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Judge Judy’s amazing bikini body

Judge Judy proved to the world this week that older women can still be sexy – she’s sizzling hot at 70!

Judge Judy shows off her svelte physique in a white bikini and lace gown.

Judy wows audiences with her holiday shots on Katie Couric’s talk show.

Taking a dip in tropical waters, Judy looks sensational for 70 in a black one-piece.

67-year-old Academy Award winner Helen Mirren dazzles in a red swimsuit.

Ever-youthful actress Goldie Hawn looks amazing at 66.

American actress and song-writer Bette Midler, 66, clearly keeps herself in shape.

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Paraplegic girl’s letter to drunk driver leaves court in tears

Paraplegic girl's letter to drunk driver brings tears

Nine-year-old Chilli Vasquez wrote a heartbreaking letter to the drunk driver who changed her life

Xitclalli “Chilli” Vasquez is nine years old. She lives in Texas, loves her family, enjoys school, and hopes to one day become a doctor.

Last year, Chilli’s hopes were all but dashed when a young drunk driver hit her mother’s car as they were driving from the local shopping mall where she had her hair and nails done.

Related: Meet the toddler who shouldn’t be alive

Chilli was so excited to go home and show her family her new look, but instead she was left paralysed when the car of 21-year-old Jeremy Solis, who was three times over the legal blood alcohol limit, ploughed into the car.

Last week, the brave young girl reduced a Texas courtroom to tears as she read aloud a letter to the man responsible for rendering her wheelchair-bound, describing in heartbreaking detail how he changed her life.

The letter was entitled “From One of your Victom” (sic).

“I don’t remember the first several days. I could not talk, so I had to use my thumb to answer yes or no. While I was in ICU I had very bad moment,” she wrote and read to the convicted drunk driver.

“There were times that I would cry and cry… in therapy they showed me how to lift myself and dress myself. But right now it’s still very hard. My mom does a lot for me but I try myself. There are days that I cry because I can’t do what I used to. Well, I could keep going but my hand is getting tired.”

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Chilli added that she hopes to learn to walk again, and will continue to write to Solis.

She hopes he will respond from prison, where he has been sentenced to spend 10 years.

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Padma Lakshmi: Why I married Salman Rushdie

Model turned celebrity cook Padma Lakshmi has opened up about her controversial marriage to author Salman Rushdie.
Padma Lakshmi and Salman Rushdie

Model turned celebrity cook Padma Lakshmi has opened up about her controversial marriage to author Salman Rushdie.

The 42-year-old told Playboy magazine that she wasn’t bothered by whispers surrounding her relationship with her former husband, who was 23 years her senior, when she became his fourth wife in 2004.

“Comments like that came out of ignorance,” she says.

“If you saw us together you would know exactly why we were together.”

She described the man she fell in love with as “somebody who has a great wit and is a great flirt”.

Although the unlikely pair’s marriage lasted only three years, the former model says she does not regret a day of it, but admits it was tiring.

“He has a big life, and it only got bigger when we were together,” she says.

“I’m happy to have stood next to him holding his hand, but we were in very different parts of our lives.”

Rushdie wrote about their relationship in his 2009 memoir. Writing in the third person, he describes the instant attraction he felt when the pair were introduced by journalist and editor Tina Brown.

“He came face-to-face with Padma Lakshmi and at once he realised he’s seen her before … and he remembered thinking, ‘If I ever meet this girl my goose is cooked.'”

Rushdie also describe the words of ‘blistering desire’ with which the Indian beauty seduced him.

Their marriage ended in divorce in 2007, reportedly at Padma’s request.

In the same magazine interview, Padma, who is currently single, reveals what she does and doesn’t want in a relationship.

“I don’t want to be your best friend. I don’t expect you to give me a birthday card or send me flowers … I love to be held. I love massages. I’m just not a Hallmark kind of gal.”

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Bullied Tourette’s sufferer, 12, becomes motivational speaker

Bullied Tourette's sufferer, 12, becomes motivational speaker

Jaylen Arnold is just 12 years old but he’s already suffered years of abuse at the hands of school bullies.

Jaylen, from Lakeland in Florida, has Tourette’s Syndrome, a neurological condition that causes him to have uncontrollable movements and outbursts, which his tormenters mock and mimic.

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But instead of letting the bullies get him down, Jaylen has become an anti-bullying crusader, travelling to schools across the US to give motivational speeches and running his own foundation, Jaylen’s Challenge, which raises money to help bullied kids.

He even has his own website, which he started when he was eight years old, which he uses to promote awareness of his condition and sell his glow-in-the-dark “Bullying No Way!” wristbands, which have been seen on the arms of celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio.

This week, Jaylen was rewarded for all of his hard work when he was surprised by his sporting hero, hockey star Dave Andreychuk.

