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Romeo Beckham models for Burberry at 10

He's only 10 years old, but Romeo Beckham is already the face of a major fashion label.
Romeo Beckham Burberry

He’s only 10 years old, but Romeo Beckham is already the face of a major fashion label.

The middle son of David and Victoria Beckham has been unveiled as the face of luxury British brand Burberry.

The youngster appears in Burberry’s Spring/Summer campaign alongside supermodels Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne.

Check out the first images from Romeo’s modelling debut here.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

Romeo Beckham for Burberry.

The Beckhams in May 2012.

David with his stylish boys in October 2010.

The Beckhams in December 2010.

The Beckham boys in 2007.

Victoria and Romeo in 2004.

Victoria and Romeo in 2003.

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Kate left hanging in awkward handshake moment

Kate left hanging in awkward handshake moment

The Duchess of Cambridge and Jessica Ennis.

It’s happened to the best of us — you go in for the handshake only to be completely ignored and forced to pretend you were just adjusting your hair.

On Tuesday night, the Duchess of Cambridge proved that even royalty is not immune to this awkward social faux pas.

Kate was presenting British Olympian Jessica Ennis with her prize at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards when she extended her hand to give Jessica a congratulatory shake.

In pictures: Pregnant Kate is glorious in green at first engagement

But instead of clasping the royal hand and wringing it with sheer delight — as many a Kate fan would undoubtedly do — Jessica accidently ignored the duchess, walking away leaving Kate to uncomfortably lower her hand.

It’s not the first time a Queen-to-be has been taped in an awkward social situation. Earlier this year, Denmark’s Crown Princess Mary was caught on camera covering her cleavage after a dignitary was seen shamelessly staring at her chest.

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A life given in service to others: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

A life given in service to others: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.

A woman born in the Edwardian era could be forgiven for defining herself solely as a wife and mother, but there was much more to Dame Elisabeth Murdoch than the history-making men in her life.

Although her fateful union with legendary newspaperman Sir Keith Murdoch spawned the world’s most powerful media magnate, their son, Rupert, Dame Elisabeth’s legacy extends far beyond her illustrious family tree.

As one of the country’s most generous philanthropists, she touched countless Australian lives and won universal love and respect for her no-nonsense charm, modesty and compassion.

Nothing like a Dame: Elisabeth Murdoch, the modest matriarch

Investing her time and irrepressible energy in an endless array of charities, Dame Elisabeth gave of herself rather than merely her family fortune, and when she died earlier this month at the age of 103 — beyond what she called “a good innings” — the tributes reflected the extraordinary goodwill she had gathered over a lifetime of service.

“Dame Elisabeth Murdoch lived a great Australian life,” said Prime Minister Julia Gillard. “Her example of kindness, humility and grace was constant. She was not only generous, she led others to generosity. Australia’s children and Australia’s artists have lost one of their greatest benefactors.”

Rupert described his mum as a “great lady, wife, mother and citizen” who had demonstrated the best qualities of public service. “Her energy and personal commitment,” he said, “made our country a more hopeful place.”

As her 100th birthday approached, Dame Elisabeth said her number-one wish was “to go on being useful”. Indeed, she suspected the key to her long, fruitful life was her sense of purpose.

“I don’t waste time,” she once said. “I think that’s nothing to be highly praised for, but I think it does enable you to fill your life absolutely to the brim.”

We often look to centenarians to unlock the secrets of longevity, to extract some life lessons.

In Dame Elisabeth’s case, her altruistic work ethic, constant gratitude for her good fortune and hearty lust for life seemed to fortify her, propelling her into her second century.

She may have been small and silver-haired, but when she popped up at Melbourne fundraising events, as she often did, there was a magnetic quality about her.

Even at the age of 100 she maintained a relentless social schedule, going out four nights a week, whizzing around her garden in a golf buggy and enjoying family get-togethers twice a year with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

When Anna Murdoch Mann spoke to The Weekly a few years ago, she was full of admiration for her former mother-in-law, particularly her open-minded embrace of life.

“The children always felt they could speak to Granny more than they could to me when they were in their late teens,” said Anna, “because she kept a curious mind.”

In 2008, Dame Elisabeth said she was aiming for 105 — “in fact I’d like to live forever”.

At that stage she’d taken to avoiding mirrors (“it’s so displeasing”) because she didn’t want to be reminded of her age.

“I’m not conscious of my age at all,” she said. “You know your mind and your outlook is exactly the same.”

