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‘Utterly charming’ Camilla wins fans with ‘impish’ sense of humour

'Utterly charming' Camilla wins fans with 'impish' sense of humour

Camilla arriving at Government House this morning, where she throughly impressed Eleanor and Martha Baillieu.

The Duchess of Cornwall continued her Down Under charm offensive this morning, delighting a room of dignitaries and osteoporosis sufferers with her easy manner and impish sense of humour.

Camilla met with a select group of dignitaries, medical practitioners and patients at a special event for Osteoporosis Australia at Government House in Melbourne.

No republic please! Australia loves Charles and Camilla

Elegant in a blue pleated silk skirt and cream jacket by designer Anna Valentine, the Duchess made everyone she encountered feel at ease, even eschewing stuffy royal protocol to crack jokes at her own expense.

Upon being introduced to sisters Eleanor and Martha Baillieu, the two very tall daughters of Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu, the Duchess joked she should have brought her racing binoculars from the Melbourne Cup in order to make eye contact.

“She was utterly charming,” pronounced Primrose Dunlop, the Countess Krasicki V Siecin, after meeting the Duchess.

“Very down to earth. No airs or graces. And she’s into horses. And anyone who likes horses is alright by me.”

For Lady Potter, another guest at the function, the Duchess was “elegant and warm.”

“She was charming and warm, she couldn’t have been nicer,” Lady Potter said. “She and Prince Charles are obviously very happy together, it’s lovely to see.”

The Duchess had specifically requested a function for Osteoporosis Australia be built into the royal tour, having been personally touched by the disease.

“It is a cause that is very, very close to my heart,” she told the assembled guests. “I watched my mother die in agony of this disease.”

She told the room it was disease that was “utterly preventable”.

Related: ‘Marry me Charles!’ Racegoer woos Prince

The chairman of Osteoporosis Australia the former Opposition Leader, Dr John Hewson said more than 1.2 million Australians were afflicted with osteoporosis and a further 5.4 million had low bone density.

Guests at the function included Osteoporosis CEO Shelley Evans, former Victorian Premier Joan Kirner, Osteoporosis Australia patron and broadcaster Helen Daley and Premier Ted Baillieu.

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Zara Phillips goes Gangnam Style

Korean pop sensation Psy has reached global fame with his song Gangnam Style and while a number of celebrities have tried their moves at the song, it looks like it has hit Royalty as well.

Zara Phillips is the latest star to give Gangnam Style a try and has even got her British eventing team in on the act. The team have performed the dance in honor of charity Children In Need.

While the full video is set to be released on Monday, here is a sneak peek of what you can expect.

Other stars who have joined in on the Gangnam style phenomenon include X Factor judge Mel B who danced to the song with Psy himself, Carrie Underwood, who showcased a Country-style rendition and Nelly Furtado, who performed an English version of the song at a recent concert.

Zara Phillips and the British eventing team.

Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood at the CMA Awards.

Nelly Furtado performs Gangnam style at her concert in Manila.

Mel B and Psy on the X Factor.

Britney Spears and Psy on The Ellen DeGeneres show.

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Charles and Camilla’s Aussie adventure

Charles and Camilla’s Aussie adventure

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Prince Charles cuddles up to a Koala called Kao whilst Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall holds a koala called Matilda at Government House in Adelaide.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Camilla was keen to taste some of the Adelaide wines on offer.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

The pair shared a glass of red as they toured the Penfolds Magill State Winery.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Camilla is welcomed by a sea of Aussie flags in Adelaide.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Prince Charles stops to meet members of the public after visiting the Cattle Rancher’s Hall of Fame Longreach, his first stop in Australia.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

The pair were presented with a cattle whip to take home during their tour.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

While Prince Charles was happy to just pat a kangaroo…

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

…Camilla wanted a cuddle!

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Prince Charles talks to members of the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Camilla meets her big (and little) fans in Longreach.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

The royal pair are no strangers to horse racing, so it’s no surprised they love the Melbourne Cup.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Prince Charles greets his many fans at the Melbourne cup.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Fans rush to get a glimpse of the UK’s future king.