Andreychuk presented Jaylen with his own hockey jersey and a $50,000 cheque made out to Jaylen’s Challenge.

“He’s got a lot of courage to stand in front of his peers and talk about those things,” Andreychuk told ABCactionnews.com. “For us, it’s a no-brainer. He’s a kid who is well deserving of our community hero.”

Jaylen was thrilled with the surprise, and vowed to use the money to continue to help kids who are suffering at the hands of school bullies across the US.

“That was so shocking,” he said. “That was so amazing! That was so cool. He gave me the jersey and the check. This is going to help Jaylen’s Challenge a lot.”

Jaylen first experienced bullying when he changed schools, moving from a private school to a public school because he wanted to have a “normal” education.

“One day, I decided I was a big boy and I wanted to go to regular school,” he writes on his website. “My disorders became worse with the stress and mocking that began to take place.

“I witnessed a lot of fighting and bullying. I don’t like fighting or bullying. I was really scared for the other kids to see my ‘tics’ and think that I was different.

“I tried so hard to hold them in. I would go to the hall and try to get them out. Eventually, I couldn’t hold them in. It’s like a big sneeze…you can hold it only for a few seconds, but then it just blows out really hard. I was soon ‘ticcing’ all day long. The other kids were copying my tics.”

Jaylen’s tics became so violent under the stress of bullying they began hurting him. He was soon covered in bruises. Eventually, he ended up in hospital.

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It took weeks for his tics to calm down and when they did, Jaylen gladly returned to his old school.

“I love my school,” he wrote. “The kids do not bully or tease me. They love me for who I am and I want all kids to experience the same feeling. I am going to do my best to make that happen!”

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Catherine Zeta-Jones reveals her secret to staying slim

Catherine Zeta-Jones reveals her secret to staying slim

Catherine Zeta-Jones has one of the most enviable figures in Hollywood but unlike many other stars, she doesn’t have a personal trainer or weight-loss coach.

Revealing her slimming secrets in the December issue of InStyle magazine, the 43-year-old says she has enough determination within herself.

“I don’t have a trainer. Crazy, right?” she tells the magazine.

“But I don’t need anyone to motivate me.

“I love exercise, even things like the elliptical machine and stretching. It’s a legacy of dancing all those years.”

Catherine hits the gym just like the rest of us, often working out alongside her fellow New Yorkers at Equinox in Manhattan. She also has a gym at her home in Westchester County, NY, and is always finding new ways to work out, trying anything from lap swimming to hula-hooping.

“I’m obsessed with hula-hooping,” she says.

“I do it 20 minutes a day. I don’t use the old-fashioned hollow plastic kind we had when we were kids, but I discovered a new one that’s smaller and weighted.”

Catherine, who was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder in 2011, said she works out for at least 45 minutes a day, seven days a week, which not only benefits her health, but her mental and emotional wellbeing.

“It really helps my mood too, which, with the bipolar thing, is important,” she says.

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Officeworks kick starts big ideas

These young women all have big dreams, and now they are one step closer to getting their projects off the ground.
Officeworks kick starts big ideas

Competition winners with The Weekly's Editor-in-Chief Helen McCabe

Julie Cockle, a nurse, Emily Anders, designer, and Emilia Kostovski, a writer, are now launching their big ideas by building their dream workspace thanks to Officeworks.

The three young women told Australian Women’s Weekly Editor-in-Chief Helen McCabe about their big ideas.

“The three winners of our Officeworks competition were young women starting out in small business,” she said.

“It was terrific to spend time hearing about their exciting projects. Although they came from quite different parts of the country they had a lot in common.”

Emily Anders wishes to embark on her long awaited dream in creating her own kids wall art range.

Julie Cockle has seen many young people come through her hospital as a result of bad decision making and would like to be able to educate young people on sexual and mental health as well as drug and alcohol use.

And Emilia Kostovski has just completed a journalism and law degree and dreams of pursuing a career in writing and fashion.

“At Officeworks we make it our business to support the dreams of Australia’s women – from the entrepreneurs, small business owners and managers to parents and office administrators – by providing the raw materials and expert knowledge and advice to help bring their ideas to life,” an Officeworks spokesperson said.

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Sharon Osbourne: I’ve lost 13kg in three months

Sharon Osbourne is no stranger to fad dieting but at 60, she says she's finally found one that works.
Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne is no stranger to fad dieting but at 60, she says she’s finally found one that works.

The reality TV star has shed 13kg in three months on the controversial no-carbs Atkins diet, and is planning to lose another 3kg in the next few weeks.

Sharon has struggled with her weight for more than 30 years. She had unsuccessful lap-band surgery in 1999, putting on more than 20kg when the band was removed.