Indeed, in an interview with The Weekly when she was 94, she referred to the “poor old things” in their 80s confined to walking frames and wheelchairs.

For her family she provided an “example of enthusiasm, energy and achievement, all driven by the highest moral values”, Rupert once said.

She may have baulked at the “matriarch” label — to her mind, it sounded self-important — but she more than fit the bill.

According to Michael Wolff, who wrote the 2008 Rupert biography The Man Who Owns the News, Dame Elisabeth wielded amazing psychological power over her clan “by all manner of maternal forces and wiles”.

To the outside world, Rupert Murdoch may be “a man of infinite wealth and power”, wrote Wolff, but within his family the media baron was “his mother’s son — put in his place”.

Although she professed what she described as a shameful lack of interest in the family business (“I don’t care a hang about the newspapers,” she told Wolff. “I don’t care if I don’t see a newspaper for days. Terrible, isn’t it?”), Dame Elisabeth played confidante to both her husband and her son.

An extraordinary life: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch dies at 103

She took Rupert to task over the sensationalist tactics and racy content of his UK tabloids and he reportedly toned them down in response; he even kept the well-respected Australian newspaper running at a loss for almost 30 years “to deflect his mother’s disapproval”.

Dame Elisabeth also apparently let fly at her son — “uncomprehending and furious”, wrote Wolff — when Rupert took up with Wendi Deng after 31 years of marriage to Anna Murdoch.

“Rupert and I don’t always agree but we respect each other’s attitude,” she told Andrew Denton on the ABC Elders television series in 2008. “Oh, I express my views very strongly and Rupert listens to them.”

Her son was “a modern edition” of his father, she always said, driven not by money but challenge — although Rupert, she told The Weekly, was probably more ruthless than her husband, who was such a “softie” he used to fall sick with anxiety before having to sack an employee.

Dame Elisabeth, who often decried modern materialism, insisted she was proud of Rupert because he was a good father and son — not because of his jaw-dropping wealth.

She was a woman who would gladly hand out millions to worthy causes and yet she was a picture of financial restraint in her own life, eschewing heating in her house for decades and giving up a holiday overseas one year to install a pool in her garden.

Nothing like a Dame: Elisabeth Murdoch, the modest matriarch

The roots of her abiding frugality, and her deep aversion to ostentation, can perhaps be traced back to her childhood.

Born on February 8, 1909, the third daughter of wool valuer Rupert Greene and his wife, the former Marie de Lancey Forth — both members of the Melbourne establishment — Elisabeth grew up in Toorak in the days before telephones and refrigeration, when horse-drawn carriages outnumbered motor cars.

Although she was raised in a privileged milieu, her hard-drinking and gambling father meant the family was often in debt and had to rent out their home to pay the bills.

The charismatic Rupert doted on his youngest child but was short-tempered, she said, “rather egotistical and quite intolerant of any of our shortcomings”, while her long-suffering mother was a generous, kind-hearted role model.

Dame Elisabeth didn’t go to school until she was 11, but thrived once she started at Toorak’s St Catherine’s. She went on to attend the austere, unheated Mount Macedon boarding school, Clyde (which later amalgamated with Geelong Grammar), where she weathered brutal winter conditions, excelled in music and sport and was imbued with a strong service ethos.

As a schoolgirl, she knitted a prodigious number of woollen baby singlets for the Melbourne Children’s Hospital and as a reward was taken on a guided tour of the infirmary, where she was so upset by the sight of screaming babies coming out of theatre that she couldn’t return to boarding school the next day. Perhaps it was then that her destiny was set.

After high school, though, there was no consideration of a career. Instead, she “came out” in Melbourne society in 1927 and was presented to the visiting Duke and Duchess of York.

When Keith Murdoch — a celebrated war correspondent who had exposed the folly of the Gallipoli campaign and later become the influential editor of The Herald — saw a photograph of the 18-year-old debutante in Table Talk magazine he agreed to go to a charity ball on the proviso that he be introduced to the lovely Elisabeth.

Decades later, Dame Elisabeth could still recall falling under the spell of his “big, dark and compelling” eyes: “They just seemed to follow me around the room for the rest of the night.”

Melbourne’s most eligible bachelor, who went on to set up the first national media chain in Australia, was 23 years her senior but he was smitten, and a year later — despite fierce opposition from Elisabeth’s family and friends and the disdain of Melbourne high society — the pair were married.