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Relaxed Charles ‘at home’ in Aussie outback

Charles and Camilla all smiles in Longreach

Charles and Camilla in Longreach, Queensland.

In an impressive speech at a community bbq attended by 300 guests — stockmen and their families, farmers and people who work on the land from the isolated community of Longreach — Prince Charles paid tribute to the outback and recalled his own experiences as a schoolboy in the Australian bush.

“The outback is a large part of the Australian experience, its history and its sense of identity,” he said to the rapt crowd.

Relate: Charles and Camilla all smiles in Longreach

“I was fortunate enough to experience just a little of outback life when I was a schoolboy in Victoria nearly 50 years ago.

“And I cannot pretend to remember a great deal about my school curriculum but I can recall in every detail the long treks through the bush in searing heat.

“And for company I remember funnel web spiders, bull ants, leaches that could only be removed with a cigarette end, snakes of every description and kangaroos that overtook us on the country runs through the bush at Timber Top.

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“If, as they say, those are your formative years, then they certainly formed me and ladies and gentlemen look at the result.”

The crowd clapped loudly and a chuffed Prince Charles chuckled.

It’s rare to see the heir to the throne so relaxed and happy in his skin and despite admitting fighting jetlag, it was a great start to his Australian journey.

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No Marilyn moments: Queen’s wardrobe secrets revealed

No Marilyn moments: Queen's wardrobe secrets revealed

Queen Elizabeth

Prince Philip accidentally flashed his crown jewels in July, Kate’s bikini top fell off in September and Harry’s clothes abandoned him completely in Las Vegas, but Queen Elizabeth has never had a wardrobe malfunction in her 60 years in the spotlight.

Come rain, hail or gusty winds, the 86-year-old monarch never looks anything less than perfect — but perfection doesn’t come easy.

Related: Charles and Camilla a hit in Papua New Guinea

Angela Kelly — personal dresser to the Queen since 1994 — has revealed the almost military precision that goes into clothing Elizabeth II in her new book Dressing The Queen: The Jubilee Wardrobe.

Angela leads a team of up to 12 people, including three dressmakers, a milliner and four dressers, who staff the Queen’s wardrobe.

Each outfit begins as a piece of fabric, which is thoroughly tested with a number of fans to see how it will move in a breeze.

If the material passes the test, it is presented to the Queen along with sketches of at least four possible designs.

The monarch picks one and the dressmakers produce a rough cotton prototype, which is fitted to a top secret mannequin shaped to match the Queen’s figure.

Once approved, the dress is crafted in the final fabric, and details like buttons, trimmings, collars and cuffs are added.

When four or five new outfits are ready, Angela calls the Queen in for a fitting, which can last half a day.

The finished dresses are then given a name and entered into the Queen’s official wardrobe log.

This detailed handwritten diary keeps track of every outfit, hat and accessory the monarch wears to ensure she doesn’t commit an embarrassing faux pas.

Once a dress has been worn, it won’t come out again for several months. Even colours aren’t repeated — if the Queen wears red to an engagement, that colour will be off-limits for a period afterwards.

Colours are also strategically chosen to match the occasion. If the monarch will be planting trees in a garden, green will be avoided so she stands out, and if she’s visiting a school, bright colours and fun details like feathers and ribbons will be chosen to appeal to children.

The weather is also considered. Winds are countered by clever tailoring, which makes it impossible for dresses to blow up over the Queen’s knees.

Angela and her team also sew weights into the hems of certain coats and dresses to prevent a gust of wind catching Her Majesty unawares.

Rain presents different challenges. Angela and her team provide an umbrella to match every outfit the Queen has and where hats are required, they always ensure a matching headscarf is on hand in case the hat is damaged in the rain.

Hats also come with a range of rules of their own. The brim must never obscure the Queen’s face, and the crown can’t be so tall it presents problems exiting a vehicle.

