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Pregnant Kate all smiles as she leaves hospital

No twins: William and Kate confirm baby due in July

William and Kate leaving London's King Edward VII hospital.

The Duchess of Cambridge has appeared in public for the first time since announcing her pregnancy, and despite her severe morning sickness, she couldn’t stop smiling.

Kate was discharged from London’s King Edward VII hospital late yesterday morning UK time, and grinned broadly as she stepped out onto the street accompanied by her husband William.

In pictures: Is this where the royal baby was conceived?

It was the first glimpse we’ve had of the Duchess since her baby news was revealed on Monday and she was clearly thrilled to be expecting.

Both William and Kate looked ecstatic as they left the hospital and got into a waiting car, apparently not allowing the difficult start to the pregnancy get them down.

The royal couple were driven to their cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace, where Kate will spend the next few days resting and recovering further.

Meanwhile, William’s father Prince Charles has expressed his delight at the prospect of becoming a grandfather for the first time.

“It’s a very nice thought to become a grandfather in my old age,” he said. “I’m very glad my daughter-in-law is getting better, thank goodness.”

In pictures: Why didn’t we guess? Tell-tale signs Kate was pregnant

Kate spent four days in hospital receiving treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare complication of pregnancy that makes eating or drinking nearly impossible.

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Kate released from hospital “feeling much better”

Kate released from hospital "feeling much better"

The Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from hospital yesterday after a four-day stay, and emerged looking happy and healthy as she smiled for a sea of cameras.

Pregnant Kate told reporters she was “feeling much better” as she departed the King Edward VII Hospital, before being driven away to Kensington Palace with husband Prince William.

The Duchess, who was admitted to the private Central London hospital on Monday, was suffering acute morning sickness – also known as hyperemesis gravidarum – which can cause severe dehydration.

But after four days of medical treatment, Kate’s sickness looked to be under control as the royal brunette appeared relaxed and well, immaculately dressed in a navy coat and knee-high black suede boots.

A St James’s Palace spokesman said: “The Duchess of Cambridge has been discharged from the King Edward VII Hospital and will now head to Kensington Palace for a period of rest.”

“Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank the staff at the hospital for the care and treatment the Duchess has received.”

Prince Charles has also expressed his relief at the news of Kate’s improved health and admitted he was ‘thrilled’ about the Duchess of Cambridge’s pregnancy.

“It’s a very nice thought to become a grandfather in my old age,” he said. “I’m very glad my daughter-in-law is getting better, thank goodness.”

Kate, who has received visits throughout the week from sister Pippa, brother James, and mum Carole Middleton, is thought to have been given anti-sickness medication to get her through the subsequent weeks of this early stage of her pregnancy.

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Demi Moore’s bizarre night out

Demi Moore is in Miami and by the looks of it, she’s ready to party.

In town to support her new beau art dealer Vito Schnabel, 26, Demi, 50, attended a party alongside Stacy Keibler, Owen Wilson and Martha Stewart.

Following that event she and Stacy moved on to the Chanel Beachside BBQ at the Soho Beach House, where she spent the night “acting flirty” with Lenny Kravitz according to witnesses.

“Demi seemed to be dancing for the cameras,” one party source told People magazine.

“Demi was wild and crazy and having the time of her life, in a world all of her own.”

While Vito was also at the event the pair avoided being pictured together.

Demi danced the night away alongside Lenny Kravitz.

The pair cuddled up to each other and played up for the cameras.

Demi showed off her pins in this grey jumpsuit.

She wasted no time hitting the dance floor with Stacy Keibler.

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Kate needs plenty of rest

Kate needs plenty of rest

Inside the punishing illness that’s dominating the early weeks of Kate’s pregnancy.

Within minutes of Kate being admitted to hospital, the media throng outside the King Edward VII Hospital swelled into a veritable melee. But it was the furthest thing from the Duchess of Cambridge’s mind.

She was inside – reportedly being hooked up to rehydrating drip – to stop a hideously endless cycle of violent vomiting, with Wills by her bedside. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t just your usual awful morning sickness that so many mothers-to-be are forced to endure. Doctors announced Kate, 30, was suffering from Hyperemesis gravidarum, or HG, a severe nausea that some liken to being poisoned.

“The symptoms are awful,” says Brisbane gynaecologist Dr Gino Pecoraro, who explains that the condition affects about two per cent of pregnant women, and can lead to severe dehydration and exhaustion. Frustratingly for sufferers, it’s often dismissed as run-of-the-mill morning sickness.

“Whilst regular morning sickness means a lot of dry toast and ginger ale, HG can sometimes mean you need small carbohydrate meals, avoiding triggers, and really keeping up the fluids.”

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Our twin baby joy!

Our twin baby joy!