As a wedding gift, Keith (who was knighted in 1933) gave his bride Cruden Farm, a 55-hectare property near Langwarrin on the Mornington Peninsula where his wife would cultivate one of the country’s most celebrated gardens and live for more than 80 years, opening up the two-storey neoclassical farmhouse with its soaring pillars to host innumerable fundraisers.

The couple had four children — Helen (later Handbury, who died in 2004), Rupert, Anne (Kantor) and Janet (Calvert-Jones) — but her husband was obviously Elisabeth’s first priority and “the rest of us had to be sent off to boarding school,” Rupert told his biographer.

It was a marriage built on great love and respect. “Mum and Dad were clearly devoted to one another,” Janet told her mother’s biographer, John Monks, in Elisabeth Murdoch: Two Lives.

“The only arguments I ever remember, and I don’t suppose that they were real arguments — but to me they seemed so serious — were the breakfast discussions on where to go for picnics.”

Dad was the indulgent one, while Mum was more of a strict, restraining influence. Nevertheless, Janet told Monks she could not remember her mother ever raising her voice: “I’ve never seen her in a bad mood, never known her to get cross with anyone.”

Always determined not to spoil her children, Dame Elisabeth said she “exercised a lot of loving discipline”; Michael Wolff went so far as to say Rupert was “treated with calculated cruelty to build character”.

As was common in those days, she taught five-year-old Rupert to swim by throwing him in the deep end of a pool and not letting anyone rescue him.

Much has also been made in the past about Rupert’s “teenage sleepout” at Cruden Farm, with its rock wall no more than head high, where he slept on a camp stretcher without heating or electricity.

“I felt boys ought to be tough,” Dame Elisabeth once told The Weekly. “It wasn’t anything unusual. If you spoil children you really are doing them a great injustice.”

An extraordinary life: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch dies at 103

From all reports, though, the Murdoch children enjoyed an idyllic, loving upbringing on the farm, riding horses, going on family picnics and catching rabbits.

Originally a weekend escape, Cruden Farm became the permanent family home and one of Elisabeth’s great passions after Sir Keith died.

The sprawling garden — where she planted a copper beech in his memory — artfully melds exotics and natives, boasts magnificent elms and oak trees and features a lake with ducklings and weeping willows.

In 1944, however, a bushfire almost destroyed the property. Elisabeth feared the 130 lemon-scented gum trees lining the drive were burned beyond redemption, but green shoots sprouted from the blackened trunks the following spring. “It was a miracle really,” she recalled. “But that’s Australian eucalypts for you. Very tough, very resilient creatures, the eucalypts.”

The same could be said for their custodian, for when her beloved husband died in his sleep in 1952, leaving her a 43-year-old widow faced with daunting debts, Elisabeth overcame her grief and reinvented herself with a steely determination, embarking on the second phase of her life.

Nothing like a Dame: Elisabeth Murdoch, the modest matriarch

At that stage she had already worked on the Royal Children’s Hospital management committee for two decades, initiating the Good Friday Appeal, but in 1954 she took over the presidency and spearheaded the building of the new hospital in Parkville.

In 1963, after 30 years of service, she was awarded the DBE the day the new hospital opened.

Although a widow for 60 years, the ever-optimistic Dame Elisabeth said she was never lonely: “My marriage, my happiness has strengthened me and carried me on.”

In 2008, she said she still felt the constant presence of her husband in her home, and even after her eldest child died in 2004, she managed to express gratitude for Helen’s final three months.

She had been afraid of her daughter dying but when asked how she dealt with the fear, she replied, “Oh, pull yourself together and get on with it. You can’t be worried about how you feel.”

Certainly not a navel gazer, she always strove to put others before herself. She may have mingled with royalty and heads of state, but she was modest to a fault.

She said she had “an awful cheek” as a teenager to think she was worthy of Keith, insisted she wasn’t a great gardener, and scoffed at the “ridiculous” revelation that she was considered a candidate for governor-general after the 1975 dismissal of prime minister Gough Whitlam (“Never in a million years would I have said ‘yes’,” she told her biographer).

“I’m very conscious that I never would have made much of a mark … unless I’d married Keith,” she once said, “and had the opportunities which he gave me and his position gave me.”

For the past 80 years, as “a form of thanksgiving” for the blessings in her life, Dame Elisabeth has supported countless charities across a broad range of interests, from the arts, community and education to medical research, wildlife and prisoner welfare.

