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When Maggie met Charles

When Maggie met Charles

Up at Penfolds Winery South Australia and The Weekly’s country cook Maggie Beer is rushing around putting the finishing touches to her saltbush mutton, black pig leg of ham (from her daughter’s piggery) and Barossa chook as the royal cavalcade drives up through the vines.

It’s a perfect Adelaide day, warm, blue skies and lots of locally produced food and wine, and here just outside the cellar door is a veritable feast of produce lined up to show the Prince and Duchess — from wines, to meats, cheeses, fresh fish and seafood and even some Tim Tams.

Related: Royal koala cuddling

Penfolds Winery was actually founded by a young English doctor who migrated to one of his country’s most distant colonies over a century-and-a-half ago.

Dr Christopher Rawson Penfold was born in 1811, the youngest of 11 children and with his wife Mary purchased the Mackgill estate, “comprising 500 acres of the choicest land”.

Initially the wines — made from grenache — were prescribed as tonic wines for anemic patients and the famous Penfold’s slogan ‘1844 to evermore’ harks back to its origins as a prescribed tonic.

Today, the Premier of South Australia, The Hon. Jay Weatherill MP, and Chief Winemaker of Penfold’s Winery, Mr Peter Gago introduce the Prince and the Duchess to their latest vintage “tonic” — actually a 1962 Penfolds Bin 60A Coonawarra Kalimna Shiraz reportedly worth a tidy $4000 a bottle and the looks on the royal faces say it all.

“Can I stay here,” pleads Camilla as she sups the vintage red swapping knowing nods of deep approval with her husband who is equally enamoured.

But Maggie Beer is eager for them to come and try her fare and from here on in it’s the Maggie and Charles show as the cook revels in sharing her food philosophies and the South Australian bounty on show to a very willing and fascinated Prince.

“It was absolutely amazing,” says Maggie after whisking the Prince on a culinary tour through her homeland.

“He was truly interested and he put his hand out to me and said ‘I’ve heard so much about you’. Can you believe that? We were excited and animated and so proud to do this,” she says.

With their jaws literally dropping open at the sight of a massive southern blue fin tuna presented by chef Simon Bryant and some truly mammoth Western King Prawns the couple move on to dessert and sample a humble Tim Tam to rapturous applause.

“I could see them eying those Tim Tams and they asked ‘Are they Tim Tams?’ The Duchess then said, ‘Do you know they’re named after the famous race horse’ and when Prince Charles was given one she asked if she could have one too,” says an amused Duncan MacGillivary from Kangaroo Island, who would have rather shown them something more exciting from his island display but nevertheless loved meeting the couple.

Related: The school where children eat their greens

“They were very very easy going natural people. It was wonderful.”

And with that they were off to the next meet and greet leaving Maggie Beer beaming and I suspect slightly in love with the pommie Prince.

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Royal koala cuddling

Australia loves Charles and Camilla

The final appointment on the royal couple’s whirlwind tour of Adelaide was a glorious garden party at Government House attended by 900 guests.

But before meeting and greeting the locals, the Prince and Camilla had two very important members of the community to spend some quality time with.

Enter four-year-old Kao and 9-month-old Matilda, two koalas rescued by Mrs Rae Campbell and her husband Warren who volunteer for Fauna rescue of South Australia which cares for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife.

The Duchess eagerly picked up Matilda saying “You take the big one darling,” to her less enthusiastic husband.

As Camilla cooed, The Prince gingerly held Kao saying “I can feel something warm running down”.

“They’ve got their nappies on,” replied an unsympathetic Camilla adding, “I wish I could take them home for my grandkids”.

With the obligatory but nevertheless much-enjoyed koala encounter over, the couple headed out to their guests, where they were practically mobbed by rows upon rows of people clamouring to shake their hands and share their stories.

As with everyone they’ve met on the tour so far, the couple beamed and greeted with charm, grace and lots of humour.

“I love the royal family and have been a strong monarchist for my whole life,” June Schaefer told me after sharing a moment with the Duchess.

“It’s been wonderful to meet them. I feel absolutely blessed.”

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The Royal Guide to Courtesy

The Royal Guide to Courtesy

The royals and their entourage are all about good old-fashioned courtesy

As I get more immersed in the royal way of working — albeit as a member of the media — there is one overriding value system that seems to rule all encounters, and that is good old-fashioned courtesy.