Her weight has yo-yoed since then, but she hopes her current diet will keep her slim for good.

Sharon in August 2012, slimmer in September, and svelte in October.

Sharon was much bigger in 1984, before her lapband surgery.

Sharon looking very slim in 2003.

Sharon in February 2004.

Sharon in 2006.

Sharon in July 2006.

Sharon in April 2008.

Sharon in March 2009.

Sharon in July 2010.

Sharon in September 2011.

Sharon in January this year.

Sharon in July.

Sharon at the start of her weight loss campaign in August.

Sharon half-way through her three-month slimming regime in September.

Sharon looking slim last month.

Sharon looking trim in Sydney last month.

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Could a good marriage and a puppy be the secret to a happy life?

Good marriage and a puppy the secret to a happy life

They say happy wife, happy life but a new study has proven there is another crucial element to long-lasting happiness: a puppy.

A major study run over 72 years has found that a good marriage, close family and owning a pet dog are the key to a happy life.

The Grant Study observed 268 men from their youth in the 1940s to their old age today. It found that a loving family and successful marriage were far more important that wealth or social class when it came to predicting happiness.

Men in good marriages weren’t just more content with their lot in life — they lived longer too.

Only four of the 31 single men in the study are still alive today, compared with more than a third of those in successful relationships.

But there’s some good news for all those men who haven’t found Mrs Right. Study leader George Vaillant, from Harvard Medical School, says a new puppy can bring just as much enjoyment as human relationships.

“If you want to be happy, and don’t have a six-month-old baby to trade smiles with, get yourself a puppy,” Vaillant told British radio station Radio 4.

And if you haven’t found love yet, and can’t get a puppy, Vaillant says there is no need to despair — the study concluded that even finding love after 70 had a profound impact of quality of life.

“Having a loving family is terribly important, but from 70 to 90 years old you’d be surprised at the people who, despite enormous deprivation, manage to find love later on,” he said.

“It gives me an awful lot of hope.”

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Easy access porn to blame for teen sex abuse

Easy access porn to blame for teen sex abuse

Easy access online pornography is being blamed for a surge in the sexual abuse of schoolgirls.

Figures from the UK show that up to a third of sixth-form girls (aged 16 – 18) had been touched inappropriately by boys in their school, and fingers are being pointed at the internet.

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Ann Coffey, from the all-party parliamentary group on runaway and missing children, told British MPs that porn was distorting teenage boys’ views of sex.

“There is a problem that boys are accessing adult websites which gives them a distorted attitude,” she said.

“It gives them a sense of entitlement, which means they may touch a girl inappropriately and use bullying or coercive behaviour.

As the accessibility of online porn is difficult to regulate, the shocking statistics have led to a push for compulsory sex education in UK schools in order to give children and teenagers a more realistic sexual education, and to give those being abused the courage to speak out.

“To speak out, first children need to feel confident that what is happening to them is wrong and that is why sex and relationship education education in schools is so important,” Ms Coffey said.

“They need to know, indeed they are entitled to know, about issues such as sexual consent, what sexual coercion and exploitation is and how to shape healthy relationships and respect for each other as well as alerting them to the signs that they are being sexually groomed.”

A similar push is underway in Australia, where sex education is part of the curriculum but is not compulsory.

A national survey of 15-29 year olds released earlier this year showed that while some schools teach sex and relationship education comprehensively, other don’t teach it at all.

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Australian figures show that 64 per cent of young people got information about sex from pornography, and most young people have an appetite for better sex education.

The push for more comprehensive compulsory sex education is not only coming from MPs, young people have an appetite for it too.

Eighty per cent of those surveyed supporting standardised sex education across the country, highlighting things like sex and pleasure, and sexuality, that they felt needed to be discussed in schools.

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Brange brood overrun pizza parlour

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s brood of six certainly love pizza! Every time they visit Arris’ Pizza, their local pizza parlour in Springfield, Missouri, they cause a real commotion.

“The place shuts down for the entire night and the kids raise a ruckus,” a source has told Us magazine. “They jump on tables and even throw food at each other!”

The source said when the family visit, Brad and Angelina leave the nannies at home and “let the kids enjoy themselves” while they catch up with each other.

“Brad and Angelina just sit there and talk to one another while the children run around in circles!”

This isn’t the first report of Brange’s kids causing a commotion! See more pictures here.

The Jolie Pitt clan step out together.

Pax pulls monster faces, while Ange carries bags of lollies and chocolates.

On a trip out with mum, Shiloh pokes her tounge out, and is little Vivienne wearing lipstick?

Angelina Jolie decided to take her children to Japan with her…

…and that didn’t work out too well!

Pax doing his monster moves.

Pax plays up to waiting papparazzi as they make their way through Tokoyo airport.

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