She became the first female trustee of the National Gallery of Victoria in 1968, co-founded the Victorian Tapestry Workshop in 1976, and was a founding member of the Murdoch Institute (now known as the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) in 1984.

For her, philanthropy meant more than dishing out cash. “I think if you’ve got money it’s perfectly easy to give it away and nothing to be particularly proud of,” said Dame Elisabeth, who supported about 110 charities annually.

An extraordinary life: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch dies at 103

Dame Elisabeth once crossed the Atlantic with Winston Churchill and was appalled by his all-night drinking and card-playing, but there’s no doubt she would have concurred with his maxim, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

On the eve of her 90th birthday, Dame Elisabeth summed up her guiding principle. “I believe it’s important to do whatever one can to help others,” she said. “That’s the way I’ve lived my life. And, you know, the reward’s been mine.”

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Dame Elisabeth Murdoch: A rich and generous life

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch: A rich and generous life

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch has been remembered for her life which she lived “always in full bloom”. Glenn Williams tells about the lady who was always quick with a smile and a kind word.

Her generous heart was way bigger than her immense wealth. Dame Elisabeth Murdoch devoted her long and extraordinary life to giving. For this dearly loved, cheery soul, life was never about her, it was always about making things better for others.

Her care went beyond writing cheques for the hundred plus charities she supported – she backed up her generous giving with a loving mix of humility, grace and kindness. Nothing gave Dame Elisabeth more joy than being able to offer a kind and practical helping hand. The grand dame probably said it best: “I do not believe in giving handouts to people, but I most certainly believe in giving people a hand up in life.”

Born Elisabeth Joy Greene in Melbourne on February 8, 1909, Elisabeth was educated at St Catherine’s School in Toorak and at Clyde School in Woodend. She met the man of her dreams, Keith Murdoch, at a dance and it was love at first sight. Keith had first taken notice of Elisabeth when he saw her debutante photograph in the newspaper. He was determined to meet her, but Elisabeth was at the dance with someone else, so didn’t get to dance with Keith that night.

She later recalled being struck by “those strong, strong eyes.” She said she couldn’t stop staring at the man – she was only 19 and Keith was 42. The next day, a smitten Keith telephoned and the pair enjoyed a chaperoned date to Portsea. And so would begin an enduring love story until Keith’s death. “I’m so grateful that we had nearly 25 years of such happiness in which we had those four lovely children,” she told journalist Andrew Denton.

She married her newspaper publisher Keith in 1928, and Dame Nellie Melba was among the glittering guests. She became Lady Murdoch when her husband became Sir Keith in 1933. Elisabeth went on to inherit the bulk of Sir Keith’s wealth when he died in 1952. She was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in 1963 and fondly became known as Dame Elisabeth.

A devoted mother to four children, including News Corporation chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, she was renowned for her cheery disposition and a generous nature. She worked tirelessly, giving her time and money to over 100 non-profit organisations, including medical research institutes, welfare and arts groups.

She was particularly passionate about the National Gallery of Victoria, the Australian Ballet and the Melbourne Recital Centre, where the main hall is named in her honour. But it was the Royal Children’s Hospital that well and truly stole her heart. For more than 75 years she supported the hospital, wanting it to be the best in the country.

Turning the grand old age of 103 in February, Dame Elisabeth celebrated at the Melbourne Recital Centre, where she was named a Freewoman of the City, the highest honour bestowed by the City of Melbourne.

Dame Elisabeth enjoyed robust health until she fell at her home in September, breaking her leg. She died peacefully at her Cruden Farm home near Frankston, southeast of Melbourne late on the evening of Wednesday, December 6.

She is survived by her children Rupert, Jane and Anne, and by 77 descendants. Dame Elisabeth’s eldest child, Helen, passed away in 2004. The Grand Dame will be sadly missed.

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Royal prank nurse laid to rest in India

Royal hoax nurse laid to rest in India

Scenes from Jacintha Saldanha's funeral.

Thousands of strangers joined the family and friends of Jacintha Saldanha today, bidding farewell to the nurse who was found dead days after answering a prank call from Australian radio station 2day FM.

Standing in the church where he wed Jacintha Saldanha 19 years ago, widower Benedict Barboza said his final goodbyes.

‘We expected to be hung up on’: Radio duo opens up about prank call

Barboza and his two children were joined by over two thousand people, most of whom barely knew the nurse, at Our Lady of the Health Church in the southern Indian town of Shirva.