From the security men to the personal secretaries, the tightly knit press team, the police on guard and most potently the royal couple themselves, politeness and respect for each and every one they meet is the order of the day.

Related: Royal koala cuddling

While you would think this is a world governed by dictates — curtseys, bows, Your Royal Highness, Ma’am, look don’t touch, keep your distance — it’s actually not true.

When you meet Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, a quiet word from one of their retinue suggests you may like to curtsey or bow or shake hands, but it’s certainly not obligatory … if you do however, it will be appreciated. And that’s the kicker.

You see, the thing is when it’s put like that, even the most ardent Republican finds themselves bending at the knee.

Equally when the royal entourage talk to you it is softly and always preceded by ‘excuse me’, or ‘would you mind’, or ‘thank you so much’.

Little things perhaps, but it breeds an air of cordiality and calm which is echoed in the way the Prince and Duchess themselves treat each and every member of the public they meet.

This week I have been astonished at how enthralled people are by the royal couple.

There’s a sense of celebrity about them yes, but when people meet them they also seem to feel warmth and gratitude; gratitude for being noticed and for being part of history perhaps.

Related: When Maggie met Charles

In a world of texts, emails and increasing isolation, it’s heartening to see what a kind word, a solid handshake and creamy courtesy can do.

Could this be the real secret to the royal magic that has kept the Windsors ruling for so long?

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The school where children eat their greens

After the frenetic frocks and fillies of Flemington, a sedate afternoon in Adelaide is on the cards for Prince Charles and Camilla and it’s all about championing great South Australian food. It’s actually a perfectly pitched program with the royal couple being introduced to local initiatives that seem to mirror their own interests back in the UK.

Kilkenny Primary School, founded in 1889, is a truly community-based place of learning, where many of the current 310-strong student body are fourth generation school members. As the kids wait for the couple to arrive excitement is mounting.

“The girls that have dresses in our class are going to do this,” says Gracie as she shows me a curtsey, “and rest of us who are in shorts are going to do a bow.”

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these schoolchildren who one day may be able to tell their own children about the day they met the King and unsurprisingly their royal knowledge is pretty spot-on.

They know names, titles and ages and even the couple’s favourite food. “They like vegetables, lots of vegetables,” says Xhoanna. “

And when the Queen dies he’s going to be the King,” adds Gracie.

The kids line the route through the playground waving flags to greet the Prince and Duchess, who is wearing a beautiful cream chiffon dress with a grey butterfly print and a cream jacket by British designer Fiona Clare.

The Prince is really in his element with children and together the couple genuinely seem to connect with these young faces of Australia.

Their tour of the school starts with the Prince and Duchess watching a barramundi being cooked in a traditional ‘fire pit’ and then they wind through the school’s unique gardens, meeting kids digging in the back yard, working in the school’s impressive kitchen garden, part of Melbourne chef and foodie guru Stephanie Alexander’s national Kitchen Garden project.

Here there are cabbages, lettuces and broad beans being grown. One of the boys who helped grow the cabbages tells me that even though he doesn’t normally eat cabbage, this one was the best he’d ever tasted.

In the school orchard, students manage fruit trees, using compost, and collect eggs in the adjacent chicken yard. And in the school kitchen, Their Royal Highnesses meet Stephanie Alexander and students who are learning about food preparation, cooking and a school menu that is all about encouraging kids to eat healthy fresh local food.

Here, certainly the Kitchen Garden project is a huge success and in August 2012 the Australian Government announced further funding to make the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program more affordable, accessible and flexible to primary schools meaning that by 2015, if the take ip continues at current levels, there will be approximately 650 Kitchen Garden schools around Australia.

“It’s all about the fact that you need a pleasurable introduction to food to influence the way children feel about it,” says Stephanie Alexander.

“In this program they love it. They enjoy the digging and the dirt, and for many children this is the first time they’ve ever grown anything in their lives. Then the sheer excitement of seeing their own broad beans or broccoli or whatever produced and then they get it into the kitchen and they learn how to cook it and sit and enjoy eating it together. It’s like magic. They eat their greens!”

When the Prince first moved to Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire in the 1980s, he started the long process of converting Duchy Home Farm into an entirely organic agricultural system and through his Duchy Originals produce has proved that high quality food can work in harmony with the environment and nature … what’s more all profits go to The Prince’s Charities Foundation.