It’s double the cause to celebrate for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Prince William dashed off for a weekend of hunting with his friends, content that his wife – who was keeping their very special secret – was safe in the care of her mother Carole. But when he returned to the Middleton family’s country estate, relaxed and refreshed from his mini-break, his heart dropped. Kate, 30, was white as a sheet, shaking and couldn’t keep food or water down.

Desperately worried Wills quickly phoned her doctor, who advised she come to hospital immediately. It was time for their secret – kept for eight exciting weeks – to come out. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are having a baby! While Kate was undoubtedly in great distress, suffering from acute morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum, those in the know say her debilitating condition hints at not only one royal newborn, but two.

Speculation is rife in the UK that Kate could be expecting twins – and Australian medical experts agree it’s highly possible. “The cause of the condition is linked to the raised pregnancy hormone HCG – which often spikes with twins or multiple births,” explains Brisbane-based gynaecologist Dr Gino Pecoraro.

Under the headline, “Could it be twins for Kate?” in respected London newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Dr Tim Draycott said, “Women who are diagnosed with [the condition] are two to three times more likely to be expecting twins than the background rate of one per cent.”

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The Queen is a great granny: ‘It’s the best year ever!’

The Queen is a great granny: 'It's the best year ever!'

Another royal heir caps off the Queen’s most jubilant year.

News that she’s to become a great-grandmother for the third time is the ultimate icing on the cake in a year that saw Queen Elizabeth celebrate her Diamond Jubilee, mark her 65th wedding anniversary and even let down her royal guard and become a Bond Girl for the London Olympics.

Clearly, the Queen has relished every happy moment of 2012, a marked contrast to the bleak sadness that devastated her back in 1992, a year she dubbed her “annus horribilis”. How things have changed in a few decades, with this proving to be the 86-year-old Queen’s ultimate year of joy. And the reason isn’t just her incredible milestones, but also the fact that her family is stronger than ever.

Royal watchers have said that as the duty-minded monarch ages, she’s become a doting granny, showering her adored grandchildren and great-grandchildren with open affection. And now she’s said to be “delighted” about the new addition to her famous family.

“I still think she’s just my grandmother,” Prince William said earlier this year. And Prince Harry also spoke of a fun and highly approachable grandma. “I’m sure if I rang her up and said, ‘Can I come over for a cup of tea?’ she would hopefully turn around and say, ‘Yes, please do.’ Behind closed doors, she’s our grandmother – it’s as simple as that.” Her Majesty’s joyful year saw record crowds turn out to offer their love and congratulations to the longest-serving monarch after Queen Victoria during the endless party that was her Diamond Jubilee.

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I died for 23 minutes and woke up a mum

I died for 23 minutes and woke up a mum

After her near-death nightmare, Queensland’s Marina Collins feels like the luckiest new mum in the world..

There’s nothing like the birth of a baby to remind you of the miracle of life.But for first-time mum Marina Collins, it was a miracle that she survived the birth of her son Lincoln at all.

After enjoying a near-perfect pregnancy, Marina was expecting a trouble-free labour. Then, at 35 weeks, things went horribly awry. Marina’s body ballooned when she developed pre-eclampsia – a condition in which high blood pressure occurs in pregnancy – forcing doctors to prepare her for an emergency caesarian. But when Marina had an allergic reaction to her pre-op medication, delivering the baby became the least of their worries.

“I had an extremely rare anaphylactic reaction and went into cardiac arrest,” recalls Marina, who was told she’s just the third person worldwide to have reacted in such a way. “I was dead for 23 minutes and the doctors told my husband they didn’t think I’d make it.”

Faced with no other option, Marina’s obstetrician delivered her baby in the unsterile birthing suite in about four minutes. Then a team of emergency doctors at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital set about saving baby Lincoln’s mummy.

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‘His legacy lives on’: Daniel Morcombe finally laid to rest

Daniel Morcombe's twin, Bradley, tells of his grief

An undated photo of Daniel Morcombe © AAP.

Nine years to the day since Daniel Morcombe went missing, his family has finally laid him to rest.

Since the 13-year-old disappeared in 2003, Daniel’s parents Bruce and Denise Morcombe haven’t tired in their perseverance to find Daniel, and since an arrest was made over the matter in August last year, to find his remains and bury him peacefully.

Related: Daniel Morcombe’s twin tells of his grief

The blue-eyed Sunshine Coast boy whose smiling face has become one of Australia’s most recognised, thanks to his parents effort in bringing him home and campaigning for child safety, would celebrate his 23rd birthday in two weeks.

He was honoured in a public funeral today, attended by thousands of students and staff from the high school he went to.

The Morcombes were adamant the moving ceremony would be a celebration of Daniel’s legacy rather than an outpouring of grief.

“Please do not be sad,” Mr Morcombe said.