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Further rules exist governing choice of handkerchiefs, shoes, handbags and gloves.

On the day of an engagement, months of planning come to fruition. The chosen outfit is carefully prepared, along with the matching accessories, and the Queen steps out into the world, looking effortlessly perfect, as always.

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Isla Fisher’s slimming secrets

Isla Fisher's slimming secrets

Isla Fisher has given a rare interview opening up about her slimming secrets and the pressure that Hollywood puts on celebrities.

The usually private actress, who is married to controversial funny man Sacha Baron Cohen, told Women’s Health magazine that although her confidence has been constantly tested in Hollywood, she never suffered body issues or felt pressured to bounce back after giving birth to her daughters Olive, 5, and Elula, 2.

“I’ve been blessed in that I never had any body issues during pregnancy. I loved being able to eat whatever I wanted and the whole experience of giving life,” she says.

“And I never worried about losing the weight afterwards, because breastfeeding burns all the calories up so fast. Breastfeeding – that’s my big slimming secret! That and Spanx. Anytime anyone compliments me on my figure, I’m wearing my Spanx undies.”

But things weren’t always easy for the former Home And Away star, who says that Hollywood rejection almost crushed her spirit more than once.

“After doing that [first Hollywood movie Wedding Crashers], I had 12 months where I was auditioning three times a day and I didn’t get a single job,” she says.

“That was a real low point. But with hindsight, those movies turned out to be awful, so I dodged a bullet. If I’d got any of them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Despite now being a big name in Hollywood, Isla still doesn’t take herself too seriously.

“I’m not actually very good at the maintenance thing. I don’t buff, exfoliate, pluck, rinse, moisturise, suck, bleach… whatever all those women do,” she says.

“I don’t have vajacials. Have you heard of those? It’s like a spa for your vagina!”

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*Big Brother*’s Trevor: My bucket list blitz!

Big Brother's Trevor: My bucket list blitz!

Big Brother’s biggest winner is still riding high on his 2004 victory.

For a lot of house mates, Big Brother is a springboard for launching a career in show biz, but for Trevor Butler, he just wanted to tick it off his bucket list. “I had a to-do list,” Trevor tells Woman’s Day.

“One was to go on Big Brother; another was to win a million dollars. Another was get married and start a family. People went into the house knowing what they wanted to do afterwards—TV or radio—while I went on just to have my 15 seconds of fame and then get off. I didn’t go in to win; I went in to tick something off the list.”

Trevor killed three birds with one stone when he took out the grand prize of a million bucks and popped the question on stage at the finale to girlfriend Breea. Eight years on, the couple have ticked another box – to start a family. They have two sons Maika, 4, and Creedance, 1.

“I took a few years off while Breea worked and then along came our second child and I thought, ‘well we can’t have three kids under the one roof!’” he laughs, adding that being a stay-at-home dad was “terrifying”. “I didn’t want to miss out on seeing Maika grow up,” he says. “Most parents don’t have this chance, so I was one of the lucky ones.”

Now Trevor splits his time between looking after the kids and working part time for a radio station on the Gold Coast. “It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had in my life, going around and talking on the radio, just being myself,” he says.

“I want to try and pull my finger out and get into a bit of brekkie and arvo shows…but it’s hard with kids.”

As for Trevor’s to-do list, there are still a few things eluding him. “One was to skydive, haven’t done that yet…Get into premier league, haven’t done that, get a six-pack, working on that!” he laughs.

As Trevor’s trails off, he remembers one last and most important thing. “To have a daughter.” Given Trevor’s track record we have a feeling he won’t have any problems making his latest dream a reality!

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Kirstie Alley: John Travolta is the love of my life

Kirstie Alley: John Travolta is the love of my life

They have always been good friends, but things could have been very different between Kirstie Alley and John Travolta.

Kirstie opens up to Barbara Walters in an interview on TV’s 20/20, which airs in the US on Friday night, about her true feelings for her Look Who’s Talking co-star.