The Duchess of Cornwall has also taken a personal interested in food production and preparation. And as part of the Diamond Jubillee year initiatives she created a competition for schools in the UK — Cook for The Queen — inviting budding cooks to submit menu suggestions to be served at a Buckingham Palace reception.

Here in Kilkenny the pair have been given plenty of food for thought to take back to the UK.

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Barack Obama: ‘Michelle, I have never loved you more’

Barack Obama: Michelle, I have never loved you more

Barack Obama praised his family and supporters in his rousing victory address.

President Obama captivated a crowd of supporters at his Chicago headquarters, and millions of viewers around the world, as he delivered a powerful and impassioned victory speech praising his family and supporters after securing the US presidency for a second term.

First Lady Michelle and the couple’s daughters Sasha and Malia joined the president on stage to an explosive reception as Stevie Wonder’s ‘Signed, sealed delivered, I’m yours,’ blasted through the stadium.

Victory: Barack Obama defeats Mitt Romney

Obama’s calm words captivated the boisterous audience instantly, as his family left him on stage and he commenced his address by thanking Americans who helped him claim victory, and thanked voters for believing in him.

But the highest praise went to the president’s greatest supporters, his wife and daughters.

“I wouldn’t be the man I am today without the woman who agreed to marry me twenty years ago,” he said as cheers erupted for the First Lady.

“Michelle, I have never loved you more, and I have never been prouder than to watch our country fall in love with you, too, as our nation’s First Lady.”

“Sasha and Malia, before our very eyes you’re growing up become two strong, smart, beautiful young women, just like your mum.”

He did deliver one piece of bad news to the family though.

“I will say that, for now, one dog’s probably enough,” he joked.

The cheering audience also earned their fair share of praise from the president as he acknowledged his supporters as part of America’s ‘family’ as well.

“All of you are family,” he said.

“We are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people.

“Thank you for believing all the way. You lifted me up the whole way, and I will always be grateful.”

Obama’s rousing address followed Republican hopeful Mitt Romney’s gracious concession speech, in which he congratulated the President, and thanked his own family.

“I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory,” he said.

“I wish all of them well, but particularly the president, the First Lady and their daughters.

“I also want to thank Ann, the love of my life. She would have been a wonderful first lady.”

Obama wins! Second term for US President

The President begins another four-year term in the White House after a close count.

“Together with your help and God’s grace we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth,” Obama said as he wound up his speech to raucous applause.

“Thank you, America. God bless you. God bless the United States.”

Your say: Are you happy to see Obama re-elected?

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‘I’m so lucky’: Baby boy for Collette Dinnigan

Collette Dinnigan

Australian fashion designer has given birth to a healthy baby boy

The arrival of a new baby is always a reason to celebrate, but for iconic Australian fashion designer Collette Dinnigan, the birth of her baby boy has brought a joyous end to a long journey.

The 47-year-old gave birth to a much longed for healthy baby boy, Hunter Desmond David Dinnigan Cocks, and the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick earlier this week.

Collette Dinnigan: I’m lucky to be pregnant at 46

Dinnigan and partner Bradley Cocks made no secret of their excitement over the birth, and Hunter’s big sister, seven-year-old Estella was said to be “beside herself” as well.

Baby Hunter’s arrival follows a long journey for the couple who tried several cycles of IVF before falling pregnant earlier this year after switching to “a more natural approach”.

In the lead up to the birth, the designer said that she felt very very lucky to be expecting her second child, but wanted to warn other women not to leave pregnancy so late.

“In my 30s, I didn’t even realise that a women’s eggs aged,” she told Sunday Life magazine.

“You have a career, life slips by and suddently you’re 40.”

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She urged older women not to take the chance of trying to have children later in life.

“We might just be very, very lucky” she said.

“You can’t expect to have a child at this age. We’re blessed.”

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Victory: Barack Obama defeats Mitt Romney

It was billed as a nail-biter that would go down to the wire but just four hours after polls closed, Barack Obama took to Twitter to claim victory in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Obama tweeted the words “Four more years” with a picture of him and wife Michelle embracing.

Experts had predicted the outcome might not be known for days, but it quickly became apparent that Republican Mitt Romney had not done enough to sway voters in crucial swing states.

As Obama supporters celebrate into the night, we’ve put together a gallery of our favourite images of the US President and his family.

The Obama family celebrate Barack’s reelection.

Barack with his daughter Sasha.

Obama during his rousing victory address.

Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha.

The photo Obama tweeted when he claimed victory in the 2012 election.