The public and media crowded around the church during the private ceremony after the family made a last-minute decision to cancel the public viewing of Saldanha’s body.

“We made elaborate security arrangements at the church and the cemetery to maintain order and ensure the family members were not mobbed by the media or the public who came from far and near to attend the funeral,” Udupi Superintendent of Police M. Boralingaiah told the Indo-Asian News Service.

At the end of the ceremony, Saldahna’s coffin was carried from the church to a nearby cemetery, where the masses flocked to watch the burial.

Barboza hugged his 16-year-old son, Junal, and 14-year-old daughter, Lisha, while the casket was lowered and the brass band played a final hymn.

Saldahna was found hanged days after transferring a prank call from two 2Day FM radio presenters to a colleague at London’s King Edward VII hospital. Her colleague revealed confidential information regarding the Duchess of Cambridge’s acute morning sickness to the presenters who were posing as Prince Charles and the Queen.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has opened an investigation surrounding the radio station’s prank call.

While an inquest in London last week revealed there were no suspicious circumstances over the nurse’s death, Detective chief inspector James Harman stated in the coronal hearing Saldanha left three notes.

Caroline Overington: Some thoughts on the radio prank call

Inspector Harmon did not reveal the written content of the notes but a full inquest will be held in March 2013. It is believed Jacintha accused the hospital of ignoring a dispute between her and a junior staff member.

Barboza, his son and family friend Steven Almeida spoke in a brief press conference yesterday but refused to comment on any action against the hospital or 2Day FM.

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World’s first ‘gay bible’ published

World's first 'gay bible' published

The Queen James Bible.

The world’s first ‘gay bible’ has been published in the US, with all references to homosexuality being a sin removed.

Dubbed the Queen James Bible — a play on the King James bible, the most popular English translation of the holy book — the religious text has been translated to “prevent homophobic misinterpretation of God’s word”.

“Homosexuality was first overtly mentioned in the Bible in 1946 in the Revised Standard Version,” the book’s official website says.

“There is no mention of or reference to homosexuality in any Bible prior to this — only interpretations have been made.

“Anti-LGBT Bible interpretations commonly cite only eight verses in the Bible that they interpret to mean homosexuality is a sin; Eight verses in a book of thousands!

“The Queen James Bible seeks to resolve interpretive ambiguity in the Bible as it pertains to homosexuality: We edited those eight verses in a way that makes homophobic interpretations impossible.”

The book is for sale online for $34.95 but precisely who published it is unclear. Its author is listed as ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ is named as a contributor.

“The Queen James Bible is a big, fabulous Bible,” the book’s website says. “It is printed and bound in the United States on thick, high-quality paper in a beautiful, readable typeface.

“You can’t choose your sexuality, but you can choose Jesus,” “Now you can choose a Bible, too.”

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Thousands gather to farewell Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

Thousands gather to farewell Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.

Thousands have gathered today to farewell the matriarch of Melbourne, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.

Amid brilliant sunshine, mourners packed Melbourne’s St Pauls Cathedral and the streets surrounding to pay tribute to a life well lived.

Some clutched roses, other sat with heads bowed paying their respects to one of the city’s most loved and admired women.

Nothing like a Dame: Elisabeth Murdoch, the modest matriarch

Her son, media magnate Rupert Murdoch spoke first, delivering a heartfelt eulogy remembering his mother’s strength.

Clearly moved, the sombre Mr Murdoch began by saying that he was a grateful son whose mother gave more than he can ever repay.

He described her as strong and reliable, and shared treasured family moments, like the smacking he got when he was caught pulling his sister’s pigtails.

“Love wasn’t something soft or mushy, it was strong and reliable,” he told the congregation, saying that his mother’s love gave them all comfort and peace.

“The greatest advantage she gave us was that we all knew we were loved.”

Garlands of her favourite flowers handpicked from Cruden Farm and arranged by her trusted gardener of 40 years, Michael Morrison, painted the backdrop for Mr Murdoch who recalled his mother’s description of the rose named in her honour, “tough as old boots, just like me” she had said.

“But those boots have left footprints that have stretched beyond,” Mr Murdoch recalled, “and left an eternally grateful family who stand humbled before her for a life lived always in full bloom.”

The cathedral was packed with a who’s who of politics, business and the arts, including former Prime Ministers John Howard and Malcolm Fraser, Governor General Quentin Bryce, James Packer and entertainer Barry Humphries, but among the famous faces were the less famous, but those who were at the heart and soul of her work.

Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett described her as a “constant” and shared the profound effect she had on the lives of all who met her.

Recalling lunch he shared with her just a few weeks ago at Cruden Farm, he said there was “sereneness that surrounded her, she took a genuine interest in the lives of all she touched”.

“Her spirit will stay with us for the rest of time. Her example for living will be something we can only aspire to achieve — and I suspect none of us will do so.”

The bells of St Pauls Cathedral began chiming just after 10am, heralding the event to come.

An extraordinary life: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch dies at 103

Mourners gathered at Federation square early to pay their respects, huge screens beamed beautiful black and white images of her life, intimate family portraits and messages from children whose lives she’d touched at the Royal Children Hospital.

Fittingly, barely a cloud dotted the Melbourne sky, shining on the iconic Herald and Weekly Times buildings, Royal Botanic Gardens and Arts Centre that were such an important part of her life.

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Romeo Beckham’s modelling debut

Romeo Beckham is following in his famous mother’s footsteps. The 10-year-old son of Victoria Beckham has made his modelling debut in the new Burberry Spring/Summer 2013 campaign.

Starring alongside models Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne, Romeo steals the show with his cheeky smile in his role which he was hand-picked for by the British label’s Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey.

Wearing a beige Burberry trench coat and clutching one of the label’s signature umbrellas, it looks like Romeo has well and truly started his modelling career at the top.

Romeo stole the show in his first modelling gig.

Romeo shows off his adorable smile.

The youngster was charming yet playful.

It looks like Victoria has given her son some tips.

Romeo starred alongside Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne.

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Hamish Blake’s surprise wedding!

Hamish Blake's surprise wedding!

He makes Australia laugh, but when Hamish Blake married his beautiful “best friend and team-mate” Zoë Foster, the loveable larrikin broke down in tears of joy.

It was a very different Hamish Blake who waited nervously underneath a floral love heart for his bride to arrive. Gone was the laugh-a-minute larrikin famous for flashing his underpants and tormenting his long-suffering radio and TV co-star Andy Lee in their zany adventures across the globe.

“I’ve never actually had my breath taken away before,” admits Hamish, who choked back tears when long-time love Zoë Foster finally arrived 15 minutes late for the wedding they had planned for the past six months or so. “I’ll never forget the moment I first saw Zoë as a bride. It was a magic moment. It was burnt into my mind in the nicest possible way. I’ve never had my breath taken away in my life, until that moment I saw Zoë.

“It was very special and I choked a bit. I bawled my eyes out. As soon as the guitarist started playing Dust In The Wind by Kansas and Zoë took one step, it was all over.” Zoë was also overcome with emotion when she spotted her “soul mate” waiting at the end of an aisle strewn with rose petals underneath the blue skies at Wolgan Valley, just north of the Blue Mountains in NSW. “I was also crying as I walked down the aisle,” she says.

Hamish, who celebrated his 30th birthday the same day, says nothing could have prepared him for the moment he and Zoë joined their lives together forever. “It was the greatest day of our lives,” he says. “I feel like everyone says it, but we really do mean it. It was spectacular.” The couple chose one of the most beautiful locations anywhere in Australia for their special day — a 1832 homestead set in rolling paddocks, which they discovered on their first holiday together as a couple three years ago. The ceremony was an intimate and joyous affair, shared with just 22 of their closest friends and family members.

See all the beautiful pictures and read more about Hamish and Zoë’s special day in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday, December 17.

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Kate is glorious in green at first engagement

We’ve barely seen a glimpse of her since she announced her pregnancy two weeks ago, but Duchess of Cambridge stepped back into the spotlight last night in a stunning floor-length green gown.

Kate has been forced to cancel four engagements in the past 14 days, staying in bed fighting hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare type of extreme morning sickness.

But she was feeling well enough to dress up and present two awards at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Awards in London. She only stayed for 45 minutes however, before returning to Kensington Palace for more rest.

Kate looked stunning at the awards.

She laughed and chatted with David Beckham onstage.

Her green gown featured a sexy split.

At times the Duchess looked a little under the weather.

Kate chatting to Olympian Jessica Ennis backstage.

Jessica won the coveted sportswoman of the year award.

Kate and Jessica onstage.

Kate and David with sportsman of the year winner Bradley Wiggins.

Kate onstage.

Kate and David.

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