“Believe me, it took everything that I had, inside, outside, whatever, to not run off and marry John. And be with John for the rest of my life,” she says during the interview.

At the time, Kirstie was married to actor Parker Stevenson and even though John was single, she says she stopped herself from leaving her husband because she didn’t feel as though it was the right thing to do.

“Because I feel like when you marry someone you’re supposed to work hard at it, and you’re supposed to make it work,” she explains.

Kirstie reveals that, to this day, John is still the love of her life.

John went on to marry Kelly Preston who is good friends with Kirstie and helps her to promote her wellbeing and weight loss website.

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‘Marry me Charles!’ Racegoer woos Prince

'Marry me Charles!' Racegoer woos Prince

Prince Charles and Camilla arrive at Flemington.

Not many women would propose to a man while his wife was standing right next to him, but one Melbourne Cup-goer decided to try her luck with Prince Charles.

As the 63-year-old royal and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, drove up beside the track at Flemington, one lady in the crowd screamed: “Marry me Charles!”

If Charles heard the public proposal, he didn’t let on, calmly greeting a line of dignitaries before moving over to the crowd to shake hands and say hello.

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Charles looked very dapper for the occasion, donning a suit by British label Anderson and Sheppard. Camilla looked similarly grand in her cream and caramel Bruce Oldfield outfit with a Phillip Treacy hat.

After their meet-and-greet with the crowd, the royal couple headed upstairs to the committee room to meet the VRC board members and volunteers from a range of charities around Australia. Again the reception was tumultuous, though without proposals!

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No republic! Australia loves Charles and Camilla

Australia loves Charles and Camilla

Prince Charles and Camilla at Flemington.

Peter, the man who keeps the turf in the mounting yard clean and tidy, reckons there are 101,000 at Flemington today. And certainly scanning the ground from the perfect vantage point of the yard, this place looks packed to bursting.

Whether it’s the royal patronage or just the glamour of an impressive international field for this year’s Cup that has pulled in the big crowds it’s hard to say, but as the storm clouds open no one seems to be going home.

In pictures: Fashion fails and triumphs at the 2012 Melbourne Cup

From the moment they arrived, Prince Charles and his wife looked at home in this realm of the sport of kings.

Camilla couldn’t help but tell anyone who asked that her sights were on Mount Athos for the main prize. The Prince was more circumspect saying he leaves that sort of thing to his wife.

In the end it was Green Moon who won the Cup and ironically, the horse’s casino mogul owner Lloyd Williams also triumphed the last time Charles attended the race, in 1985 with his then-wife Princess Diana.

Watching the race, an animated Charles and Camilla, laughed, pointed and were caught up in the thrill of the chase. Presenting the trophies they looked as if they belonged here at Flemington.

As with all of the couple’s events so far the public reaction has been overwhelmingly positive and rapturous.

They were incredibly generous with their time and seemed to seek out hands to shake and crowd members to engage with, emboldened perhaps by public eagerness.

“I can’t believe we got acknowledged,” said one breathless racegoer to her partner, as she looked incredulously at her just-shaken hand.

But this seems to be more than just a brush with celebrity it goes deeper. If Australia was ever heading for a republic this royal visit from the future King and his wife so far seems to be cementing the absolute opposite and is proving that the royals are still very popular in Australia.

Amanda Elliott, Vice Chairman of the Victoria racing Cup was one of the hosts for the royal couple on Melbourne Cup Day and met the Duchess of Cornwall for the first time.

“She’s very easy to talk to,” she says. “Very interested in Flemington and in the horses and thrilled to be here. I’m sure that the royal visit has brought more people because in this Diamond Jubilee year everybody loves the royal family.

Related: ‘Marry me Charles!’ Racegoer woos Prince

“They’ve done a great job and even though Australia went through a period of republicanism we’re fully behind the monarchy now and have been for a couple of years.

“I think everyone goes through times when systems are questioned, but there’s no doubt the very big majority of Australians are very pleased to have Her Majesty as the Queen of Australia.”

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