Mitt Romney and his wife Ann.

Mitt seemed devastated to concede defeat.

Obama and his family in 2004.

Barack cradles Malia in November 2008.

Barack playing Uno with Sasha in July 2007.

Barack kisses Malia at an Independence Day event in July 2009.

Barack and Malia arrive back at the White House in August 2010.

The First Family walk their beloved dog Bo in April 2009.

Barack, Michelle and Sasha playing mini-golf in Florida in November 2010.

The official Obama family portrait in July 2009.

The Obamas at the White House Easter egg hunt in April 2009.

Barack, Michelle and Malia at a basketball game in November 2010.

Barack relaxing with Sasha on the campaign trail in 2007.

The Obamas in November 2008.

The Obamas arrive back at the White House in July 2010.

The First Family on their way to church in Washington DC in July this year.

The Obamas preparing to board Air Force One in August 2010.

Michelle, Malia and Sasha in August 2008.

The Obamas at a political rally in May 2008.

Barack’s family watch him getting sworn in to the US Congress in 2005.

The Obamas in February 2007.

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Obama wins! Second term for US President

Obama wins! Second term for US President

Barack Obama announced his president victory via Twitter, posting this photo of him and First Lady Michelle

Barack Obama has been re-elected to a second term as President of the United States.

“Four more years” read the tweet that confirmed the count, as Obama’s official Twitter account announced victory while votes were still being counted.

In pictures: Obama’s victory

The social media announcement was accompanied by a picture of the President and First Lady, Michelle, in a celebratory embrace.

The President also thanked his supporters via social media.

“We’re all in this together. That’s how we campaigned.” he tweeted.

The race to the White House was called early as Obama’s Democratic party claimed the key swing state of Ohio, while votes are still being counted.

The latest count shows Obama is on track to win as many as 300 electoral votes — 270 are needed for an election win.

Obama claimed victory over conservative Republican candidate Mitt Romney, closing off a close and expensive campaigning competition.

While Romney is yet to deliver his concession speech, which will be followed by Obama’s victorious remarks, Democrats across America are already celebrating.

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The crowd at Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago started celebrations even before the count was confirmed, and the Empire State Building in New York has been lit up blue to mark the party’s victory.

Obama is the first US president to announce his election via social media, and Tuesday’s election has become the most tweeted about event ever, clocking up more than 20 million mentions by the time polling booths had closed.

Video: Obama elected to second term

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Meet the girl who charmed a Duchess

The girl who charmed a Duchess

The Duchess of Cornwall and Georgina Gallagher, 13, from Port Phillip Specialist School.

Meet the little girl who today charmed a Duchess.

Thirteen-year-old Georgina Gallagher from Port Phillip Specialist School, south of Melbourne, was among a group of students who met Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall at the Victorian College of Arts (VCA) this morning as part of the royal duo’s whirlwind tour of Australia.

Georgina and fellow students from the school for children with learning and intellectual disabilities sat with the Duchess and read from a series of children’s books — part of an ongoing literacy program run by the VCA in association with the Port Phillip Specialist School.

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“Don’t you look smart with your yellow ribbon!” exclaimed the Duchess as Georgina stood to hug her.

“The students have been very excited all week,” explained Port Phillip Specialist School Assistant Principal, Alison Druce.

“They will be talking about this now for weeks.”

The reading session was one of several showcases put on for the royal couple at the College of Arts, including a choral recital, a stirring performance from a 100-student-strong choir and a series of an impressive dance displays.

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Is this Australia’s biggest Royal fan?

Jo Green has set up her royal-watching station outside Government House in Melbourne
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Certainly no-one would dare question Melburnite, Jo Green’s dedication to the royal cause.

The 70-year-old and her trusty of folding chair have been permanent fixtures at the gates of Government House the past three days as she waits to catch a glimpse of her regal idols, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.

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“I was here, in the rain, at 11 o’clock on Monday night when they arrived, and I have been back here every day since,” she told The Weekly.

Proudly brandishing a Queen Elizabeth cushion, the Melbourne pensioner said her patience had been rewarded with “a few waves from the Prince” as the royal couple have moved in and out of Government House, attending their various engagements in and around the city.

No republic! Australia loves Charles and Camilla

“I’ve been a huge fan of the Prince for as long as I can remember,” Ms Green added.

“But I have never seen him look so relaxed and happy. They look like they are in love. It’s wonderful to see.”

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