for Julia Gillard

While she said she would not support the Opposition’s move to have the Speaker sacked over sexist text messages, the Prime Minister said she would not accept sexism in any form.

“Sexism should always be unacceptable. We should conduct ourselves as if it is always unacceptable.”

Video: Abbott references Jones in parliament

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140kg woman beats bullies by winning beauty pageant

140kg woman beats bullies by winning beauty pageant

She was cruelly nicknamed “Garbage Disposal” in high school, but Victoria Christensen has been given a confidence boost after being crowned Mrs Utah Plus America 2013.

The 23-year-old, who weighs 140kg, says she has long suffered taunts about her weight and, after years of teasing, decided she was going to ignore her critics and be happy, Radar Online reported.

“At school, people commonly called me ‘fat’ and ‘Fatty’. The worst was ‘Garbage Disposal’ because people thought I ate too much,” she reveals.

“But I don’t remember anything more than that because I’ve tried to let them go and remove any negative forces in my life.”

Victoria entered herself in the Miss Plus America pageant after seeing an interview with last year’s winner on Facebook.

And, despite not winning the national title, she was given a confidence boost by being crowned Mrs Utah American Beauties Plus 2013.

“I used to watch the Miss America pageant as a child and wish I could be one of those girls,” Victoria said.

“I had decided that I was never going to be skinny enough or pretty enough to do that so, year after year, I would watch them and continue to wish.”

When she saw the Miss America Plus interview, Victoria says, “My first thought was, ‘Wait a minute: plus?’ I realised I had a chance to be one of the girls I thought I would never be skinny enough or pretty enough to be.”

Victoria says she has been filled with confidence thanks to the competition.

“It has turned me from a girl into a woman and given me the strength to accept myself and shine,” she says.

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