“Appreciate that what happened, happened a long time ago. Today is about embracing his return to family and being reflective of what might have been said.

“Do we dwell on what we have lost or accept the space we are in and find some positives?

“He may no longer be with us but Daniel’s legacy lives on. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation is committed to doing all we can to ensure this never happens again by educating children on ways to keep safe and supporting young victims of crime.”

Daniel’s older brother Dean reflected on happy times the family spent together.

Speaking on behalf of his younger brother Bradley, Daniel’s twin, Dean said they were great friends.

“They shared many secrets. Living on acreage we had a few ponies and they would ride their favourites — Bullet and Sorrento,” Dean said.

“They were great friends, often getting into mischief or blaming each other as the reason why their room was so untidy. What are brothers for?”

In an emotional tribute, Christmas presents Daniel never had the chance to open were placed on his casket along with his year nine report card which he did not see as it arrived the day after Daniel disappeared, before the casket was carried out by Daniel’s brothers and other family members.

In an interview with The Australian Women’s Weekly, Bradley said the most important thing to the family was to find Daniel and bring him home, as they have finally done.

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“The hardest thing has been not knowing what happened to him,” he said.

“We want to bring him home, to give him the respect and dignity that he deserves.

“It means everything. We’ve been waiting nine years.”

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Jessica Simpson’s Weight Watchers deal in jeopardy

Jessica Simpson welcomes baby boy

Jessica Simpson’s $4 million Weight Watchers deal may be in jeopardy after reports that she has fallen pregnant with her second child mid-way through her weight loss campaign.

While the 32-year-old has not yet confirmed or denied that she is expecting, Us Weekly reports that Weight Watchers executives are livid.

Jess was contracted as their spokeswoman throughout her inspiring journey to lose her baby weight after welcoming her first child, Maxwell Drew. Now, just five months later, Jess is said to be expecting her second child with fiance, former NFL player Eric Johnson.

“They’re furious at Jessica,” a source told the magazine.

“She was already on thin ice with them since she didn’t lose enough for a the first ad, when they had to shoot from the waist up.”

As a result of the fall-out, Jessica’s second campaign video, celebrating the fact that she has lost 30 kilos in five months after gaining more than 30 kilos during her pregnancy, may not air.

“They don’t think it can run,” the source said.

“No-one wants to hear about a pregnant woman dieting.”

But a friend of Jessica has come to her defence, saying: “It was Weight Watchers’ idea to shoot her from the waist up the first time.”

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The CrossFit Challenge: Week 3

Week Three of Karen's CrossFit Challenge

Woman’s Day‘s Karen Birkemoe has taken on a 12-week CrossFit workout challenge to shed some unwanted kilos. Here she reveals the events of week number three.

Week three and I’m still going strong. Every workout the weights go up a notch and miraculously I manage to lift them. Meanwhile the list of exercises I hate grows longer… pretty much anything that works my lower body is a trial – back squats, fronts squats, goblets squats, box step-ups, walking lunges… the list goes on. They all remind me that sitting on my butt for the majority of my life hasn’t done me any favours. On the other hand anything using my upper body strength gives my bruised ego a little lift. It’s becoming obvious that Nicole (AKA Batman) and I have opposite strengths and weaknesses. Neither of us were born with that competitive gene but it pushes us to see what’s possible and to give a little heavier weight a try.

Something in the air

I’m noticing something else at the gym and without sounding like a Nigel-no-mates, I think it’s how incredibly friendly everyone is. At first I thought it might just be the CrossFit Athletic team because they were my initial point of contact. Even the guy on the front desk, John AKA J-Lo, never fails to welcome me with a smile and a quick chat about my progress. With a little observation I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that he knows every member by name. At first I put this down to genetics, it turns out he’s the proud dad of my trainer Pete and the gym’s co-owner Paul Walton. But it’s more than just a friendly family because that attitude extends to all the other members as well. People who look like Olympic athletes and are fitter than I could ever dream of being gladly share equipment with me and have a laugh between reps.

All the posturing and attitude that made me loathe entering the weights area at Fitness First is absent here. I had even tried the outdoor gym at Bondi Beach but always felt I was missing the required amount of testosterone to muscle my way in. I have to say it’s refreshing. There are truly all levels of fitness working out together and no one seems to need to make someone else feel small to make themselves feel big. Instead everyone, myself included is just striving to improve from the week before and getting all the encouragement needed to do just that.

Eating for two

That may be a little bit of an exaggeration but I swear I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life. I am literally never hungry and it is the best remedy against being tempted by something naughty. The Woman’s Day office is a haven for delicious food (test kitchen triumphs) and office celebration cakes but I have been able to turn away without the slightest effort. My morning coffee has become an every other day treat… baby steps (with big weights in my hands)

See www.crossfitathletic.com.au for more.

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